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Sept:             A Jolie, J Key, D Trump, T Pora, S Kearney, Xtravagant, M Holmes, P Dunne,Black Caps, NZ Warriors, NZ Herald
Aug:             Employment, Cancer, A McFadden, B Clinton, M Key,M Payne, H Clinton, Prince Harry, D Bain, H McLicker, Cop corruption, P Bennett
July:             K Foran, S Johnson,Brazil, Paedos,A McFadden, S Allardyce, G Inglis, Will and Kate, T May, F Hollande,L Messi, K Fallon, R Neal, M Turnbull
June:           B Kelleher,L Messi, L Ko, D Cameron, D Trump, A Lovelock, Key, H Clinton, P Bennett, P Dunne, M Ali, C Johnson, SBW,  K Foran
May:            M Payne, B Cosby, L Van Gaal, S Pateman,  Prince Charles, T Umaga, Underbailey, T Veitch, Crewes, M Vatuvei, D Ryan, H Barry
April:           Beyonce, G Inglis, G W Bush, T Brown, C Waller, H Clark, Otahuhu champions, P Busuttin, L Ko, L Messi, G Simon
March:         S Pateman, L O'Sullivan, P Moody, Royal love child, E Watson, Auck Blues, L Hamilton, S Johnson, A Little, M Crowe, R Murdoch, Rapists
Feb:             Gai W, Jesus, Cobalt, Black Caps, D Oliver, Teletubby T, Fatal Donald, Mirthquakes, Key's missus, The Hassler, K Williamson, M Clarke
Jan:             M Pearce,  S Watson, Prince Harry, R Nadal, Methametha, J Parker, R Murdoch, D Bowie, P Bennett ,Obama,  Clinton, A McCoy, Cosby
Dec: M Schumacher, B McLaren, Man United, S Blatter, B McCullum, Lomu-Putin-Obama, D Trump, Methametha, Kardashians, Losers, T Veitch Nov: B McCullum, C Sheen, Hinch mysteries, J Lomu, Isis Nice, Cancer, F Hollande, J Key, Melbourne Cup, Quake making, Sonny Bill, R McCaw Oct: Paedo files, R McCaw, W Bennett, C Cairns, G Waterhouse, O'Bomber, K Kardashian, The test, S Williams, A Johns, England, Jews, S Blatter Sept: C Brown, McDonalds, T Woods, D Trump, P Moody, M Turnbull, S Pancholi, T Abbott, L Ko, B Marshall, G Brazier, M Purdon, JB Cummings August: Cancer, China, S Kavanagh, M Holmes, P Rudd, Underworld, Aussie cricket,S Johnson, J Harvey, P Nand, Fukushima,J Parker, M Clarke July: Witchdoctors, T Woods, S Kenny-Dowall, B Bishop, N Tinkler, S Kenny-Dowall,J Cassidy, Australia, P Moody, J O'Connor,  L O'Sullivan June: T Umaga, M Ellis, L O'Sullivan, C Craig, S Tomkins, B McCullum, Slater, Indian cricket, Te Akau, S Blatter, K Bax May: S Blatter, R Jones, J Depp, J Campbell, J Banks, S Johnson, mushrooms, Prince Harry, T Woods, Te Akau, M Sabin, Royal baby April: P Gallen, Cancer, A Cruden, H Clinton, M Hosking, J Campbell, S Johnson, M Muliaina, Methametha, M Clarke, M Sabin March: Black Caps, Lufthansa, Ugleo, Dunny, Warriors' coach, Mike King, Chris Waller, Kirwanker, John Key, Teina Pora, Team NZ Feb: Susan Wood, J Kirwan, Manly, David Ellis, Shahrukh Khan, America's Cup,  Prince Harry, McCullum and Abbott,Tiger Woods,Bute Jan:  Russell Norman, David Bain, Quade Cooper, Peter Moody,  Cobalters, Prince Andrew.
2014 notables: Dec: M Phelps,M Jagger, Shaun Johnson, Molloy, M Clarke Nov:  2015 predictions, Bill Cosby, M Vatuvei,  Atacama, Tim Vince Oct:  Melbourne Cup,  B Affleck Sept: A Cruden, M Crowe,  M Clarke Aug: L Innes, Christianity, Broome, Robin Williams, M S Dhoni, Tiger Woods,  Mike King July : Orgasms,  Graham Thorne, Rolf Harris, Luke Braid, Brazil,  Black Caps, Rolf Harris June: Suarez, Media turncoat, Sepp Blatter, Autism, Sam Tomkins, Breast cancer May: Leith Innes,  Lou Vincent, Beyonce,  Rob Ford April: G Clooney,  Benji Marshall, Stacey Jones, The debut March:Crusher Collins, Hillary Clinton Feb: Michael Clarke, Charlotte Dawson,  Sir Patrick Hogan,  Sir John Kirwan Jan: Mark Chittick, Black Caps,  Beyonce,  Russell Packer
2013 notables:Dec: Michael  Schumacher,  Susan Boyle, Nigella Lawson, Rob Ford, Susan Wood, Tony Blair Nov: 2014 Prophesies, Judith Collins,  Jim Cassidy,  Sarah MoodyOct: John Banks, Australia, Len Brown, Scott Dixon,  Sachin Tendulkar, Team NZ.Sept: America's Cup,  USA,  Australian election
A selection of the most popular from
2013 Aug:  Catherine Zeta-Jones, Ewen McKenzie, NZ Warriors, Michael Clarke July: Official cash rate, Nigella Lawson, Owen Glenn June: Silvio Berlusconi, Rupert Murdoch marriage May: William Roache April: Crusher Collins Jan: Ruben Wiki or Holmo ?  N Sarkozy
2012 Dec: The comicals Nov:  Holmo bashing, Paul Henry, Queen Elizabeth/Damien Oliver Oct: Matthew Elliott Sept: Jay Jay Feeney and barren mares Aug: The immaculate conception July:  Scott Guy murder, long-range Melbourne Cup day June: Andy Haden and Murray Deaker  April:  Aries Dragons Jan:  Kim Dotcom
2011 Dec: Amazing psychic Nov: Sonny Bill and Kim Kardashian ? Oct: Dan Carter Sept: Zara Phillips July: Rupert Murdoch marriage
2010 Dec: John Wright Nov: Aung San Suu Kyi
2009 Dec:  NZ Warriors Mar:  Bain murders

2008 Sept:  Psychic Sister Rose, A R A Fieldes Jan: Pluto revolution

 2007 Oct:   All Blacks May:  Springboks



August 31

The importance of checking out the Astrological of future employees has been well documented.

As I recall a Chinese client in Auckland once, texting the manager of his branch in the Philippines  urgently requesting birth information for an Astrological Warrant of Fitness, as part of the process to ensure that his own business affairs would continue to run smoothly.

Consider the warning in the Annual Prophesies, of November 2015:

 “ Marshall, Benji:

NRL star not firing and difficult changes while Pluto attacks his Venus and Mars positions.”

Consider some recent media, too:

Benji Marshall may have played his last NRL game after he was dropped from the St George Illawarra side to take on Parramatta next Monday.

It can be revealed that Marshall is the biggest-name casualty following the Dragons' second-half capitulation to the Roosters, marking the first time he has been axed during his incredible NRL career. 

Marshall finished the 2015 Dally M medal race in equal-second spot behind Johnathan Thurston after helping the joint-venture outfit to an unlikely finals appearance. However, the 31-year-old has been hampered by hamstring problems all year and has struggled to reproduce that form.”

