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The latest:     MICHAEL PHELPS !

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Aug:             D Bain, H McLicker, Cop corruption, P Bennett
July:             K Foran, S Johnson,Brazil, Paedos,A McFadden, S Allardyce, G Inglis, Will and Kate, T May, F Hollande,L Messi, K Fallon, R Neal, M Turnbull
June:           B Kelleher,L Messi, L Ko, D Cameron, D Trump, A Lovelock, Key, H Clinton, P Bennett, P Dunne, M Ali, C Johnson, SBW,  K Foran
May:            M Payne, B Cosby, L Van Gaal, S Pateman,  Prince Charles, T Umaga, Underbailey, T Veitch, Crewes, M Vatuvei, D Ryan, H Barry
April:           Beyonce, G Inglis, G W Bush, T Brown, C Waller, H Clark, Otahuhu champions, P Busuttin, L Ko, L Messi, G Simon
March:         S Pateman, L O'Sullivan, P Moody, Royal love child, E Watson, Auck Blues, L Hamilton, S Johnson, A Little, M Crowe, R Murdoch, Rapists
Feb:             Gai W, Jesus, Cobalt, Black Caps, D Oliver, Teletubby T, Fatal Donald, Mirthquakes, Key's missus, The Hassler, K Williamson, M Clarke
Jan:             M Pearce,  S Watson, Prince Harry, R Nadal, Methametha, J Parker, R Murdoch, D Bowie, P Bennett ,Obama,  Clinton, A McCoy, Cosby
Dec:             M Schumacher, B McLaren, Man United, S Blatter, B McCullum, Lomu-Putin-Obama, D Trump, Methametha, Kardashians, Losers, T Veitch
Nov:             B McCullum, C Sheen, Hinch mysteries, J Lomu, Isis Nice, Cancer, F Hollande, J Key, Melbourne Cup, Quake making, Sonny Bill, R McCaw
Oct:              Paedo files, R McCaw, W Bennett, C Cairns, G Waterhouse, O'Bomber, K Kardashian, The test, S Williams, A Johns, England, Jews, S Blatter
Sept:            C Brown, McDonalds, T Woods, D Trump, P Moody, M Turnbull, S Pancholi, T Abbott, L Ko, B Marshall, G Brazier, M Purdon, JB Cummings
August:         Cancer, China, S Kavanagh, M Holmes, P Rudd, Underworld, Aussie cricket,S Johnson, J Harvey, P Nand, Fukushima,J Parker, M Clarke
July:             Witchdoctors, T Woods, S Kenny-Dowall, B Bishop, N Tinkler, S Kenny-Dowall,J Cassidy, Australia, P Moody, J O'Connor,  L O'Sullivan
June:            T Umaga, M Ellis, L O'Sullivan, C Craig, S Tomkins, B McCullum, Slater, Indian cricket, Te Akau, S Blatter, K Bax

May:           S Blatter, R Jones, J Depp, J Campbell, J Banks, S Johnson, mushrooms, Prince Harry, T Woods, Te Akau, M Sabin, Royal baby

April:           P Gallen, Cancer, A Cruden, H Clinton, M Hosking, J Campbell, S Johnson, M Muliaina, Methametha, M Clarke, M Sabin

March:        Black Caps, Lufthansa, Ugleo, Dunny, Warriors' coach, Mike King, Chris Waller, Kirwanker, John Key, Teina Pora, Team NZ

Feb:             Susan Wood, J Kirwan, Manly, David Ellis, Shahrukh Khan, America's Cup,  Prince Harry, McCullum and Abbott,Tiger Woods,Bute
Jan:             Russell Norman, David Bain, Quade Cooper, Peter Moody,  Cobalters, Prince Andrew
2014 notables: Dec: M Phelps,M Jagger, Shaun Johnson, Molloy, M Clarke Nov:  2015 predictions, Bill Cosby, M Vatuvei,  Atacama, Tim Vince Oct:  Melbourne Cup,  B Affleck Sept: A Cruden, M Crowe,  M Clarke Aug: L Innes, Christianity, Broome, Robin Williams, M S Dhoni, Tiger Woods,  Mike King July : Orgasms,  Graham Thorne, Rolf Harris, Luke Braid, Brazil,  Black Caps, Rolf Harris June: Suarez, Media turncoat, Sepp Blatter, Autism, Sam Tomkins, Breast cancer May: Leith Innes,  Lou Vincent, Beyonce,  Rob Ford April: G Clooney,  Benji Marshall, Stacey Jones, The debut March:Crusher Collins, Hillary Clinton Feb: Michael Clarke, Charlotte Dawson,  Sir Patrick Hogan,  Sir John Kirwan Jan: Mark Chittick, Black Caps,  Beyonce,  Russell Packer
2013 notables:Dec: Michael  Schumacher,  Susan Boyle, Nigella Lawson, Rob Ford, Susan Wood, Tony Blair Nov: 2014 Prophesies, Judith Collins,  Jim Cassidy,  Sarah MoodyOct: John Banks, Australia, Len Brown, Scott Dixon,  Sachin Tendulkar, Team NZ.Sept: America's Cup,  USA,  Australian election
A selection of the most popular from
013 Aug:  Catherine Zeta-Jones, Ewen McKenzie, NZ Warriors, Michael Clarke July:  Official cash rate, Nigella Lawson, Owen Glenn June: Silvio Berlusconi, Rupert Murdoch marriage May: William Roache April: Crusher Collins Jan: Ruben Wiki or Holmo ?  N Sarkozy
012 Dec: The comicals Nov:  Holmo bashing, Paul Henry, Queen Elizabeth/Damien Oliver Oct: Matthew Elliott Sept: Jay Jay Feeney and barren mares Aug: The immaculate conception July:  Scott Guy murder, long-range Melbourne Cup day June: Andy Haden and Murray Deaker  April:  Aries Dragons Jan:  Kim Dotcom
011 Dec: Amazing psychic Nov: Sonny Bill and Kim Kardashian ? Oct: Dan Carter Sept: Zara Phillips July: Rupert Murdoch marriage
2010 Dec: John Wright Nov: Aung San Suu Kyi
2009 Dec:  NZ Warriors Mar:  Bain murders

2008 Sept:  Psychic Sister Rose, A R A Fieldes Jan: Pluto revolution

 2007 Oct:   All Blacks May:  Springboks



July 31

The once noble and trustworthy NZ Herald loves stories about death, murder and anything miserable.

Merely part of the New World Order’s game plan to keep the many-headed monster of the pit living in fear.

Like this crap today:

Troubled former Parramatta and Manly star Kieran Foran has admitted he tried to take his own life as personal issues involving his ex-partner got the better of him.

The Kiwi international was granted a release from the beleaguered Eels last week, less than a year after joining the club from Manly on a five-year deal worth $5 million.

In a candid interview with News Corp Australia, Foran revealed that he has walked away from the NRL to focus on getting his life back on track.

He told Eels coach Brad Arthur in December that he was struggling to cope before his life spiralled out of control in April.

A  time that was identified just over a year ago as I prepared his prophesy for the November 2015 Annuals on

Foran, Kieran:

League star in for major off-year, courtesy of difficult solar progressions, and Uranus anti the Sun and Jupiter. April, Oct especially chaotic. ”

There was quite a fascination for Astrology amongst members of the original Auckland Warriors rugby league team in 1995, especially after utility back Phil Blake was tipped a $19 winner of Ellerslie’s main race on the day after their very first match against the Broncos.

Several female associates of the team requested enlightments, while there was one male who wouldn’t have a bar of it. “ A load of bullshit ” he reckoned, but extensive travel and life experience had changed him when we met on social media some 13-14 years later, with “ hey mate, lets catch up for beer. I need a reading.”

WTF ? But he admitted that an amazing prediction ( or one of them ) on Warriors’ legend Stacey Jones had changed his stance on the world’s oldest science. No beers, just Ethiopian coffee when he came round for 2 hours of enlightenment.

Varied life experience and living abroad creates the deeper thinkers. Media arseholes seldom do either.

There’s probably no point in mentioning that destructive Pluto’s going to be dealing to Foran’s Sun and Jupiter through 2018 and 2019.

Whereas he’ll be benefitting from the awesomeness of  Neptune trining them both in 2021 !



July 30

There shouldn’t be, but there is.

As I am reminded by every newcomer who’s been enlightened by the Astrological experience.

When my 28 year-old Russian mate sends her pals around for some understanding. When a lawyer in Ireland shouts an enlightenment for a Lebanese business associate or passes the recommendation on to lady friends from Bosnia, Spain, Hungary or the USA. Along with countless Indian clients in Auckland. Etc etc

Last week NZ Herald reported on 17-year-old  Kaitaia College student  Nina Griffiths  who’d lost two friends to suspected suicide and decided  she had to organise a community korero to do something. I wondered instantly if the wannabe King of the Topper Stoppers knew about it.

