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July 31
Laughter is a wonderful form of medicine and this year has given us plenty.
Billy Ray virus has kneecapped so many " experts. "
So many broken businesses and so many job losses. That's not supposed to be funny, but it becomes hilarious when all of the losers could have been warned.
Because there are Astrological formulae for " job loss, " as experienced in 2020 by Australians Raelene Castle and Allan Jones and New Zealanders Steve Kearney and Michael Coleman etc. Also recipes for " business slowdown " and " financial reversals " as per the prophesies on horse racing personnel Mark Purdon and Karyn Fenton-Ellis. Also Winston Peters ( see July 23 ) !
' Holiday Astrology ' is one of our favourites, but obviously not for the thousands who've been stranded in foreign lands during the Billy Ray era !
One morning in February I received an email from a client. She'd deposited $50 into my account and wanted to know if a fortnight's cruise in April to Japan was in tune with her Astrological. No was the answer, so a lot of money was saved and isolation time avoided.
In March a builder visited for an update, after noting in his previous enlightenment that " early April " had some serious issues. Further study discovered a difficult Mercury-Uranus hit in April that would cause some hiccups in the business,but he was assured that everything was sweet after that.
Lockdown closed his business for 4 weeks and the government paid wages for his 90 employees before they went back to work in late April.....
Such an amazing science is Astrology, but so ruined by all of those dirty liars and cowards in the media. If people like Leighton Smith, Jayjay Feeney, Murray Deaker, Stephen Stuart, the late Charlotte Dawson, Doug Golightly, Tony Wright, Bernadette Rae, Jane Phare, Paul Lewis, Michael Donaldson, Mike King and Sir John Kirwan etc had been truthful and more serious, NZ wouldn't be in a such a mess, as world champions in domestic violence per capita and teenagers topping themselves !
Many of the above in media roles felt that were doing me a favour with column space or air time. When they were actually just doing their duty as media, for it is " news " when you can have horse racing certainties more than 5 years in advance. Without forgetting that phenomenal prophesy about Australia's current woes !
On the other hand there is so much evidence that destinies are planned and that we have no control over our futures. So many of the above are also renowned for their heavy drinking and depression. There are, naturally, Astrological formulae for those matters, fragile egos and mental problems....
Thousands of clients have been blown away by the past-life and character analysis, including a 22 year-old caucasian student last weekend who'd already started contemplating her life. Fascinated to be in the same chair occupied previously by several NZ sporting champions, the late Charlotte Dawson and a gang member who'd done time for manslaughter.
Fortunately there's a small percentage of humans who'll get the message, but a much larger percentage who won't have the chance.....
July 29
Being able to consistently beat " the system " is fun.
Thanks to " the system " for being too dumb to accept the greatness of Astrology. It thinks that investing on horse races, footy and cricket matches is " gambling. " So the profits therefrom are exempt from tax !
To many it is gambling. To us it's using the world's oldest science for investment, as another very successful racing season comes to an end.
We finished the 2019-20 season with 100% wins. As per a $4.70 winner, in Brisbane last October, our only investment !
That's 370% interest on investment, less the $20 that every subscriber placed on the nose to pay their information provider. Every client has a minimum of $150 deposited with the information provider and the $20 win equivalent is deducted from that. After the win, clients top up to $150 again. They also lose another $1 or $2 per year in interest on that $150.
Following the highly profitable 2019 year, with 3 wins from 6 investments, I worked on trimming the losers. $5.50 and $18 were the other win dividends last year, and I decided that 3 wins from 3 would be better than 3 wins from 6.
The system would prefer us to be manic, pathological gamblers betting every 5 minutes. I prefer telling the system to go and get fucked. Life is much better when you are in control.
Hopefully there's a resumption on August 29. Awesome aspects that day for a trainer whose last 3 for me have been winners, with an average dividend of $5.90.....
Starting deposit $100 into TAB account
current season: $470
final balance 2018-19 $1750
final balance 2017-18 $1000
final balance 2016-17 $1230
final balance 2015-16 $00
final balance 2014-15 $490
final balance 2013-14 $2270
final balance 2012-13 $240
final balance 2011-12 $3990
From a horse racing investment system that kicked off in November 1985. With balances obtained by placing $100 a win on selections from the Don Murray Racing System.
