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May:            Crewes, Warrnambool, M Vatuvei, D Ryan, H Barry
April:           K Foran, Beyonce, G Inglis, G W Bush, T Brown, C Waller, H Clark, Otahuhu champions, P Busuttin, L Ko, L Messi, G Simon, Breast cancer, S Williams, T-20 shock
March:        S Pateman, L O'Sullivan, P Moody, Royal love child, E Watson, Auck Blues, L Hamilton, S Johnson, A Little, M Crowe, R Murdoch, Rapists
Feb:            Gai W, Jesus, Cobalt, Black Caps, D Oliver, Teletubby T, Fatal Donald, Mirthquakes, Key's missus, The Hassler, K Williamson, M Clarke
Jan:            M Pearce,  S Watson, Prince Harry, R Nadal, Methametha, J Parker, R Murdoch, D Bowie, P Bennett ,Obama,  Clinton, A McCoy, Cosby
Dec:            M Schumacher, B McLaren, Man United, S Blatter, B McCullum, Lomu-Putin-Obama, D Trump, Methametha, Kardashians, Losers, T Veitch
Nov:           B McCullum, C Sheen, Hinch mysteries, J Lomu, Isis Nice, Cancer, F Hollande, J Key, Melbourne Cup, Quake making, Sonny Bill, R McCaw
Oct:            Paedo files, R McCaw, W Bennett, C Cairns, G Waterhouse, O'Bomber, K Kardashian, The test, S Williams, A Johns, England, Jews, S Blatter
Sept:          C Brown, McDonalds, T Woods, D Trump, P Moody, M Turnbull, S Pancholi, T Abbott, L Ko, B Marshall, G Brazier, M Purdon, JB Cummings
August:      Cancer, China, S Kavanagh, M Holmes, P Rudd, Underworld, Aussie cricket,S Johnson, J Harvey, P Nand, Fukushima,J Parker, M Clarke
July:           Witchdoctors, T Woods, S Kenny-Dowall, B Bishop, N Tinkler, S Kenny-Dowall,J Cassidy, Australia, P Moody, J O'Connor,  L O'Sullivan
June:          T Umaga, M Ellis, L O'Sullivan, C Craig, S Tomkins, B McCullum, Slater, Indian cricket, Te Akau, S Blatter, K Bax

May:         S Blatter, R Jones, J Depp, J Campbell, J Banks, S Johnson, mushrooms, Prince Harry, T Woods, Te Akau, M Sabin, Royal baby

April:          P Gallen, Cancer, A Cruden, H Clinton, M Hosking, J Campbell, S Johnson, M Muliaina, Methametha, M Clarke, M Sabin

March:      Black Caps, Lufthansa, Ugleo, Dunny, Warriors' coach, Mike King, Chris Waller, Kirwanker, John Key, Teina Pora, Team NZ

Feb:           Susan Wood, J Kirwan, Manly, David Ellis, Shahrukh Khan, America's Cup,  Prince Harry, McCullum and Abbott,Tiger Woods,Bute
Jan:           Russell Norman, David Bain, Quade Cooper, Peter Moody,  Cobalters, Prince Andrew
2014 notables: Dec: M Phelps,M Jagger, Shaun Johnson, Molloy, M Clarke Nov:  2015 predictions, Bill Cosby, M Vatuvei,  Atacama, Tim Vince Oct:  Melbourne Cup,  B Affleck Sept: A Cruden, M Crowe,  M Clarke Aug: L Innes, Christianity, Broome, Robin Williams, M S Dhoni, Tiger Woods,  Mike King July : Orgasms,  Graham Thorne, Rolf Harris, Luke Braid, Brazil,  Black Caps, Rolf Harris June: Suarez, Media turncoat, Sepp Blatter, Autism, Sam Tomkins, Breast cancer May: Leith Innes,  Lou Vincent, Beyonce,  Rob Ford April: G Clooney,  Benji Marshall, Stacey Jones, The debut March:Crusher Collins, Hillary Clinton Feb: Michael Clarke, Charlotte Dawson,  Sir Patrick Hogan,  Sir John Kirwan Jan: Mark Chittick, Black Caps,  Beyonce,  Russell Packer
2013 notables:Dec: Michael  Schumacher,  Susan Boyle, Nigella Lawson, Rob Ford, Susan Wood, Tony Blair Nov: 2014 Prophesies, Judith Collins,  Jim Cassidy,  Sarah MoodyOct: John Banks, Australia, Len Brown, Scott Dixon,  Sachin Tendulkar, Team NZ.Sept: America's Cup,  USA,  Australian election
A selection of the most popular from
013 Aug:  Catherine Zeta-Jones, Ewen McKenzie, NZ Warriors, Michael Clarke July:  Official cash rate, Nigella Lawson, Owen Glenn June: Silvio Berlusconi, Rupert Murdoch marriage May: William Roache April: Crusher Collins Jan: Ruben Wiki or Holmo ?  N Sarkozy
012 Dec: The comicals Nov:  Holmo bashing, Paul Henry, Queen Elizabeth/Damien Oliver Oct: Matthew Elliott Sept: Jay Jay Feeney and barren mares Aug: The immaculate conception July:  Scott Guy murder, long-range Melbourne Cup day June: Andy Haden and Murray Deaker  April:  Aries Dragons Jan:  Kim Dotcom
011 Dec: Amazing psychic Nov: Sonny Bill and Kim Kardashian ? Oct: Dan Carter Sept: Zara Phillips July: Rupert Murdoch marriage
2010 Dec: John Wright Nov: Aung San Suu Kyi
2009 Dec:  NZ Warriors Mar:  Bain murders

2008 Sept:  Psychic Sister Rose, A R A Fieldes Jan: Pluto revolution

 2007 Oct:   All Blacks May:  Springboks



May 2

 What have Prince Charles of England, Bill Clinton and Beyonce’s husband  Jay Z  got in common ?

 And the late Paul Holmes’ first wife and negro basketball legend Wilt Chamberlain, who unashamedly admitted to bedding 20,000 women.

 To be answered in the weekly Astrological Report  on Auckland-based Indian radio station Humm fm on Thursday morning. With the most awesome  Astrological formula for infidelity  revealed.

 8.30 am,  Thursdays  106.2 fm ( NZ ) or via the website


May 1

They’re dropping like bombs in Syria, proving yet again the brilliance of Astrological prophesy. From the recent media:

One of TV3's biggest and most popular stars, newsreader Hilary Barry, has quit the network.

Her departure is the second high-profile casualty at TV3 in the past year after John Campbell left in May when his show Campbell Live was dumped.

The Weekend Herald can reveal Ms Barry, who has been with the company since 1993, resigned on Thursday. There is speculation she is headed to rival broadcaster TVNZ.

Hardly a surprise when you consider her appearance in the Annual Prophesies,  last November !

Barry, Hillary:

TV face with many personal dilemmas and confusion from  Neptune whacking her Sun before 2017’s lifestyle chaos from Uranus attacking her Jupiter.

Barry’s departure is yet another body blow for television addicts, following the predicted dumping of John Campbell last year, and the grim reaper claiming people like Sir Paul Holmo and Charlotte  Dawson in previous years !

For many depend on these role models, and can’t imagine starting a day without, for example,  a drool over Paul Henry. And others. An experience I don’t experience, not having possessed a television for 7-8 years, but some of my favourite predictions have involved the dumpings of these New World Order puppets who so despise the world’s oldest science.

Several involving Susan Wood and Sir Paul Holmo, and Paul Henry’s catastrophic attempt to crack it in Sydney.

The November 2016 Annual prophesies have spots booked already for the “ personal restructuring ” of television’s Jacqui Brown, Pippa Wetzell and Alison Mau ! And a real “ roll ” model-----sausage rolls, jam rolls, spring rolls, ham rolls, chocolate log rolls etc--- who could enlist assistance as a case history for the difficult Neptune-Sun experience from Hilaryous Barry:

Street, Toni:

 Teletubby under major personal reconstruction, courtesy of serious Neptune-Sun, Neptune-Mars and Pluto-Node complications between June 017  and Jan 019.”