Which, considering his Astrological situation, is no surprise. As are reports that the NZ Warriors are thinking about signing this fellow, who also appeared in last November’s Annuals:

Foran, Kieran:

League star in for major off-year, courtesy of difficult solar progressions, and Uranus anti the Sun and Jupiter. April, Oct especially chaotic. ”

With 2016 being an almost unbelievable year for Foran, courtesy of injury and getting sacked problems, along with his close relationship and prescription drugs issues. The NZ Warriors are renowned for ignoring Astrological wisdom, but to be fair they would have no idea about Foran’s post-2016 future.

Uranus negatives at present are generally followed by bads from Pluto, such is the way of the phenomenal zodiac. With Foran already booked for another appearance in the November 2016 Annuals:

Foran, Kieran:

Troubled rugby league star still under dark clouds with Pluto to attack his Sun and Jupiter, and Uranus doing same to his Mars and Mercury. Much better after 2019.”

In fact reasonably fantastic post-2019, with the currently troubled Sun and Jupiter positions ( around Cancer 19-21 ) receiving awesome enhancement in 2020 and 2021 from Neptune trines in Cancer-friendly Pisces. That’s when you’d want K Foran to be your coach or captain, in 2020 and 2021 !



August 29

It’s become very fashionable to “ fundraise for cancer research.”

“ Fundraising for cancer research ” brings out the best in K.I.W.I-----“ Keen Interest Without Intelligence.”

Old “ Keen Interest ” dips into his/her  pocket, knowing that it’s more important to be seen to be doing something instead of just doing something. Without even wondering where the money goes and what gets done. Not much really, as recently reported: “  New Zealand’s rates of bowel cancer are among the highest in the world, and our outcomes are among the worst. More than 100 Kiwis die of bowel cancer each month, similar to the number who die from breast cancer and prostrate cancer combined. ”

There is also " fun draising. " Like these people, who have fun getting together for some draising.

The New Zealand thoroughbred racing industry is pulling together to support the Cancer Society NZ and the volunteers who work tirelessly to support those suffering from cancer.

The industry has lost some of its best people to cancer, all the motivation that’s needed to get behind the Cancer Society NZ and do our bit to raise funds in their endeavours to combat this illness.

The Daffodil Auction being conducted on the Facebook page of Love Racing NZ will run until August 31, offering racing fans the chance to secure their own unique items. Funds raised in the auction will go towards supporting the great work of the Cancer Society in their battle against cancer.”

( This “ great work ” means that   New Zealand’s rates of bowel cancer are among the highest in the world ! )

Lest we never forget that cancer is a zillion dollar industry, butter on the bread of doctors and pharmaceutical companies.

There’s incredible evidence of cannabis curing cancer, along with leukaemia,epilepsy, AIDS, multiple sclerosis and stacks of others. I recently reported on a Maori lady who beat the big C after a course in cannabis oil from one of her nephews. Then a South African girl tells me of a 6 year-old family friend consuming 60 pills a day to stop his seizures---until cannabis oil was introduced !

In the last couple of years I’ve noted that a massive percentage of cancer victims are born with afflictions from  either revolutionary Pluto or erratic Uranus in the 6th House that governs health and diet. Mysterious, deceptive Neptune  speaks for itself in the diet-health domain by supervising plenty of alcoholicism. Etc etc.

There are only 12 Houses in the Astrological chart, so Pluto, Uranus and Neptune,  as in Brook Benton’s  Boll Weevil song,  “ gotta have a home.”  Some people have nothing in the 6th, the healthy bastards like my 96 year-old father who don’t do any pills whatsoever. Or the 76 year-old war veteran who’s never sampled alcohol in his life but is still addicted to a 2-hour daily workout from 6 am at the Otahuhu gymnasium.

Having well-aspected, benevolent planets in the 8th House ( death ) indicates a peaceful and relatively painless departure.

Tough luck if your 6th is a crowded house,and no amount of  fun draising’s gonna change that, but at least you can get the earliest possible warning…….



August 28

 It’s almost 6 years since the Champion Racing System had a winner that paid less than $2.

 In the interim we’ve had awesomes like Civics Rock $28.50, Gabana $21, Sahara Sunset $13.90, Zumba $12.10 and Whoshe and Varnish who both paid $10 for their wins.

 With a rather incredible $1.89 back for every $1 invested since 2011 began—courtesy of 25 wins from 95 investments with an average $7.39 win dividend.

 August 27, 2016 was listed as a Best of the Month, courtesy of trainer Jonno Benner’s impeccable Astrology, especially between 1 and 3 pm. Benner could have been the Ralph Manning of December 26, 2013 and we’d have got a $28.50 winner as Civics Rock was on Boxing Day 2013.

 Instead, yesterday the bone stopped at Benner’s 1.59 pm runner Humidor, and we had to settle for a $1.80 win dividend……

 Them’s the breaks. The new, revised game plan means our next possibility shall be on September 14, hopefully with a trainer who’s got a $20 winner in his CV for the Astrological system. Another possibility on September 18 and hopefully one for a trainer on September 28 who’s got an 80% winning strike rate for Don Murray Racing, including a $13 winner.

 Plenty for J Benner and his partner Hollie Wynyard in the next 12 months,too, with Benner under the extreme awesomeness of a Pluto-Mars sextile and a Pluto-Ascendant trine until late 2017 !

 We love creaming it from such an evil, corrupt industry and anybody’s welcome to join. Check the hypothetical bank……..


Starting deposit $200 into TAB account. $100 to win on each selection.

current season balance     $280

final balance 2015-16         $100

final balance 2014-15         $590

final balance 2013-14         $2370

final balance 2012-13         $340

final balance 2011-12         $4090



August 26

I could not imagine a world without sport.

It’s been the vehicle for most of history’s greatest-ever prophesies, from the buzz day selected for cricketer Martin Crowe in February 1995, 11 months beforehand, that produced 193 not out in a Shell Cup match, to the sensations on the Rugby World Cup All Blacks of 1995, 2003 and 2007 and the titanic choke in the 2013 America’s Cup.

More cricket and rugby, rugby league, tennis, yachting, boxing, athletics---they’ve all been covered. And playing sport is just as exciting, personally,from rugby, badminton, tennis, touch rugby, tag football, indoor and outdoor soccer and even indoor mixed netball.

While admiring NZ’s record medal haul at the Rio Olympics, it’s easy to forget the bronze “ we ” got in child poverty for developed nations and the perennial silver in various suicide sections.No world stats available yet for  pillpopping and “ our ”  11% of the population being on antidepressants.With another 10% estimated to be alcoholics !

And there is this !

A man has placed an advertisement on a community noticeboard offering to pay rent to park his car on a property and use the shower and the kitchen.

There had been reports of other similar requests.

Commmunity Housing Aotearoa spokesman David Zussman said it was not uncommon for homeless people to sleep in the driveways of friends and families, but it was worrying to hear of people advertising with offers to pay rent.

It was more proof the housing crisis was reaching beyond the poorest in society, Mr Zussman said.”

NZ’s latest bunch of medal winners have grown up with alcohol advertising and TV and have hardly been taught to read, think and ask questions. Amidst the post-medal euphoria, you couldn’t really expect these undereducateds to consider speaking out on poverty and homelessness, even if our greatest-ever sportsman  did, within a month of winning his second Rugby World Cup medal last November.