Anyone can join the team, as long as you can read, write and count.
The once noble racing industry is in rapid decline, riddled with depression and debt, and very few humans within who can appreciate the magnificent Astrological science.
We are grateful to them, though, for providing the wonderful product. They spend between $70 and $100 daily to keep a horse in training, knowing that only about 5% will actually manage to pay their way !
They begin work as early as 3.30 a.m in places like chilly Crimbridge picking up horse shit. Our thoughts are with them, especially in winter.....
July 28
Once upon a time, NZ's mainscream media had " investigative journalism."
Not any more. Foreign ownership don't want to waste money on serious writers when they can satisfy the great unwashed with rubbish from the USA.. There are still brilliant investigations from guys like Julian Assange and co on the internet,though, and the mainscream media's bank balances are suffering.
Back in the 1970s the Auckland Star investigations team became legendary for their campaign to free wrongly-convicted double murderer Arthur Allan Thomas. And also their revelations under the guidance of Pat Booth about the world famous Mr Asia drug syndicate led by New Zealanders Terry Clark and Marty Johnstone.
I had exactly 52 fun-filled weeks as an investigative reporter on the SUNDAY NEWS about 40 years ago and gained instant recognition. My first story earned a $250,000 defamation claim, even if it never got further than one lawyer's letter.
All I'd done was publish the christian names of 3 men involved in a high-profile murder in Auckland. Information gained from being in the company of Lance " The Rooster ", an associate of Marty Johnstone's who'd also done time for cannabis trading.
6 weeks later one of the 3 named got charged with murder and the other 2 given immunity from prosecution for turning nark. A week after that, a renowned home invader named Iron Bar Pete I hardly knew spotted me in a bar and started singing. The trigger puller in that murder was not the accused but one of the narks !
This investigative journalism was so much fun. Around that time there had been a massive gang brawl In Moerewa with a police van getting torched by members of the Stormtroopers.
So I decided to go and interview the President of the South Auckland Stormtroopers, Jack Temara, at his house in Otara one August night. Nice chap, I learned a lot about the gang culture, then wondered about rival gangs like the Headhunters and Black Power. The President of the latter was in jail so Mr Stormtrooper phoned his Headhunter equivalent, chatted, then asked me if I wanted to go visit him tonight ?
Why not ? I was handed the phone and given instructions: Drive to ??? Pilkington Rd, Panmure, go into the yard and stay in the car. 4 alsatian dogs checked the tyre pressures and wheel alignment before their leader came out and whistled them into their barracks.,
Upstairs we went and I learned more about gang life and decided that I was going to complete the treble and interview the Black Power President in Mt Eden prison tomorrow.
Many months later I also visited Iron Bar Pete in " the Mount ", with some requested MAD comics, in an attempt to locate the unconvicted shooter in the original murder. The wrong man had been found guilty and I was trying to campaign for justice. Locating the real guilty one was achieved with the help of a champion safecracker who merely said " I'll get him to ring you."
That champion safecracker, the late Chas Willoughby, actually played as my guest, under an alias, in the SUNDAY NEWS social rugby team and made some punishing crash tackles. The unconvicted shooter phoned me soon after Chas told him to, and we met in a Pakuranga hotel.
It was such fun meeting all these characters, as well as using the press badge to meet leading cops and criminal lawyers. There were no stories coming out of these interviews, just more knowledge of the underworld.
The pattern of just mucking around and using the SUNDAY NEWS as a social springboard continued and I was fired after exactly 52 weeks.
Instant dismissal, with 4 weeks pay in lieu of notice. I went straight round to see Lance " The Rooster, " to relieve him of duties as an " underworld source." In trouble again, he was, and soon to go into witness protection after being kidnapped over a $50k morphine robbery.
No future in journalism, so I took a job managing a small portable toilet operation in Onehunga. 2 months later, Labour Weekend Friday, I was planning to finish early when the owner took a late order for a portaloo way out in Henderson.
