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June:            D Waldegrave, M Ali, C Johnson, SBW,  Key, K Foran
May:           M Payne, B Cosby, L Van Gaal, S Pateman,  Prince Charles, T Umaga, Underbailey, T Veitch, Crewes, M Vatuvei, D Ryan, H Barry
April:           Beyonce, G Inglis, G W Bush, T Brown, C Waller, H Clark, Otahuhu champions, P Busuttin, L Ko, L Messi, G Simon
March:        S Pateman, L O'Sullivan, P Moody, Royal love child, E Watson, Auck Blues, L Hamilton, S Johnson, A Little, M Crowe, R Murdoch, Rapists
Feb:             Gai W, Jesus, Cobalt, Black Caps, D Oliver, Teletubby T, Fatal Donald, Mirthquakes, Key's missus, The Hassler, K Williamson, M Clarke
Jan:             M Pearce,  S Watson, Prince Harry, R Nadal, Methametha, J Parker, R Murdoch, D Bowie, P Bennett ,Obama,  Clinton, A McCoy, Cosby
Dec:            M Schumacher, B McLaren, Man United, S Blatter, B McCullum, Lomu-Putin-Obama, D Trump, Methametha, Kardashians, Losers, T Veitch
Nov:           B McCullum, C Sheen, Hinch mysteries, J Lomu, Isis Nice, Cancer, F Hollande, J Key, Melbourne Cup, Quake making, Sonny Bill, R McCaw
Oct:            Paedo files, R McCaw, W Bennett, C Cairns, G Waterhouse, O'Bomber, K Kardashian, The test, S Williams, A Johns, England, Jews, S Blatter
Sept:          C Brown, McDonalds, T Woods, D Trump, P Moody, M Turnbull, S Pancholi, T Abbott, L Ko, B Marshall, G Brazier, M Purdon, JB Cummings
August:      Cancer, China, S Kavanagh, M Holmes, P Rudd, Underworld, Aussie cricket,S Johnson, J Harvey, P Nand, Fukushima,J Parker, M Clarke
July:           Witchdoctors, T Woods, S Kenny-Dowall, B Bishop, N Tinkler, S Kenny-Dowall,J Cassidy, Australia, P Moody, J O'Connor,  L O'Sullivan
June:          T Umaga, M Ellis, L O'Sullivan, C Craig, S Tomkins, B McCullum, Slater, Indian cricket, Te Akau, S Blatter, K Bax

May:         S Blatter, R Jones, J Depp, J Campbell, J Banks, S Johnson, mushrooms, Prince Harry, T Woods, Te Akau, M Sabin, Royal baby

April:          P Gallen, Cancer, A Cruden, H Clinton, M Hosking, J Campbell, S Johnson, M Muliaina, Methametha, M Clarke, M Sabin

March:      Black Caps, Lufthansa, Ugleo, Dunny, Warriors' coach, Mike King, Chris Waller, Kirwanker, John Key, Teina Pora, Team NZ

Feb:           Susan Wood, J Kirwan, Manly, David Ellis, Shahrukh Khan, America's Cup,  Prince Harry, McCullum and Abbott,Tiger Woods,Bute
Jan:           Russell Norman, David Bain, Quade Cooper, Peter Moody,  Cobalters, Prince Andrew
2014 notables: Dec: M Phelps,M Jagger, Shaun Johnson, Molloy, M Clarke Nov:  2015 predictions, Bill Cosby, M Vatuvei,  Atacama, Tim Vince Oct:  Melbourne Cup,  B Affleck Sept: A Cruden, M Crowe,  M Clarke Aug: L Innes, Christianity, Broome, Robin Williams, M S Dhoni, Tiger Woods,  Mike King July : Orgasms,  Graham Thorne, Rolf Harris, Luke Braid, Brazil,  Black Caps, Rolf Harris June: Suarez, Media turncoat, Sepp Blatter, Autism, Sam Tomkins, Breast cancer May: Leith Innes,  Lou Vincent, Beyonce,  Rob Ford April: G Clooney,  Benji Marshall, Stacey Jones, The debut March:Crusher Collins, Hillary Clinton Feb: Michael Clarke, Charlotte Dawson,  Sir Patrick Hogan,  Sir John Kirwan Jan: Mark Chittick, Black Caps,  Beyonce,  Russell Packer
2013 notables:Dec: Michael  Schumacher,  Susan Boyle, Nigella Lawson, Rob Ford, Susan Wood, Tony Blair Nov: 2014 Prophesies, Judith Collins,  Jim Cassidy,  Sarah MoodyOct: John Banks, Australia, Len Brown, Scott Dixon,  Sachin Tendulkar, Team NZ.Sept: America's Cup,  USA,  Australian election
A selection of the most popular from
013 Aug:  Catherine Zeta-Jones, Ewen McKenzie, NZ Warriors, Michael Clarke July:  Official cash rate, Nigella Lawson, Owen Glenn June: Silvio Berlusconi, Rupert Murdoch marriage May: William Roache April: Crusher Collins Jan: Ruben Wiki or Holmo ?  N Sarkozy
012 Dec: The comicals Nov:  Holmo bashing, Paul Henry, Queen Elizabeth/Damien Oliver Oct: Matthew Elliott Sept: Jay Jay Feeney and barren mares Aug: The immaculate conception July:  Scott Guy murder, long-range Melbourne Cup day June: Andy Haden and Murray Deaker  April:  Aries Dragons Jan:  Kim Dotcom
011 Dec: Amazing psychic Nov: Sonny Bill and Kim Kardashian ? Oct: Dan Carter Sept: Zara Phillips July: Rupert Murdoch marriage
2010 Dec: John Wright Nov: Aung San Suu Kyi
2009 Dec:  NZ Warriors Mar:  Bain murders

2008 Sept:  Psychic Sister Rose, A R A Fieldes Jan: Pluto revolution

 2007 Oct:   All Blacks May:  Springboks



May 31

Reading a book called ZERO HOUR IN BROOME returned me to my own frightful experience in a war zone.

The book’s about the Japanese attack on the North-Western Australian town during World War 2.

Running through the trenches, surrounded by gunfire and explosions  is quite scary. Ducking for cover and being  amazed at how close the bright yellow flashes were. Then sprinting home to warn my housemates about “ the war out there.”

“ Did Matt give you some mushrooms ? ” asked the tall black girl.

Yes. That’s what brought about the extreme hallucinations that evening as I was walking through the War Memorial Park in Broome !  It wouldn’t have been the same if the Japs hadn’t done the bombing 36 years earlier and left a partially wrecked Zero fighter, near an old cannon,  in the park. Like LSD, magic mushrooms stir the imagination and take you deeper into what you’re looking at.

A flatmate in Remuera, Auckland on LSD went deeper than a small glass on the lounge floor. Suddenly the carpet was a sea of broken glass and he was begging someone to go fetch his gumboots for safety reasons. Same evening, same gear ( Purple Haze )  and I was noticed underneath the kitchen table gulping from a non-existent spoon. I thought it was marmalade but had obviously been inspired by a similarly-coloured pile of firewood nearby…….

Tim Leary was a renowned American psychiatrist and following the  suicide of his first wife, got persuaded to change the game plan. He gave up booze, started smoking Marijuana and instantly noted the difference in his attitude. Along came LSD and further research into the average human brain that gets less than 10% use.

Authority was not impressed with his encouragement to society’s robots to  use LSD  and  "turn on, tune in, drop out", and "think for yourself and question authority". During the 1960s and 1970s, Leary was arrested often enough to see the inside of 29 different prisons worldwide.

Meanwhile, NZ has record high suicide statistics. Experts, though, warn 30 or more people a week are committing suicide – three times the number recorded by coroners. And, courtesy of the depressing media machine, far less than 10% of the average human brain is being used now.

There are plenty of  “ depression ” experts out there, all failing badly. The last thing these failures want to know is that the majority of suicidal depressionists are born with Astrological complications like the Scorpion Moon or an afflicted Mars or planets in the secretive 12th House !

 Whoever made Earth had the answer thousands of years ago:

The results of a new study have raised hopes that an ingredient found in magic mushrooms may be successful in treating severe depression. The researchers at Imperial College, London gave oral doses of the chemical psilocybin — the active ingredient in magic mushrooms — to 12 volunteers in the clinical trial. All participants had been clinically depressed for substantial periods of time and had failed to respond to standard antidepressants.

Despite having been used for healing for thousands of years, psilocybin mushrooms were only discovered by modern science in the late 1950s. According to London scientists, recent studies to assess the therapeutic potential of psilocybin for a number of conditions — including anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, smoking and alcohol dependence — have yielded promising results.

The latest investigation into the efficacy of the drug revealed that a week after receiving the dose, all patients experienced a dramatic improvement in symptoms. Two doses were enough to lift resistant depression in all of them for three weeks, and that amount kept it away in five of them for three months, according to the study, published in The Lancet Psychiatry on Tuesday.



May 30

 Divine Brown, was a black American sex worker  who gained  worldwide fame  in 1995 when Hugh Grant, the English actor, was caught receiving oral sex from her in his car on Hollywood's Sunset Boulevard.

 Now the Australian horse racing industry has a Divine Brown, a very appropriately named 3 year-old filly. By a USA-based sire named Big Brown from a mare named Blow !

 The filly hasn’t reached the same heights. She’s had 9 races, has yet to win, and, unlike her namesake is officially classed as a maiden.


 In the 1980s and 90s, NZ had a a breakfast radio host named Kevin Black who became famous for his prank calls to the unsuspecting. I thought of Blackie, who was claimed by the grim reaper just over 3 years ago, during the Ross Neal scandal, as per the story below.