Not Richie McCaw----Sonny Bill Williams, who’s way ahead with his undefeated boxing career, and Grand Final rings with 2 separate NRL teams as well as the RWC double. He who ventured into war-torn Syria to visit the refugees and wondered very publicly “ what sort of world we live in when people have to live like this ?

Soon after, his captain Bitchy McWhore was licking corporate haemorrhoids and supporting Prime Minister Duke Unt’s proposal for a flag change ! Which was later convincingly rejected and in total lightened the nation’s coffers by some $26 million Sonny Bill would have suggested to “ my brother ” ( John Key ) that we might be better off spending $26 mill on accommodation  for our homeless brothers ?--- More than half of New Zealand's 41,000 homeless people are now families with children, according to new University of Otago research and  more than half of those  without secure housing in New Zealand are either working or studying.

Sonny Bill was supposed to be a great performer in the rugby sevens at Rio, courtesy of his appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies:

Williams, Sonny Bill:

Sports champ at his brilliant best under Uranus-Mercury enhancement during June, July, Sept and March 017. ”

Instead of a medal, he returned home with an achilles injury that may need 6 months of recuperation. An error,  but only  the 3rd from the 100 in last November’s annuals on

It’s not perfectly Astrological making predictions without a birth time. Like Sonny Bill’s mother couldn’t/wouldn’t remember so “ Uncle Billy ” was an obvious next step. Sonny Bill’s Samoan grandmother died when his father John was very young, so John was brought up by his much older bro’ Billy and his palagi wife from Dargaville.

No chance of Uncle Billy remembering what time his little bro’s first-born arrived when, being in a dementia home now, he wouldn’t know what day it was. Only a few Samoan swear words helped him remember who I was.

46 corrects from the 100 so far, with many not happening until next year. Astrology is still the ruler, and, most importantly, cannot be controlled by Duke Unt and his New World Order mates.


August 24

Having your team’s coach under positive Uranus or Pluto trines is always a major advantage.

As I have tried to explain to NZ Warriors management in recent times. There was the widely-publicised recommendation in late 2009 that assistant coach John Ackland be promoted to the top job with consecutive years of awesome Pluto-Mars trines. With another Plutonian benefactor, Stacey Jones, recommended for the assistant position.

No action taken. Ackland was given the Junior Warriors’ job and guided them to NRL Grand Final wins in 2010 and 2011. With S Jones coaching the Pt Chevalier Pirates to successive premiership wins in the Auckland competition.

Matthew Elliott took the reins in late 2012 and was defined as a long-term prospect, with awesome Pluto trines to his Mars and Jupiter through 2015-16-17. Elliott was stupidly dumped early in 2014 but has reaped the benefit of his Plutonian awesomeness with a job last year in NRL broadcasting doing commentary and analysis. Much less stressful than coaching…..

Within a week of Elliott’s shock dumping  in 2014, Juniors’ coach Stacey Jones was recommended for instant promotion. Courtesy of another awesome Pluto trine, that which would supervise his winning a 3rd NRL Grand Final for the NZ Warriors with his junior team…….

The total opposite for McFadden, from his  appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies:

McFadden, Andrew:

Massive off-year for  NZ Warriors’ coach with Pluto-Midheaven attrocities until Nov. April and July particularly stressful.

On Saturday night the Warriors got pummelled 34-6 by the North Queensland Cowboys in Townsville, and my memory bank went back 21 years.

When on Saturday July 29, 1995 the then Auckland Warriors played their first-ever game in Townsville. When a week earlier the later-knighted Mad Butcher Peter Leitch scorned my plan to hitchhike down from holidaying in Cairns for the game and offered to buy me a beer if I got to Townsville “ alive.”

Mad’s old school and associated hitchhiking with rapes and murders. I explained to Mad that people pick you up because they want someone to talk to, even suggesting that his babbleability would be a major advantage……

To an experienced international hitchhiker, the 350 km journey was easily done on the pre-game Thursday, with about 75% of the journey in the vehicle of a  harvester consultant, whose job description was cruising up and down the Queensland coast visiting  cane farms. He was also a director of the North Queensland Cowboys and added support to the beer offer.

“ Bring the prick up to my private box if he doesn’t believe you !

When confronted around 9 am at the team’s hotel on Saturday morning, Butch had witnesses like player Steve Kearney and reserves coach Frank Endacott, who both knew the hitchhiking story, to verify that I was in Townsville “ alive ”  but tried to use the day’s earliness  as an excuse to not buy the beer.

Kearney put Butch in a headlock and Endacott beat his head with a rolled up newspaper until Butch squealed with a “ beef sandwich and a glass of orange juice  ? ” alternative for morning tea.

Offer accepted and a couple of hours later a French girl in the backpackers’ hostel marvelled at my Warriors jersey which was worn for 5 consecutive days on such a holiday. She’d watched them on TV when in Auckland  last month  and was overjoyed to accept the other ticket that head trainer Bob Lannigan had got for the section reserved for Warriors WAGs and family that night.

After being behind at the break, the Auckland Warriors creamed  the Cowboys, with G Alexander (2), S Hoppe, D Betts, R Blackmore and the later-knighted J Kirwan scoring the tries in a 28-10 victory in front of 23,521 spectators.

Leaving the ground, Ms France marvelled again as a group of Maori, Warriors shirt-wearers and myself  performed an impromptu haka at the gates, with 2 further fans joining in for another rendition on the shuttle bus back to town.

Then around midnight, Frank Endacott and Bob Lannigan ambled into the main street of Townsville, to be  confronted by another, predominantly Maori haka, with a French girl watching as well.

On the Sunday bus back to Cairns I encountered 2 more dark-skinned wearers of the Auckland Warriors’ shirt----Aboriginal girls heading home to somewhere near Cairns.

Oh for a repeat of the Townsville experience !  Probably not in the next 2 years. Currently the 9th-placed Warriors’ playoff hopes are in disarray, in fact their next 2 seasons are, with the coach’s scheduled appearance for November 2016:

  " McFadden, Andrew:

NZ Warriors’ coach severely hampered by Saturn and Chiron bads, March, April, May, Aug, Sept. Much worse  018 with Uranus attacking his Sun, Venus and Mars."

When the 2017 dates are released, though, I will still scan McFadden’s natal chart for rare winning omens on the night they play in Townsville.



August 22

 ‘Twas 43 years ago this month that I started life as a racing journalist at the once trustworthy, informative NZ Herald.

 At times there were ambitions to be there forever, although  editorial  management changed the game plan after 3.8 years.

 Some of the old fuckers from the 1970s are still there, though, like Paul Lewis, Director of  Editorial Innovation, NZ Herald.

 To his credit, Lewis did have a slight  O  E, even if it were just going to Singapore and working in public relations for a former Herald colleague. Hardly an adventurous expansion, with public relations and journalism being so similar, as opposed to venturing into the unknown and a totally different occupation.

 Extensive travel and  life experience broadens the mind and many a successful sportsperson  has sought Astrological enlightenment. But not journalists, who are trained to consider each human as a possible story not a potential friend. Consequently there’s little interest in humanity. Like veteran  Lewis, as I tried to explain Astrology  after he was firmly ensconced at the Herald again.

 Rattling off a list of amazing prophesies on the All Blacks, cricket teams, league teams and various high profilers etc  could only move Lewis to conclude that " it doesn’t boil my kettle. "
( They prefer to argue about the champions under negative Pluto and Uranus aspects.)