You can’t have a suicide convention without Mike King. But he was there, seizing another photo opportunity.

The same medication junkie who got viciously upset a few years back at the mention of Astrological assistance with his well-known “ depression ” issues. While in the interim there were 569 suicides in NZ in the 12 months from  June 014 till  May 015 !

Plus incredible results already from the Annual Prophesies, on November 26 2015 ! Go up to “ predictions ” and note, from the 100,  pearls involving, starting from ARIES, P Bennett, Cooper, Crowe, Pateman, Pearce, Ko, Shorten, Murray, Jolie, Nadal, Shastri, S Smith, C Williams, Cosby, Foran, Messi, Oliver, Bosson, N Brown, Hollande, Key,  Morgan, Van Gaal, S Johnson, O’Sullivan, Waterhouse,  D Cameron, McCullum, S Williams, Hesson, Slater, Barry, Moody, Pitt,  J Button, Hamilton, Inglis, McFadden, T Woods, Kenny-Dowall, McCully, J Taylor, Blatter, B Marshall, Murdoch…..

Wrongs:  C Bellamy, J Parker.

Morons like medication minnow Mikey and his media mates, as slaves to the New World Order with very fragile egos, hate it. But Astrology works.

Use it, or lose it. 



July 29

 Approximately one in every 12 humans have Pluto in the First House but most have no idea.

 Pluto’s the governor of revolution and drastic change. The First House in an Astrological chart defines the personality and character.

 Here was myself, just over 39 years ago, planning to spend the rest of my working life as a racing journalist at the NZ Herald. An awesome existence at the time, writing a few stories and going to racemeetings twice a week, plenty of betting and drinking and being a big noter because you got your byline in the country’s biggest newspaper most days.

 NZ Herald management had other ideas. 4 years following my dismissal I was in London and  soon after learning about Pluto in the First during my introduction to real Astrology.

 Pluto in the First possessors have to travel and explore, go to the bottom frequently and take up fresh personal challenges. Like 24 year-old Waikato-born  champion jockey James McDonald, who settled in Sydney a couple of years back and spends most southern winters riding in Britain.

 So how about 25 year-old Shaun Johnson, the occasional NZ Warriors wonderboy who reckons he’s gonna spend the rest of his  playing days here in Auckland ?

 Not possible, as I explained on Auckland-based Indian radio station Humm Fm yesterday. Like James Mac, Johnson’s also a Pluto in the First possessor, with an even more notable Oriental Astrological description as a  " Horse born in the Hours of the Dragon ! "

 As per the Horse Year, 1990 and the Dragon Hours of 7 to 9 am. Described in Oriental manuals as “ a racehorse who can’t stop running or winning. Too powerful for inexperienced hands to control.

 Case histories here include the ultimate in white trash, the late Charlotte Dawson, who was penniless when she committed suicide in Sydney in 2014. Also widely-travelled and  flat broke ex-jockey Shane Dye, whose inability to " stop running " had him returning to mum’s house in Matamata at age 46 to make a short-lived comeback to jockeying. Also Sinead O’Connor.

Courtesy of his appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies, Johnson is hardly firing at present:

Johnson, Shaun:

Major off-year for the rugby league champ with Uranus and Saturn complications. Feb, April, May, Sept, Oct, Nov have downers  before a significant  upheaval around Feb 017.

Next February’s upheaval won’t include his departure from Auckland. It will more likely come from the incredible Neptune attacks on his Sun and Mercury positions in 2018, when he’s gonna  become totally confused, frustrated and definitely in need of a new life.

You’ve only got to consider Neptune victims of 2016 like Hilary Barry, Lionel Messi, Louis Van Gaal, Bill Cosby and Byron Kelleher etc  to understand Shaun Johnson’s 2018……..



July 28

 Like humans and any other creation, countries have birth charts as well.

 Following the disastrous Christchurch earthquake in February 2011, I examined the registration date of the troubled city and was stunned at the amazing transits, progressions and solar arc directions it were suffering.

 Numerous countries and case histories were subsequently examined, resulting in the complication of an RFP list----Really Fucked Places--  for  the near future. Which included formidable prophesies on  financially troubled Greece and Spain, and Japan during the Fukushima disaster.

 Add Brazil, August 2016. Plenty of bans and boycotts around the upcoming Olympic Games, and so importantly a registration time of 3.49 pm on October 5, 1988 for modern Brazil’s constitution. An exact arrival  time allows for the fine calculation of the Ascendant and Midheaven points, the two most important in a birth chart.

 Soon after Britain’s recent and dramatic  Brexit from the European Union I noted that 2016 had the old country’s Mercury position getting seriously restructured by Pluto. It made perfect sense, with  communicator Mercury placed in the 10th House of career and status and therefore relevance to trade and business.

 By amazing coincidence, Brazil’s Mercury is getting attacked  this year, too, by crazy Uranus, so far on June 29 and  upcoming on August 30. With Brazil’s Mercury being in House 8, that has much relevance to death, you have to wonder about some terrorism happening.......

 Even more notable is  Neptune’s attack on Brazil’s Midheaven point to peak on September 4. Total confusion and chaos comes from Neptune attacking a Midheaven point. With serious, gloomy Saturn, after squashing that point on July 12, does so again on September 14.

 The Brazil Olympics run  from August 5 to 21, with another Saturn bad, to the Ascendant, right in the middle.

 Definitely a country for the RFP list and not the safest place to be next month.


July 27

 Going into overdraft by $100 can be an horrific experience.

 As the Champion Racing System ( above ) discovered in our over 2015-16  season.

 We’ve got records of every selection since Astrological gaming consultancy commenced in December 1985, with a healthy return of $1.27 for every $1 invested since 2000 began.( Most tipping systems are too embarrassed to publish all their results.)

 A hypothetical bank was invented, with $200 the initial deposit and a mythical $100 placed on every selection to win, following the departure of the weekly 0900 service in 2009. The subsequent investment method’s been blitzing them, with that initial $200 deposit becoming $4090 in the 2011-12 season.

 Thereafter the seasonal bank balances have ended with $350, $2370, $590 and……$100 for the 2015-16 season ! When, courtesy of complications in my own Astrological chart, we only had 7 investments in the 12 months for a winner that paid $6.

 Only our 4th deficit season since 2000 began and a far cry from a busier 2002-03 when 70 starters produced 30 winners  and an average win dividend of  $3.40 on a 42% winning strike rate with an investment return of $1.46 for every $1 invested.

Whereas, under the new regime, we’ve had just  94  investments for  24 wins since 2011 began, with an  average win div of $7.63  on a 25% winning strike rate and  an investment  return  for every $1 of $1.94  !

These days I can’t be bothered with even-money favourites using the system that concentrates on unexpected surprises for the selected trainers. Which, in the years 2011 to 2013 included  longshots like Civics Rock $28.50, Zumba $12.10, Varnish $10.00, Sahara Sunset $13.90, Whoshe $10.00, and  Gabana $21.00.

Horror seasons that cost you $100  inspire  hard work and serious study of the system that plunders the industry where it costs $100 a day to keep a horse in training !

There’s a special offer for newcomers who wish to join up. $50 that’s fully refundable ! Email for details or phone 09 276 1578.



July 26

If you think the NZ Police have always been squeaky clean, go read former detective Tom Lewis’  brilliant  COVER UPS AND COP OUTS.

All about the cover ups and cronyism in the Dunedin police, where he spent nearly 20 years. As Lewis stressed so often, there are so many frustrating decisions made by the seniors that must really piss the serious cops off. Like when Lewis had the main persons in Dunedin’s 1985 paedophile ring on a platter, which got chucked into the dishwasher and disappeared.

As per MPs, judges, lawyers, business heads etc going to a private show where a scantily clad 14 year-old girl  tows a naked man with a dog collar, then whips him. Then has sex with him, with audience members allowed to follow suit for extra wages. A great read, in the Auckland library system.

From England:

 A former colleague has claimed that murdered television presenter Jill Dando tried to alert her bosses to a paedophile ring at the BBC that involved “big name” stars.

Dando who was 37 was shot dead on April 26, 1999 on the doorstep of her West London home in a crime that still remains unsolved.

It is said that Miss Dando  passed a file to senior management in the mid-1990s, but they never carried out an investigation.”

A major, unrelated file containing thousands of sworn statements alleging high-profile paedophilia in Britain has mysteriously disappeared.

From Auckland.