April 30

As if there haven’t been enough brilliants from last November’s Annual Prophesies so far.

With 33% of the year over, from the 100 there’s already been  pearls involving, starting from ARIES, P Bennett, Cooper, Crowe, Pateman, Pearce, Ko, Murray, Jolie, Nadal, Shastri, S Smith, C Williams, Cosby, Messi, Oliver, Bosson, N Brown, Morgan, Van Gaal, S Johnson, O’Sullivan, Waterhouse, McCullum, S Williams, Hesson, Moody, Pitt, Hamilton, Inglis, McFadden, T Woods, Kenny-Dowall, J Taylor, Blatter, B Marshall, Murdoch…..

And then this in today’s media:

" Parramatta star Kieran Foran was taken to hospital in an ambulance following an overdose on prescription medication it has been revealed.

The Eels announced on Thursday night the playmaker has been granted an indefinite leave of absence by the club to deal with a personal issue after spending a week in hospital due to major concerns about his health.

It has been reported Foran's relationship with the mother of his two children, Rebecca Pope, has broken down."

Hardly a surprise, considering his appearance in last November’s Annuals !

Foran, Kieran:

League star in for major off-year, courtesy of difficult solar progressions, and Uranus anti the Sun and Jupiter. April, Oct especially chaotic.”


April 29

Pop fans love to dissect the more opaque lyrics of their idols for hidden meaning.

But there really was no mistaking what Beyonce was getting at when she released her new album, Lemonade, at the weekend.

Pretty much every song had a reference to the man in her life cheating on her.”

It took me about 20 seconds to solve the mystery. Beyonce suffers major depressions because of the classic Mars in the 12th House and  her Moon in gloomy, dark Scorpio. The ultimate in “ black dog, ” fear and self-loathing. Mars in the 12th is common for victims of child abuse, as per the late Charlotte Dawson, an Australian television face who was a Scorpio Moon  possessor as well.

Dawson received an amazing enlightenment back in January 2007 and next day requested the same for her hairdresser. Six weeks later she phones me from Sydney, at 6 a.m their time one Monday, requesting a read out of her Scorpion Moon complications so her friends could listen on the speaker phone !

Unfortunately, and rather nastily, Dawson refused to go public with her great revelations several years later. A shame, for depression sufferers feel less alienated when I produce the list of other, famous possessors of the cornerstones of depression. ( Dawson’s own marriage included a terminated pregnancy and lasted 6 months after she learned that husband had been unfaithful in a public toilet.)

Notables born with a 12th House Mars include Nicky Watson, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa,  David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Donald Trump, Murray Deaker, Bluey McLennan, Nicole Kidman and Victoria Beckham.

 Scorpio Moon possessors from the entertainment industry have included Liz Hurley, Kate Moss, Elizabeth Taylor, Bob Marley, Paula Yates, Rod Stewart, Warren Beatty, Xaviera Hollander, Don King, Michael Hutchence, Robbie Williams, Ben Affleck  and Snoop Dogg. Also the Royal Family’s Prince Andrew, plus iconic investigators  Julia Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and Greg Hallett. ( Many marriage disasters among that lot ! )

 Nothing’s gonna change for Beyonce and already she’s earned a spot in the prophesies for November 2016:

 “ Knowles, Beyonce:

Scorpio Moon  possessor under extreme confusion from Neptune-Sun attack until December 017. Major personal explosions  018 with Pluto-Venus block and Uranus attacking her Mars and North Node positions.


April 28

 The NRL’s greatest coach has no time for horse racing or betting.

For a start Wayne Bennett’s father was a gambler-drunk who was 2 days  late for his birth and forgot to bring the necessary baby clothes.

 Amidst his great coaching career, W Bennett had a day at the gallops with Brisbane league legends Alan Langer, Greg Dowling and Gene Miles, and publicised his disgust at the amounts they were wagering.

 Years later I offered my congratulations to Mr Bennett for " creating one of the greatest philosophies in history. "

 " Which was ? " he asked.

 " You’re only a failure when you start blaming other people. " And the great man almost smiled. I didn’t think then of telling him that such an attitude would not be acceptable in the horse racing industry.

 Nobody in horse racing, especially NZ, makes mistakes. It’s always someone else’s fault, as the decadents prepare for yet another gloomy winter, with very little to look forward to unless you’ve got a horse going to the Queensland winter carnival.

 Every year NZ racing deteriorates, with foal crops, field sizes and stake monies plummeting. Attendances too. You’ll get more watching the woeful NZ Warriors at Mt Smart than at  the Auckland Cup a few kms away at Ellerslie racecourse.

 On the other hand, gloomy winters have brought the biggest win dividends for the Champion Racing System. Like in 1988, when the system was operating as PLANET KINGDOM, with a Wangaratta lass managing the Australian arm of the “ magazine   ”----a sheet of paper listing the trainers and jockeys with positive and probable winning aspects on certain dates.

 On  June 29, 1988, PLANET KINGDOM’s selection, “ NSW trainer N McBurney “ had one starter at Canterbury track in Sydney. I’d met the  Wyong-based ex-Kiwi Neville McBurney in Port Macquarie 2 years earlier, did his Astro and soon after informed him that 1987 and 1988 were going to bring him major advancement.

 McBurney trained his first-ever city winner, had some major successes with a Lord Hybrow at the 1988 Queensland winter carnival and same horse started in the Melbourne Cup that year. On June 29,1988, N McBurney’s  Sydney runner, DIXIELAND JAZZ, was a winner with as much as 100-1 bet about him !

 In July 2001,  NZ broadcaster Peter Earley decided to do an analysis of the 0900 tipping lines for his Saturday morning radio show. My Saturday selection failed but the 0900 message advised callers to phone back on Thursday ( July 12 )  for  possibly a rare surprise for struggling Foxton trainer Howard Johnson.

 H W Johnson would finish that season with 2 wins from 36 starters. On  July 12, 2001, he started COOL ICE in a 2000m maiden race at New Plymouth. In 3 previous races, Cool Ice had beaten a total of 3 others home. Assisted strangely enough by 2 awesome Jupiter trines in H W Johnson’s birth chart on July 12, Cool Ice won at $57.20 !

 Peter Earley reviewed the sensational  selection quite fairly next Saturday morning, but his co-host Des Coppins wasn’t so enthusiastic. An 0900 tipster himself and still one of the waning industry’s most prolific cheerleaders, Coppins muttered about “ if it worked all the time, Don Murray would be living in Hawaii.”

 Not exactly an expert on living abroad, now  66 year-old  Coppins has never lived outside of NZ and has spent the last 45 years in a childless marriage in Wellington. And hardly displays an attitude that’s going to bring newcomers into racing. There’s a major siege mentality problem  among veteran racing stalwarts.

 Rugby League makes winter awesome too, especially when you bet against the current NZ Warriors team. Mr Bennett has played his part in awesome winters, too, courtesy of a prophesy that appeared in TRUTH on  November 15, 1996:

 “ Maybe the bet of the century tag could be placed on whoever is playing the Brisbane Broncos on May 30 or 31 next year. Those days have coach Wayne Bennett suffering the painful Saturn-Neptune square that harassed Auckland coach Graham Henry when his team got knocked off by Counties.”

 On May 31, 1997 the lowly Hunter Mariners upset the Broncos 24-6, with  a head-to-head bet returning $4.20 on the NZ TAB !



April 26

Today’s disgruntled, dysfunctional, dickheads---NZ Warriors fans---totally missed the positive from last night’s raping by the Melbourne Storm.

Out-of-form, playmaker-goalkicker Shaun Johnson didn’t miss any conversions Of course there weren’t any tries to convert in the 0-42 demolition.

The NZ Warriors  had a trio in  the Annual Prophesies,, November 26, 2015:

McFadden, Andrew:

Massive off-year for  NZ Warriors’ coach with Pluto-Midheaven attrocities until Nov. April and July particularly stressful.”