 A few years later old Lewie’s kettle  really came to the boil, with a serious overheating problem---he  got   prostrate cancer ! Of which he could have been alerted, with obviously major 6th House ( health,diet ) complications in his natal chart !

 I tried to interest another old Heraldian, Ms Jane Phare, who’d started there way back  in 1976 and returned after a short-lived, unsuccessful  spell as a freelance writer. A lifelong resident of Auckland, Phare did provide her birthdate upon request and a quick scan of the ephemeris allowed me to warn her of a  " massive and difficult life change in a couple of years’ time " courtesy of  a serious Pluto-Venus invasion……

 " Oh, " was all she could offer. As you might expect. With that  Pluto-Venus invasion  " in a couple of years’ time " supervising Ms Phare getting  breast cancer and a  removal !

 NZ Herald recently promoted " early detection " with:

 “ Kiwi researchers have found a new way to reveal tiny traces of cancer in the body, in a million-dollar study that could allow clinicians to find and treat tumours while still barely detectable.

Doctors hunting for evidence of cancer in samples often face a needle-in-a-haystack scenario, with cancer cells hidden among a sea of normal cells.

For the past few years, leading New Zealand cancer researcher Professor Parry Guilford has been investigating how these faint traces can be picked out of the mix - and has now discovered a promising solution.

I thought of Lewis, Phare and another veteran journo:

Nov 26  2009

Hi Don

Hope all is well---just read your predictions for 2010 and noted Positives for Feb 22,23 but those born March 18,19,20,21 can expect the unexpected in a problem year.

Any assistance for those of us born Feb 24 ??   FYI, if you want to enter me in your database ( in case I ever become famous ) It's Feb 24, 1963, 7 am Palmerston North.

Cheers and keep up the good work---especially like the recent post on Bungle Jim, who continues to mutter away at the SUNDAY NEWS.

Michael Donaldson,

Sports editor

Sunday Star-Times

PO Box 1327, Auckland

An extreme rarity, as per a media person being humble enough to seek advice He didn’t want to pay for a full enlightenment, nor help educate his readers with an Astrological sports column, as FRIDAY FLASH and TRUTH had done.

Donaldson packed a big sad over the publication here of this email. Bad for the media ego, so he became a laboratory rat for prediction purposes and some pearls supervised his disappointments in various demotions by the Fairfax machine.

Later, in Astrological medicinal research, it were discovered that badly-aspected Uranus or Pluto in the 6th House of health and diet appeared so often in the natal charts of cancer sufferers. Quite a natural placement for the planets of revolution and drastic change, with M Donaldson having both in his own 6th, badly aspecting both his Sun and Moon in the weak, long-suffering Pisces Ascendant !

Funny to think what full Astrological enlightenments can reveal, for a cost of just $90.

Not funny to think, though, that revolutionary Pluto shall be invading Donaldson’s Venus in 2018. A serious invasion that one, as Ms Jane Phare discovered.

Lest we not forget that  the once trustworthy, informative NZ Herald  does endorse  " earliest detection ! "


August 20

 ‘Twas recently noted  that Ms Hillary Clinton had the Astrological make up of a nasty, unromantic with lots of dark secrets.

 Then this makes the news:

Another skeleton in Hillary’s closet is coming back to haunt her… It appears Chelsea Clinton’s real father is Webster Hubbell, the former Mayor of Little Rock, Arkansas. Hubbell was a law partner at Rose Law Firm with Hillary, and became one of the most important Clinton-insiders.

Then-Governor Clinton appointed Hubbell as Chief Justice of the Arkansas State Supreme Court, but 10 years later he resigned before pleading guilty to federal mail fraud and tax evasion for overbilling clients. Hubbell served 15 months in prison.

The New Yorker reported on rumors that Hillary Clinton’s affair was first noticed in 1984 at the Governor’s Mansion during Bill’s second term, but had started long before.

Apparently, Bill Clinton is infertile. This raises serious character questions about Hillary Clinton… If she was elected, this type of sex scandal could open her up to blackmail.

Robert Morrow claimed:

“His exact words were, ‘I shoot blanks.’ Stunned by what I’d just heard, I asked him, ‘Then what about Chelsea?’ And he said, ‘Oh, Webb (Hubbell) sired her.”

So we go to the Astrological for the answers and check out Chelsea’s birth chart. Very complicated, with that mysterious Scorpion Ascendant, and also, like her mother, a very tight Venus ( Aries 21 )-Pluto ( Libra 21 ) block. That which places major roadblocks in the pursuit of love/happiness, often with parental complications---identical to actor-legend Jack Nicholson who ultimately learned that his much older “ sister ” was in fact his mother.

And the most famous son of a priest the world has ever known, NZ racehorse-breeding great Sir Patrick Hogan, who also had the sister-mother experience.

Paternal mysteries frequently include difficult aspects to the subject’s Sun at birth. Chelsea’s Pisces 8 Sun was in disagreement with her Mars and Jupiter ( both at Virgo 4 ) when she arrived.

And Billy the blankshooter ? Incredible tightness with his Mars and Neptune, at Libra 6.21 and 6.51 respectively. A great weakening of the energies here, and often sex-related problems. An identical Mars-Neptune conjunction appears in the chart of a prominent NZ racehorse purchaser-syndicator, with paedophile experience in his philandering and, apparently, an incredibly small penis. ( As 3 of its victims have explained.)

Lending  further weight to theories about Bill Clinton’s infertility. House 11 in the natal chart governs friendships and social aims, including progeny. Revolutionary Pluto in House 11 often denies children, and that’s where blankshooter Billy’s got his Pluto !  Nor was there any Astrological  elation for him in February 1980 when Chelsea arrived, like punching the air and shouting for “ Yea, I’m a father !

We check out Hillary herself, and her Astrological situation around likely conception time, May 1979 ? All kinds of problems around her Venus, and Uranus involvement so often associated with an extra-marital affair………



August 18

 NZ’s  Prime Minister is really digging his toes in over the decriminalisation of cannabis, in spite of overwhelming public opinion and the incredible economic benefits.

It’s well known that, courtesy of a leaked Treasury document,  legalising and taxing cannabis could generate $150 million annually, while saving another  $400million in law enforcement. Remembering that in NZ 482,000  people are taking antidepressants which cause violence and suicide.

In the USA these antidepressants are being credited with the suicides of 22 war veterans on average per week.

As we know, the Astrological has formulae for losers, boozers and drug users. And this is where Duke Unt’s son Max comes into it. I had to wonder about the  Astrological make up of a disc jockey at age 20.

For the  shallow entertainment and music industries are  riddled with  serious drug abusers. With Max Key’s  21st birthday last May came the discovery  of a very serious positive energy block in his chart---disharmony between energetic Mars and revolutionary Pluto !

The classic for anger management and serious substance abuse issues !  Very frustrated people with obsessions and a high percentage of alcoholics and drug addicts. Key junior’s Leo 29 ( Mars ) and Scorpio 29 ( Pluto ) clash  is extremely tight and more intense than normal………

Muhammed Ali, paedo soccer player Adam Johnson, Mike Tyson, disgraced Auckland lawyer Christopher Harder, the late Chopper Read, violent actor Matthew Newton. Heaps, including a mate of mine who’d had 2 heart attacks by age 52. A fortnight in hospital ended with  a doc’s  strict warning about giving up drinking and  cigarettes----30 minutes later he was spotted making up for lost time in the Jolly Farmer Tavern.

One day there may be a bold media dorque who’s gonna ask Max if he disagrees with his father ( Duke Unt ) and thinks Cannabis should be decriminalised.