“ Go down Hugo Johnston Drive on a Sunday afternoon and note all the flash cars ! ” I was told.

Hugo Johnston Drive is near Mt Smart Domain, home ground of the NZ Warriors. On one side, offices and small factories, the other nothing but mangroves on the edge of the Manukau Harbour.

All offices and factories closed on Sunday. So why all the empty, parked Beamers, Audis and Mercs at intervals. And a people mover ?

The people mover belonged to a Samoan church, which received money for providing young black boys for the rich Auckland paedos to play with. Rich paedos which included broadcasting executives, judges, a judge’s husband and interior designer David McNee who got murdered by one of the maori rent boys he picked up in Karangahape Rd. Also real estate Michael and his boyfriend broadcaster Michael, about whom I invented a joke.

“ Why does real estate Michael want to go into broadcasting ?  Because he loves getting behind a mike !

The two Michaels were actually sprung with a 14 year-old Samoan they’d hired from a church. Great evidence has identified paedophile rings in Auckland, Wellington, Hastings and Christchurch as well, with mentally-ill blogger Cameron Slater once claiming that 5 sitting MPs in New Zealand had name suppression for paedophile matters !

The average, brainwashed K.I.W.I--- Keen Interest Without Intelligence---is totally gobsmacked at tales of their deviate heroes, especially the ones about the late Sir Paul Holmes, initially sourced from teens who’d been very closely involved with certain members of his family.

One in particular was frequently requesting Astrological updates on her own personal dilemmas. There was a fee for my professional services, I explained, in her case “ another Holmo story ” so she and boyfriend would scan their memory banks for pearls like “ when  X ( aged 11 then ) shit on the shagpile carpet ( during a bucket bong session at the Holmes mansion ) ” or “ when Paul wanted to have a threesome with your mother ! ”

( Holmo’s connections with under-age girls came separately, from a private detective. )

Another  witness, aged 13 at the time, would later claim 11 year-old X laid his cable in the kitchen, although senior NZ Herald reporter David Fisher reckoned he’d heard it involved the shagpile in the lounge. There was also the brilliant story of Holmo having a temporary husband  named David after the dramatic departure of his first wife. By wonderful coincidence this David worked for real estate Michael ( above ). Real estate Michael actually knew his birth time and arrived under the paedophile classic of Mars subject to Uranus and Pluto complications with the  “ dark secrets ” designator of Saturn in House 12, just like the wife of the “ bearded Aucklander ” involved in one of the great news sensations.

One of  2 informants who provided details of the “ Hugo Johnston Drive group ” had good international connections and the saga of the “ bearded Aucklander ” getting busted in San Francisco Airport for indecently propositioning a CIA undercover posing as a pretty Mexican youth.

A saga that the mainstream media of Auckland tried desperately to break. Two days after the saga appeared on a member of the San Francisco gay community emailed a  “ thank you ” for “ filling in the jigsaw puzzle .We knew something had happened to him .”

A former cop involved in high level security in Auckland told me how he’d received a text from “ our agent in China ” about the bearded Aucklander’s San Francisco misadventures, also confirmed by a mate of the pilot who brought him back from Hawaii in an NZRAF Orion.

The world would explode if the identity of  the bearded Aucklander’s “ wife ” was revealed………….


Paedos have a definite place in the New World Order. When in positions of power, like politics and broadcasting, they can be controlled and blackmailed into taking orders……..


July 25

Losing 3 of your last 4 games  in golden point time would naturally be stressful for any coach. As per an appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies.

McFadden, Andrew:

Massive off-year for  NZ Warriors’ coach with Pluto-Midheaven attrocities until Nov. April and July particularly stressful.

He’s not alone, though:

Morgan, Justin:

Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus complications from May to Aug severely challenge the NZ Warriors assistant coach.


Johnson, Shaun:

Major off-year for the rugby league champ with Uranus and Saturn complications. Feb, April, May, Sept, Oct, Nov have downers  before a significant  upheaval around Feb 017.

Johnson’s actually the topic in the weekly Astrology Report on the Auckland-based Indian radio station Humm Fm on Thursday morning. He’s indicated that he wants to spend the rest of his playing life with the Warriors but it ain’t gonna  happen, courtesy simply of “ Pluto in the First House.”

When Shaun Johnson departs Thursday morning, 8.30, 106.2 fm or via the website


July 24

How funny is this extract from yesterday’s media ?

Sam Allardyce pledged to make England proud of its perennially-underperforming national team after being hired as its manager today, following an embarrassing European Championship showing under Roy Hodgson.

In a break from previous lengthy deals for managers, the English Football Association only handed Allardyce an initial two-year contract through the 2018 World Cup after securing his release from Premier League club Sunderland.”

Real funny when, 12.76 seconds after getting his birthdate from Wiki, you note that Sam Allardyce shall have chaotic Uranus attacking his Sun, Mars and Jupiter spots through 2017 and 2018 !

A fellow who can expect many reversals in the next 2-3  years. If he  needs any character references about Uranus-Sun chaos, old Sam can just ask Australian rugby league players Kieran Foran, Mitchell Pearce and Greg Inglis about their predicted turmoils in 2016. Also entertainer Bill Cosby.

As for Uranus-Jupiter complications, ask mentally-ill blogger Cameron Slater from the story below about the year he was forced to put his family home up for a mortgagee sale !


July 23

There’s always plenty to laugh about in the miseryguts media, especially this in the NZ Herald recently from the CEO of the ANZ Bank, a David Hisco:

Auckland house prices and the New Zealand dollar are over-cooked.

Having been in banking since 1980 I have seen this movie before. The ending is pretty much the same - sometimes a little plot twist, but usually messy.

This one has some different characters involved. Record low interest rates in New Zealand, 40 houses being built a day in Auckland yet the city needing 60, deflation in some of our trading partners, political turmoil in Britain, Australia and the US, some banks in Europe in trouble; the list goes on.

In the quick snack media world we live, sadly many are making decisions based on the last headline or quote rather than research and facts. Here is a fact: property markets can and do go backwards.

What an onto it dude !Quick snack media ” is a gem, considering the sickos of today’s journalism, along with his reference to “ research and facts.”

As per the world’s oldest science, from Emperor Augustus accurately forecasting his death and the iconic Roman soothsayer doing same for Julius Caesar ? Without forgetting the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates who claimed that a physician without Astrology is a fool not a physician. All power to Hippocrates, who wasn’t getting incentives and kickbacks from prozac and chemotherapy companies.

Having interpreted  thousands of birth charts in the last 30 years, I’ve encountered plenty of financial catastrophes and mortgagee sales in the past-life analyses. Just yesterday a northern hemisphere-born lass was warned about starting a business, getting married or expecting fame and fortune in the next 2 years, courtesy of  some Plutonian horrifics.

I used a case history of a chap who was asked about a similar disastrous phase in his past; he’d been made redundant from a good job and invested his severance in a coffee bar. Then an affair with an employee which broke up his marriage, the coffee bar went under and he was suddenly $250k lighter.

All which may have been avoidable. While yesterday’s lass was asked about an awesome Pluto trine to her Venus in adventurous Aries that indicated a new and exciting life change when she was 10 years old ?

“ That’s when we moved to New Zealand ! ”

Few can match mentally ill, Auckland blogger Cameron “ Whaleoil ” Slater for negativity. As per a media acquaintance raving about him back in November 2009. I would only be interested in Slater’s birthdate, for purposes of character analysis and future prophesy, so his number was dialled and the phone handed to me.

Slater provided November 2 1968, and, courtesy of an ephemeris check, 20 seconds later I was describing a certain, horrific year when Pluto had been catastrophically affecting his Jupiter and Mars positions, causing major career reversals and general downers.

“ No, no, nothing happened in those years ” but I knew the prick was lying, then kindly gave him some advice, and instructions to find out from ma what time he arrived. For the next 12 months would have him suffering the chaotic Uranus-Jupiter attack, that changes the lifestyle dramatically and major losses can be incurred !

No further dialogue with Slater. Research discovered that his catastrophic Pluto years included massive losses in a business partnership, and forced sale of a rental property, along with a serious spell in the black dog’s kennel.( Always important to Astro-analyse prospective partners beforehand.)

Six months after our last conversation it was “ try time ! ” for the Astrological and “ die time ” for the family home. As NZ Herald gleefully reported, Slater had breached his mental illness conditions and an insurance company stopped its regular payments. A mortgagee sale of the family home and Slater acquired rental illness as well as the other !

A couple of years later Slater was appointed editor of the doomed weekly rag TRUTH, but was given a maximum of 2 years there, courtesy of destructive Astrological progressions. Following 8 months of Slater’s leadership, TRUTH was finally sent to the abattoir…….