Morgan, Justin:

Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus complications from May to Aug severely challenge the NZ Warriors assistant coach.”

Johnson, Shaun:

Major off-year for the rugby league champ with Uranus and Saturn complications. Feb, April, May, Sept, Oct, Nov have downers  before a significant  upheaval around Feb 017.”

“ April, May, April, May ” etc, while we must remember that Astrological awesomeness has been in the public arena for more than 25 years, courtesy of prophesy columns in FRIDAY FLASH and TRUTH, and the Annual State of the Astrological Nation address every January with Murray Deaker ONZM on NEWSTALK ZB between 1994 and 2011.

Consequently thousands of people have become convinced of Astrological importance and gained further enlightenment. So many people at ease with their personalities and past, and confident of the future.

There are the haters, too, who will never learn……


April 25

 The drama surrounding Brisbane mother Sally Faulkner in Lebanon further highlights the importance of Astrological enlightenment.

 Silly Sal’s obviously got   post-marital complications in her natal chart. And it’s safe to say she never consulted an acknowledged practitioner of the world’s science before she married that Lebanese joker !

Constantly I am reminded of the wonders of Astrological interpretation. Like the mother who  recently brought her  19 year-old daughter with career confusions around.

 " 2006, Pluto attacking the Sun, causing major changes around the father. 2007 same affecting the Moon, big changes in home and family matters. Parents separated then ? "

 Affirmative, and yesterday I tested out a London-based  Iranian lady on facebook,  introduced  by a  Russian friend  who’d been blown away by her  Astrological enlightenment last year:

 “ what time you born ? I can tell that 2004 had a major reconstruction of your energies...big life changes ”

 Omg oh yes that was the year i had my son

I think i was born around 1am

 “ much activity in the region of mind and communicating, very creative and kind of black sheep of family. Made for travel and learning.”

 Oh my gosh so true love to travel n see new places n experience. I have a very sophisticated family dynamic which i am not happy about but we cant choose family can we ?

 Further investigation uncovered a Scorpio Moon possessor in family “ disgrace ” after an out-of-wedlock child, surrendered to his father while Ms Iran travelled extensively.

 Extremely common for Scorpion Moon possessors, courtesy of their black moods,  to become very alienated from their children. With some NZ classics like methamphetamine legend-former champion jockey Lisa Cropp, her long-time associate Paul Moroney and equestrian great Sir Mark Todd among the thousands.

 Along with the veteran scowler of Auckland journalism, Donna Chisholm ( see April 17  article ) and depression icon  Charlotte Dawson, who aborted her “ billy lid ” after an unscheduled pregnancy in a marriage that lasted 6 months !

 And the Indian gentleman, with a near identical chart to Dawson, who  was  a party to a terminated pregnancy supervised by his also possessing Pluto and Uranus in House 5 of pre-marital affairs. Such prompted his father to arrange a marriage.

 A union I suggested would have been short-lived, courtesy of that dangerously fickle Scorpio Moon in House 7 of close relationships ?

  It was vedi vedi short, yes. It lasted for 3 days and wasn’t even consummated !



April 24

There’s plenty of sickos in the news media and they have every reason to despise the awesome Astrological.

They are merely pawns  for the New World Order in distracting and dividing the masses. By putting the boot into people like this:

' Wests Tigers coach Jason Taylor has blamed his side's inability to recover from last weekend's demoralising golden point loss to the Storm for Saturday night's crushing 60-6 defeat in Canberra. 

"It's a really poor showing from us. We're better than that and we know we're better than that and the only thing we can do now is respond." '

The  best way for the Wests Tigers, currently 14th on the ladder, to “ respond ” ? Give the coach a few months gardening leave, after yet another amazing prophesy from  last November’s Annual Prophesies, !

Taylor, Jason:

NRL coach under seriously difficult  Sun-Pluto progression June, July.


April 23

 The Champion Racing System got close to another sweet dividend today but had to settle for $15 shot Suzerain running third.

 Clients were instructed to make the management fee an each-way bet. $3.60 a place on the NZ TAB was nicely profitable, with as much as $5.70 a place for those with Australian accounts.

 A selection made purely because of happiness buzzes in the chart of Suzerain’s small-time trainer, Danny Crozier today. With an even buzzier day selected for D Crozier before the winter’s over…..

 Meaning the 2016 formline for investments is:  1-3-3, with a $6.00 winner paying $2.00 for the place and a $1.50 placegetter as well.

 50% wins for the year is the aim. Why not aim for 100% placegetters as well, I wondered ?  Nothing wrong with placegetters, as I recall some years ago when 0900 400 90 was operating instead of today’s commission only payment system.

 One Saturday evening I was sulking after 4 consecutive losers, when a fellow suffering client phoned. He’d been whacking $1000 each-way on for the last year, with  " and I know what you’re thinking but "  and I was thinking, what sort of effect does that have on our dividends ?

 He was investing with an illegal SP bookmaker, so as not to affect our prices, then rattled off  a string of double figure dividends and how much he’d made on each.

 Of course, investments with illegal bookmakers don’t mean any commission for NZ racing, but that’s not our problem.

 The statistics:


Starting deposit $200 into TAB account

current season balance     $300

final balance 2014-15         $590

final balance 2013-14         $2370

final balance 2012-13         $340

final balance 2011-12         $4090

From a horse racing investment system that kicked off in November 1985. With balances obtained by placing $100 a win on selections from the Don Murray Racing System.


The figure in brackets is the return for every $1 if the same amount is invested for a win on each selection.  


 Since 2011:  92  investments, 24 wins 
Average win div $7.63  on a 26% winning strike rate (
Investment $1=$1.99 )

Since 2000716  investments, 240  wins.

 Average win $3.81  on a 33 % winning strike rate  ( Investment $1=$1.27 )

continues  on CHAMPION RACING SYSTEM ( above )



April 22

 Amidst the laughter of the Lebanon kidnapping drama, I returned to my very enjoyable but unproductive time in 1979-80 as an " investigative reporter " with SUNDAY NEWS.

 When editor John Giles departed me with a month’s pay in lieu of notice. Mainly for behavioural issues and that I hadn’t produced one single front page story in my 52 weeks there !

 I’d evaded serious Sunday paper crap stories but had spent  quality time learning from the city’s  leading crim lawyers and detectives. With  lasting friendships made  amongst influential gang members and leading underworld figures.

 Consider a stressful Friday when deputy editor Judy " scarface " McGregor was desperate for a " page 3 lead. " I was under orders, but  managed to avoid phoning a grieving mother for some horrific quotes after her 5 year-old son got killed by a train while they were picking blackberries. ( As Dr McGregor, she was awarded the Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (CNZM) for services to journalism in 2004 ! )

 I got it right one day, though, when  McGregor picked up on a tale from America that cannabis had aphrodisiac powers. I was dispatched to leading drug and alcohol researcher Dr Sally Casswell for some quotables.

 Dr Casswell stressed the importance of cannabis " intensifying what’s in the mind." So I asked her about, for example, a naked couple smoking a joint during foreplay ? I already knew the answer, but Dr Casswell remained official and repeated her theory about " intensifying what’s in the mind. "

 It’s one of the amazing advantages of cannabis, along with the treatments of epilepsy, autism, cancer, multiple sclerosis etc and pain relief as per recent New Zealanders Helen Kelly and the late Martin Crowe. You witness pot bellies and crimson booze faces, hear about  erectile dysfunctions and  " women don’t cum during sex ? "

 Consider the wisdom of Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist and the father of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.

Freud was also a cannabis user and  believed that life was built round tension and pleasure. Freud also believed that all tension was due to the build up of libido (sexual energy) and that all pleasure came from its discharge.

 The Astrological, of course, has the final say. Birth charts define the degrees of  human happiness, with the relevance of Venus  aspects. Some prefer to get drunk, loud and stupid, others stoned, sensitive and thoughtful. Recent articles have noted the presence of serious Venus blocks in the charts of media desperates like Lebanese prison inmate Tara Brown and  NZ media names like Shayne Currie, Barry Lichter and the late Sir Paul Holmo etc.