" Make sure you get the money. I think they're Maoris."
Racist prick, and ruining my getaway plans. They were Maoris---- Headhunters, West Auckland, preparing for a big Labour Weekend convention and broes coming from all over the nation.
I placed the portable toilet where required and readied it for use, then accepted the cash payment and started walking. Until ( in a deep voice )
" Hey arsehole. Did the Sunday News sack you ? "
Slowly I turned. Very slowly. Grinning, with a welcoming hand, was Wynyard Anania, president of the Panmure chapter and supervisor of the 4 alsatians. General agreement that the Sunday News were the arseholes and I was invited into the clubhouse for a beer......
13 years later, as an Astrologer, I received a call from a Maori gentleman interested in a birth chart. He would happen to be Abe Wharewaka, the Black Power president I had actually interviewed in Mt Eden prison in 1979. A long friendship began.
I regularly catch up with the wrongly convicted shooter of 1979 and reminisce. Thanking our good fortune as we remember a dozen or so acquaintances who've departed by motorbike crash, murder, or drug overdose......
Glad I ain't a journo today. Poor bastards, they go through life like trotting horses wearing blinkers......
July 26
Disgraced blogger Cameron " Whale Oil " Slater is quite clearly an arsehole.
And an inveterate liar. But also a fine contributor to Astrological magnificence. Slater ignored advice on upcoming Uranus-Jupiter mayhem in 2010, which coincided with a massive drop in earnings, a mortgagee sale and a return to rental illness !
With " more depression problems from Pluto attacking his Mercury until Nov 019 " supervising Slater suffering a stroke and declaring bankrupt !
" Whale Oil " became " fail oil." You read Margie Thompson's fine book WHALE OIL and there's even more evil in Slater.
Now the recent parliamentary sex scandals have provided Slater with an excellent chance to unmuddy his filthy name. Back in July 2014 on his blog, Whale Oil claimed that ' 5 sitting MPs have name suppression for child abuse convictions.'
How about a " name and shame " from the dirty old blogger ?
He's bankrupt, so there wouldn't be any defamation suits or fines to worry about. He could emulate NZ-born Melbourne broadcaster Derryn Hinch, who served 50 days in jail for failing to pay a $100,000 contempt of court fine. Previously jailed for 12 days, Hinch had again breached a name suppression order in his campaign to name and shame pedophile priests.
Slater was quite close to then Prime Minister John Key and current Opposition leader Judith Collins. Even in his state of mental illness, he'd be unlikely to bullshit about the " 5 sitting MPs " if it were to damage his important friends, who might have even been information providers…….
Anti-sleaze Slater would become a cult figure, matching Epstein and Prince Andrew in the headlines. He'd be heavily supported by the anti-pedophile movement and " Black Lives Matter " tragics.
INNOCENT CHILDRENS' LIVES MATTER goes global as well..........
July 24
What's known as " mental illness " has become very fashionable in the 21st century.
Rugby coach Sir John Kirwan found it could explain all of his failures; unwanted comedian Mike King jumped on the bandwaggon and the high priestess of white trash, Charlotte Dawson, discovered it was to blame for her relationship failures and binge drinking.
This joker is the latest failure to play the " mental illness " card.
' Former National MP Andrew Falloon was caught out in an "enormous lie" with his sex-text scandal after telling his leader he only sent one explicit image to one woman once.
And he only came clean about sending porn to a teenager after he was confronted by National leader Judith Collins - despite being investigated by police.
Collins condemned Falloon, calling him "a liar" .Four more women have since come forward, to say they'd also received explicit images.'
A check of the birthday planets could see nothing indicating depression or depravity, like the Kirwan and King Venus blocks or Dawson's dark Scorpio Moon.