With his appearance in the November 2016 Annuals on already set:

Slater, Cameron:

Uranus-Mercury mental chaos for the mentally-ill blogger in Jan before serious Saturn blocks Feb, March, April, June, Nov. Neptune-Venus love life confusion May, July, March 018  before the Pluto-Mercury mental catastrophes between March 018 and Jan 019.

You can lead a horse to water…….


July 21

 One of the now’s great funnies is watching the once noble, matronly Granny Herald degenerating into a dirty old crackwhore.

 Especially to those with  NZ Herald employment experience in the 1970s. When it was serious, strict and factual and you hardly saw a christian name in NZ’s premier newspaper !

 When the ultimate staff member would strive to last 40 years and be rewarded with a gold watch and a “ my column. ” Various old fuckers wrote LIFE AND FAITH ( about religion ) and the CELLAR BOOK ( about wine ) and there was even a weekly column dedicated to the game of  bridge !

 Some bylines included christian names i.e racing editor Allan Brown was christened Allan and known as Allan so he was “ By Allan Brown.” Not so the legend of the nation’s rugby writers, Terry McLean. The author of countless books on rugby tours, he had been christened Terrence but known as Terry so in the NZ Herald he was “ By T P McLean.” Don Murray was christened Donald Colin so he became “ By D C Murray ” when he was judged to be mature enough to earn the coveted byline.

 Same with our stories. Anything about the incredible 5 Skelton brothers with jockey licences didn’t include “ Bob, Bill, Frank, Max and Errol, ” but “ the Skelton brothers, R.J, W.D, F.H, M.J and E.B…

 Meaning that today’s major newsmakers would be known as “ Ms T Swift, Ms K Kardashian, Ms M Cyrus, Mr K West ” etc.

Stories like this July 20, 2016 sensation didn’t exist in the mid-1970s:

“  Always dreamed of having McDonald's delivered to your door? Now you can. The fast food giant is trialling its McDelivery service at its New Lynn and Glenfield restaurants in Auckland.

From today customers in New Lynn will be able to get Macca's delivered straight to their door. Next week McDonald's Glenfield will also join the McDelivery trial, giving even more Aucklanders a chance to try the new service.

Us cadets were reared with the tale of extreme discipline handed to a sloppy young reporter who left early one late night and missed the final round of calls to the major police stations. Meaning that NZ Herald sadly missed the big scoop of a train crashing into a river with 151 lives lost !  Missing a major like that was the cardinal sin and punishable by instant dismissal !

 In my era, a member of the printing department got keelhauled and came close to walking the plank after a very embarrassing missprint, in which I was slightly involved. My very enjoyable job as a cadet racing reporter involved meeting many great characters in what was then a very popular NZ pastime. Characters like Cambridge jockey Ron Taylor, a Melbourne Cup winner at age 23 in 1964 and a bit of a larrikin at times.

 Like the Sunday at an illegal, out-of-hours session at a local pub when R W Taylor was taken home to his rural Cambridge property and had his car keys confiscated. An hour later, drinkers were aroused by a noisy rumbling outside. Ronnie had driven back to the pub on his farm tractor !

 A good tipster, too, was R W Taylor and I had no hesitation in granting his request for a small piece in the Herald racing section one day about a new dieting regime that had lowered his weight. “ If you put something in about me then owners and trainers will know I can ride below 8 stone. ”

 Done. Racing journos always look after their mates and it would help him get more rides, with a quote about a doctor putting  R W Taylor on a diet of  “ vegetables and lo-cal beer.

 Back at the office I produced 4-5 paragraphs on papers half the size of foolscap and handed the product to the sub-editor who would consult the layout for tomorrow’s racing pages. After checking the grammaticals and creating a headline, sub-editor made the creation cylindrical and it was sent down a vacuum tube to the printer man with instructions.

 Printer man gave it to a linotype operator, who transformed my story into metal and made a copy of his effort that was sent to the proofreading room with my effort. A proofreader would read my copy aloud and the copyholder would ensure they matched and it would be sent back to a linotype operator to correct any errors.

 Old Granny Herald took a long time to get dressed in those days, with ultimately all the metals getting assembled in the page layout and then off to the printing presses.

 Disaster, with “ every bastard’s laughing at me ! ” from Ron Taylor. The hyphen had been omitted in the published article, so apparently Cambridge’s most famous tractor driver had lost weight because of  “ vegetables and local beer.

 The Herald’s editorial manager conducted a Royal Commission of inquiry into the glaring error, ultimately deciding that a smart-arse linotype operator had decided to make a joke of it, with the proofreaders being none the wiser.

 You could imagine the  editorial  concern when a classified advertisement for board and lodgings on another occasion included “ cut lunches ” with a linotype operator adding an extra “ n ”…..



July 20

 Anything the filthy New World Order can’t control is awesome.

 Like Astrology. And last Friday’s race meeting at Avondale, when form students  got severely sodomised, with 6 of the 8 winners paying more than $8.

Including a quartet whose win dividends were  $71, $48.60,  $27.30, and $48.70.

 Only the impeccable Astrological system can regularly select the outsiders, with nothing last Friday in a petering out racing season that might be our slowest in 7 years.

 Yep, only a  $6 winner from just 7 investments since the season began last August. Two possibilities for Wednesday July 27, otherwise 85 cents shall be our investment return for the $1. Technically a profit, considering that mr average’s betting dollar automatically becomes 83 cents, courtesy of taxes and commissions to keep the waning industry in funds.

 Last Friday’s Avondale results made me green with envy and it was time to delve deeper and further study the method renowned for long prices, remembering the “ Martin Crowe formula.” As per possibly the greatest prophesy known to mankind, in TRUTH, April 29, 1994, in predicting a return to form for controversial cricketer Martin Crowe:

 " In fact if Crowe were a jockey I'd be backing his mounts on Tuesday, February 14,1995.

That's the sort of day that the administration jokers should mark down for a one-day international against the Aussies."

A quick scan of Crowe’s natal chart had selected that impeccable February 14 when he’d be getting all the breaks. With Venus-Neptune, Mars-Mercury, Saturn-Venus, Uranus-Sun and Jupiter-Mars positives. The kind of combination I locate for horse trainers who may not have too many starters on those impeccable days.

On February 14, 1995, Crowe played in a Shell Trophy match for Wellington and made 193 not out.

While the Champion Racing System has produced 6 double figure dividends in it’s 24 winners from the last 94 investments, since 2011 began. Meaning an average win dividend of   $7.63  on a 25% winning strike rate  and an investment return of $1.94  for every $1 invested in the last 5.5 years. Like your own, personal bank that Mr Rothschild can’t fuck with.

 Could have been higher, with a 3rd placegetter that was paying $16 to win last April, which could have been our first double-figure win dividend since Civics Rock at $28.50 on Boxing Day 2013.

 You need your arse kicked every so often with a shocker, while sparing a thought for the poor bastards who own racehorses in NZ and on average can expect a paltry 10 cents back for every $1 spent on training fees. Part-owning a racehorse is on my bucket list----way down on the same line as " smoking P " and  “ having a threesome with Judith Collins and Paula Bennett.”

 I just gotta remember that every " Martin Crowe  date " located could produce  another Dixieland Jazz, a $100 winner for us in Australia in 1988 or Cropley Road, a Bart Cummings-trained winner on Melbourne Cup day 1986 at $55. Or Cool Ice that paid $57 in NZ back in July 2001.

 Of course it’s great fun plundering an industry so riddled with corruption, cover ups and cronyism. Anyone’s welcome to join us. You just gotta be able to read and write……


July 19

' " Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully has been accused of misleading Cabinet over the Saudi Arabia sheep deal.

The Nation has obtained Cabinet papers from 2013 showing Mr McCully claimed the Government faced a $20-30-million lawsuit if it didn't resume livestock exports.

Prime Minister John Key has told The Nation: "The cabinet paper that I saw indicated that there was a risk, and so that’s what the cabinet paper said, and that’s the advice that we take."

Also in 2015, Mr McCully told Parliament: "Al Khalaf group had taken legal advice and could mount a legal claim estimated to be up to $30 million dollars."

However, Mr Al-Khalaf's business partner George Assaf has told The Nation they had no intention of suing the New Zealand Government.

"We have never taken any action or thought about this. We may get a legal opinion but we had no appetite, no ambition to take any Govt to court let alone NZ," he said.

"How can one man have an influence like this? It's impossible."

While Mr McCully stands by his claim there was a legal risk, there are calls for him to prove this - or leave.

"It's impossible for John Key to continue to have confidence in Murry McCully. McCully appears to have misled Cabinet, Parliament and the public, in which case he should no longer be a Minister," says Green Party Co-leader James Shaw.