 Scarface Mcgregor was born during a serious Venus-Pluto block as well. And definitely preferred the legal alcohol to cannabis.


April 21

From the recent media:

Statistics show Greg Inglis is well below his best this NRL season however his South Sydney teammates have brushed off suggestions their superstar skipper is playing injured.

Inglis' slow start to the season has fuelled rumours the Queensland and Australian No.1 is playing through a knee injury which is affecting his movement.

Numbers provided by Fox Sports Show that the premiership-winning custodian has been nowhere near his explosive best in 2016 amid his side's alarming form slump which saw them thrashed 44-18 by North Queensland on Saturday.

In the first seven rounds, Inglis has scored just once, made three linebreaks, had one try assist and one linebreak assist - his numbers down in all the major attacking statistics when contrasted against previous years.

This year he has broken just 18 tackles at an average of 2.5 per game, a significant drop on 2015 (3.85 per game), 2014 (4.6) and 2013 (6.05). ”

No real surprise after his appearance in the Annual Prophesies,, November 26, 2015, is there ?

Inglis, Greg:

Rugby league star on major  slowdown with Uranus-Sun and Pluto-Node attacks. July, Aug, Oct crucial. ”


April 20

WASHINGTON — Saudi Arabia has told the Obama administration and members of Congress that it will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets held by the kingdom if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The Obama administration has lobbied Congress to block the bill’s passage, according to administration officials and congressional aides from both parties, and the Saudi threats have been the subject of intense discussions in recent weeks between lawmakers and officials from the State Department and the Pentagon. The officials have warned senators of diplomatic and economic fallout from the legislation.

Anyone with half a brain knows that 9-11 was an inside job and you don’t have to delve too much to reach that conclusion. There is little doubt that USA’s president of the time, George W Bush, was heavily involved, with all the interceptor jets up in Alaska on a “ training exercise ” and Bushy himself down in Florida addressing schoolchildren !

The game plan was to set it up so that Al Qaeda could be blamed and give Bushy the perfect excuse to bomb Afghanistan to “ search for Bin Laden ”-----along with oil pipeline space and loads of heroin…….

While creating his appearance for  last November’s Annual Prophesies for I wondered if 2016 might bring some embarrassing revelations…..

Bush, George W:

Total  turmoil for the evil man. Neptune-Mars attack affecting the health until December, as are Pluto-Moon emotional and family isssues. Career confusion between July and April 017 from Uranus-midheaven  chaos, with Pluto anti Jupiter in 017.



April 19

 Having destructive Pluto hammering any position in the chart  is a real bastard.

 As so many have discovered, courtesy of the list down on April 6 who’ve already encountered their predicted  Astrological  turbulence in 2016.

 After noting the Venusian complications affecting so many of NZ’s media scumbags  ( April 17 enlightenment ),  I googled the birthdate of Australia’s current media scumbag  headliner Tara Brown and received  " March 14, 1968. "

 2 minutes later there were major expletives. Like the scumbags of April 17, Brown also was born during serious Venus-Neptune negativity, with Jupiter and Mercury in the mix to further enhance her emotional and romantic instability.

 Rather oddly, Tara Scumbag didn’t become a mother until she was 40.5 years old , with another kid coming 2 years later. Obviously, as we’ve learned in recent days, the joys of motherhood have been replaced by the orgasmic experience of  “ breaking news.”

 Even worse, Tara Scumbag arrived when her Pisces Sun was opposing destructive Pluto and erratic Uranus ! Classic placement for the ruthless and untraditional who are very difficult to live with and don’t “ fit in.”

 Then the bombshell.  All  March  14, 1968-borns shall be unblessed with destructive Pluto hammering both their Mars and North Node positions between February 017 and November 2018 ! If that ain’t bad enough, there shall be no less than 3 horrific Mars progressions, hammering the Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune positions over the next 2  years !

 Without a birthtime, it cannot be ascertained if Tara Scumbag shall be returned to Australia in the interim. Although it doesn’t matter where she is, the Pluto harassments and negative progressions shall still apply, be it in a holding cell in Lebanon or at home  in Sydney…….

 Footnote: For the undereducated, " Donalded " is a variation of  cockney rhyme’s  “ Donald Duck.”


April 18

 Some are made to cruise through life and live the dream, others to struggle.

 Like those born with  plenty of trines in the Astrological chart. They define a happy, loving childhood that provides confidence.

 In the amazing Astrological, air signs like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius complement each other. Same with the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, or the earthies like Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Ditto the water signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

 Consider the current Australian horse training champion, Chris Waller, who uprooted himself from Foxton as a 28-year-old to try his luck in Sydney. Waller’s training CV was nothing flash, like just  6 wins from 94 starters in his previous 2 seasons.

 The vicious, vindictives in the  racing industry would have been labelling him a wanker better suited to Cunnamulla or Broken Hill with a record like that.

 On the other hand, C Waller arrived in the world during the rarity of two awesome “ Grand Trines.” Like his Mercury and Jupiter locked together at Aquarius 28 and 29 respectively, positively enhanced by controlling Saturn ( Gemini 28) and brilliant Uranus ( Libra 27 ).

 With another special in the air signs--- love planet Venus ( Aquarius 2 ) harmonising with energetic  Mars ( Gemini 2 ) and powerful Pluto ( Libra 6 ). The guy who’d be in the right place at the right time and make the right decisions, without the wayward temptations that lead so many in his profession astray.

 C Waller  started with a small team of 4 horses when granted stables at Rosehill and  now has 120 thoroughbreds in full work. His relationship situation hasn’t changed, still with his sweetheart from Foxton schooldays at age 42 and married with 2 kids.

 He's taken out the past five Sydney Metro Trainers' Premierships and been crowned Champion Australian Trainer for conditioning the most group 1 winners in the last two seasons.


April 17

 The incarcerated Australia media contingent in Lebanon is a reminder of just what filthy creatures those people are.

 They are part of the New World Order’s great plan to " fear, intimidate, distract and divide " and so many of the media scum are born to have roadblocks and  barriers in their quests for happiness, courtesy of serious afflictions involving the Venus planet.

 In the amazing Astrological, planets in the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius will clash. As do those in Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo. And those in the cardinals of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

 Consider NZ’s most famous media person, " Holmo " a.k.a the late Sir Paul Holmes, with his Venus ( Pisces 22 ) fighting Mars ( Virgo 22 ) at birth. The serious substance abuse of Holmo and his major close relationship problems are well known.

 Like finally marrying at age 41 to ward off implications that he were homosexual. It also involved adopting his wife’s illegitimate child, the iconic Millie Holmes Elder, a kind of receipt to eliminate another lesbian for $850,000 that he borrowed from 2 alcoholic judges. A bad investment, with " .85 Millieon " eventually becoming NZ’s most famous teenage P addict and  engaged to a member of the Headhunters gang !

 One of Holmo’s great supporters and employers was NZ HERALD  editor " WUM " a.k.a Shayne Currie, who had arrived  when Venus ( Pisces 2 ) and Neptune ( Sagittarius 2 ) were in an extreme clash.

 These  " Venus afflictions " are very common in the charts of serious career journalists, defining their ability to fall in and out of love drastically which also incorporates the rush from getting a major news scoop.

 WUM ?---- “ World’s Ugliest Male ” which came from Currie pouring his tormented soul out to a colleague once  during some serious substance abuse. Currie just wanted to find someone to love and have children but reasoned that he was too ugly.

 For a time WUM was sharing a former colleague and rival, veteran Donna Chisholm, with yet another recently redundanted veteran journo, racing journalist Barry Lichter who had an identical Venus ( Taurus 0 )-Neptune ( Scorpio 0 )  delusionment to Currie. Chisholm and Lichter, both horse racing fanatics, were in contention for  " broodmare and stallion of the year " awards of 2015 in the kingdom of mirth via the exploits of their only child:

 The teenage son of one of New Zealand's most decorated journalists has been accused of selling cannabis to school children.