 If he were here this morning, as " Blackie on ( Radio ) Hauraki, " he might well have put on an American movie director’s accent and phoned the disgraced head of NZ Racing’s Integrity Unit.

 " We’re shooting a big budget porn movie and wondered if you’d like to take the  leading role. It’s a remake of the Charles Bronson classic  DEATH WISH. "



May 29

Over 3 months ago  we broke one of the most sensational stories of the year:


February 17

Back on February 9 we revealed some extra marital involving a member of NZ Racing’s Integrity Unit.

Or, more appropriately, the most recent scandal, with the RIU member R  playing “ hide the sausage ” in someone else’s oven.

Problems arose when the married woman L suffered a heart attack and an ambulance had to be called.

Sadly a few days afterwards, the life support of L had to be turned off……

Footnote: For the undereducated, " Donald " is the diminutive of cockney rhyme's " Donald Duck."

Too complicated for the bootlickers and bum wipers of the horsey media. Something that could have knocked Miley, Beyonce and the Kardashians off the front pages….

Finally it’s made its way into the mainstream. Confrontations, cover-ups and the usual crap from  Godber:



$60 FOR A FOK !

May 28

 It’s hard not to laugh at the stupids paying $50 just to watch a boxing match on pay TV.

 For many, though, the Joseph Parker fight might have been the highlight of their week. Competing with Super Rugby, the NRL or the NBA or the NFL and soon the NPC, as part of the great Divide and Rule programme of the Rothschilds and Rupert Murdoch.

 Television addiction separates the braindead from their families and worldly logic, and makes them easier to control. Sport addiction especially, taking me back 5-6 years to a part as a dirty peasant in the American cable TV  production SPARTACUS, set in the Roman village Capua in 79  B.C.

 We were the lowest of the low, filthified with scabby faces by make-up artists, dressed in rags and getting our kicks from watching Spartacus himself killing a fellow gladiator  in the arena. " Just like  us at Carlaw Park ? "  a fellow scabster and  son of a Kiwi rugby league great suggested.

 " Do you know any black Africans ?  "  my agent asked after season one, “ we need a lot of them for slaves.” Problem solved with a message on an Ethiopian mate’s Facebook  page. Many of her friends were in for that, so we could all party together and do bugger all work, with  awesome food all day long and receiving around double  the minimum wage.

 On set, with all of the black people, there was definitely a  lower socio-economic South Auckland flavour, except for no beneficiaries or  a Work And Income office. And, in 79 B.C, no cars to sleep in. Or Sky TV.

 As a non-TV owner for 8 years, I couldn’t  experience the Joseph Parker experience. There’ll be another $50 next fight and thereafter, something I’d rather spend on 150 beef sandwiches. As per a schoolmate owning a smallgoods factory not far away, with 1 kg packs of roast beef for $5 ! With a testing team of Polynesian stomachs agreeing that you  get about 15 sandwiches from those 1kg packs of beef !

 But the best spend is just $10 extra, known as the F O K. As per a motivated young Russian lady, K,  making a suggestion after her awesome Astrological Experience. If I dropped the price for the full enlightenment to $60, there’d be plenty of her mates interested ?  Birth of the F O K----" friends of K "---special.

 So, after one of  K’s  21 year-old   girlfriends  got  blown away by a personal enlightenment earlier this week, a decision was made. Anyone can be a F O K until the end of June and receive the full Astrological Experience for just $60.

 Everyone deserves to be enlightened. Like the client who spent just $40 for his 3-years update and sold his large property in time to capitalise on an awesome, rare Jupiter-Uranus trine of great fortune.

 6 weeks after receiving his money, a natural disaster damaged the property enough to be almost unrecognisable !

 The purchaser was possibly a Sky TV nut without any Astrological inclination ?



May 27

 Recent media:

Melbourne Cup-winning jockey Michelle Payne will spend at least a week in hospital after undergoing surgery following a race fall.

Payne had successful surgery to her abdomen and is in a serious but stable condition at Melbourne's The Alfred hospital, Victorian Jockeys Association chief executive officer Des O'Keeffe told reporters on Tuesday.

It will take a number of weeks for her to recover from the surgery, which followed a fall in a race at Mildura on Monday.”

Even before the fall, her appearance had been pencilled in for next November’s Annual Prophesies on

Payne, Michelle:

The slowdown continues for Melbourne Cup-winning jockey with Neptune-Mars harassment until Jan 018.”

 The Neptune-Mars harassment’s been affecting her lately, with Payne’s last 50 race rides having produced little more than 2 wins at piddly Mildura.

 Said aspect supervises a lack of motivation or plenty of roadblocks and a great dearth of positive energy. Same aspect was hindering glorified NZ newsreader Paul Henry when he attempted to crack it in Sydney in 2012 and got sent home as a rank failure in breakfast TV ratings.

 Also political pig Crusher Collins when she was forced to resign from the National Party cabinet in 2014. Also super-expensive NRL failure Sam Tomkins during his 2 years at the NZ Warriors.

 Another with Neptune harassing his Mars in 2016 is  " grumpy Dick " a.k.a  NZ Warriors’ media liaison officer Richard Becht. Imagine trying to produce positive press releases for that team at the moment ?

 With Neptune involvement in yet another of the pearl’s from last November’s Annual Prophesies:

Bosson, Opie:

Champion jockey on major slowdown with Pluto-Mercury and Neptune-Jupiter complications. March, Aug, Sept, Oct  crucial.”

NZ’s group one gun Bosson ventured to Hong Kong late April to try and crack it in the big time. From 38 race rides so far, Bosson has yet to land a winner.

Retirement is definitely the best option for Ms Payne, who’s already spoken about motherhood plans. Post-January 018 much better for that,too.



May 26

 You wouldn’t normally think that Auckland Blues coach Tana Umaga, unemployed football coach Louis Van Gaal and out-of-form rugby leaguesters Shaun Johnson and Nathan Brown would have a lot in common with  embattled entertainer Bill Cosby.

 All, courtesy of awesome prophesy, will be glad to see the arse end of May 2016. As per the recent media:

Bill Cosby has been ordered to stand trial on sexual assault charges after a hearing that hinged on a decade-old police report in which a woman said the comedian gave her three blue pills that put her in a stupor, unable to stop his advances.

District Judge Elizabeth McHugh ruled that prosecutors had sufficient evidence to bring Cosby to trial, and she set his arraignment for July 20, at which time the TV star will enter a plea and a trial date will be set.

Cosby, 78, could get 10 years in prison if convicted.

"Mr Cosby, good luck to you, sir," the judge said.

"Thank you," he replied. ” 

Of course, like the aforementioned, there was an appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies with “ May ” highlighted:

Cosby, Bill:

Unbelievably difficult 2 years for the king of drug rape, with Uranus anti his Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. March, May, June,Sept, Oct  crucial, also March, April 017. Plus Neptune-Moon disillusionment  from May 016 until Dec 017.

The amazingness of Astrology means that all getting whacked by Uranus these days will soon after be getting dealt to by Pluto as well. Definitely not looking good for “ Billbo Shaggins ” with  those  Sun, Mercury and Jupiter spots all getting a Plutonian hammering between April 017 and December 2020………..



May 25

 Yesterday’s media:

 “ Louis van Gaal has been sacked as Manchester United manager, with the club bringing the Dutchman's two-year reign to an end today.”


From the 2014 archives:


Aug 28

Back on June 14, I predicted a successful WORLD CUP for the Netherlands  soccer team courtesy of their manager Louis Van Gaal receiving some awesomeness from Uranus and Pluto in July.

The Dutchies didn't do too bad either, as originally $15 shots kicking on to get the bronze medal. But Van Gaal had already booked himself a berth in the  Annual Prophesies for November 26, 2014 on Amended slightly when I received news of his new job:

" Van Gaal, Louis:

New Manchester United soccer manager in for some major turbulence with Pluto anti his Jupiter. Jan, July, Nov crucial, before crazy Uranus attacks the Moon and Mars in 2016. " 

 Followed by his appearance last November !

 “ Van Gaal, Louis:

Chaos for the Manchester United manager with Neptune and Uranus attacks to his Moon, Mercury and Mars positions. March, May, June, Sept, Oct crucial, also Feb, March  017. ”

Not the kind of  wisdom that the argumentative, troublemaking media like to hear, least of all NZ’s main Man United supporter, veteran sports boredcaster Martin Devlin. For whom many problems were forecast in 2003, which even earned Devlin a mention during the foreplay to one of the all-time greats on November 22, 2003.

When his colleague Murray Deaker was doing a review of my 2003 forecasts on Newstalk ZB/Radiosport  before the curse was placed on  probable coach Graham Henry for his late 2007 that included the greatest disaster in NZ history---the All Blacks’ quarter-final dumping in the 2007 Rugby World Cup !

“ He predicted a difficult year for Martin Devlin, ” began Deaker. “ You know, I was having a long talk with Martin a couple of nights ago and you just wouldn’t believe the things that have gone wrong for him this year. You certainly got that one right.”

Any chance of Devlin changing his game plan after the latest Astrological coup ? And commencing his next show with “ Right guys, we aren’t going to rubbish anyone today, even in the Warriors or the Auckland Blues, because all their problems were Astrologically planned…..”


May 24

 One of the psychological classics for anger management and substance abuse is when energetic  Mars and revolutionary Pluto clash at time of birth.