"The public has never seen any proof of this so-called legal action against the Government. Unless Murray McCully can produce the evidence now, he needs to go as Minister." '

Consider an appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies:

McCully, Murray:

Major and difficult routine change with Pluto anti Venus until November. Great mental stress from Saturn-Mercury issues in Jan, June, Oct.



July 17

There are times when nothing goes right, courtesy of unfavourable Astrological aspects. Many mortals take recommended “ gap years.”

Consider some recent media:

Greg Inglis will miss three NRL games after pleading guilty to a shoulder charge that left NSW centre Josh Dugan with a broken jaw.

The South Sydney Rabbitohs captain was slapped with the charge for the hit, which flattened Dugan in Queensland's State of Origin loss at ANZ Stadium.”

The Rabbitohs are currently 13th of 16  in the competition. G Inglis has won 2  grand finals, a Clive Churchill Medal and the Golden Boot Award, as well as making a sensational debut in the Annual Prophesies, last November !

Inglis, Greg:

Rugby league star on major  slowdown with Uranus-Sun and Pluto-Node attacks. July, Aug, Oct crucial.


July 16

 It’s never advisable to have a leader under treacherous Pluto-Moon destructiveness.

 Few better examples than identical  hampering All Blacks coach Graham Henry in late 2007, in spite of my warning to the nation as far back as November 2003 with Murray Deaker ONZM on Newstalk ZB.

 Any under negative Pluto are prone to making bad decisions and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We’ve seen the recent, predicted Pluto supervision of British prime minister David Cameron’s dramatic departure, so how about this joker’s appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies in the Leo section ?

 Hollande, Francois:

Two unbelievably difficult  years. Uranian chaos in Feb then Pluto-Moon devastation in April through to late 017 and Pluto-Jupiter attacks until late 017 as well.

Hollande’s unbelievable unpopularity as French prime minister was noted here on July 12. Just a few days before the terrorist attack in Nice that’s brought 84 deadeds and another 50 something critical.

It is fact that all victims were in the wrong place at the wrong time and devoid of psychic sensitivity that would have alerted them. And obviously subject to Astrological factors and a departure formula which I have yet to discover.

Always stupid to have leaders under Pluto-Moon negativity, recalling the absolute misery in NZ when the usually almighty All Blacks got wasted by France in that 2007 Rugby World Cup quarter-final. With advance warning about yet another NZ leader, directly below Hollande’s appearance in last November’s Annuals !

Key, John:

Prime Minister subject to major residential amendments with Uranus attacking his Moon in April, Nov, and Feb 2017. Massive changes in energy distribution thereafter until  Feb 018  indicative of job change,  with the emotionally destructive Pluto-Moon  attack  of  2018  supervising one of his most difficult years.”

With his 018 and also 019 identical to Hollande’s 016 and 017 ! Whether the average New Zealander understands this is another matter altogether….




July 15

 Back in August 1991 the now defunct horse racing weekly FRIDAY FLASH included a headline in the IT'S IN THE STARS column that had no relevance to the racing industry:


 It were very simply deemed that the highly controversial marriage would end during Pluto’s  revolutionary transit of the Sun in Charles’ 4th House, the domain of residential and family matters, through 1992 until November.

 Further confirmation a few months later, with deceptive Neptune attacking Chas’ own Venus planet in 1992 supervising major relationship confusion, and the prediction that he would be “ spinning out over another chick.”

 Official confirmation in October 1992 when Bucket Bong  Palace finally announced that the once fairytale marriage was over. With Charlie’s old flame Camilla, ultimately his 2nd wife, the “ chick he was spinning out over.” ( It later emerged that Chas had given  her a " Donald "  the night before his wedding to Diana in July 1981 and never really broke the habit.)

 By amazing coincidence I checked out the hot Royal couple of the moment and felt like a sledgehammer had descended. With revolutionary Pluto also  programmed to be transiting the Capricorn Sun in Kate’s 4th House between April 017 and November 018 !

 With Pluto attacking her Cancerian Moon between April 018 and November 019 !  By another amazing coincidence, Pluto began its  year-long attack on Lady Diana’s Moon just 2 months after she officially separated from Charles !

 While Uranus chaoticizes Prince Willie’s point of midheaven between June 018 and  April 2019 !

 Uranus anti the midheaven point supervises massive and difficult life changes, as I recently suggested to a Chinese client of a certain year. Lots of big changes, eh ?

 " Actually, yes. That year I broke my leg and when I got back to work I decided to chuck it in and go travelling. "

 Watch this space !



July 14

A microscopic number of  clients  aren’t totally satisfied with their introduction to Astrological enlightenment.

There’s the occasional Indian female unhappy at the prospect of a husband/boyfriend not returning to them. Of course the “ one dog-one bone ” cultures are totally shot to pieces by the awesome Astrological that promotes individualism.

Once a troubled investor needed to find some $200k within 2 months and seemed disappointed that an Astrological magic wand could not be waved. While admitting that he wished he’d heard about “ this ” a few years earlier….

But breakfast radio host Jayjay Harvey was the classic, when, as Jayjay Feeney, she came for the enlightenment some 11 years ago. She totally agreed with her character analysis, including her depressions caused by “ Mars in House 12 ” but not my opinion that she didn’t get on with or had little to do with her father.

Later, in the past life analysis which included her early troubles and dysfunctional family, it emerged that her biological father had disappeared very early and she didn’t even know him. As opposed to an acceptable stepfather.

Her traumatic times, which included the death of a close friend and major career moves, had been correctly identified. But alas, there was a definite “ NO ” to “ will I have children ? ”

There are various formulae which deny motherhood, and I got the impression Feeney was merely hoping to find some fortune teller who’d give her maternal desires the green light. I dismissed the idea of sending her to a skanky Indian witchdoctor who would demand $$$$$$ to pray for it….

A few months later Feeney bagged the shit out of fortune tellers, psychics and Astrologers in her SUNDAY NEWS column. Telling blatant lies is part of  Mars-in-the-12th mental illness. That’s when the mongrel’s confidentiality clause became null and void, for bringing the great science into disrepute after her very comprehensive enlightenment.

But the big funny was Feeney and partner Dom Harvey wasting some $15k on fertility treatments before abandoning their parental plan 7 years later !

Even funnier was one of her publicised bleatings about being depressed  because she was  grossly overweight. A condition caused by, allegedly, fertility drugs, which  were never going to help in the first place !

Aries Sun sign possessors ( like Feeney ) are prone to staleness and depression if stuck in a rut and controlled for too long. Like the goldfish bowl of media “ fame.” Consider the awesome Aries trifecta of media longevity, each with restrictive Mars in secretive House 12---- retired veteran broadcaster Murray Deaker and the late Charlotte Dawson as well, each renowned for their major “ depressions ” and problems with the truth !

The Aries Ego needs considerable maintenance, of course. But we must wonder about a world which allows these people to tell blatant lies and go unpunished.

Of course the Deakers and Feeneys of the world get their wages from a paper trail which goes back to the family who’s been financing both sides in most wars for several hundred years, including the holocaust. They are told to entertain the masses, not educate them.

Idiots like Feeney go on about the Kardashians and Taylor Swift and The Bachelor, totally ignoring the world’s oldest science which can give advance warnings of all types of cancer and  probable financial disasters. We must wonder if their depressions are a kind of punishment ?

As the repulsive Harvey shall discover yet again, with an appearance in next November’s Annual Prophesies. Plenty of warning for the slag mags, who’ll pay handsomely for another sob story, and her being grossly overweight may get blamed again:

“ Harvey, Jayjay:

Broadcaster-depressionist under extreme personal restrictions with Saturn-Ascendant complications Jan, June, Oct. Then a massively frustrating Neptune-Mars depression era between May 018 and Dec 019.”



July 13

 There are, obviously, dorques around who still think Astrology is just “ star signs.”

 As if heavyweight boxing greats of the 1970s  Muhammad Ali , Joe Frazier  and George Foreman, all born under " Capricorn " used to read the same paragraph, even when they were fighting each other ?

 While yet another Cappy, NZ’s Arthur Allan Thomas, spent 90% of the 1970s in jail after being framed for a murder of which he was later pardoned. Which included a short-lived  boxing bout when his jaw was broken by burglar Brian Agnew, yet another of  Capricorn birth.

 There are idiotic publications with annual forecasts for each sun sign, so Libra for 2016 should have included “ major job change around July ? ” As per outgoing British prime minister David Cameron ( October 9 ) and his replacement Theresa May, who arrived on October 1, 1956.