Has Max Key lost his cannabis-use virginity ? If not it would surely happen next Christmas when the Obama and Key families are holidaying  in Hawaii. For 18 year-old  Marley Obama was recently videoed smoking a joint at  a concert ! ( Officially she’s named Malia, but deserves an alias in honour of Bob Marley, the black reggae legend and one of  Cannabis’ most dedicated users.)

She spots Max, posing and preening himself.

" Hey, git yo’ white ass  over here and smoke some mean weed ! "

Footnote: Duke Unt is the peerage bestowed upon  John Key by the Israelis for his devotion to racism and universal poverty.


August 17

Being self-employed with extremely flexible working hours means you have to always  be prepared for the unexpected.

Like an email from Auckland Libraries advising a certain ordered book is waiting to be uplifted from the Otahuhu branch.

Last Friday, Otahuhu’s library had the autobiography of last year’s Melbourne Cup-winning jockey Michelle Payne. An awesome read. Full of setbacks, horrific falls, hospitals and starvation to get the weight down, reminding us how dangerous the life of a jockey can be.

With the key on Page 159 during a discussion with sister Margie about Prince of Penzance:

 “ I really think this horse is good enough to win the Melbourne Cup.”

“ Wow ! ” Margie said. “ And then what ? ” 

“ I’ll retire, ” I replied.

Margie got her phone, asked for a repeat and filmed it all for posterity.

Prince of Penzance won the November 2015 Melbourne Cup at 100-1. In May this year, Ms M Payne was hospitalised after another  horrific race fall at piddly Mildura. Then a major falling out with the owners of Prince of Penzance after they advised her to retire last week.

Even before the fall, her appearance had been pencilled in for next November’s Annual Prophesies on

Payne, Michelle:

The slowdown continues for Melbourne Cup-winning jockey with Neptune-Mars harassment until Jan 018.”

 Said aspect supervises a lack of motivation or plenty of roadblocks and a great dearth of positive energy. Same aspect was hindering glorified NZ newsreader Paul Henry when he attempted to crack it in Sydney in 2012 and got sent home as a rank failure in breakfast TV ratings.

 Also political pig Crusher Collins when she was forced to resign from the National Party cabinet in 2014. Also super-expensive NRL failure Sam Tomkins during his 2 years at the NZ Warriors.

Definitely the time for  30 year-old Michelle Payne to honour the promise to her sister……



August 15

 How ironical that  an Olympic swimming champ had to waken the mainstream media to yet another ancient healing practice.

 But they could hardly ignore Michael Phelps’  red-brown spotted back that came from the Chinese " Cupping " technique.

 Like all the spotted Chinese I notice at swimming pools, prompting an explanation from my Chinese acupuncturist.

 “ Here, I show you.” Under orders I became a shirtlifter while she tightened  a  clear plastic suction cup on my back. 2-3 minutes later the trial is over and she shows me a photo of the red spot.

 Brilliant for circulation, drawing blood to the surface and relieving tension. After one of our many sessions she showed me  steam the cup had drawn from my person.

 In Russia as well, with another mate explaining how she knew about it “ when I was a little girl back home. They use for  many things, like headaches, stress and weight loss, I remember.”

 Of course this great practice must not be promoted too seriously. As per  ancient healers like Astrology, cannabis  and other natural medicine, for the mainstream media mongols and  pill makers are bedmates. They prefer depression and prescription drugs, and love Generation Z for Zombie.

 I heard about an 84 year-old lady scoffing 32 pills daily for her back problems…..

 And wondered ,too,  amidst the stoney, post cupping-session high. Cupping, in the era of meaningful music, as preparation for a Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin concert ?

 Cupping comes under the ACC banner. Even if you can’t get awesome mates rates, $60 for a 45-minute sesh is great  value.

 While  hairdressers advertise a " digital perm " for twice that. And, of course, $60 can purchase 6-7 stubbies of Heineken in an upmarket bar…


August 14

Close relationship problems are so easily defined by aspects in the birth chart.

Invariably sexual inhibitions and happiness blocks come from afflictions involving Venus and Moon from powerfuls like Mars, Pluto and Saturn, or complications in the 8th House that governs death, post-marital and sexual matters.

Consider probably the 2 most discussed, “ cheating ” marriages in history, involving Prince Charles and Lady Di, Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Chas and Billy were both born with Venus-Neptune unions that guarantee experimenting, infidelity and the novelty of marriage easily wearing thin. With both Di and Killary arriving under the ultimate close relationship complicator, erratic Uranus in the 8th House !

Diana’s own Uranus ( Leo 23 ) was tightly aspecting her  Moon ( Aquarius 24 ) and Venus ( Taurus 25 ) at birth. Complications that create shallow, flighty women who complain very unnecessarily and rarely enjoy sex. There’s the preference for a wealthy, powerful protector as opposed to a soulmate kind of husband.

The 8th House governs sex, the meaning of life, death and post-marital behaviour and chaotic Uranus’ presence here is self-explanatory. Ms Clinton’s  8th-House Uranus ( Gemini 25 ) was  at war with her Pisces 22 Moon as well but her love block is even more complicated, considering the inhabitants of her 12th House.

The domain of secrecy, behind the scenes and criminal inclinations, with Ms Clinton having 4 of her 12 planets therein, including the Sun ( Scorpio 2 ) Mercury ( Scorpio 21) and Venus ( Scorpio 16 ). Our suspicions about her must naturally be aroused, especially with Mercury very tightly antagonised by restrictive Sat ( Leo 21 ) when she arrived.

A deep and penetrating mind, serious concentration and also depression. Relevant also to Ms Clinton’s regular naps, but the Venus position is just as notable. Seriously blocked by the ruthless, destructively ambitious combination of Mars and Pluto, both in Leo at 14 degrees.

Such  ultra-tightness  indicates she wouldn’t have a kind bone in her body. Also many  minor health problems and diseases, constant complaining, depression or just switching off. And definitely wouldn’t enjoy sex.

On the contrary, those with Venus-Mars harmony in their charts enjoy sex very much. Heaps, probably the most famous in my memory bank is Sir Mick Jagger, about to become a father for the 8th time at age 73………

Astrological advice has also been given to a pair of Auckland-based female sex workers, both with very positive, inspirational Mars-Neptune trines in their Astrological. A Thai and a black African, each would think nothing of performing 12-13 tricks a day.

No wonder Venus-Neptune Billy was renowned for his darts down the blind side. With, Hillary there’d definitely be synonomousity with a sack of potatoes.

Footnote: For the undereducated, “ Donald ” is the diminutive of cockney rhyme’s  “ Donald Duck.”



August 13

20 years ago there was the most bizarre result from a random drug test in history.

 As per the 1996 Foxbridge Plate, a weight-for-age 1400 metres horse race at Te Rapa, near Hamilton, on Saturday August 10, 1996.

 Rounding the turn, favourite Royal Cent shoots clear and looks the winner, until a set of pink and green colours zooms into the picture. Those worn by jockey Johnny Hayes on the rank outsider, steeplechaser Clean Cut who’d never been fast enough to win at the sprint distance in his 9 years on earth.

 Clean Cut wins and the racing world is shocked. A plodding  old steeplechaser beats the best winter sprinters in the country ?

 A couple of weeks later there’s the clue. A positive drug test !

 History has plenty of " go fasters " used to improve racehorses, like bute, arsenic, caffeine and Dr Bell’s tonic from the olden days to snake venom, blue magic and most recently cobalt etc.