 Violence, sexual frustration, drug and alcohol addiction are covered. Consider the following possessors of Pluto-Mars negativity:

 Paedophiles like footballer Adam Johnson and Woody Allen; renowned angries like the late Chopper Read, murderer Greg Meads ( NZ ), Mike Tyson, disgraced  lawyer Christopher Harder and footy’s most famous eye gougers Gary Freeman and Richard Loe.

 Weirdos Shane Warne, actor Matthew Newton, exhibitionist Lisa Lewis and  heaps of others. Also Max Key, son of NZ’s current prime minister !

 Young Key was born to be extremely troubled  through the tightness of Mars ( Leo 29 ) and Pluto ( Scorpio 29 ) when he arrived on May 25, 1995.

 He’s currently stumbling around as a social media  superstar of Generation Z for Zombie. Deceptive Neptune’s been programmed to savage his Jupiter position through May and June 2016, strong in February 2017 as well before the final  life confusions of October and November next year. So his stumbling  continues for a further 18 months.

 Some hope for the youth when Uranus positively trines his Mars in 2018.

Footnote: His big news yesterday----"-lol I died my hair white Instagram: @ maxkey_Snapchat: @ maxkey7 "



May 23

 The 24-7 thoughtstyle of dedicated horseybrains don’t leave much time for thinking outside the square.

 Many have come to hate the awesome Astrological science with a passion. You can’t have a planet book producing racetrack certainties as far as 3 years in advance and a longshot system with an average win dividend of $7.63 on a 26% winning strike rate since 2011 began !

 You’d have to put commentator George Simon, the whitewashed maori renowned for crawling up the arses of wealthy breeders/horse players, on a lie detector to get him to admit that  he witnessed a certainty being labelled on his Trackside Channel for the 6400-metres 1996  Great Northern Steeplechase 3.5 weeks in advance. That paid $7.85 to win.

 Naturally, horse racing is my favourite way of bashing a sceptical brain. And there are plenty. From those deeply institutionalised by religion to the equine tragic who’s been  picking up horseshit every morning for decades.

 Prediction Astrology’s been serious since FRIDAY FLASH editor Bob Lovett  requested a weekly column in his racing publication 26 years ago next month. It kicked off with a “ certainty.” With a wider audience gathered and totally fascinated when the Newstalk ZB  January show with Murray Deaker ONZM began in 1994 and ran for 18 years.

 Another  for today’s imbeciles. If Ruakaka horse trainer Kenny Rae lines up on January 1, 2019 and fails to produce a winner, then Astrology doesn’t work.

 With further consideration to this year’s  waning fortunes of Melbourne’s jumps jockey legend Steven Pateman.At age 32 last year he captured his 8th Tommy Corrigan Medal for being the champion of Australian hurdles and steeplechase riding.

 Some years he manages a 40% winning strike rate. In 2016 he’s had 19 jumping race rides, 9 of them outright favourite, but he’s managed just 2 winners. All relevant to his appearance in last November 26’s Annual Prophesies on

 “ Pateman, Steven:

Major slowdown for the champion Australian jumps rider  with Pluto-Sun and Neptune-Jupiter attacks. March, April, Aug crucial.”

The slowdown continues next year, too, with more  Pluto-Sun negativity. As for all with birthdays around April 6,7,8, which includes deeply troubled Australian rugby league star Mitchell Pearce and NZ politician Paula Bennett…….



May 22

 I am fascinated by the Chinese people’s lack of interest in many aspects of NZ current affairs.

 4-5 years some Chinese restauranteuresses in Otahuhu didn’t even know who Richie McCaw and Graham Henry were ! A worker in the Soung Yuen supermarket was seriously reprimanded for her lack of interest in an America’s Cup series.

 I explained that failing to rise at 3 am in mid-winter and waiting patiently  for a televised yachting  race could severely hinder her P R application !

 Hardly a wonder that these hard-working, family-orientated people are starting to own Auckland.  Barfoot and Thompson’s 25 top salespersons include 20 Chinese real estate agents. Just last week I quizzed my Chinese acupuncturist and she didn’t even know who Hirary Barry was !

 Hilary Barry, who recently joined a long list of accomplished laboratory rats a.k.a those upon whom successful predictions are made to test the authenticity of awesome Astrology.

 As per her appearance in the Annual Prophesies, last November:

Barry, Hilary:

TV face with many personal dilemmas and confusion from  Neptune whacking her Sun before 2017’s lifestyle chaos from Uranus attacking her Jupiter.”

Courtesy of the  chinks/power points/pings/pointy heads, land values are skyrocketing, especially in the traditional bastions of the uncultured palagi like Remuera and Epsom.

 And so are the numbers of empty rooms in these freehold mansions of the wealthy. “ Remmers ” has a long history of depressed, alcoholic housewives. Now they have even less chance of attaining grandmotherhood, with kids scattered all over the world and running away from their weird upbringings in households ruled by television and role models like Holmes, Hosking, Henry and “ Hirary.”

 Maybe they’ll return to dump their olds into a rest home. An Ethiopian mate was telling me about the amazing imbalance in the Balmoral rest home where she works. Of  the roughly 50 inmates, there’s a Chinese, an Indian and 48 whities…….

 20 years ago a recent Chinese immigrant reckoned the only thing she didn’t like about NZ was  “ Peter ”  a.k.a  politician Winston Peters, who even then could envisage trouble from the Asian invasion.

 For my next pin cushion session I’m gonna quiz the acupuncture chick more about serious NZ issues. Should the Warriors bring Vatuvei back into the starting lineup and what’s Umaga doing wrong with the Blues’ backline ?

 No use asking if Hirary Barry deserves her own show, is there ?



May 21

Recent media:

There are calls for a nationwide enquiry into the mental health system after more Kiwis lost their lives to suicide last year than ever before.

The New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists (NZAP) gathered in Hawke's Bay this week to discuss the impact of the recent suicides on local iwi.

NZAP spokesman Kyle MacDonald says what they heard from those iwi is that the mental health system is at breaking point and can no longer provide timely treatment and intervention.

We shouldn’t laugh at these matters. Or the knighthood given a few years ago to failed rugby coach Sir John Kirwanker for his “ services to mental illness ! ” Or the wannabe “ king of topper stoppers, ”  outdated “ entertainer ” Mike King who got remarkably vicious when challenged about gaining some Astrological enlightenment !

Or the idol of millions of tele watchers, the cheap drunk-cyber bully with numerous tit jobs, the late, iconic depression sufferer  Charlotte Dawson. She, too, got remarkably vicious when challenged about going public with her phenomenal Astrological enlightenment of January 2007 !

So many grandstanders out there, more interested in an audience than a cure.

 Astrology is amazing, with only one error so far from the November 2015 Annual Prophesies. Melbourne Storm coach Craig Bellamy didn’t suffer as much as expected in March-April. Check them out:

 Starting from ARIES, P Bennett, Cooper, Crowe, Pateman, Pearce, Ko, Murray, Jolie, Nadal, Shastri, S Smith, C Williams, Cosby,Foran, Messi, Oliver, Bosson, N Brown, Morgan, Van Gaal, S Johnson, O’Sullivan, Waterhouse, McCullum, S Williams, Hesson, Slater, Barry, Moody, Pitt, Hamilton, Inglis, McFadden, T Woods, Kenny-Dowall, J Taylor, Blatter, B Marshall, Murdoch…..

 Nothing gets close to an Astrological enlightenment, though. As per a call from female Z yesterday requesting some education for a close relative.

 A 23 year-old Aries  male from the Rooster year ! Oh no, think Aries Rooster, think non-stop centre-of-attention and constantly talking---Murray Deaker ONZM, Winston Peters, the  French girl’s schoolteacher mother who “ never stops talking, ” Hamilton’s exhibitionist-sex worker Lisa Lewis, a couple of wayward Chinese ladies in my life experiences and the wife of the late Carl Williams, described by a mutual acquaintance in Melbourne’s underworld as “ mad as a bloody snake.”

 Born during the hours of the Chinese horse,too, with Z agreeing with my initial description of  “ unsettled, restless, hates routine ” for the youth,  before reminding me that Z herself was brought round early last year by A and learned all about her depression classic, Mars in the 12th.

 With depression assistance, you let people know they are not alone, and I would probably have reeled off a list of fellow Mars-in-the-12th sufferers to make her feel unalienated--- Like:

 Nicky Watson, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Charlotte Dawson, David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Donald Trump, Murray Deaker, Bluey McLennan,  Joe Biden,  Nicole Kidman, Victoria Beckham,  Beyonce,  Jayjay Feeney etc.

 Z listens to the 3 stages of her recorded enlightenment from time to time. It’s helpful to reflect on her own positive and negative character traits.

 I asked her about A:  “ Don’t see much of her,” was the reply, “ she got married last year. I think you told her it was the right year to get married.”

 Click, click, click and up comes A’s chart. Pluto trining her Venus in 2015 ! I definitely  would have told her  that.

 The best omen for marriage, although so many don’t know about it…….



May 20

 Mr Rothschild was very ebullient when he phoned NZ’s prime minister John Key with congratulations yesterday.

 “ For what, sir ?”

 “ For training the morons of your nation to be absolutely dumb and stupid. I’ll quote  you a media extract from last week: ‘ Today on NZ Herald Focus - We discuss the controversial Bachelor break-up that has the nation talking.’