 With a dramatic resignation, Cameron endorsed his own personal prophesy in the Annuals last November on 

Cameron, David:

Plenty of reversals for the British PM while Pluto attacks his Sun. Early in the months of Jan, Aug and Nov particularly critical. ”

Ms May’s in a totally different pot of Twinings English Breakfast tea. For, like all Libra Sun possessors born between September 28 and October 4,1956,  she’s gaining massive assistance in 2017 from the Pluto-Jupiter trine.

Meaning she’ll be in the right place at the right time and making the right decisions. And celebrating her 60th on the same day as outgoing Auckland mayor Len Brown. October 1-born Brownie’s most famous for a heavily publicised extra-marital affair with a Chinese spinster 25 years his junior.

But with that awesome Pluto-Jupiter trine in his corner, Brownie will also be doing things right in 2017.

While there shall be Cameron-type, difficult Pluto “ reversals ” for Oct 10,11,12 borns and Uranian chaos for Oct 17,18,19,20,21…..



July 12

Revolutionary Pluto badding the Moon is all about emotional destruction and major losses.

Consider this joker:

French President François Hollande was never expected to become the most popular head of state in the nation's recent history. But the extent to which his countrymen dislike him has surprised even his political opponents.

Nearly 90 percent of the French disapprove of their president, a poll has revealed. Only 12 percent of those surveyed by polling institute TNS Sofres said they thought Hollande was doing a good job. It is the worst score of any French president since such surveys were first conducted more than three decades ago.

It's somewhat familiar ground for Hollande. In 2013, Hollande was called the "most unpopular president in recent French history" for the first time, following approval ratings of 26 percent. His predecessor, Nicolas Sarkozy, had never fallen below the 30 percent benchmark.

Since then, however, Hollande has set new negative records. His popularity briefly rose above 30 percent following the Paris terror attacks in January 2015, which targeted the staff of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket. Hollande was also praised by some for his reaction to the Paris attacks in November 2015. But it was a bump that quickly disappeared.

A continuously high unemployment rate and more terror attacks have rattled the country and its Socialist Party president. Those who are now most disappointed by Hollande's performance are middle-class employees older than 35 and younger than 49.”

Consider his appearance in last November’s Annual prophesies, and you should not be surprised:

Hollande, Francois:

Two unbelievably difficult  years. Uranian chaos in Feb then Pluto-Moon devastation in April through to late 017 and Pluto-Jupiter attacks until late 017 as well.

Also consider some of the chaos in France, totally ignored by the mainstream media:


I have recently noticed a Royal with some upcoming Pluto-Moon destruction, along with a Pluto-Sun transit identical to what supervised the predicted and highly controversial marriage break up of her father-in-law back in 1992.

Watch this space !


July 10

 ‘Twas some 21 years ago a very mature 16 year-old daughter of a pair of bikie gang heroin addicts made her statement:

 When you’ve got heroes, you can only be second best.

 Aimed at obsessive sports fans, but I had a counter. Was it not a sin to try and emulate your heroes, as per acting as rugby league greats of the time like Gordon Tallis or Ruben Wiki at the gymnasium ? Especially in the boxing room ?

 Emulate all heroes ? Spare a thought for those who worshipped someone like media megastar Sir Paul Holmes, a known sexual deviate, heavy drinker and user of cocaine and P !

 Or a current broadcasting star, who can’t be named, with a habit for young Polynesian youths ?

 Meanwhile the great unwashed are salivating over the anticipated return of Hilary Barry to breakfast TV.As per:

TVNZ has delivered bad news to its Breakfast hosts, with sources saying Rawdon Christie and Nadine Chalmers-Ross have been told their time hosting the show is up.

After months of speculation over the future of the show - initially sparked by Hilary Barry's resignation from MediaWorks in April - sources told the Weekend Herald they had learned the news yesterday when called to a meeting with news boss John Gillespie.

Christie, Chalmers-Ross and morning newsreader Peter Williams were spotted drinking at a central Auckland bar yesterday afternoon. Several people were said to be commiserating with them. Sources told the Herald that Christie and Chalmers-Ross were upset. Williams is said to be staying on at the state broadcaster.

Speculation is rife that a new Breakfast host pairing of Barry and Jack Tame are set to take over the morning airwaves at TVNZ.

Barry signed off from MediaWorks in May, ending a 23-year association with TV3, where she worked on Paul Henry's morning current affairs show.

I have no birth information for either Rawdon Christie or Nadine Chalmers-Ross, but obviously they are under some serious Pluto or Uranus restructuring.

Consider Barry’s appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies on

Barry, Hilary:

TV face with many personal dilemmas and confusion from  Neptune whacking her Sun before 2017’s lifestyle chaos from Uranus attacking her Jupiter.

I figured that “ Hilly Bazza ” might be taking time out to deal with personal or marriage issues after her departure, considering she were born with the disastrous close relationship combination of Venus and Neptune conjunct in her birth chart. Same possessed by legendary infidels like Prince Charles of England, Bill Clinton, Wilt Chamberlain, Brent Todd, Hinemoa Elder-Holmes and Jay Zed etc.

With an appearance in the November 2016  Prophesies already set in stone:

Barry, Hilary:

Life chaos continues for the television face with Uranus-Jupiter issues in June, September and March 2018, then two very destructive Mars-Pluto progressions creating major psychological issues.

 Not the sort you’d want to be employing, but she may feel some duty to her disciples of the New World Order. They who would be alienated from their loved ones and instead practice unconditional, uncomplicated and unconsummatable “ love.”

 Having not possessed a television for 7-8 years, I haven’t experienced the Hilary Barry dawnbreaker . With a natural, Astrological  interest in her future, though, I did poke my dick in on a Facebook page:

 Leanne Rankin Awww got used to these two. Love Sam & Peter

       ?                 I like Hilary Barry but I don't want her at the expense of those we have now , I for one love Rawdon, nadine and Sam the weatherman .... I say keep them

Kit Bluett Yes I am the same, love those 3

Annemarie Jenness Totally agree

 Janet Haylock I am really pissed off if they have got rid of these two I love them in the morning even Ali Pugh I loved not interested in Hillary Barry or Jack Tame why fix something that isn't broken leave it alone xx

Tara Stewart Love that show. Love the hosts. Watch it every morning while we getting ready for school and work

Don Murray Do they all bring you to orgasm ?



July 9

Yet another gem from the Annual Prophesies, last November:

Messi, Lionel:

Major bads for the football star with Neptune-Moon, Pluto-Mercury and Uranus-Mars complications. Feb, May, June, July, Oct, Dec and Feb 017 extremely challenging.”

Meaning that  last November’s gems have around 45 of the 100 so far spot on, with just 2 wrong.

Meaning that from the minute he first drew breath, Messi was going to have this “ extremely challenging ” 2016 full of “ major bads ” !

A Barcelona court on Wednesday sentenced Lionel Messi and his father to 21 months in prison for tax fraud, with both sentences likely to be suspended.

The court found the Barcelona star and his father, Jorge Horacio Messi, each guilty of three counts of defrauding tax authorities of 4.1 million euros ($4.6 million).

In Spain, sentences of less than two years for first offences are usually suspended, meaning neither man would go to jail. That decision, however, rests with the court.

The court also fined Messi 2 million euros and his father 1.5 million euros.


Following a recent morning stroll round the Panmure Basin, I walked up to the Panmure shops to get some mango pulp from the Sri Lankan spicery  and was stopped in my tracks at a hairdressing salon. Advertising  the “ digital perm ” for $120 !

Hilarious when a complete Astrological enlightenment can cost just $90. Later that day a 25 year-old part-Polynesian lass, on the recommendation of her Russian contemporary K, came round for the $60 F O K.

K sends her friends round for the  discounted “ Friends of K…….. ” special. Miss Polynesian was stunned  by her character and historical analyses and concluded with her own “ Fuck, I’m gonna bring my mate around. He needs to learn about this.”

Much more educational ( and cheaper ) than a “ digital perm. ” Or a 2 million euros fine………


July 8

 Otahuhu gym junkies marvel at the  punctuality of 77 year-old war veteran Willie who’s a regular at 6 am opening.

 Willie had 2 tours of duty in Vietnam and still braves the frosts of winter for his daily 2-3 hours workout.

 Then I tell them about the 4 a.m starts for frozen slaves of horse racing Matamata and Cambridge, great hubs of violence and serious P addictions, and consequent renamings like Crimbridge and Methametha.

 Past employees of Methametha’s controversial Moroney stable have spoken of their 4 a.m starts, with lateness often resulting in the forfeiture of the weekly half day off !