 Except the horse didn’t return the positive, it was the jockey, J D Hayes !  Yep, the urine sample collected from “ Hazy “ sometime on August 10 included enough cannabis to supposedly impair his judgement !

Consequently J D Hayes was disqualified from race riding for 4 months…….


August 12

 The dirty old tabloids, including the once trustworthy NZ Herald, have dragged  up the speculation again.

 It is Prince Charles, not James Hewitt, as was Astrologically confirmed many years ago.

 Aspects to a subject’s Sun at birth  define the relationship with the father. Difficult aspects indicate separation, major disagreements or unknowns and  Harry’s natal chart contains none of the drastic solar squares or oppositions.

 Case history: When   barren mare-depression sufferer-breakfast radio boredcaster Jayjay Feeney ( Harvey )  came for her phenomenal enlightenment early in 2005  she had only one disagreement with the prognosis.

 A very tight opposition between her Sun ( Aries 6 ) and  revolutionary Pluto ( Libra 5 )  indicated she had major disagreements or  very little  to do with her father.

 “ No,”  Feeney claimed. “ We get on okay.”

 Later in the past-life analysis it emerged that Feeney’s biological father had departed when she was very young and the " okay " chap was a subsequent  mother fucker.

 A similar situation with Prince Hazza’s paternal half-brother born out of wedlock in April 1966, and subsequently adopted out, to Hazza’s now stepmum Camilla and sired by Prince Charles himself. This April 1966-born has a major Pluto-Sun difference in his birth chart as well !

 Lest we not forget that the separation of  Prince Hazza’s parents in October 1992 was confidently predicted  in the now defunct racing weekly FRIDAY FLASH’s  " It’s in the Stars " column way back in August 1991 !

 Nor that Hazza’s Sun ( Taurus 21 ) and Moon ( Virgo 22 ) were  harmoniously aligned at birth, and shall both be receiving awesome trines from powerful Pluto, around Capricorn 21 and 22, through 2018 and 2019.

 The sort of guy you’d  want to be coaching your footy team in those years !



August 10

 Along with his latest 19th Olympic gold medal, the swimming champ featured in one of history’s great predictions.

 As per the Annual Prophesies,, November 26, 2014:

 Phelps, Michael:

Plenty of frustration and setbacks  for the swimming champ while Pluto attacks his Mars. July, November crucial.

 Touche ! Just 23 days later M Phelps pleaded guilty to drink-driving.

 Phelps said he was "looking at a much brighter future" after a 45-day spell in a rehabilitation clinic

US swimmer Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all-time, has been given a one-year suspended prison sentence after pleading guilty to drink-driving.

The 18-time Olympic gold medallist was also sentenced to 18 months of supervised probation.

During that time Phelps must totally abstain from drinking alcohol.

The 29-year-old tested at nearly twice the legal alcohol limit when he was arrested in Baltimore in September.

He was initially stopped for speeding after being caught going at 84mph (135km/h) in a 45mph zone.”

A simple prophesy, really, with revolutionary Pluto at Capricorn 13 programmed to be attacking his Cancer 13.53 Mars position. With the powerful planet previously harassing his Ascendant ( 10.03 ) and Sun ( 8.33 ) positions in sensitive Cancer since his temporary retirement in 2012.

Most people know their Sun sign, but few the more important Ascendant/rising sign position which can only be calculated from time of birth. The Cancer Ascendant is ultra-sensitive, its possesors having great perception but needing a lot of space and frequently a private cave to which they can retire and rest and evaluate what the sensitive nature soaks up. They can’t handle routine or pressure for too long…..

Possessors of the ultra-sensitive Cancer Ascendant  include depression icon Sir John Kirwan and the late Jonah Lomu, also widely-travelled horse racing identities like Sheila Laxon, Rodney Heaslip, Nigel Landers and Damien Oliver.

Plenty of Cancer positions, as M Phelps knows, have been getting attacked by Pluto, but thereafter blissfully enhanced by Neptune, in Cancer’s ally Pisces at present.

With Neptune blissing M Phelps’ Ascendant through August and September, then January 2017, and  his Mars experiencing that awesome Neptune trine right through until February 018……



August 9

 There’s nothing like an awesome Pluto or Uranus trine to fill a gloomy, depressed mortal with hope.

 There is light after the dark tunnel.( Check the saga of the Indian sisters down on August 4. )

 Sad, though, that the wonderful Astrological tool is so hated and lied about by our media sickos. Especially with the stats ( below ) about all those kids who top themselves. And when their best option may be listening to some idiot like medication minnow Mike King or Sir John Kirwanker and their boring stories !

 Now any scammer can predict a lotto win or a marriage. But you’re more likely to believe it if an acknowledged master of the world’s oldest science has shocked you with a revelation about your past. Like my first Astrologeress in London telling me that I had arrived by caesarean section, and could describe, just from a birthdate, the present Polish girlfriend as “  very eccentric and a bit kinky.”

 Just as I was able to tell the late Charlotte Dawson about a very depressing time of dark thought and deed  at 15-16 years of age. With a chuckle, she explained that things got so low she had even been seriously thinking of ways to eradicate her stepfather ! Etc

 Consider David Bain. Denied compensation again last week for his 13 years of wrongful imprisonment. But with every reason to continue fighting.

 Uranus trines, Pluto trines or both ?  To be revealed in the weekly Astrology Report on the Auckland-based Indian radio station this Thursday morning !

 106.2 fm ( NZ ) or via the website, Thursdays 8.30 am.


August 8

 More honours for this awesome country.

 A 3rd placing in the world’s child poverty competition among “ developed nations.”

 Recently released stats have the USA on top with 32.2%, the United Kingdom silver with 25.6% and NZ next with 18.4%.

 The cellar dwellars are Norway with 5.3%, just below their fellow Scandinavians Finland, Denmark and Sweden, then the Czech Republic and Australia 13%.


New Zealand has the second highest rate of youth suicide in the OECD, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

 Last year alone, 46 teenagers aged between 15 and 19 took their own lives.

Way to go Kiwis !!!!!!!


August 7


Helen Clark says she is disappointed with the result of the latest vote on who should be the next UN Secretary General.

Former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres is still leading in the second ballot, while Clark has reportedly slipped from sixth to seventh place.

We cannot be certain that “ Helen McLicker of the Labia Party ” is “ disappointed, ” remembering that she was born with serious Saturn in secretive House 12 that is the classic for withholding dark secrets and putting on a brave face i.e not always telling the truth. ( It is very common for politicians to have this placement, as per Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and George W Bush. Also Camilla Parker-Bowles, O J Simpson, the late Freddy Mercury and NZ horse racing identities, champion jockey Opie Bosson, who was paying $900 weekly in child support for 3 children to as many different mothers, cobalt-fiasco  trainer Lance O’Sullivan and retired jockey Jim Cassidy, who served 2 separate disqualifications for race fixing.)

It is very possible that Dame McLicker’s judges had her strapped to a polygraph while she was asked about her husband’s “ activities ” in San Francisco. When there was a puff of smoke, some sparks and the room suddenly went dark……

Or did they view some footage of labia “ party activity ”  from the Abraham Lincoln cottage, as commissioned by George W Bush ? Resulting in Dame McLicker agreeing to agree with George about his Iraqi invasion !