 Key laughed. " Not everyone in the nation was talking about it, sir. I  wasn’t sir, and nor were some people in a coma or solitary confinement in Paremoremo maximum security prison. "

 " But you see my point, don’t you ? " continued Mr Rothschild. " If they’re not mesmerized by realty TV, they’re wailing about a rugby team or crying about someone named Hilary resigning from a newsreader’s job ! "

 Key noted that and Mr Rothschild continued: " But I am very happy that you’ve allowed your national debt to balloon out to $150 billion. Not so impressed with all of those homeless blacks sleeping in their cars ! "

 " Why’s that sir ? "

 “ Because the bastards aren’t paying any rent ! Get them into houses, but not ones they can own, of course.”

 Key replied that he’d do his best.

 " Heaven for us, " continued Mr Rothschild “ is every bastard paying rent and working on low wages, sitting in a small apartment eating takeaways and getting drunk and watching television. Then they don’t talk to each other, or read and think and come up with stupid ideas about improving their lives.

 “ And just wait until we bring in a cashless society, with every newborn baby microchipped so we know exactly what everyone’s doing.”

 " Yes sir, " muttered Key. " A wonderful idea. "

 Mr Rothschild laughed. " You’ll be able to punch in a code and find out who your disc jockey son is buying his drugs off. Another password and you’ll be able to know who’s having sex with your artist daughter, also his previous relationship history and if he’s had any sexually transmitted diseases. "


 Pluto departs Capricorn in  2024 and until 2044  shall be  in Aquarius. Causing major revolutions to Aquarian keywords like  “humanitarian, individualistic, original, independent, inventive, unconventional .” Also electronics.

 For Pluto’s tour de Aquarius, how about death of the individual, birth of the autotron ?  No more “ freedom.”  Machines replacing humans in so many tasks.

 Generation Z for Zombies are already a step ahead. They are preparing for the robot era, spending every waking moment possible wobbling round beneath their headphones and squinting into their text phones………


 Part of a prophesy on in January 2008:

  But most of all the internet began in this ( Sagittarius ) Pluto phase and it's not hard to work out how the net will be helping to put many old traditions to death when Pluto commences his stay in conservative Capricorn in March.

Old traditions like newspapers, real estate and car sales will be changing drastically courtesy of the internet generation. It's easy to see a further weakening of governments because Pluto's destruction here will root out a lot more corruption and inefficiency.

But the scary piece relates to the massively changing role of the father figure, as the family unit slowly disappears and  marriage becomes just another episode in life's great soap opera for many.

Naturally there will be a massive increase in the numbers of rudderless young men lacking direction, with no-one to guide and teach them in time-honoured Kiwi male tradition how to drink beer properly and the correct way to watch a rugby game.

 Subsequently The daily newspaper is on death row and Mr and Mrs Average can’t afford to even buy a home. Incredible marriage break-up statistics, weakened males and the amazing exposure of governmental corruptions from guys like Dotcom, Assange, Greenwald, Snowden, Hallett and co. Even  Putin’s  fighting desperately against Mr Rothschild’s New World Order !



May 19

 Following the recent revelations about " Bathtub Brucie " Hutton and the " Chitty Chitty Bang Bang " I have been given even more vital information.

 The Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, as explained on May 10  has nothing to do with the 1968 movie about a car of the same name. It’s about the rifle that was hidden instead of being vetted during the iconic Crewe murder inquiry in June 1970. Under orders from Mr Geoff Chitty, a neighbour of the Crewes.

 " Bathtub Brucie " Hutton was the detective in charge of the Crewe murder who was deemed to have planted a cartridge case in October 1970  which enabled the wrongful imprisonment of Arthur Allan Thomas for 9 years.

 Geoff Chitty’s employee was told to hide the rifle that allegedly belonged to the aunty of a Len Demler, initially the prime suspect in the murders. I’ve known that employee for 40 years and can recall his claims many years ago that a female relative of Demler was the mystery woman who fed the Crewe’s baby before bolting to America.

 Recently I was sent a pile of sworn statements that had been obtained under the Official Information Act. As per 3 employees of the DB Mangere Hotel from the spring of 1970 who came forward separately many years later as media interest in the Crewe-Thomas case accelerated.

 The house bar of the DB Mangere became the headquarters for the Hutton-led investigation team, with outsiders excluded. The employees clearly remembered the joking and banter of detectives about planting the cartridge case and Arthur Allan Thomas being described as a “ half-wit ”. As well as the employees being warned that anything they heard in the house bar went no further, otherwise they would be dismissed.

 One bartender questioned the initial  presence of an outsider who would appear regularly, a farmer-looking type in a large hat and dirty old gumboots. There were reassurances that the police-only regulations did not apply to the outsider, who many years later was recognised as the “ Len Demler !


 Consider a NZ HERALD extract from the year 2000, about A Thomas and Hutton meeting by chance in a Pukekohe bar:

Former detective John McKenzie, who was with Mr Hutton, remembers him greeting Mr Thomas with the words, "Hello Arthur".

Mr Thomas did not recognise him at first, but then asked in a tone of disbelief, "Is this fella Bruce Hutton?"

At this point, Mr McKenzie remembers, Mr Thomas said he needed a beer. After a discussion about brands - the former policemen were drinking Mac's Gold, but Mr Thomas preferred Speight's Old Dark - Mr Hutton shouted him the drink.

As Mr McKenzie recalls it, the two men "chatted away like long-lost school pals" about Mr Thomas's 125ha Waikato farm, bought with the $950,000 compensation he received for his wrongful murder conviction.

One  informant assured me that Arthur’s brother Des Thomas claims it was all a pack of lies. Hutton bought a beer for Arthur but he didn’t drink it, let alone talk to the disgraced detective like a long-lost pal.

Racecourse inspector John McKenzie’s involvement ? Enough said. Just scroll down to May 12  and check his pedigree !


May 18

 Those with the love planet Venus snuggled alongside deceptive Neptune at birth are guaranteed a lot of complications in their relationships.

 Novelty wearing thin…..infidelity….bisexuality….experiments---- as I was recently explaining to a widely-travelled gay musician. Who burst into laughter when I rattled off a list of possessors of the Venus-Neptune conjunction like himself:

 Bill Clinton, Prince Charles, Wilt  “ the stilt “ Chamberlain, The Right Hon Lockwood Smith, Paul Holmes’ first wife and a black African sexworker who was performing 9-10 tricks a night at Auckland’s Pelican Club and sought Astrological advice on why her marriage hadn’t worked……..

 As we know, Prince Charles had to live with the big lie about his marriage to Princess Diana about rooting his current wife Camilla right through the ordeal, including the night before his July 1981 wedding. Almost incestuousity, with Camilla’s long-suffering husband Andrew Parker-Bowles having relieved Charlie’s sister Princess Anne of her virginity and returned  to patch it up after her marriage to Captain Mark Phillips had failed.

 Then I burst into laughter as well yesterday, when reading  about Prince Charles’ last visit to New Zealand as a single man, in former detective Tom Lewis’ awesome  book COVER UPS AND COP OUTS. About  incredible corruption in the NZ police force.

 Here were the Dunedin cops, sent to scan Prince Charles’ hotel  room and check for bombs and bugs when they discovered luggage had already been installed. Totally against the rules. With a  teddy bear  as well !

 Shortly after another member of Charlie’s security team came charging into the room and made a desperate lunge for the teddy, screaming and pleading. Ultimately the Dunedin cops were given a stern lecture from that chap’s superior about the need to keep this secret as well:

 We all have our little quirks and idiosyncrasies but as you well know they are things we like to keep to ourselves. Unfortunately you men have stumbled upon one of His Royal Highness’s little quirks or idiosyncrasies.

 “ He has served in the Air Force and Navy in Britain and this thing has been kept a secret. Now half a dozen of you know about it and it will remain among you lot. It will go no further. It will not be repeated or discussed, ever.

 “ Should the press get to hear of this, your Commissioner assures me he will stage the biggest witch-hunt ever to identify the culprits.

 “ Not only will those responsible lose their jobs but other more drastic action will be considered.

 ‘’ You can imagine what a field day the gutter press would have over this as this man is the future King of England.

 Another  Venus-Neptune idiosyncrasy----32 year-old male sleeping with teddy bear.



May 17

 ‘Twas a gloomy Sunday last weekend in some parts of Auckland, following the thumpathons.

 Lions  43  Auckland Blues  5

 Penrith 30  NZ Warriors 18

 With the Warriors junior side also getting hammered  74-10 by their Penrith equivalents.

 From the Annual Prophesies,

Umaga, Tana:

Auckland Blues coach not  bringing a lot of improvement, notably with Saturn suffocating Mercury and Mars in May and June.

Remembering that this great prophesy was manufactured within hours of T Umaga getting the job, after Sir John Kirwanker’s resignation last year ! As Aucklanders pine for their glory days, before rugby was saturated with Polynesians i.e  polyunsaturated.

With the suffocated Mercury and Mars positions of this winter for Umaga getting severely dealt to  in 2017 by deceptive Neptune !



Brown, Nathan:

NRL coach with his  Mercury and Mars spots getting hammered by Uranus. May, June, Sept testing. ”

Brown’s “ testing May ” includes a 62-0 thumpathon over the weekend and his Newcastle Knights being on the bottom of the ladder with a minus 253 points differential !



May 16

From the recent media:

Racing Victoria's integrity department has asked Sarah Moody, the wife of suspended trainer Peter Moody, to attend a hearing over a tweet aimed at the racing stewards department earlier this week.

Mrs Moody posted a tweet on May 11 which read: "Underbailey TVMovie coming soon The rise& eventual fall of an out of control, no questions answered integrity department, Deception at Epsom

On Friday afternoon May 13 she posted: "It would seem the integrity department do not enjoy my sense of humor, i have been informed of an invitation coming my way.”