 This " half day "  follows some 6-7 hours work in the morning and is very appreciated, highlighted by an infamous incident at the Takanini Tiley stable one Guy Fawkes night. When the foreman called the boss back from his evening  drinkies to quell a staff rebellion, as per employees refusing to remain and do another 6-7 hours until midnight calming the nervy animals during explosion time.

 For no extra pay, of course. One small rebel got viciously kicked and punched, then sacked along with 4 witnesses. The bashed victim took his complaint to racecourse inspector John McKenzie and was simply told to “ go to the cops.” Poor little rebel had been looking forward to the weekly half day off, dinner and movies with his girlfriend. He didn’t bother with  the cops, he just vanished to Australia instead.

Violence has long been  an accepted  part of NZ racing’s repulsive culture, but  time sheets and any kind of trade union have not.

 One reasonably human trainer spoke about the surprise of a new employee who received his first pay packet with " but I’ve only been here a week ! " Trainer acknowledged that, with his newby commenting about  it being  " a fortnight’s pay at Mr O’Sullivan’s ! "

 Mr O’Sullivan, also of Methametha, could clip the ticket by charging excessive amounts for " board and lodging ". Like another  high-profile  trainer, revealed last year, involved in an immigration scam with her lawyer in bringing slaves over from India. As I discovered  during an Astrology reading, with the slave from Chandigarh having to pay off a $20k fee from his NZ $150 weekly and   board and lodging  in a house he shared with 5 others. It’s common to find workers on around half the minimum wage………

 What about the ambulance ? You mean  what ambulance ?  In onto it racing Australia, the ambulance is an institution at all metropolitan and provincial training tracks. Never in 3rd world NZ, even with some 700 thoroughbreds using the training facilities at Methametha racecourse every morning. Accidents are plentiful.

 The irony of the Moroney stable is the relevance of family member and  Labour MP Sue Moroney, who’s been in parliament for 11 years and  previously worked as a trainer of health and safety personnel, and held a number of positions in the union movement !

 There was a time when Labour cared about the workers…….


July 7

Revolutionary Pluto has claimed some very notable victims this year already.

From the November 2015 Annual Prophesies ( see predictions above ), the powerful one has been very active in this year’s major reversals for people like Mitch Pearce, Tiger Woods, George W Bush, David Cameron, Bill Shorten, Steven Pateman, Sarah Moody and Sepp Blatter etc.

Plenty more pearlers too, especially with NZ politicians like Paula Bennett ( 017-18 ) and John Key ( 2018 ) in the firing line !

How about this joker ?

Lewis Hamilton 'destroyed' a room in the Mercedes hospitality area after qualifying for the European Grand Prix, his boss Niki Lauda has revealed.

The world champion is said to have been angry after clipping a barrier and losing out on pole position to his team-mate Nico Rosberg at the race in Azerbaijan three weeks ago.

Lauda, the Mercedes chairman, also claimed that Hamilton had 'lied' in claiming that his relationship with Rosberg was better than ever - adding fuel to the internal conflict within the world championship team ahead of Sunday's British Grand Prix.

Lauda was asked about the room incident on Red Bull-owned Austrian TV station Servus, replying: 'He did it because he had crashed. He'll have to pay for that. You can count on that.

'He told me I couldn't come in because he was going to destroy everything. That is how it was.'

Hamilton had a bad weekend in Baku - the race before last - qualifying 10th, finishing fifth and falling 24 points behind Rosberg, the championship leader, who won the grand prix.

No surprise considering his appearance last November:

.Hamilton, Lewis:

Major off-year and transition period for motor racing champ with Pluto atop his Sun until Nov 017. Other reversals with Uranus-Jupiter negativity  in May, Oct and March 017.”

Not a lot of improvement in the next edition, either:

Hamilton, Lewis:

Motor racing champ losing the plot with major emotional problems from Pluto-Moon attack. Jan, Aug, Nov crucial with Uranus-Jupiter chaos in March.”

 The best thing about Astrology ? It’s uncontrollable, and has no respect for  the New World Order. Just ask David Cameron !


July 6

From the latest media:

Champion jockey Kieren Fallon's sudden retirement from the saddle has come in the wake of depression undiagnosed for three years.

The Irish Turf Club's chief medical officer Dr Adrian McGoldrick revealed the 51-year-old's illness had gone unnoticed when he was riding in England and America.

County Clare-born Fallon has returned to his homeland this season, and has now sought medical help.

The amazing Astrological chart defines “ depression ” so easily and Fallon’s birthdate alone includes 2 of the 3 main significators of mental illness---a Scorpio Moon, and communicator Mercury alongside restrictive Saturn. A time of arrival would be necessary to see if energetic Mars  was in the secretive 12th House,  like Australasia’s “ depression ” icon, the late Charlotte Dawson who rated a perfect 3.

Ironically yesterday I was explaining it all to a lady with Mars in the 12th. Also suggesting a career in the health industry and her being an eternal student ? As a lifelong health worker, she’s currently doing her 3rd university degree in same !

A full Astrological enlightenment would unravel K Fallon’s life so easily, with Plutonian movement explaining simply his major reversals in life. His career was often blighted by controversy  and in October 2007 he was embroiled in a two-month-long corruption trial at the Old Bailey. Fallon was unable to ride in Britain until the end of the trial, but he was cleared of all charges in December of that year.

But one month later he was given an 18-month worldwide ban from racing after he tested positive for a banned substance - the second time he had been suspended for failing a drugs test - following a race at Deauville in August 2007.

Along with the drama of being sacked by leading trainer Henry Cecil for allegedly having an affair with his wife etc.

As was Ms Dawson and yesterday’s health student, Fallon would be totally stunned by the enlightenment and the 6-times British champion would be very optimistic about the future for his Taurus 19 Jupiter. From Capricorn 19 degrees, powerful Pluto is gonna be strengthening Fallon’s Jupiter position and enhancing his lifestyle so amazingly in the years of 2017 and 2018.

It’s called the Astrological advantage. Very foreign to the shrinks, helplines, counsellors and  prozac manufacturers……….


July 5

Resignation is often referred to as “ falling on one’s sword.”

In this case, falling on the “ pork sword ”  ?

As per yesterday’s media:

A key man in an organisation responsible for integrity matters in the New Zealand racing industry has stepped down.

The NZ Racing Integrity Unit today announced Ross Neal had resigned from his co-chief stipendiary steward role.

In a statement released on its website this afternoon, it said Mr Neal had decided to step down for "personal reasons".

The decision comes after it was reported in late May that Mr Neal had been with former licensing secretary for Harness Racing NZ, Lynair O'Connell, the night she suffered a heart attack in February.

She died a few days later in hospital.

The mainstream media finally reported this shock on May 29, even if broke the scandal of  “  R and L ” ( both married )  and their illicit affair, which Neal had initially lied about, way back on February 9 !

People were demanding Neal’s resignation as far back as May 30, with the RIU’s head fuckwit, Mike Godber, tossing it off as either “ personal ” or an “ employment matter.”

It is very probable that Neal was told to wait a while and then suddenly announce his retirement for “ personal reasons .” One thing is certain----“ integrity ”  in the waning, decadent racing industry is even lower than rock bottom.


July 4

Plenty of fools don blinkers and blindfolds when they enter business arrangements.

Obviously without doing proper “ Dieu diligence.” And heaps get burned !

Consider this recent headline creator:

Legal high godfather Matt Bowden is now living in Thailand and his company's liquidators say they have been unable to contact him.

Bowden put his company, Stargate Operations, into voluntary liquidation last year when he couldn't afford to pay his bills and was locked out of his lab where he made synthetic cannabis.

Creditors have claimed more than $3.6 million from the failed firm.

Inland Revenue wants more than $1 million and 22 unsecured creditors say they are owed $2.2 million. Employees have claimed $457,000 in wages, redundancy, bonuses and holiday pay. Of this, about $137,000 has been paid.

How coincidental that Bowden’s got the same dishonesty aspect as the Prince of Liars, Prime Minister John Key !  As per the Mercury position in a difficult, tight aspect to deceptive, seductive Neptune !

In fact all with a badly aspected Mercury need to be thoroughly checked or avoided in business dealings. Two of the most untrustworthy of all, USA’s Hillary Clinton and under-fire, mentally ill Auckland blogger Cameron Slater both arrived in the world under very intense Mercury-Saturn negativity. Just as  Hanover Finance villain Eric Watson and the NZ  horse trainer Andrew Scott, without peer in being frequently penalised for “ serious racing offences, ” have Mercury-Mars tightness in their birth charts !

It’s reasonably hilarious to think that Astrology is the world’s oldest science and predates even that best-selling work of fiction, the Holy Bible. Consider a  recent, church-going female inquirer who wanted to know about her latest live-in boyfriend, once a supposed media star with his own television show.