But Falloony's birth planets do contain a very tight clash between the honourable Sun and erratic Uranus. Like Virgo 5 v Sagittarius 5. A very dangerous placement for those who plan to experience life as a trotting horse wearing blinkers. Text book description:
' Sun discordant to Uranus (power = 11.46 and this aspect is discordant = -11.46)
You are independent, liberal, eccentric, unorthodox and rebellious. This aspect brings pride, selfishness, alienation from others, erratic temperament and lack of self-control and self-discipline. You tend to get involved with too many things which scatters your energies. You jump from one thing to another so quickly that you either never get really good at anything or you never finish anything. People can't count on you because you are erratic and don't follow through on your promises. You are easily bored and need excitement in your life. '
Had Falloon, Andrew: been honoured with an appearance in last November's Annual Prophesies, it would have been:
' Erratic behaviour and reversals for poli with Uranus attacking his Mars. June, Sept and April 021 crucial.'
Very notably, another with parliamentary connections also having his Mars assaulted by Uranus this winter features below on July 21. A fellow named Clarke Gayford.......
July 23 .
We were chuckling last week about the amazingness of Astrology, and deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters' " serious restrictions " in July.
When the squinty-eyed, heavily-stressed 75 year-old went on medical leave to have surgery. After his appearance in last November's Annual Prophesies !
' Peters, Winston:
Veteran poli with serious mental and happiness restrictions from Saturn attacking his Venus and Mercury. Jan, Feb, March, July, Sept, Nov notably crucial. Neptune confuses his Jupiter in March, Sept and Jan 021 as well. '
It was Bachman Turner Overdrive time and " B-B-B-B-Baby you just ain't seen nothing yet " with Monday's release: ...
' NZ First leader Winston Peters has been ordered by the High Court to pay nearly $320,000 in costs after his failed court action over details of his superannuation payments being leaked.
In a judgment by Justice Geoffrey Venning last Friday, and obtained by the Herald today, costs of nearly $320,000 were awarded against the Deputy Prime Minister.'
Rather comical that the old fella's copping 2 serious hits in " Sept "--------election month !
And he's not alone. For similar " serious July restrictions " would also be affecting 900 employees of The Warehouse, who learned about upcoming job losses on Monday. And many others.
Such a shame those poor bastards were unable to be warned ( like Winston ). It's easier to deal with a crisis if you are prepared for it....
July 21
Back on July 8, the complicated natal planets of Clarke Gayford were analysed beneath
' He owns an incredibly rare 5 planets in serious,deep,controlling Scorpio. Seldom surpassed, with champion jockey-methamphetamine legend Lisa Cropp having 6 of them....... '
' With Class A Clarkie in need of supervision and monitoring in the near future. Erratic Uranus in the sky will be attacking his Mars position through July, August and September.'
Considering what's all over Facebook about " court last week, " that prophesy could rank amongst the greats of all time !
July 20
The Billy Ray virus has weeded out a lot of " experts. "
Plenty in the media have been totally wiped and the remaining " experts " haven't got a clue WTF is going on with Billy Ray.
With the closest thing to “ expertise “ being the prediction here on January 2 of destruction much greater than the bushfires for Australia between February 020 and October 021 !
We must remember though, that millions of individuals have also suffered the same Pluto destruction as Australia. And various other complications which have affected the superstars from last November's Annual Prophesies !
Superstars like Prince Andrew, Meghan Markle, Boris Johnson, Novak Djokovic, Australian-based Raelene Castle, Phil Gould, Chris Waller and Alan Jones; NZ horse racing personnel like Michael Coleman, Vinnie Colgan, Leith Innes and Karyn Fenton-Ellis; NZ Warriors coach Steve Kearney and his former workmates Stacey Jones, Nathan Brown and Cameron George.
Other New Zealanders like Golriz Ghahraman, Hayley Holt, Kane Williamson, and Winston Peters etc.
The christians keep on praying though, knowing that soon their hero will zoom back to earth and fix everything……..
No chance of that, apparently:
A SPOKESPERSON for the Vatican has officially announced today that the second coming of Jesus, the only son of the God, may not happen now after all, but urged followers to still continue with their faith, regardless of the news.
Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore told WWN that this years 1,981st anniversary is to be the Vatican’s last in regards to waiting for the Lord to return to Earth.
“We just feel Jesus is not coming back by the looks of it.” he said. “It’s been ages like. He’s probably flat out doing other really good things for people somewhere else.”
Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus promised his disciples that he would come again in chapter John 14:1-3 of the bible: “There are many homes up where my Father lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming. When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so that you can always be with Me where I am. If this weren’t so, I would tell you plainly”
The Vatican defended Jesus’ broken promise, claiming “he was probably drinking wine” at the time when he made the comments.
“Having the ability to turn water into wine had its ups and its downs.” added Cardinal Salvadore. “We all make promises we can’t keep when we’re drunk. Jesus was no different.”
July 18
Crusher Collins' recent promotion in the National Party jolted the murder file memory bank.
She knows all about the gun that would be odds-on favourite to have fired the fatal shots in the still unsolved Crewe double-murder of June 1970.
Few people knew that 2 weeks after the murders, a Pukekawa studmaster named Geoff Chitty had given one of his employees a rifle to hide. A .22 BSA fiveshot, supposedly belonging to the aunty of one Len Demler, that evaded the mass examination of similar rifles in the area. Len Demler, father of the late Jeanette Crewe, was for several months the prime suspect in the double murder.
The employee had his suspicions, but couldn't upset Chitty. He needed the job, with a house for a wife and 3 kids.
The unchecked rifle would later reside in Takanini, before moving to Ruakaka in the late 1980s. The upgraded Chitty Chitty Bang Bang resided in Ruakaka until 2010.
In 2013 a family friend of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's guardian tipped off a detective she was dating. Auckland detective zoomed up to Ruakaka, then elsewhere to retrieve Chitty Chitty Bang Bang from it's next guardian, a gun collector named Frank.
How ironical that same detective was involved in the requested review of the Crewe murders in 2014 !
When Crusher Collins was Minister of Justice, and had received the full story from 3 different sources.......
July 16
The arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell has spawned plenty of theories about high-profile pedophiles shitting themselves and being blackmailed.
Like Prince Andrew, with his upcoming Astrological complications, down on July 9.
There was a brilliant case about 50 years back in Sydney. Racketeer-gangster-club owner Abe Saffron had a special place where under age boys and girls could be purchased. With a secret photographer, so people could be blackmailed.........
Like renowned media tycoon Sir Frank Packer, father of the late Kerry and grandfather of Jamie. Maybe as " Frankie fudgepacker " he was very concerned about some photos that had already cost him $400k----half to a blackmailer, then half to " the cops " who'd confiscated the photos.
One of Sydney's many bent cops was employed by Sir Frank to employ one of his " green light " burglars to break into a rural bank, where the photos were being held in a safe deposit box, before being returned to Sir Frank.......
MR SIN- the Abe Saffron files, by Tony Reeves, a brilliant read.
July 15
There are, obviously, Astrological formulae for those who don't want to retire.
And you wonder about this joker, aged 75, who first entered parliament 41 years ago. And how many mornings in his life he's put on a white shirt and tie...... around 9000 ?
' Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters is taking a “short stint” of medical leave this week.
In a statement, Peters said he visited his doctor earlier in the week after experiencing food poisoning symptoms and dehydration. After that visit, Peters said he had been advised to have surgery.
Peters said he’ll take a short stint of medical leave while Parliament is in recess over the next fortnight. '
Adding to his annus horribilis, which has had him quite embarrassed about a defamation case and financial irregularities in his own party etc.
No surprise, of course, after the appearance in last November's Annual Prophesies:
' Peters, Winston:
Veteran poli with serious mental and happiness restrictions from Saturn attacking his Venus and Mercury. Jan, Feb, March, July, Sept, Nov notably crucial. Neptune confuses his Jupiter in March, Sept and Jan 021 as well. '
Noting that there are two massive hits in " Sept, " election month.......
Tuesday's funny belonged to the National Party leader and his resignation after less than 2 months in the job.
Of course he was headlines here beneath
May 22
" The last thing you want is a leader getting his Mars hammered by Pluto.
Consider National MP Todd Muller, voted in as the new opposition leader to replace Sigh man Bridges.
73 seconds of research and wannabe prime minister Muller is " Donalded ". His " 23.12.68, Te Aroha " birthdate has Mars between Libra 25.44 and 26.18 degrees !