Very creative Mrs Moody ! Uniting Racing Victoria’s chief steward Terry Bailey with the  brilliant Underbelly TV series that’s featured the legends of Melbourne’s underworld like Carl Williams, the Morans and the Mokbels.

Remembering that Mrs Moody was an ownership partner in a very good racehorse that her husband trained for Horty Mokbel, brother of “ Fat Tony ” Mokbel who’s currently doing a 30-years lag ! The racehorse, Pillar of Hercules, was sold at public auction for $1.8m, as part of  asset grabbing from the proceeds of crime.

Remembering also the appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies:

Moody, Sarah:

Australian racing personality programmed for massive  and difficult changes with Pluto, Uranus and Neptune attacks until March 017. ”

As we noted here on March 19, beneath  SARAH MOODY’S ADDICTION,  Mrs Moody is a part-owner of some 70 racehorses herself !

“ The behaviour of victims/patients can naturally be monitored, with the fortnight of so leading up to crucial hit dates important. Like Ms Moody shall be feeling the effects of Neptune attacks on her Moon and Mercury around April 6 and 27, August 3 and 26 and ending in February 7 and 22 next year.

 Her Pluto-Mars crusher peaks around August 17 and November 7. With the Uranus-Venus close relationships complications peaking around June 19, September 8 and April 4, 2017. ”

While depression sufferer Peter Moody was quite happy to walk away from racing and take a break, his wife obviously wasn’t, whence the totally unnecessary tweet…..

Footnote: One comic in the Victoria police force wondered if “ grabbing ” assets from the proceeds of crime extended to the tit jobs Fat Tony and Carl had shouted their mistresses !



May 15

She’s got plenty. This recent media extract reminded me of one of her darkest.

Deputy Commissioner Mike Bush's eulogy at former Detective Inspector Bruce Hutton’s funeral is in the media again - Susan Wood says the fact they will say one thing in private and another in public makes them sound duplicitous.”

For a start, Wood’s a hater of the world’s oldest science. Some 18-19 years back, colleagues at an Astrological society meeting were criticising her behaviour on breakfast TV one morning, arrogantly scoffing at Astrology and tossing supportive faxes over her shoulder. I promised then that I would “ teach that fucking pig a lesson.

 Come 2004 and her elevation to TV One’s 7 pm spot was forecast, courtesy of Pluto sextiling her Libra 21 Venus from Sagittarius 21-22. Replacing Paul Holmo, whose Venus and Mars positions were at Pisces 22 and Virgo 22 respectively.  Sagittarius attacks Pisces, Virgo and Gemini positions and it was looking ominous for  Wood. With her Jupiter ( Sagittarius 25 ) Sun ( Virgo 27 ) and Mars ( Gemini 29 ) getting lined up for an assault between 2006 and 2008.

 Go get ‘em Pluto and “ teach  that fucking pig a lesson !

 Business ventures or marriages commenced under Pluto badness are invariably ill-fated. Wood married for the 2nd time in late 2006, shortly before an  “ event “ which was the talk of the Auckland media. Even Murray Deaker ONZM was cackling about it  when I went into Newstalk ZB for the  January 2007 edition of the Annual Prophesies.

 An  event  which involved 3 females—Wood, an Auckland lawyer and her radio executive partner. Wood’s 2nd husband " Matamata Kev " wasn’t allowed to participate. Hilarious, with the late 2006-early-2009 era including Wood getting dumped from TVNZ and her marriage to Matamata  Kev breaking up. Also a job started outside of broadcasting for Wood that lasted a couple of weeks.

 Another  more memorable victim of Pluto’s rampage through Sagittarius 26 to 29 was All Blacks coach Graham Henry, with his Moon at Virgo 28. Such discovery in November 2003 brought the widely-predicted wiping of the white hot All Blacks’ chances for the 2007 Rugby World Cup….when they got dumped in a quarter-final !

 Much of Susan Wood’s attitude problem comes from the tightness of her communicator  Mercury ( Libra 13 ) and Saturn ( Capricorn 11 ) at birth. Causing her major problems with close relationships and mental expansion, and the Mercury-Saturn bad eventually causes  dementia and alzheimers.

 Pluto left Saggy and entered Capricorn in 2008. Capricorn, of course, doesn’t harmonise with positions in Aries, Cancer or Libra. Pluto’s movement to Capricorn 13 necessitated another appearance  in the Annual Prophesies. in November 2013:

Wood, Susan:

Veteran  broadcaster facing two years of difficult career change as Pluto and Uranus assail Mercury.

I tweeted her. Instead of scoffing and arrogantly tossing the tweet over her shoulder came a reply: “ That’s not what I wanted to hear, Don. ” Was she finally learning ?

I replied and suggested she “ get a reading ” to which there was no reply. Shame, for her life could have been explained, with all the times of marriage break-up and career amendment identified, along with the enforced 6 weeks off work after a severe beating from a policeman boyfriend.

Shame that never got publicised, after Wood’s pleading with veteran NZ Herald reporter friend  Paul Lewis to keep it quiet. Especially with the position to which the policeman eventully rose Pots and black kettles here, with  “ they will say one thing in private and another in public makes them sound duplicitous.

Of course that  “ two years of difficult career change ” included 6 months off work after the nasty accident when Wood tripped on her dressing gown and tumbled down the stairs during a wine session in January 2015 !

Sad that the world is allowed by influenced by a fucking pig like that……..




May 13

 Disgraced broadcaster Tony Veitch was one of 2009’s media sensations.

 Revelations emerged about his vicious attacks on a fiancée who was temporarily confined to a wheelchair. Revelations his media bosses had attempted to conceal as part of “ image management.” Eventually Veitch was sentenced to nine months' supervision, 300 hours of community service and a fine following the attack.

 On a couple of occasions Veitch threatened to top himself. Causing me to suggest to a mutual acquaintance that Veitch locate his time of arrival and get some enlightenment. For, courtesy of a birthdate obtained  from a court source, there was major improvement  ahead for Veitchy, and many reasons to continue living  !

 Nothing happened, unfortunately. I could have  explained Veitchy’s  Uranus-Mercury union at birth which provides a very active and versatile mind. Also the very potent Sun-Pluto union that supervises massive and not always pleasant life upheavals,  although Jupiter and Pluto in harmony is great for overall career success.

 With  his Venus and Moon being in dark, depressing, emotional-rollercoaster Scorpio !  Scorpio Moons are renowned for anger bottling and gloom, and so much worse when in a very false and controlled working environment like the media or showbiz. The importance of a Scorpio Moon in the birth chart is no better exemplified than by the late Charlotte Dawson phoning me at 6 a.m Sydney time one Monday.

 She requested a read out of  " that Scorpio Moon thing in my chart " so her friends could listen on the speaker phone !

 Add Veitchy’s  Venus in possessive, controlling Scorpio which thrives on love-hate relationships and, as I was so wisely instructed back in November 1981 by my first astrologeress: " Don’t get married ! "

 Part two of the reading analyses the past  and with a time of arrival I would have been able to show Veitchy the massive previous  amendments in his life, like the parents’ bust-up, his venturing to work in Australia etc. Then showing where his currently  being unemployed and in emotional wasteland was attributed to Pluto steamrollering his North Node and the very destructive Saturn-Pluto square. ( Something which innocent Australian David Hicks experienced when he got dumped into Guantanamo Bay.)

 Future would include Pluto and Uranus molesting his Sun through 2011,  with 2012  including the awesomely progressive Pluto-Mars trine !

 That which elevates people amazingly, as per John Hart becoming the first All Blacks coach to claim a series win in South Africa in 1996 ! Veitchy would be given a benchmark to test Pluto-Mars awesomeness with John Ackland in 2010 and 2011--- as per me telling Sir Mad Butcher, when summoned to the podium in his own lounge at Mt Smart/Ericcson late in the woeful Warriors’ 2009:  " Stop pulling that thing down there mate, and  pull some strings at the Warriors and make John Ackland the coach of the top side next year ! "

 As junior coach, John Ackland guided the first-ever NZ Warriors team to NRL Grand Final success in 2010 !

 Veitchy’s reinstatement into  broadcasting included his landing  the prime Saturday and Sunday afternoon spots on Radiosport/Newstalk ZB  in 2012 !

 Veitchy's next Radiosport session: “ Hi guys, listen up, as from today we are not going to criticise  certain people at all on this show. My Astrologer says the planets this year are  unfavourable for the following: Tana Umaga, Shaun Johnson, Nathan Brown, Jason Taylor, Greg Inglis……etc . You see it’s pointless to keep harping about the past, blaming referees and players and coaches, when instead of getting angry and arguing about sport we are better off devoting more time to our loved ones.”

 No chance !  Nothing will impede the nastiness of a Scorpion Moon, especially in a profession where it’s impossible to distance yourself from negative influences in order to minimise idiot contact. Veitchy’s brief is to search for trouble and continue to distract the masses in true New World Order fashion. The media cannot thrive on niceties or chuckling about the nastiness of Pluto and Uranus.

 With Veitchy already deemed worthy enough of a recurrence in next November’s Annual Prophesies:

 “ Veitch, Tony:

Scorpio Moon  possessor-broadcaster under extreme mental pressure from Uranus-Mercury attack. April, Oct, Feb 018 crucial for weird behaviour  before  career chaos from Uranus-Jupiter bads, July-Aug 018 until April 019.”


May 12

 There was a glaring omission in  the recent " Chitty Chitty bang bang " tale down on May 10.