From his birthdate, a few clicks ascertained that  “ he’s a bit shady,” with the identical Mercury-Neptune affliction of Key and Bowden, above. Plus Jupiter-Pluto complications to suggest massive and difficult career upheavals.What’s his surname, I asked, with a google search preceeding some expletives ?

Yes, once a television star and more recently lodging with friends in a garage in lower socio-economic Otara. Also major financial catastrophes, include an expensive court case and home detention for possessing methamphetamine ! With 2 sons jailed for conspiring to import methamphetamine ingredients.

The Holy Bible mentions something about “ the quick and the dead.” The gap is widening.

And it’s  also reasonably hilarious to think that a full Astrological enlightenment is slightly dearer than a week’s parking in Auckland’s CBD, and cheaper than a day’s training fees for a racehorse !



July 3

Pluto whacking the Mars position is one of the big downers in life.

Progress is blocked, ambitions are frustrated and there can be major depression for some.

I’ve already got 2058 marked down as a prick of a year for myself, courtesy of same, just as there had been several years notice for this joker who made an appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies,

Shorten, Bill:

Massive comedown and negative energy  for Australia’s opposition leader while Pluto attacks Mars between Feb and Dec. ”

As close as it was, he was never going to topple Turnbull in yesterday's election. The downfalls of previous Aussie leaders like Rudd, Gillard and Abbott  were confidently and correctly forecast. There’s a big black cloud planned to hover over this joker, with a place already booked in next November’s Annuals:

Turnbull, Malcolm:

Incredible reversals for the Australian leader in 018 with Uranus attacking his Sun, Mercury and Mars positions.



July 2

 Almost 47 years after the greatest advertisement, authority is still desperately trying to find fault with Marijuana.

 Over 4 days in August 1969, 400,000 attended the iconic Woodstock music festival on a dairy farm in  New York state. Some 90% smoked Marijuana, with no  violence reported. Two recorded fatalities- a heroin overdose and one attendee sleeping in a nearby field who got run over by a tractor.

As Wikipedia reports:  “ Yet, in tune with the idealistic hopes of the 1960s, Woodstock satisfied most attendees. There was a sense of social harmony, which, with the quality of music, and the overwhelming mass of people, many sporting bohemian dress, behavior, and attitudes helped to make it one of the enduring events of the century.

After the concert, Max Yasgur, who owned the site of the event, saw it as a victory of peace and love. He spoke of how nearly half a million people filled with potential for disaster, riot, looting, and catastrophe spent the 4 days with music and peace on their minds. He stated, "If we join them, we can turn those adversities that are the problems of America today into a hope for a brighter and more peaceful future...”

But the Rothschilds and Rockefellers were not happy ! The USA thrives on violence and war but was in the middle of the famous San Francisco hippy  era of peace and love, with boxing champion Muhammad Ali stripped of his world heavyweight title 2 years earlier and banned from boxing merely  for refusing to be sent to battle in  Vietnam.

 The Woodstock generation had been raised on reading, thinking and asking questions, and peace and love seemed logical. But the moneyed handful had to change that, introducing  the infamous " war on drugs " and a media saturated with alcohol advertising. Ultimately there would be generations like Y dafukshudwe and Z for Zombie of crackheads and binge drinkers. ( Rothschild and co. don’t like Muslims because they don’t like alcohol. Nor do they like Astrology because it promotes wisdom and understanding. )

 Generations that, in NZ anyway, may gain their wisdom and worldliness  from watching The Bachelor, Taylor Swift or " teletubby " Toni Street and Mike " dark secrets " Hosking on the box.

 There are still generations of crimson-faced, pot-bellied alcoholics, though, who’ve missed the awesome experience of a  " Donald Duck " when “ stoned.”  They are more likely to  experience gout, prostrate, erectile dysfunctions and liver problems instead. And thumping hangovers !

 New Zealand pays tribute to Woodstock in a roundabout way with " Dry July " which  gives many New Zealanders the opportunity to examine their own drinking habits. With the Salvation Army claiming that more people seek help for problem drinking in the three months following Dry July !

 The natural follow up to Dry July would be " Orgasmic August ". 4 days of music, peace and love on a farm in the Waikato, even if it wouldn’t be the same in winter and without the Woodstock legends like Jimi Hendrix, Joan Baez, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Band, Janis Joplin and The Who etc.

 Whether the retards of the  Y dafukshudwe and Zombie generations would understand is another matter, though.



July 1

 Back in January 1985 I had a chance meeting with a jockey from Cambridge in a backpackers’ hostel on the west coast of the South Island.

 The dialogue eventually led to me wondering if a certain mutual acquaintance was still the biggest dope freak in Cambridge.

 " Not any more. Mark Todd is now. "

 As per the equestrian Gold medallist from the Los Angeles Olympics just 6 months earlier !  An initial shock, then it made sense. Plenty of successful jockeys smoked grass, along with loads of talented musicians and creators.

 Even more sense when I located M Todd’s birth information some years later and discovered that he was born with his Scorpio Moon at 0.19 alongside nebulous Neptune 0.11 !  Instantly M Todd was post-humourously inducted into the " Moon-Neptune Society " that had been formed in a south England pub in May 1982 with an outtavit, wealthy ex-actor, his good friend Sir Richard Burton and myself as founder members. The Articles of Memorandum of Association included the importance of abuseable substances, with Sir Richard preferring to consume 2 bottles of Vodka daily at the time instead of smoking grass like the other members.

 A description from Mark Todd’s own Astrological definition:

 " Moon blending with Neptune

You have a tireless imagination and the ability to visualize your dreams and fantasies into reality, if you can put forth the necessary work it takes. You are indeed a dreamer, very much attuned to the world of illusion and mystery. You retreat into your own little world to escape the pressures and hardships of the world. You must be careful that you don't stay there and neglect your earthly duties and responsibilities. Running away from trouble does not get rid of it. You are sympathetic, compassionate, gentle and kind and are an easy touch for anyone with a sob story to take advantage of. You need to develop self-control of your emotions and your imagination."

 Moon-Neptune possessors need to escape, by fair means or foul and subsequently inducted members include

 Albert Schweitzer, the Dalai Lama, legendary lates like barrister Eb Leary and his infamous client, drug baron Terry Clark. Along with All Blacks great Sean Fitzpatrick, cricketer Ken Rutherford, the late Charlotte Dawson and disgraced, 3-times premiership-winning  jockey and methamphetamine legend  Lisa Cropp, also a product of Cambridge.

 The incredible tightness of Todd’s Moon-Neptune union is enhanced by Mars at Capricorn 0.44 providing him with great energy and regenerative powers. With Venus in challenge-seeking Aries, secreted away in House 12  until revelations in 2000 that shocked the world:

 Friday Jun 30, 2000

·         A British tabloid has a tape-recording of gold medal equestrian Mark Todd allegedly snorting cocaine with a gay lover as part of its sex and drug "sting."

The Sunday Mirror last night stood by its expose claiming that Todd took cocaine at a four-star country hotel in Britain while his wife, Carolyn, was setting up a new home for the family's return to New Zealand this year.

The Herald has been told the paper carefully recorded all conversations before going to print in a three-page splash and editorial saying Todd was a disgrace and should be stripped of his medals and CBE.

Todd’s Scorpio Moon allows him to plunge to dark depths and behave very  badly. As per Cropp and Dawson above, and other horse racing identities like Paul Moroney, Damien Oliver, the late Helen Meads, Terry Wenn and a  Cambridge trainer who used to pay his staff in methamphetamine. Other Scorpion Mooners include departeds like Paula Yates, Michael Hutchence, murderer Antonie Dixon, Robin and Laniet Bain. Also Tony Veitch, Robin Brooke, Rod Stewart,  Prince Andrew of England and broadcaster Mike Hosking whose “ dark ” secret has been exposed by investigator Greg Hallett…….

Todd’s subsequent Moon-Neptune wanderings included a very successful time as a professional racehorse trainer, which included winning the Wellington Cup with Willy Smith ( ridden by gay jockey Matt Cameron ) then separating from his wife and 2 kids, gaining a knighthood and going to reside in England again.

And now, at age 60, Sir Mark Todd’s next adventure is heading to his 8th Olympic Games in Rio.

The fast-moving Moon nudges much slower Neptune for 12 hours every month---June 26 was the latest—meaning that approximately 1—2 % of all humans are born with the powerful conjunction. The majority have no idea, and why they ain’t supposed to be chained to anything for very long.

Like a  traditional Indian client who finally surrendered her hymen then wondered why the marriage only lasted a fortnight…..


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