Personal Astrology

If you're looking for an Astrologer in Auckland, New Zealand, or in fact anywhere, this is the place.
The key to a competent " fortune teller "  is in being able to identify events of the past or situations of the present with no prior knowledge whatsoever. Read on....


*Want to sell your house or the business ?
*Want to get married or divorced ?
*Want to go overseas ?

* Having " depression " problems ?

Contact the renowned astrologer.I'll prove it by telling you something about the past before making any prophesies--as I used to on Newstalk ZB during the annual Astrological State of the Nation address between 1994 and 2011.All personal readings are in confidence and the information will never be used for public prediction.

Most questions can be answered. Fees are $50.

For further information on personal readings ( either by consultancy or recorded message) contact me on  +64 9 276 1578 

Recorded-message readings can be emailed anywhere once payment has been made.


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Phone: +64 9 276 1578