More mysterious behaviour from Dame McLicker a few years back when she convinced her successor, NZ’s prime minister Duke Unt, to suddenly confer a  knighthood on the dirty old Holmo. Duke Unt, of course, is the peerage bestowed upon John Key by the Jews for his unstinting devotion to racism and creating poverty.

The dirty old Holmo being Paul Holmes, NZ’s leading broadcaster and a very failed parent, after he borrowed $850,000 from 2  judge-associates from Alcoholics Anonymous to pay off a lesbian part-mother and officially adopt Millie after marrying her mother. Millie  endorsed those wonderful “ parenting skills ” by getting engaged to a gang member and becoming NZ’s most famous teenage P addict !

Heaps of “ Holmo stories, ”  probably the best being his purchasing drugs off some gang members close to the NZ Herald office and the nearby Christmas party, and an innocent photographer getting the bash for taking some human interest shots. A major cover up and plenty of unhappy Auckland media persons. Including Herald veteran “ reporter ” David Fisher, who claimed that there was something about “ it ” on my website that wasn’t true !

And someone like Holmo gets a knighthood, after collusion by 2 supposedly bitter opponents ?  Labia versus Nazional ? A bit like Killary Klinton and Donald Dump working in harmony !

But the bottom line is the Astrological. Dame McLicker’s progressed chart included an awesome, advancing Sun-Saturn progression, peaking early last month to fill her with confidence, with the Duke supporting her as well. It’s passed the use-by date, of course.

Lest we not forget that Saturn has to go somewhere, and there are only 12 Houses in the Astrological chart. So approximately one twelfth of the world are allowed to hide their dark secrets…….



August 6

Back on  August 2 the formidable January 2008 prophesy about Pluto’s rooting out official corruption during his time in Capricorn was revisited. Including:

In March this year Pluto commences his 16-year residence in the sign of CAPRICORN.He shall therefore effect a massive restructuring in Capricornian regions like tradition and authority, business and government, the father and his role.

A day later Wikileaks founder Julian Assange revealed that Hillary Clinton was involved in the funding of ISIS ! Also that the Rothschilds held a $100k per head fundraising dinner in Ms Clinton’s honour !

It’s been known for ages the USA had assisted in the creation of ISIS, and also that the Rothschilds and Rupert Murdoch are in a company drilling for oil in war-torn, ISIS ravaged Syria !

Then just 2 days ago, more great revelations over former detective Tom Lewis’  brilliant book about police corruption, COVER UPS AND COP OUTS. (  scroll down to July 26, " PAEDOPHILES EVERYWHERE " )

That which exposed the unpunished members of the 1985 paedophile ring in Dunedin and heaps of other police corruption. Herewith an email from Tom Lewis, long retired from the force and living in Australia, to some truth-seeking acquaintances:

L……  and R….,

My apologies for not getting back to you sooner - I still work in the
family business and last week was a hectic one.

With regard to the book - Cover-ups and Copouts - I spoke with my sister
who is at the Hocken University library in Dunedin and she advises that
people who had come to the library to research the book - for whatever
reason - had been forced to go on E-bay etc. to obtain a copy for their own
use. I am not surprised because the New Zealand Police spent literally
millions of taxpayer's money on covering this up as it was expected to be
the catalyst for a Royal Commission.
Example : - when I was in New Zealand in March 1998 promoting the book and
doing the signing thing in shops I was told by the owners of these shops
that the local Police were buying up all copies. I was not too worried as
Hodder Moa Beckett were rapt over the sales figures and were looking to an
early re-print. On the Friday of that week I was in a hotel in Merivale
with my wife and others when I was approached by Assistant Commissioner
-(as he was then) - Paul Fitzharris. In a mocking tone he advised me to
enjoy my time in the limelight because come Monday all publicity re the
book would cease and it would be taken off the shelves. He also added that
there would be no reprint!

My initial reaction was to laugh off his threats because I was flying back
to Australia the next morning and had more pressing things on my mind.
Fitzharris and I were former friends so he stayed for a half hour or so
discussing other matters but repeated the treat before he left. Over the
next few weeks I learnt the book had gone to number 1 bestseller in New
Zealand at that time but that was short lived as all copies just seemed to
evaporate according to sources. It was then that it was confirmed the
majority had been purchased by the new Zealand Police!
Worse was to follow with a staff member of Hodder Moa Beckett advising that
they had been offered an undisclosed sum to stop all further re-prints. He
further stated that it was an offer the company could not refuse although
it had come with a cost as head publisher - Sarah Beresford had resigned in
And that is exactly what happened and could only happen in New Zealand!

Many people were very relieved as you can imagine as their was some
evidence showing that a Labor Party cabinet minister as well as many other
prominent people had attended earlier sex shows. Also Women against
Pornography produced women who had worked at an Auckland brothel and they
alleged that before his ascension to Prime Minister – David Lange-- had been
a regular customer. These are but a few snippets that come to mind. The
other disturbing things for me were how money and power bought silence.

My lawyer - JB Robertson - later - (a very short time later) - became
Justice Robertson - the youngest ever judge appointed in New Zealand - he
had days before sent me a letter advising me to drop the allegations for
the sake of my family!.
The New Zealand Police Association - who had backed me all through
suddenly received - the biggest pay rise ever as well as the PERF scheme -
as long as certain conditions were met - i.e. talk Lewis into taking early
retirement - which they did!

These are but a few of the twists and turns that took place and I have been
urged to write an E-book which they would find impossible to shut down -
however I have not seriously considered it. My grand daughter Maria Lewis -
( an author who has a book on sale in NZ at present - 'Who's Afraid') - is
a producer at SBS television and she has done an extensive interview with
me over the attempt on the Queen's life in Dunedin in 1981. She is in the
U.K. at present spruiking her next 4 books and hoping to gain support for a
documentary/drama in this the Queen's 90th birthday year.

So maybe - just maybe I will have something to say on the corrupt nature of
just not the New Zealand Police but the New Zealand government - they were
and have been complicit in these cover-ups. We will see.

If you require any information that you think I can provide please let me
know and I will endeavor to assist.


Tom L.

Footnote: COVER UPS AND COP OUTS is still available in the Auckland Library system.


August 4

 Fred Hollows is ranked as one of the greatest New Zealanders, an  ophthalmologist who became known for his work in restoring eyesight for countless thousands of people in Australia and many other countries. It has been estimated that more than one million people in the world can see today because of initiatives instigated by Hollows, the most notable example being The Fred Hollows Foundation.

 Fred believed that the basic attribute of mankind is to look after each other.

 Unfortunately his words are so easily forgotten, especially by the sick mainstream media machine, hell bent on maintaining depression and misery amongst the masses. Consider a recent, typical day’s headlines from the NZ Herald’s net page:

What happens when you try to trick a self-service machineSupermarket chain keeps lid on its closure planWoolworths to close six Countdown supermarketsSchoolbus crash kid 'covered in blood'….Watch: Five-metre shark circles kayakerSwedish policewoman in bikini nabs thiefOlympics blow for Valerie AdamsWedding stinger: Brides left without gownsWorker stole $80k to live NYC high-lifeTeacher allegedly force-fed childrenWoman dies from the pill side-effects'Kidnapped' Kiwi and partner flee RioHair removal cream: Is this possible?Worst endorsement Trump could getEight workers injured in Auckland fire….and the big story------A 1-year-old baby boy was this morning burned after pouring a cup of hot coffee over himself !

Whence the media’s total hatred of the world’s oldest and greatest science that does its best to educate and look after our fellow humans. As I was reminded yesterday with a call from yet another enthusiastic client in Melbourne.