Jay Lichter - an 18-year-old male model - is the son of Donna Chisholm, the editor at large of North and South, as well as a writer for the New Zealand Listener.

His father is Fairfax Media racing editor Barry Lichter.

The teen, who is on the books of Clyne Model Management, appeared in Auckland District Court this morning charged with possession of cannabis for supply - a charge that can carry as much as eight years imprisonment.

Police also allege he was found with two bongs, two grinders and multiple pipes when they raided the family property in Greenlane on Friday.

In a statement, police said more than a kilogram of cannabis plant material, packaged in anticipation of sale, was recovered during the execution of the search warrant, along with nearly $4000 cash. 

Chisholm, who worshipped the late Sir Paul Holmes, may have felt some kind of affinity in also having a profligate child. The child who never mentioned anything about the police raid that scoured the family home with dogs. Chisholm learned about it when the NZ Herald phoned her for comment !

Yet another of Auckland’s great media men, also with a tight Venus-Saturn affliction, has seen 2 of his 4 children gain serious methamphetamine addictions. Another veteran, in racing journalism, had to threaten his teenage son with being cut out of his will if he didn’t stop smoking marijuana !

Bylines and press passes create fragile egos.Media life becomes 24-7, with very little time for anyone who's not a possible front page.

Only a fellow journalist can understand the orgasmic sensation of breaking terrorism stories, earthquakes and murders. Or a kidnapping in Lebanon……



April 15

From the latest media:

Helen Clark has strenuously denied she is an "establishment candidate" to become next UN Secretary-General, as she was grilled for more than two hours by General Assembly representatives in New York early this morning.

The former New Zealand Prime Minister rejected suggestions that was a household name. "I have never been an establishment candidate for anything," she said.

"I have come from the outside of everything I have done, from a rural background to urban settings, as a woman breaking into a man's world, which was politics in my country, as a woman becoming the first elected Prime Minister, the first woman appointed Administrator of the UNDP [UN Development Programme].”

As we know, Helen Clark is a possessor of restrictive Saturn in the secretive Astrological House 12. The classic for those who hide dirty, dark secrets and show the world a brave face. Along with persons like Hillary Clinton, Vladimir Putin, George W Bush and Camilla Parker-Bowles ( see March 24  article ). Also high-profile NZers like Marc Ellis, Lance O’Sullivan and champion jockey Opie Bosson, who was for a time paying $900 weekly in child support for 3 kids to as many different mothers.

Information received ages ago decreed that Ms Clark be renamed Helen McLicker of the Labia Party. Just imagine strapping her to a polygraph and firing questions. With the 10th anniversary of one of her darkest secrets approaching, and a story NZ journos tried desperately to break !

June 2006 had a “ bearded Aucklander ” at San Francisco airport, chatting with an attractive Mexican youth and ultimately making a “ suggestion.” An indecent  suggestion  which prompted the undercover youth to offer his CIA badge and “ you’re busted !

Bearded Aucklander claimed diplomatic immunity. A drug squad detective from NZ was temporarily exempted from his duties to chaperone the bearded Aucklander for 3 days before escorting him over to Hawaii to meet with a RNZAF Orion that took him home.

Tale appeared on the  then 2 days later an email came from a member of the San Francisco gay community, thanking me for “ filling in the jigsaw.”

2 days later I was explaining it at the Onehunga spa pool to an ex-cop mate and  head of Sky City security. He laughed about receiving a text detailing same from “ our agent in China.” A year later, in the very same spa pool another chap was telling me the story. He’d got it from his pilot friend who’d flown the Orion up to Hawaii !

Ms Clark’s chances of getting the top UN job will be helped by an awesome progressed Sun trining Saturn around August 2016. Usually aligned with great success and achievement.


April 14

Obviously, and unfortunately, not everybody knows  about  Astrological  9th House complications.

This is relevant to the domain in the Astrological chart that governs foreign contact, overseas travel and  living abroad.

Consider a recent client with erratic Uranus soiling his 9th House, and  a suggestion that " 2015 was a pretty difficult year for you ? "--- while Pluto was antagonising his Moon position.

“ We went to America and didn’t like it.”  A trial before returning to NZ.

On the other hand, there’s an  Asian-born  health professional, blessed with fortunate Jupiter in House 9, along with Mars in Sagittarius that loves travel and learning, too.

Hubby and child came  out  5 months after her and didn’t like NZ  at all  Menial, minimum-wage employment  convinced  hubby to  return  home with child  to the family business. Jupiter in  House 9  convinced the wife to remain in NZ and further her education……..

How about these stupid pricks ?

Kidnapping charges have now been filed against the Australian 60 Minutes crew for the botched child recovery mission in Lebanon.

Tara Brown, her senior producer Stephen Rice, camera man Ben Williamson and the sound recorder David Ballment are facing four separate charges, including kidnapping, causing harm and not respecting local authority.

The crew were put before the judge individually to answer the kidnapping charges, which carries between three years and life if found guilty.

Media persons are in the main festering sores on the face of humanity, soulless and without respect for their fellow human. Whence their hatred of the fantasic Astrological.

But they do possess birth charts and  it would be fascinating to discover what 9th House afflictions are hampering the stupid pricks above !

And, quite obviously the bloke below, from a race very steeped in Astrological belief, didn’t consult  an acknowledged practitioner before he got married.

The devastated father of Melbourne toddler Sanaya Sahib, who was killed on the weekend, says he needs to know exactly what happened to his daughter.

Sameer Sahib's estranged wife, Sofina Nikat, is due to face court on Wednesday charged with murdering 14-month-old Sanaya.

"I just feel sick in my stomach," Mr Sahib told News Corp.

Obviously unblessed with extremities in the 8th House of post-marital matters !


April 13

 Not everybody believes in Astrology, even with the incredible prediction strike rate.

 Very hard to convince any diehard NZ Warriors fan or imbeciles from the sporting media ( see story below ), so it’s time to go to plan Z and sort out the erratic form of Warriors’ centre Konrad Hurrell.

 He may be unaware of the great sporting heritage surrounding him, so a Polynesian neighbour, whose brother-in-law used to play alongside K Hurrell at the Warriors, and I  shall have to  amble 50 metres down  the road  with some primo Tongan Kava to assist in Konrad’s education.

 A few hundred metres south of Konrad’s place  is the childhood home of Mark Graham in Luke St. M Graham captained the 1985 Kiwis to an 18-0 win over Australia at Carlaw Park.

 50 metres east of Konrad’s house once  resided NZ’s most famous rugby league coach, Graham Lowe.In charge of the Kiwis in 1985, Lowe  also had great success with Wigan in Britain and coached Queensland in a State of Origin series. Further down Panama Rd is the Ropati home, from which  brothers Joe,Tea and Iva all played for the Kiwis.

 Not  far from the Ropatis, near the Black Power headquarters in Jolson Rd, once resided Clayton Friend, the halfback who scored 2 tries in that 1985 whitewash of the wombats. A whitewash that was repeated in  2005 when a Kiwi team full of Otahuhu boys  beat Australia  24-0 in England, with the captain being Ruben Wiki.

In fact history shows that  Ruben and Mark Graham are among an incredible 5 products of the Otahuhu Rugby League club to captain the Kiwis in the last 45 years. Officially Roy Christian (1970–1972) Mark Graham (1980–1986) Hugh McGahan (1985–1990) Richard Barnett (1999–2000)   and Ruben Wiki (2003–2005).

Some kind of world record for a suburban club in the world of sport ?  Any sport, remembering that the  Kiwis are perpetually either number one or two in world rugby league.

A sport not played in as many countries as rugby and way behind soccer, but of course more people  drive Toyotas than Ferraris.

Konrad Hurrell has to be reminded of his obligations when living in such a sacred area.



April 12

What have the cellar dwellers in the 2016 NRL  competition got in common ?

The answer is: Personnel with appearances in the Annual Prophesies on last November !

The bottom-placed Sydney Roosters donated this joker:

Kenny-Dowall, Shaun:

Rugby league star with major restrictions on positive energy while Neptune harasses Mars until December.”