 The name of John McKenzie, a 23 year-old member of  " Bathtub Brucie " Hutton’s team during  the 1970  Crewe murder investigation.

 McKenzie left the police force 14 years later  for the horsey crowd and became a racecourse detective, later chief during the most hideous time of cover ups and corruption the waning NZ  racing industry has ever known.

 Early 1996  McKenzie provided an awesome quote, when I decided to dedicate my weekly TRUTH column to an ugly spate of unchallenged violence involving some of the bigger names in the Takanini racing area. Wives and male and female employees were getting  bashed  while McKenzie and his team looked the other way.

 " We must protect our rising stars ! " said McKenzie. i.e maintain a squeaky clean image for the racing industry.

 That  TRUTH column had been inspired by McKenzie’s persecution of a minor Pukekohe trainer for  a comparatively minor assault on a rival trainer at Avondale races one day. A persecuted whose older brother was, rather ironically, secret witness Mr X in the Crewe murders who told prolific lies about Arthur Allan Thomas but later retracted his story.

 One of J McKenzie’s best was turning a blind eye to the March 2009 " Molloy hitman saga. " After trainer Leo Molloy paid boxing champ Sean Sullivan $1000 to try and force me to remove certain articles from then Articles about the sexual misdemeanours of certain Te Akau Racing personnel, that could have proved very embarrassing if publicised during an official NZ Thoroughbred Racing investigation.

 Nothing was removed. Sean received and paid for an Astrological enlightenment instead and remembered our numerous mutual acquaintances. J McKenzie and company chose not to persecute Molloy, even after SUNDAY NEWS devoted page 5 to the affair. While the Auckland CIB tried hard to nail Molloy but just couldn’t quite join the dots.

 A matter seen as a major tipping point in the integrity of NZ’s horsey industry. As Racing Integrity Unit chief Mike Godber was continually reminded, culminating with his letter to me on June 8, 2011, which included:

 “ The board of NZTR wrote a letter, to which I have been privy, giving a  final warning to the persons concerned.”

 " Persons concerned " could only be Molloy and Sean Sullivan, even if Sean told me later that “ no bastard gave me any warning ! ” Quite a crack up, considering  I, as " victim, " was never even interviewed !

 Godber’s ugliness resurfaced last week, when  he told Trackside Radio’s Peter Earley that everyone involved in the horrific 3 on 1 bashing at the Matamata racecourse last August ( see  May 6 story ) had “ moved on except the complainant .”

 People move on after every crime. A A Thomas moved on to jail, the bodies  moved on to a cemetery and  the smoking gun that was never checked eventually  moved on to Ruakaka.

 Footnote: Police minister Judith Collins knows all about the smoking gun and the detective involved and is naturally very reluctant to take the matter further…..




May 11

From the latest media;

The blogger who was infamously hacked and then exposed in Dirty Politics has himself admitted hiring someone to illegally access the computer files of opponents.

Whale Oil's Cameron Slater has been granted diversion by police for attempting to hire Ben Rachinger for $5000 to get into the left wing "The Standard" blog. Instead of being convicted and sentenced, he has arranged to do 40 hours work for the children's charity Kidscan.

In asking for his identity to be protected, Slater told the court he was the "most hated man in New Zealand" and that publication of his name would cause "extreme hardship" to him and his family. He told the court there was an "orchestrated campaign to vilify" him and it was "ongoing and designed to cause extreme hardship" to him and his family. He also claimed Rachinger had "set out to deceive ... and trap him into offending".

From the Annual Prophesies,, November 26, 2015:

Slater, Cameron:

Mentally-ill blogger under major stress  with a serious  Uranus-Mercury assault. April, Nov and Jan 017 crucial with Pluto doing more damage in 2018.”

Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have joined with  The Carpenters, singing  “ We’ve only just begun ” except the horizons they’re sharing ain’t so beautiful for this anti-Astrological imbecile who’s already booked a berth in the next November Annuals:

" Slater, Cameron:

Uranus-Mercury mental chaos for the mentally-ill blogger in Jan before serious Saturn blocks Feb, March, April, June, Nov. Neptune-Venus love life confusion May, July, March 018  before the major  Pluto-Mercury mental catastrophes between March 018 and Jan 019. "

Footnote: Planet Mars governs the ego. The most common " depression " aspects involve Mars stifled away in secretive House 12 or afflicted by Uranus and/or  Pluto ( like Slater and Sir John Kirwanker ). Evidence that most  " mental illness " is  ego related. Many get off on the " survived depression " ego buzz. Does Slater thrive on being  the "most hated man in New Zealand" ?



May 10

 Astrological  facts  justified the decision to finally pardon Arthur Allan Thomas who spent 9 innocent years in jail  after being fitted for the infamous Crewe murders in 1970.

 Nothing to indicate an angry, murderous  Arthur at crime time in Pukekawa in  June 1970. Far from it, being the recipient of two awesome Neptune trines.( Just like the young Indian lady getting married in the article on May 8.)

 Uranus attacks on Arthur’s Sun and Moon from October 1970 for a year would change his life drastically. Uranus afflicting Sun and Moon brings loss of honour, business reversals and massive residential amendments and emotional problems---- as per Arthur getting arrested ( October1970, after the bodies were found  in the Waikato River )  and  being found guilty of  the murder of Harvey and Jeanette Crewe. The Sun and Moon, along with two other Capricorn planets in secretive House 12  at birth, would fate him to spend much time in " secret places. "

 Also in  October 1970, as the 1980 Royal Commission had decreed, detectives Bruce Hutton and Len Johnston planted the cartridge case that was deemed to have been fitted to A  A Thomas’ rifle.

 Very few people knew that, 2 weeks after the murders in June, a Pukekawa man named Chitty had given one of his employees a  rifle to hide. A rifle supposedly  belonging to the aunty of one Len Demler that evaded  the mass examination of similar rifles in the area. Len Demler, father of the late Jeanette Crewe, was for several months the prime suspect in the double murder……

The unchecked rifle would later reside in Takanini, before moving to Ruakaka in the late 1980s. Rifle resided in Ruakaka until 2010, when the police did a further review on the Crewe case. A family friend of the rifle’s owner tipped off a detective  she was dating. Auckland detective  zoomed up to Ruakaka to retrieve the rifle, then in the ownership of a gun collector, and confiscated the weapon.

 But there was nothing in the 2010 police report about the rifle !  The one that surely deserved to be checked way back in Pukekawa, especially with the Demler factor and also the relevance of  detective Len Johnston.

 Len Johnston’s family and the Demlers  go back a long way and Johnston himself had  long harboured  a major crush on Jeanette. Explained by his being born under a very frustrating Venus-Pluto happiness  block, something also relevant to his known violence, threatening behaviour and ability to arrange evidence to “ fit ” the crime. Just the kind of guy who would murder Jeanette Crewe, and with a motive….


 Detective-inspector Hutton was born to be nasty, or, as described by his one-time brother-in-law, diminutive Harold Plumley jun,  " the murdering bastard who killed my sister ! "

 Seriously affected Mercury and Venus positions ( in deep, dark Scorpio ) allowed Hutton  to have criminal inclinations and be untruthful. Similarities to Hanover Finance villain  Eric Watson, John Key, many of horse racing’s known " ticket clippers " and jockey Jim Cassidy, who served two separate terms of disqualification for fixing races.

 Sun, Moon and Pluto complications made Hutton  ruthless, competitive  and desperate. Now this Libran Sun had erratic Uranus moving above around the time of the cartridge case  planting. Such aspect creates dishonourable behaviour and a weakening of the resolve----identical to what disgraced rugby league star Mitchell Pearce experienced  in the early months of  2016 !

 Mid-1970s I learned much about Hutton through his drinking buddyship  with my immediate superior at the NZ Herald, racing editor Alan Brown. Hutton had left his wife and 3 daughters, courting a wealthy Mangere spinster Miss Mary Plumley  but with  Ivy the hairdresser on the side. The staunch catholic Plumley family were not keen on  horse-mad Mary marrying a divorced one, but it happened.

 Mary liked the idea of the tall, handsome cop who’d been honoured with a gong for efforts in solving the Crewe murders. Bruce realised Mary could help his social and horse racing aspirations and had heaps of money. He left the police force for  luxury as  a “ Mangere farmer.”

 Some years later Mary Hutton died mysteriously  in the bath. Some friends of her husband's were led to believe it was because an electric heater  fell down from the wall, although Hutton’s police statement makes no  mention. Ivy the hairdresser returned to become Hutton’s 3rd wife and with several million $$  they  bought a lovely big farm out Ramarama way…..


 A  NZ-born mate of mine, British SAS-trained, found his 1966 Scorpio Firehorse attitude didn’t blend too well with regimentation and routine. He got sacked from the Brit army and landed a job with the Triads in America, eliminating enemies, and also a commission from the Colombian government to eliminate 7 drug dealers.

 He told me about the perfect murder of one drug dealer, who was forced to undress at gunpoint and run a bath for himself, on the promise he would not be shot. A man of his word, the eliminator  shelved his pistol and merely lifted the victim’s ankles as high as necessary. The arms are powerless to help the head move from the bottom of the bath. Death by drowning, with  no sign of a struggle either !



May 9

 Amidst all the violence, cronyism and corruption of NZ racing, and the drug scandals of Australia, there is still “ The Bool.”

 The first Tuesday in May each year leads 3 consecutive days at the Warrnambool track in Victoria. 8 jumps races in 3 days !