At age 22, this Papatoetoe-based Indian girl came to me on recommendation from an ex-boyfriend early in 2012. Her troubled childhood was correctly analysed, as per the parents separating and father shifting to NZ from Fiji with his 3 young daughters. Oldest was aged 5.

A basic  May 5 Taurus of the Snake Year, all she wanted to do was get married and become a mother. With all the wishes coming true in the next 3 years, I explained, courtesy of awesome Pluto trining her Sun and Moon and sextiling the Ascendant !

“ Are you certain ? ”  

 I was, I assured her. I’d got all her history right, like Cliff Richard’s 1976 hit Devil Woman---- “ Crystal ball on the table, showing the future, the past.”

Next week her 2 years younger, May 7 sister gets sent round “ to sort her shit out.”

With Taurus junior advised of her awesome Pluto-Sun trine in 2016. Being in her  4th House  of home, family, residential matters, this lucky Sun would be honoured in some way. I forecast a definite leaving home with a man involved and even the probability of this 20 year-old nursing student owning property…..

Just over a year later I notice Taurus senior with a change of surname on Facebook. A polite “ WTF ? ” was answered with “ I’m getting married on Saturday, you’d better come along.”

Off to Melbourne soon after, own home purchased and 2.5 years after the initial consultation she phones me from Melbourne to get some Astrological about her newly-arrived daughter !

Then again yesterday, to report on younger sister getting engaged and buying a house with the fiancée. At age 24.

Sad really, that so many don't get the chance to be  inspired by their awesome Pluto trines…….


Two brilliant Uranus and one powerful Pluto trine for David Bain. Watch this space !


April 3

 The answer is not: Someone who’s consumed 5 jugs of Waikato Draught and has a paper bag for her head.

 It’ll be super-powerful Pluto.

 Firstly we must consider Bennett possessing  3 planets in challenge-seeking Aries---the Sun, Mercury and Venus. Automatically we have one who shall be frustrated if staying in the same life for too long, especially if there is a boss above. A true Aries doesn’t like taking orders, especially considering an awesome quadrella, each having the same 3 in Aries.

 Politician Winston Peters, renowned for always being right and legendary broadcaster-depression sufferer Murray Deaker ONZM ,born the day after Peters in April 1945.

 Paihia, January 1997, whilst partying in a backpackers lodge. A young French lady  has her turn at testing the Astrological and wants to know about her mother, born on the same day as either Peters or Deaker: " She’d be bossy, always right and would talk a lot ? "

 “ Fuck yes, she never stop talking and always bossy.” A schoolteacher, too, as was Deaker, who turned seriously to the bottle instead of just sulking when he couldn’t get promoted to headmaster. Deaker played his part in Astrological enlightenment by hosting  the Annual State of the Astrological Nation Address on Newstalk ZB for 18 years, when thousands of listeners were inspired to get in-depth enlightenments.

 Not Deaker, though. Raved about Astrology for one hour a year, but never once sought an analysis of his renowned mental illness. Very  simple diagnosis for a 3-planet Aries stuck in the same old same old---- change the game plan ! --- but 3-planet Aries people know everything and don’t need advice…….

 Also  rugby league bad boy Kevin Locke, renowned for offences with automobiles, getting sacked and moving on. Also another of the great game’s bad lads, Mitchell Pearce, who was in all kinds of drama including a spell in rehab in Thailand earlier this year.

 Pearce is on the brink of emulating Locke’s tumultuous last few years with another appearance planned for the November 2016 Annuals:

 “ Pearce, Mitchell:

Problems continue for the troubled Aussie rugby league star with Pluto attacking his Sun, Mercury and Venus and Neptune upsetting his Mars. All clear after Dec 019.”

 Pearce don’t know it, but he  has an Astrological sister who’ll be in the November 2016 Annuals as well:

 “ Bennett, Paula:

Power-crazy  politician  facing unbelievable and difficult upheavals next 2 years while Pluto deals to her Sun, Mercury and Venus with Neptune severely weakening  her Mars.”

 Options ?  Become an alcoholic like Deaker when Key won’t promote her or a dramatic dumping before starting her own party like Peters.

 Footnote:  Aries of the Chinese Rooster Year ( 1945 ( Peters, Deaker and the French chick’s mother ), 1957, 1969 ( Bennett ), 1981 etc  have no peer when it comes to demanding the limelight.



August 2

 Check this out from the archives:


30 Jan 2008

 Whenever the zodiac's revolution bringer, Pluto, changes signs there will always be some major social amendments

In March this year Pluto commences his 16-year residence in the sign of CAPRICORN.He shall therefore effect a massive restructuring in Capricornian regions like tradition and authority, business and government, the father and his role.

 And also

 Old traditions like newspapers, real estate and car sales will be changing drastically courtesy of the internet generation. It's easy to see a further weakening of governments because Pluto's destruction here will root out a lot more corruption and inefficiency.

But the scary piece relates to the massively changing role of the father figure, as the family unit slowly disappears and  marriage becomes just another episode in life's great soap opera for many.

 Courtesy of the great hackers like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and co there have been incredible revelations of corruption around many governments, the Rothschilds and the USA funding of Isis etc.

 The daily “ newspaper ” is on death row.  And what amazing changes we’ve seen in “ real estate, ” with the incredible upping of house prices, so notably in Auckland with the Chinese takeover. Especially as I recall suggesting to my now accountant and her sister from Shenyang nearly 20 years ago that “ you guys are taking over this city !

 Around the time that I started learning the basics of Mandarin and Cantonese. ( When in Rome…) With a Chinese health professional recently impressed enough to start learning herself the basics of the Samoan and Tongan tongues, as she understands the logic in a world so fraught with racial suspicion. Very helpful when you work near Otahuhu, the apex of Auckland’s “ Chocolate Triangle.”

 I told her about the chief of Marble Bar’s Aboriginal tribe in Western Australia and how he was totally blown away upon entering the Pier Hotel, Port Hedland one evening in August 1978. When the white bartender asked him in one of the hundred and something dialects of the Aboriginal language how his day had been and if he wanted a big beer or a small beer ?

 The black fella’s language was much simpler to learn than English. In Port Hedland, for example, “ Wanburi ” could mean  “ hello, goodbye, friend ” or  “ happy. ”

 Samoan and Tongan are quite simple too. Here was a dark-skinned gentleman in the Otahuhu post office a couple of years ago having trouble with his automobile registration. He laughed his head off when a palagi gave him a dig in the ribs and suggested “ Ka’avale fa’alavelave ? ” He shook my hand with great enthusiasm for understanding that he had “ car problems ? ”

 Ultimately my Chinese protégé’s final examination will involve going into Pinati’s Samoan lunch bar in Otahuhu to purchase a lamb bun, a pork bun and a pineapple bun, without speaking a single word of English.

 Whether she can aspire to creating a joke in a foreign language remains to be seen. Just as I once asked the head of Auckland’s Vainikolo family if he knew what the Tongans’ favourite insurance company was ?  No idea, then he burst into great laughter when “ F A I ” was the answer, “ fai ” being the Tongan word for “ making love ”.

 It was also explained that FAI used to sponsor the Manly Sea Eagles rugby league team, which meant  one of Tonga’s favourite characters, now  father-of-10 John Hopoate, was running round with FAI on his back…….

 Not sure if this Mandarin joke would count, though.

 What’s better than licking a Mandarin ?

 Licking Amanda out !


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