And their suspended, former captain who’s yet to play after his pre-season drunken debauchery and a subsequent stint in rehab:

Pearce, Mitchell:

NRL star getting severely dealt to next 2 years with Pluto anti his Sun, Mercury and Venus.

Second-to-last Newcastle Knights were represented by their coach:

Brown, Nathan:

NRL coach with his  Mercury and Mars spots getting hammered by Uranus. May, June, Sept testing.”

Much of the blame for the misfortunes of the 14th-placed St George-Illawarra Dragons is being apportioned to their playmaker:

Marshall, Benji:

NRL star not firing and difficult changes while Pluto attacks his Venus and Mars positions.

One spot above the Dragons are the NZ Warriors, who had a trio in last November’s Annuals:

McFadden, Andrew:

Massive off-year for  NZ Warriors’ coach with Pluto-Midheaven attrocities until Nov. April and July particularly stressful.”

Morgan, Justin:

Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus complications from May to Aug severely challenge the NZ Warriors assistant coach.”

Johnson, Shaun:

Major off-year for the rugby league champ with Uranus and Saturn complications. Feb, April, May, Sept, Oct, Nov have downers  before a significant  upheaval around Feb 017.”

Even the Melbourne Storm and Canberra Raiders have dropped to 6th ansd 7th respectively after heading the table for a few weeks:

Bellamy, Craig:

Difficult, frustrating changes for Melbourne Storm coach  from Pluto-Mars disharmony between March 016 and Nov 017. Uranus-Mercury issues will hamper  March, April 016 as well. ”

Stuart, Ricky:

Massive and difficult changes for NRL ( Canberra ) coach next 2 years while Pluto attacks the Sun and Mars. A million to one to win  the Grand Final.”

Bad omens,too, for the 11th-placed West Tigers:

Taylor, Jason:

NRL coach under seriously difficult  Sun-Pluto progression June, July.”

No point in grizzling, really is there ?


April 11

Prime Minister John Key was quite confused recently, so he rang his mentor, Mr Rothschild for some advice:

“ Sir, my son has been addressing people in public with terms like “ bro ” and “ homie ” and I’ve never heard of these words before.”

Rothschild grunted: “ Things that niggers and coconuts say to someone they like. ”

“ So would it be normal for someone embarking on a career as a disc jockey to use those words ? ”

Rothschild laughed and mentioned his knowledge of Max Key’s latest career move and his hanging out in Los Angeles. “ And your daughter, she’s studying to be a porn star or something ? ”

“ Ah, no sir, she’s actually studying art in France. You’re probably thinking of her self-portrait, when she was naked except for a McDonalds burger and an Octopus covering her groin area, ” muttered Key.

“ Jesus, ” Rothschild continued with  more laughter, “ you’re not training them very well are you ? Max is hardly likely to be a financial wizard or a prime minister if he’s a disc jockey and hanging out with black people ? ”

Key’s had some serious reversals lately. He’s been embarrassed by the revelations last week that New Zealand is being used as a tax haven for rich foreigners and very saddened after his plan for a new flag was soundly rejected. There’s his appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies on

“ Key, John:

Prime Minister subject to major  residential amendments with Uranus attacking his Moon in April, Nov, and Feb 2017. Massive changes in energy distribution thereafter until  Feb 018  indicative of job change,  with the emotionally destructive Pluto-Moon  attack  of  2018  supervising one of his most difficult years.

The “ residential amendements ” is the key. Johnny the Jew is starting to wonder about his repulsiveness and the ability to drive his closies to foreign lands. Both his sisters are in England. He gazes at his wife Bronagh, the bank statements of his millions stashed away and wonders if the 2 kids will ever come back home.

Back on February 15 there was some consideration given to Bronagh Key:

So naturally I had to wonder about the Astrological situation around Mrs Key, and the make up of someone who could spend so long married to such a narrow-minded dullard.

Mrs Key was born under very inhibiting conditions involving Venus, Uranus and a Mars-Pluto block on positive energy. The Mars-Pluto block is very common in those with anger management or serious substance abuse problems.

 She has the potential to become a serious alcoholic, especially with  nebulous Neptune severely harassing her Mars position through 2017 and 2018. She will be getting very bored and frustrated and may need some advice from Crusher Collins about coping with a negative Neptune-Mars experience.


April 10

 38 year-old Matamata product Natalie Young recently became the first female to train the winner of the AJC Derby in its 155-years history.

 Courtesy of her long-term partnership with Trent Busuttin, who may have become the first AJC Derby winning trainer to have  Vietnamese half-siblings.

 Consider Trent’s father, Paddy Busuttin, one of NZ’s gun trainers from Foxton before he and wife Brenda took up the challenge of Singapore racing in 1997. Paddy’s CV then included the champion two-miler Castletown, winner of 3 Wellington Cups and an Auckland Cup and 3rd placings in the Melbourne and Sydney Cups.

 From Singapore Paddy produced Bocelli, who won 8 of  9  in a row and campaigned in England. Come 2006 and Paddy returned to Cambridge, New Zealand, to train with Trent and the media sycophants were lusting to the max. As if Mike Dillon and George Simon were competing  to give P M Busuttin a blowjob, but it was all turning to custard for the family.

 For a start Pad was born to be a lad, with a Venus-Uranus union wanting plenty of emotional freedom and an exciting love life. Not easy for marriage matters, either, with deceptive Neptune in the 7th House of close relationships and serious Saturn stifling post-marital life from the 8th. With destructive, revolutionary Pluto in House 5 of games, speculating and pre-marital affairs to describe either a serial rooter, compulsive gambler or both.

 There were 3 additions to the Busuttin tribe when they returned in 2006---- Paddy’s Vietnamese mistress and their 2 kids. His big, semi-retirement plan in the homeland didn’t happen and 4 years later P M Busuttin  is strangely heading over to train by himself  in Macau, the hive of great underworld control. Mysterious move, but apparently major debts were involved.

 A few years later P Busuttin’s back in supposed " retirement "  on Australia’s Gold Coast and king of the Benowa Tavern  whenever another of his famous proteges, champion Sydney trainer and former Foxton boy Chris Waller, lands another group one winner.

 Hardly a blissful retirement, training a few slow pokes himself, struggling to pay the bills and being a solo father to his 2 less-than-teenage Vietnamese children at age 61. There’s plenty of broken Busuttins in the racing world and plenty of chaotic " families."


Sycophants like Dillon and Simon above have assisted in rock-bottoming the NZ racing media but the lazy fuckers can’t even get their facts right, with 2 absolute pearls in the April edition of the NZTR magazine.

 There’s a photo captioned  “ Heroic Valour and Matt Cameron were first across the line in the Sistema Diamond Stakes. ”  It was Jonathan Riddell in the saddle, not Cameron !

There’s  a “ 24 hours with ” Matamata apprentice jockey Anna Jones.  Including:

“ 8.45 am Back at the stables and Alfie ( a dog ) greets us after having been ‘ at work ’ with Norm Crawford, Karen Zimmerman’s father and my mentor ”

Even blind Paddy could tell you that Norm Crawford is the father of  Karen FURSDON,who employs Anna Jones !


April 9

 The authenticity of the world’s oldest science has been proven beyond all doubt.

 Astrology also shows that there will sceptics, stubborns and killjoys who will never, ever believe. You could show them 100 newspaper cuttings of incredible prophesies  from TRUTH, FRIDAY FLASH or the SUNDAY-STAR TIMES, or audio and video clips from TRACKSIDE CHANNEL, NEWSTALK ZB or TV ONE  and there would still  be the same answer.

 Personal readings are even more convincing with the past life analysis. Like:

 Astrologer:  Mars over here connected with Neptune during your first year of life, so there was a very traumatic experience, relative to your home and family. Was that when you moved to New Zealand ?

 Female client:  No that was when I was 9. When I was about 7 months old my grandmother tried to throw me off a building. You see my father had been  arranged to marry another Indian girl but he married a Fijian, so his mother had a big grudge about me not being pure Indian……


 Astrologer:  So old Pluto here, he moves to Libra 0 and 1 degrees in 1971, 1972,  and attacking both your Mars and Ascendant over here, so there would have been a very fearful experience or accident when you were one or 2 years old ?