 The  brilliantly  entertaining racecaller Rick McIntosh made a stunning, non-Astrological  prophesy as a Darren Weir-trained hurdler won the first race on Tuesday:  “ Come here, drink beer, back Weir.”

 D Weir won another 6 races. You don’t need a commentator to encourage boozing  at the Warrnambool carnival. It’s part of the package and  claimed 2 victims last week.  On Thursday, 3-times Melbourne Cup winning jockey Damien Oliver and Queensland-born jumps rider Paul Hamblin produced positive breath tests to alcohol and were stood down immediately for a month each.

 The $300,000, 5500-metres Grand Annual Steeplechase peaks the meeting and was an Irish triumph this year. Winning rider Richard Cully was actually born in Sydney but has spent the majority of his life in Ireland. The other finishers were all ridden by  jockeys born in Ireland------ Pat Flood, Martin Kelly, Tom Ryan, Darryl Horner jun, John Allen and Shane Jackson.

 The horse that failed to complete the course was ridden by Warrnambool  local  Brad McLean. My pin-up boy on the Thursday in May 2012 when he rode Maythehorsebemagic to win at $4.10. A flip and a flop in the Grand Annual means the Champion Racing System’s  overall record is 1 from 3 and a 36% rate of interest at the great jumps carnival.

 The eerie Astrological method uses awesome aspects to select " buzz " dates from the birth charts of horse racing personnel, and a stunning 24 wins from 92 investments since 2011 began has returned $1.99 for every $1 invested. The average win dividend is $7.63 and there can always be a $100 shot, as in June 1988 or a $57 winner like July 2001. No investments at the latest Warrnambool meeting, but 2 jumps jockeys ( one an Irishman ) are already labelled for winning on Thursday May 4, 2017 !

 With small-time trainer Bob Challis on the list for Thursday, May 3, 2018 !  He’s no Darren Weir, with just one win from his last 50 starters,  but  Bob’s  Stand to Gain did win the Galleywood Hurdles on the Wednesday last year with a $21 win dividend. I phoned Bob after that for birth information and told him that in my pre-Astrological life I was the Herald racing journo who wrote about 18 year-old jumps jockey R K Challis finishing 2nd in the June 1975 Great Northern Steeplechase at Ellerslie behind 48 year-old rival  W J Hillis.

 " Yeah, I’ve still got the clipping, " Bob replied. He’s blessed with an awesome Uranus-Jupiter trine in May 2018  that only occurs a maximum of 6 times in an average lifetime. It’s all about pleasant, unexpected surprise and frequently involved in those longshot winners the Astrological is renowned for…….



May  8

 One of the many best things about Astrology is the confidence and happiness it  brings for deep thinkers.

 Early in 2012, a  22 year-old Indian girl followed  a recommendation for Astrological enlightenment. In a  boring job and all she really wanted to do was get married and become a mother.

 As usual I explained her characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, then analysed her past and the family dysfunctions, and when father brought his 3 young daughters to NZ from Fiji etc . It all fitted, before the wonderful news.

 An incredible array of Pluto and Neptune trines  concluded that the next 3 years would bring marriage, motherhood and living abroad. Possibly home ownership.

 " Are you sure ? "  She came to be convinced that  if the past fitted, so did the future and promptly sent her 20 year-old sister round to “ sort out all her shit.” . Little siss wasn’t so fussed on settling yet, with her nursing career in mind, but she was warned of the awesome Pluto-Sun trine of 2016 in her 4th House of  home, family, residential matters that would bring some kind of honour or success........

 A year after the enlightenment,  Facebook tells me that older siss has changed her surname. The natural WTF ?  was returned with “ I’m getting married on Saturday, you better come to the party.” Six months later she rings  me from Melbourne. Hubby’s creaming it and they’re close to a deposit on a home.

 A year later she rings again from Melbourne. Can I do a chart for her recently-arrived daughter ?

 Little siss celebrated her 25th birthday yesterday and got  a Facebook reminder:

 " Have a beauty  S…….   and  enjoy 2016’s Pluto-Sun trine "

 As per this from last November’s Annual Prophesies: “Awesome Pluto-Sun advancement for May 6,7,8 borns.”

 Six hours later she posted.

 " I couldn't have wished for a better birthday than this..HE ASKED..and I said YESS!!! We are engaged! 😍”



May 7

 Serious and successful sportspersons are usually  very fascinated by the world’s oldest science.

 It explains so many things, like sudden injuries, the bounce of the ball and referee decisions such as 2007’s most infamous forward pass. The physically and mentally fit  and widely-travelled are better equipped for mental expansion than, for example, media scumbags.

 3 female national champions in the same sport have been fully enlightened. A Polynesian veteran of 2  Rugby World Cups was getting advice on close relationship problems on Facebook from France while texting his holidaying mother in China for a time of arrival.

 The only sceptic in the original Auckland Warriors had changed his tune drastically when we reconnected on Facebook 12 years later. With " hey mate, let’s catch up for a beer, I need a reading." He’d finally been convinced by “ that prediction on Stacey Jones.” When the champion halfback missed half a season after breaking his arm.

 Back in the twilight of coach Bluey McLennan’s short-lived stint at the NZ Warriors in 2012 I decided to seek a birthtime from  Manu Vatuvei. Down to Warriors’ training  5 minutes from my home to find them in the gymnasium. I was reluctant to enter, but 2 juniors outside  assured me that it was " sweet bro’ " to go in and introduce myself to  “ The Beast.”

 Manu wasn’t very enthusiastic and our conversation was interrupted by a rare white face  with " do me, 7.29 in the morning ! " Without a television I don’t recognise the players as easily and process of elimination suggested that this palagi was James Moloney.

 Another player had once told me that J M liked a flutter, so I suggested that he was " the guy who makes lots of money betting on racehorses ? " and  considerable laughter erupted. Soon after there’s a serious-looking, portly gentleman with a shaved head standing next to me with a security guard-type presence.

 Bluey McLennan himself. My first thought was to pat his bald top with " ulu bokko " or " ulu kule ". Tongan and Samoan terms for " hairless head, " but this would have brought even more laughter. I tried explaining my mission to Bluey, unsuccessfully, apologised for the disturbance I had created, and left. Four days later Bluey himself “ resigned.”

 Manu’s shown no  subsequent interest in " the stars " so I left it there. He’s a solid South Aucklander, big on family from a very respectable Tongan culture and obviously hasn’t needed to search deeper. Some of my fine Tongan friends who’ve travelled extensively and challenged the system have been very fascinated by Astrology.

 But I do know that this is a good time for M Vatuvei to be  taking a break for “ medical reasons.”

 For, like all with a March 4 birthday, Manu’s got wet blanket Saturn severely restricting his positivity through late May and mid-June with another blast in October. 2017 has Neptune moving through Pisces and over this very same Sun position creating a lot of complacency, lethargy and directional change.

You’d have to be wondering if  Manu is going to fade into retirement, for  2017 also has Saturn anti   his Venus, severely restricting  happiness in June, July and October.



May 6

 As yet another comical  horse racing season starts petering out, consideration must go to some awards.


 A  $1.02 favourite on the tote and shortening is " Dicklicker " Dennis Ryan, editor of NZ’s weekly racing paper, THE INFORMANT and also president of the Matamata Racing Club. For his part in one of the season’s dirtiest cover ups.

 Way  back in December, details were revealed here of a vicious 3 on 1  bashing by members of the Moroney-Ormsby staff the previous August at the Matamata Racing Club’s training track. It was even indicated that junior training partner Chad Ormsby, who recently departed, definitely knew the identities of the offenders !

 We subsequently reported on the incredible Bremworth treatment the matter got, from the Matamata Racing Club, the police, NZ Racing and the Racing Integrity Unit, with Dennis Ryan heavily involved in his efforts to try and hoover it all under the carpet.

 From  the Racecafe  site   May 3, 2016 :

 Posted by  “ Integrity “ a.k.a  victim  Jonathan McRae. Cast includes  Moroney-Ormsby staffers, Chad Ormsby, Nick Fairweather and Ernie Riker.

“ Ormsby ,Fairweather and Rika came from the other end of the tie ups whereby I was grabbed by 2 as Ormsby delivered multiple punches to my face .

I was then taken face down in the gravel base whereby I received multiple kicks to the head , body and was stomped on .

Graeme Styles ( course manager ) had the previous day told the pair that they had their own stall allocations which obviously pissed them off to the point of " get even " .

Styles went back on his word the next day and swallowed the bullshit which flowed from the culprits mouths as did Ryan .”

What a white-hot story from a journalist’s  perspective ! Sadly Dicklicker Ryan ain’t a journalist’s foreskin, just a mere cocksucker protecting his Matamata heritage. As mentioned before, the victim’s partner’s cries for assistance were ignored, nobody called the police or an ambulance. The victim drove his truck home with blood gushing from head wounds ( I have seen photos ). Styles hosed all the bloody evidence away and Ryan took 4 months to reply to the victim’s complaint………

Footnote: The Moroney mentioned is senior trainer Mike Moroney, who operates from Melbourne as well. His sister Sue Moroney is a long-standing Labour MP in Hamilton. Ryan is friends on Facebook with Chad Orsmby and his partner Aliesha Moroney, daughter of Mike.

This Moroney stable’s had its share of violence and drug scandals in recent years, former employees including standover man-fraudster-P supplier Mohd Yusof and also Rose Steeman, currently in jail for P offences and the former partner of Mike’s brother Paul Moroney.


May 5

 Following the sensational fallout from  “ much loved newsreader “ Hilary Barry’s  " personal dilemmas and confusion " in last November’s Annual prophesies, I checked to see if she warranted further honour in the next edition.