 Male client: I got stolen. My mother was having an afternoon nap and she had left the door open. When I was 18 months old.  I went outside and someone came  and took me away. My mother woke up and discovered I was gone.

 37 years later he suffered an identical Pluto attack that would have supervised major career difficulties and some depression as well:

 Male Client: 2009 ? I lost everything, yeah, I was really at rock bottom.

 Back on top now, and eagerly awaiting the end of more Plutonian badness in October before his next big move.

 There’s also the soul cleansing factor. It was programmed to happen from the moment you first drew breath. You technically  had no control and are therefore not guilty of your many sins…..



April 8

 There’s nothing like a Pluto-Mars trine to advance people and make them invincible.

 Any Pluto trine in fact, so it’s no surprise that 18 year-old Lydia Ko’s killing them in 2016, considering her appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies,

Ko, Lydia

Major advancement for the golfing champ  under the Pluto-Mars trine with Feb, June and Dec particularly productive. Mid-Nov restrictions with a difficult Saturn-Mars peak on Nov 23.

This was deemed long ago, when her extremely volatile nature was also noted. Having 3 Taurus positions—Sun, Mercury,Venus---difficulting erratic Uranus at birth will be near impossible for settling into a long-term marriage and there’s  a Scorpion Moon to boot !

Child prodigy-shooting stars spring to mind, and also the very predicted downfall of the champion golfer Tiger Woods. For the sake of long-range proof, her appearance in the  Annual Prophesies,, November 26, 2018 has already been decided:

Ko, Lydia:

 Massive comedown for the golfing champ with erratic Uranus hovering over her Sun and Mercury. Neptune-Mars attack  severely hinders  March and September.


April 7

 ‘Twas 40 years ago this weekend that NZ thoroughbred racing gained it’s first  “ drug convict .”

 The subsequent roll of honour includes Melbourne Cup winning jockeys Tony Allan and Jim Cassidy, to  premiership winners like methamphetamine legend Lisa Cropp and ecstasy user Leith Innes. Too many  winning riders  of the Great Northern Hurdles and Steeplechases to count.

 I was the trailblazer, as an NZ Herald racing journalist in April 1976,  with a $75 fine after pleading guilty to  possessing 3 cannabis joints. A 32 year-old barrister and keen racing enthusiast, Alan Galbraith now QC, dropped into the Auckland Magistrates Court on his way to the Avondale races to utter a couple of sentences on my behalf for no fee.

 I went straight out to work at the Avondale races afterwards, but also to warn my Takanini jockey mates about a supposed, upcoming  " clean up " of cannabis use in the region. Next week 4 Takanini stables were raided by the drug squad and not a leaf was found.

 One of the strictly anti-cannabis lobby in the mid-1970s was a jockey whose Takanini workmates were all prolific users. This jockey rode a lot more winners than his colleagues and made plenty of money until he was confined to a wheelchair at age 28 following an horrific racefall.

 Random drug testing wasn’t introduced to NZ racing until 1995. During the halcyon 1970s and 80s, there emerged a pattern. Non-users, both in NZ and Australia, seemed to be the ones suffering the most horrific  and career-ending accidents, while the cannabis smokers seemed to get little more than broken collarbones.

 I started wondering about the cannabis cushion that relaxes the body and minimises stress. In the bar at Ruakaka racecourse in July 1979 I wondered aloud if there were " any hurdle jockeys who don’t smoke dope ? "

 " Yeah, me and Kenny Browne, " replied the  very accident-prone, epilepsy sufferer Ross Thompson. " Thommo " died prematurely and Kenny Browne MBE ended his life in a wheelchair. Something considered  especially in mid-1987 when I was temporarily banned from racetracks after a very publicised attack on the anti-cannabis policy of NZ racing authorities.

 My theory was the authorities should just turn a blind eye to cannabis-using jockeys since there were so many of them. Two northern riders were indisposed at the time, both with broken legs and neither with a cannabis habit. The ban earned heaps of media time, including an 8.45 am Monday interview with Paul Holmes on prime time 1ZB, when I told Holmesie about the Kiwi jockey who’d smoked a couple of joints on the way to Hawkesbury ( Australia )  races the previous December and won the first race.

 No names mentioned and nor  was it appropriate to name the real beauty--- Gary Stewart, regular rider of the then champion, Auckland-owned and trained Bonecrusher. I’d shared a few joints with G M Stewart, it was no big deal, including a day at Avondale when he sneaked out to the car park between races for a puff with some other jocks.

 Gary Stewart was human, and involved in an industry where it’s almost impossible to distance yourself from negative influences in order  to minimise idiot contact. He was on the comeback trail after sustaining head injuries in a previous racing accident and enjoyed the cannabis pain reliever. Like thousands confined to wheelchairs and sufferers of   leukaemia, multiple sclerosis, autism, the late Martin Crowe and current cancer sufferer  Helen Kelly etc.

 The world is slowly waking to the wonders of  " medicinal  marijuana."  Even better is the body’s built-in air bag, the great relaxer, the cannabis cushion. It’s called thinking ahead.

 Below: Paste into browser and watch  Bonecrusher  ( white, brown sash and striped sleeves ) winning the  alleged “ race of the century, ” the 1986 W S Cox Plate.


April 6

 The year is only 25% complete but over 33% of the Annual Prophesies are already looking quite brilliant.

 Every November 26,  100 predictions on notable members of society  for the upcoming year or two are delivered at

 Primarily to stop  media sickos and other imbeciles bitching, especially when sports stars encounter turbulence. Just note how often " March "  features in the reversals.

 In Aries we’ve got  Cooper,  Crowe, Pateman, and Pearce, with Ko’s advancement and Shorten’s dilemmas in Taurus.  Jolie, Nadal , Shastri,  Smith, Trump, Umaga  and Williams are the stars of Gemini with Cancer defining the reversals so far for Cosby, Foran, Messi and Oliver.

 Leo’s got the downers of  Bosson, Brown,  Morgan and  Van Gaal and Virgo the changing fortunes of Johnson, O’Sullivan and Waterhouse, also Bennett, McCullum and Williams from Libra. Hesson and Slater from Scorpio and the upheavals already for Moody and Pitt in Sagittarius.

 Australia, Hamilton, McFadden, Woods aren’t exactly firing from Capricorn and Aquarius’  McCully has  already announced major personal amendments. Pisces includes the absolute disgrace of Blatter and the blissful marriage of Murdoch.

 Use it or lose it. Astrology works.


April 5

 From the latest media:

" Spanish tax authorities say they are investigating allegations of tax irregularities involving soccer player Lionel Messi after documents released by an international probe of offshore accounts.

Messi's family released a statement overnight denying wrongdoing and threatened to sue media outlets that released the information linking the Argentine player to accounts in Panama.

The Barcelona star was among those named in reports by international media who received a vast trove of data and documents leaked from a law firm based in Panama.

Last year, Spanish authorities charged Messi and his father with three counts of tax fraud for allegedly defrauding Spain's tax office of 4.1 million euros in unpaid taxes from 2007-09.

They will stand trial in late May and face nearly two years in prison if found guilty."

From the Annual Prophesies,, November 26, 2015:

Messi, Lionel:

Major bads for the football star with Neptune-Moon, Pluto-Mercury and Uranus-Mars complications. Feb, May, June, July,Oct,Dec and Feb 017 extremely challenging.


April 4

 As we know only too well, the waning, once noble NZ horse racing is full of cowards and cocksuckers.

 They who’ve wallowed in the filth and corruption, and helped  the demise with their inability to change the game plan.

 Especially the media, with no better example than long-serving, veteran commentator George Simon, party to the greatest revelations ever in “ form analysis, ”  courtesy of  " Astrological certainties "  in the enlightenment of February  1995 on TRACKSIDE CHANNEL. ( See   " Certainties " story  Feb 19 )  

 After some incredible predictions came true, G Simon wanted to know about his own future, for which great things were forecast in 1998, courtesy of an awesome Pluto-Sun trine. We joked about possible  fame  coming  from his guitar-playing ability or even politics but it would definitely be some kind of elevation.

 Meanwhile my irregular Trackside Channel appearances suddenly ceased, not long after the sensational  1996 Great Northern Steeplechase " certainty " 3.5 weeks beforehand that paid $7.85 to win. George muttered and mumbled excuses and it seemed obvious the edict came from higher powers. Fair enough, for betting turnover’s sake you can’t have someone encouraging punters to wait a few weeks for the next  " certainty " while  form students are wallowing through the winter mud trying to sort out “ form.”

 Mid-1998 NZ racing fans are in shock. George Simon was suddenly sacked from Trackside Channel and I’m extremely WTF, with his awesome Pluto-Sun trine in mind. A few weeks later G Simon gets offered the racing job to die for….flying all over Asia and Australia for NZ Bloodstock, wining and dining prospective buyers of thoroughbred gallopers. With a large expense account too.

 G Simon later had a couple of years in Malaysia, before returning to NZ  commentating life, as yet another dead fish floating in the toxic stream known as “ NZ thoroughbred racing.”

 Lest we never forget that longevity as a common wage earner in such a fickle sport-industry can have serious psychological effects. When you are judged purely on your group one wins as either a jockey, owner, trainer or breeder and it was inevitable that George would get into racing ownership and breeding in order to lift his self-esteem.

 With G Simon and his wife  recently  in the running for a Breeder of the Year award, following the successes of the  Cambridge-trained Turn Me Loose, whose Australian wins had  lifted his prizemoney to  $1,473,103  from 7 wins out of 15 races.

 Some could suggest IDIOTS OF THE YEAR AWARD, for this winner of nearly $1.5 mill was sold young by the Simons for---- a mere $60k About 15 years ago I was explaining to some senior gang members just how easy it was to fluke superstardom in the fickle horse racing world. The era’s NZ champion was Sunline, winner of $13 mill who’d been sold young for a paltry $35k !

 $35K  and it could be a syndicate of gang members in their patches, swaggering onto the rostrum to receive the OWNER OF THE YEAR AWARD ! But no breeding trophies for G Simon this year after budding champ Turn Me Loose has beaten just  3 horses home in his last 2 races in Sydney.

 Rather strangely I haven’t heard from G Simon for around 20 years, since his incredible Astrological experience that invented the " Racetrack Certainty, " and his own personal enlightenment. So many elated clients have returned for more and passed on recommendations. Like an Auckland couple who recently commissioned an enlightenment on a troubled teenage relative living in the Punjab region of India.

 And this is definitely a time when 52 year-old Scorpion Moon possessor George will need further enlightenment, going on his planned appearance in next November’s Annual Prophesies:

 “ Simon, George:

Racing commentator facing major and difficult life changes with double Pluto and double Uranus negatives involving Jupiter between March 017 and Dec 018.”

Ironically Turn Me Loose’s rider  has been very out-of-form lately, but hardly a surprise after his appearance in last November’s Annuals on

Bosson, Opie:

Champion jockey on major slowdown with Pluto-Mercury and Neptune-Jupiter complications. March, Aug, Sept, Oct  crucial. ”


April 3

 Their job was once to keep us informed. Now it’s primarily to make the world angry.

 These hate people are, of course, the media. And they sure hate Astrology.

 Some 25-30 years ago NZ Herald veteran reporter Colin Moore had an entire page devoted to  his great battle with “ depression.” So I phoned Col, who’d been there during my 3.8 years at the Herald mid-1970s and he was quite enamoured that I’d remembered his Sun sign was Cancer.

 I told Col there was more to life than Sun signs and if he could locate a time of arrival I’d be able to explain exactly  what aspects and transits were responsible for this “ depression.” ( I didn’t suggest that longevity at  " granny Herald " could make anyone depressed.)

 With " ah, no, I’d rather not " Col flagged the idea. It might impact on his heroism ?

 In October 1993, NZ Herald sent the gloomy  Bernadette Rae around as part of a light-hearted story on racing tipsters leading into the Melbourne Cup. She was decidedly shocked it was all Astrological, but she volunteered a birthdate and I  quickly located a past year of massive Pluto-Venus  upheaval---like career or close relationship ?

 Met with an instant " no, no, nothing in that year " and  she sunk even lower when she came to realise how successful the Astrological racing system was, with a demonstration of how the legendary J B Cummings’ $55 winner on Melbourne Cup day 7 years earlier had been selected….

 Later we small-talked about our respective times at NZ Herald, with Ms Rae returning to journalism after her marriage broke up in  ????

 “ That was the year ! The year of Pluto attacking  your Venus ! See ( opening the ephemeris again ) your Venus here and Pluto from there zooming through…….”

 To her credit, Ms Rae reported factually and fairly, even if there was the indication that I was a bit of braggart.

 Some  years later I phoned another veteran Heraldian, Jane Phare, who started there in 1976.  Nor did she show the slightest interest in the world’s awesome, oldest science. But she volunteered a birthdate and I  volunteered  " a massive change of lifestyle for you in  2 or 3 years time. " Pluto over her Venus position.

 " Oh  " was all she could offer, for  institutionalised, veteran journos like to think they know everything. 2-3 years later Ms Phare had  a cancerous breast removed  !

 A time of birth would have allowed House location and if there were inhabitants in that crucial  6th House of health and diet. And what importance in the chart had the Moon, the manager of mammary matters ? A formula for breast cancer might have evolved, remembering that early detection is recommended. And you can’t get much earlier than the moment of birth !

 Ms Phare returned to my thoughts during yesterday’s 20 seconds of misery squizzery of the NZ Herald’s main internet page. Kardashians and car crashes and plenty of crap. And this:

 " Fifty years ago a woman intent on suicide inadvertently poisoned and killed a young Auckland boy, the son of the late Sir Ronald Davison and younger brother of High Court judge Paul Davison. Jane Phare looks at the tragic case that gripped New Zealand and became a major police investigation."

 Soooooooooooooooooo relevant. More important than breast cancer ?


April 2

You wouldn’t normally think that the black tennis champ’s got a lot in common with jockeys Opie Bosson, Damien Oliver, Craig Williams and Steve Pateman.

While the world media are screaming

" What's wrong with Serena Williams?

The world No. 1 hasn't won a tournament in her last four starts ! "

Consider the appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies,

Williams, Serena:

Retirement recommended for the tennis champ. Massive  upheavals from Pluto anti the Midheaven point and Jupiter, with March, May and Jan 017 crucial.

The aforementioned jockeys have all been getting harassed in March by Pluto, Uranus and co, along with trainer Lance O’Sullivan, cricket coaches Ravi Shastri and Mike Hesson and soccer man Louis Van Gaal, as per last November’s Annuals as well.

With looney Uranus hovering over the Jupiter spot of NZ Warriors hooker Isaac Luke, who’s also been getting blasted about his recent attitude and form loss. And so on and so on and so on and…..



April 1

 From today’s media:

 “ The West Indies have stunned hosts India to book a spot in the World Twenty20 final after India twice took wickets on no-ball deliveries.”

 From the Annual Prophesies,, November 26, 2015:

Shastri, Ravi:

Massive early year problems for the Indian cricket coach with a destructive Mars-Pluto progression around March.”

A week ago yesterday, listeners of Auckland-based Indian radio station Humm Fm  were reminded of said prophesy when host Vijay Varma wanted to know about the T-20 final. No chance for NZ either, with another reminder from last November’s Annuals:

Hesson, Mike:

Black Caps  coach hampered by anti-North Node action from Saturn and Neptune. March,  July, Aug, Sept and Jan 017 crucial.

Vijay  informed me yesterday morning that the Black Caps had been beaten by England a few hours earlier and I signed off  with  " Go  West Indies ! " for the next semi.

The world's oldest science is full of surprises. Some pleasant, some not.

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