 I scanned her birthday planets and noted  that Ms Barry’s Venus and Neptune planets were locked together at Scorpio 28 when she was born !

 What we call the Venus-Neptune conjunction, provider of a charismatic, talented creator, but in  grave danger of the novelty easily wearing thin with matters of close relationship. The love life is very confusing, with bi-sexuality and infidelity extremely common.

 Some other noted possessors of the Venus-Neptune conjunction:

 Prince Charles, Hinemoa Elder-Holmes,  Bill Clinton,  Wilt Chamberlain, Lisa  Cropp,  Lockwood Smith,  Brent Todd, Martin Crowe, Jay Zed !

 Lest we not forget that Barry’s in a profession full of marital failures. Think " much loved newsreaders "  like Paul Holmo, Susan Wood, Richard Long, Mike " dark secrets "  Hosking, Paul Henry etc Such undeserved " fame " creates brittle egos. There’s a camaraderie in experiencing the breaking news buzz, and a greater love develops for their newsroom colleagues than the joys of being at home with a simple family life. Just as many would rather drool over their television idols instead of enjoying their own families.

 Following from last November’s epic

Barry, Hillary:

TV face with many personal dilemmas and confusion from  Neptune whacking her Sun before 2017’s lifestyle chaos from Uranus attacking her Jupiter. ”   this Neptune-Sun dilemma cannot end before February 2017, and could stretch out to January 2018 if she were born late at night.

That 2017  “ lifestyle chaos ” shall be happening in June and  September, then March of 2018. With a difficult Venus-Jupiter progression that’s very ominous for close relationships. And two helpings of progressed Mars-Pluto destruction in the next 2-3 years. We could be talking “ breakdown ” here.

I could elaborate further with a birthtime for Barry. Let’s just settle for:  Maximum chaos for Barry with  plenty of difficult change and psychological problems !


May 4

There’s not much wrong with NZ horse racing when you’ve got an investment method that’s returned 99% interest since 2011 began.

Of course not everyone agrees with the Champion Racing System ( above ) but few would argue about the decomposing state of the once noble industry.

I’ve long tired of stressing the importance of cult figures and role models therein. No Sonny Bills, Richie McCaws or Dan Carters, or even recent headliners like Manu Vatuvei and Konrad Hurrell !

How they’ve missed the boat with jockey Trudy Thornton, who turned 53 last Sunday. A  mother of 3 who weighs 50kg and has racked up 25 wins from 467 race mounts in the 9 months of the current season.

Trudes is no angel and is known for some messy relationship break-ups. She’s served 3 terms of disqualification for off-track incidents in the vicinity of the weighing room at Te Rapa Racecourse, near Hamilton, of all places.

One for a cheating offence at weigh-in time, the others for violent activity involving a male jockey and also a female rival.

An iron lady and a brilliant cult figure, totally ignored by the cocksucking psychophants of the racing media. Trudes has no plans to retire either, being just 24 wins short of a career 1000.


One of the many weirds  from NZ Throughbred Racing is a weekly list of “ jockeys’ best selections ” for the upcoming weekend.

Some 24 of them in the last 3 weekends. And only 2 winners ! One of them being Matt Cameron’s Xtravagant  at $1.50 last Saturday.

Few would be aware that Matt Cameron may be the first and only GAY jockey in the world to win a national premiership. Occasionally it’s mentioned that Cameron’s partner Blair Alexander has a share in the well-performed galloper Hasselhoof. But not very often.

Even more notable was Cameron’s riding Willy Smith ( the racehorse ) to win the Group One Wellington Cup in January 2007. The trainer was none other than Mark Todd ( subsequently knighted ), that mysterious equestrian legend who owned the world headlines 16 years ago when he was outed by NEWS OF THE WORLD over an evening of gay sex and cocaine.

I personally don’t have anything against them, in fact pillowbiters/bum bandits/dirt track riders/fudgepackers can inspire creativity. But a pair of turd burglars combining for a Group One win must surely  be a world first…….



May 3

There is a time to invest, in Astrological terms, and a time not to.

Several of my clients have sold, on recommendation, a property that’s become very damaged by floods or earthquakes not long after settling. We’d joke about the poor bastard buying it not being into Astrology. A god freak possibly ?

Many failed business ventures, marriages and other ownerships have commenced while mortals are under a negative Pluto. A phase which weakens people and makes  them desperate and prone to impulsive decisions.

Consider Auckland’s  Leo Molloy, who was publicly warned about starting his horse training venture whilst under Pluto-Sun negativity in 2010. Also running bars in Auckland and Queenstown and a controversial racing website, and being married with 5 young kids. There were a lot of training successes, with a Molloy-trained horse finishing 2nd in Ellerslie’ $1million race in January 2014.

November 2014 brought an appearance in the Annual Prophesies

Molloy, Leo:

Horse racing's " poisoned dwarf " on a major downhill with Uranus-Mars and Pluto-Moon destruction. April, Oct, Feb 016 crucial before big wipeout 2017 when Pluto crunches his Mars.

 Within a month the dwarf had to settle a defamation case involving his website, costing him around $400k, and had 2 removal trucks at the family home to be heading in separate directions.

 Aged 60 after 3 failed marriages, the dwarf now lives alone in a Remuera  house owned by a wealthy sister, goes for long walks instead of working and awaits his children’s visiting in the weekends………

 Came the end of my own wanderings and in 1990 I finally decided to buy dirt in Otahuhu. Naturally after a thorough inspection of all the awesome Jupiter and midheaven positivity. Good omens, with a big bonus after the mortgage had gone to heaven 11 years later. 2 years after that, NZ’s largest shopping centre, Sylvia Park was invented, just 200 metres away  in seagull language and with its own railway station !

 Right amongst awesome, sharing, family-orientated Maori and Polynesians, and a “ bro culture ” often alluded to when the NZ Warriors are underperforming. Why the fuck would you want to move ?

 Many a racing tragic like Molloy has mocked the world’s oldest science. I was a “ fun chewy ” claimed one who’d rearranged the Chinese “ Feng Shui.” He was bankrupted and now serving a second jail term for fraud.

 Another dubbed me the “ prophet of doom, ” even after he’d blown all of his money on pokies and bad buys. Lucky to have a 76 year-old wife working to pay their rent.

 I once tried warning a  school acquaintance about her complicated “ Neptune in the 8th House ” that frequently brings major, post-marital  financial problems. A professional opinion, without mentioning the mummy’s boy-dickhead of a husband who talked about very little apart from cars and motor racing.

 Mummy’s boy-dickhead lived the dream of being his own boss with an automotive business, after a large borrow with his in-laws as guarantors. Soon after a nightmare, the automotive business went down the gurgler and his guarantors had to sell their North Shore mansion and become rental illness sufferers.

 I wonder about these losers and if they  could have been saved. Maybe never, for so many will never ever believe. Like the struggling horse trainer who announced to a packed bar at Ellerslie Racecourse some 17-18 years ago that “ I would never back one of your Astrology  tips, even if someone gave me the fucking money.”

 3 years later he was gone, by his own hand, a week before a daughter’s wedding after punting away all of the money saved for the reception…….


May 2

 What have Prince Charles of England, Bill Clinton and Beyonce’s husband  Jay Z  got in common ?

 And the late Paul Holmes’ first wife and negro basketball legend Wilt Chamberlain, who unashamedly admitted to bedding 20,000 women.

 To be answered in the weekly Astrological Report  on Auckland-based Indian radio station Humm fm on Thursday morning. With the most awesome  Astrological formula for infidelity  revealed.

 8.30 am,  Thursdays  106.2 fm ( NZ ) or via the website


May 1

They’re dropping like bombs in Syria, proving yet again the brilliance of Astrological prophesy. From the recent media:

One of TV3's biggest and most popular stars, newsreader Hilary Barry, has quit the network.

Her departure is the second high-profile casualty at TV3 in the past year after John Campbell left in May when his show Campbell Live was dumped.

The Weekend Herald can reveal Ms Barry, who has been with the company since 1993, resigned on Thursday. There is speculation she is headed to rival broadcaster TVNZ.

Hardly a surprise when you consider her appearance in the Annual Prophesies,  last November !

Barry, Hillary:

TV face with many personal dilemmas and confusion from  Neptune whacking her Sun before 2017’s lifestyle chaos from Uranus attacking her Jupiter.

Barry’s departure is yet another body blow for television addicts, following the predicted dumping of John Campbell last year, and the grim reaper claiming people like Sir Paul Holmo and Charlotte  Dawson in previous years !

For many depend on these role models, and can’t imagine starting a day without, for example,  a drool over Paul Henry. And others. An experience I don’t experience, not having possessed a television for 7-8 years, but some of my favourite predictions have involved the dumpings of these New World Order puppets who so despise the world’s oldest science.

Several involving Susan Wood and Sir Paul Holmo, and Paul Henry’s catastrophic attempt to crack it in Sydney.

The November 2016 Annual prophesies have spots booked already for the “ personal restructuring ” of television’s Jacqui Brown, Pippa Wetzell and Alison Mau ! And a real “ roll ” model-----sausage rolls, jam rolls, spring rolls, ham rolls, chocolate log rolls etc--- who could enlist assistance as a case history for the difficult Neptune-Sun experience from Hilaryous Barry:

Street, Toni:

 Teletubby under major personal reconstruction, courtesy of serious Neptune-Sun, Neptune-Mars and Pluto-Node complications between June 017  and Jan 019.”


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