Revolutionary Pluto's movements in Capricorn 25 and 26 next year will hamper anything in same degrees of Libra, Cancer, Aries and Capricorn.Consequently February, June and December of 2021 will be extremely difficult months for Muller. "
Footnote: For the undereducated, " Donalded " is derived from " Donald Duck " in Cockney Rhyme. " On his Tod " relates to a legendary jockey named Tod Sloan, so that being " on one's Tod " is another form of being " on one's own."
July 14
The gloominess of NZ winter racing is brightened slightly with the " Mr Whippy " award for a jockey who gets frequently penalised for overuse of the persuader.
South Island jockey Brett Murray ( no relation ) is the reigning Mr Whippy, after being a busy lad with the judicial process at Riccarton last Saturday:
Race 6 T Jonker, SABER, Excessive use ofthe whip [Rule 638(3)(b)(ii)] Suspended 12-22/7 incl, 5days
Race 9 B Murray, EFFERVESCENT, Careless riding 450 metres [Rule 638(1)(d)] Suspended 18-24/7 incl, 4days
Race 10 B Murray, JIN LU, Excessive use of the whip [Rule 638(3)(b)(ii)] Suspended 25/7-7/8 incl, 6days
Race 11 B Murray, WHISKEY IN THE JAR, Excessive use of the whip [Rule 638(3)(b)(ii)] Suspended 8-23/8 incl, 7days
Race 1 K Chowdhoory, READY TO ROAR, $400 [Rule 638(3)(b)(ii)] Excessive use of the whip
Race 2 B Murray, KNEAZLE, $400 [Rule 638(3)(b)(ii)] Excessive use of the whip
Riders S Wynne, B B Hong and K Chowdhoory ( again ) were also given warnings about excessive whip use.
While up at Ellerslie that day, jockey S Weatherley copped a 5 days suspension and E Farr a $300 fine for excessive whip use.
A previous Mr Whippy winner, N Downs, received a warning for his excesses at Ellerslie, as did H McNeill and D Parker.
From the archives:
July 12, 2019
Back on June 6, beneath " MR WHIPPY AND DOWNS SYNDROME " we noted that numerous jockeys had been in trouble with stewards at Ellerslie races on June 3 for excessive use of the whip. Including:
" 44 year-old Irish-born Nick Downs is way ahead in the race to become the new Mr Whippy. Prior to the $600 he forfeited on June 3, Downs copped a $300 fine for a similar whip offence at Te Rapa on May 29. Downs Syndrome ? "
On July 4 at Wanganui, Downs really gapped his rivals in the Mr Whippy race. For " excessive use of whip, N Downs was suspended from 8 July - 7 August inclusive. "
July 12
Has there ever been a sporting double like this, anywhere in the world ?
Yesterday the Mt Albert premier reserve Rugby League team creamed their Papakura counterparts by 104-0 in the curtain raiser at Fowlds Park, Mt Albert.
Then the real Mt Albert prems came out and demolished the Papakura top side 94-6.
July 11
There's nothing like Astrological magnificence to show when a dark tunnel shall be filled with light.
Plenty of this in recent months, clients coming to understand when the bads are going to finish. Astrology is not popular with the controllers because it teaches people to cut corners, and have confidence in the future.......
Fast reverse to one of the all-time greats of prophesy, here on January 2, when analysing the Astrology of the Australian bushfires:
' There could be a slight easing of Australia's woes after the Saturn-Ascendant attack finished on January 1, but there's another very serious phase for Aussie with Saturn sitting on the midheaven point ( Capricorn 24.23 ) in the week or 2 before January 26.
Even more destructive for Australia, with revolutionary Pluto supervising massive and difficult changes when he sits on that crucial point in the next 2 years.
With February, June and December being very serious months for Australia in 2020, and September and October of 2021.....'
" February " brought the Billy Ray virus in from China and in " June " Australia officially went into recession !
It's gonna be pretty tough in Aussie for a while, courtesy of the October 2021 factor. But they will certainly be emerging from the gloom in a big way, come 2024.
Because, in the eerie ways of the zodiac, every Capricorn 24 degree getting squashed by destructive Pluto this year and next, shall be getting amazing assistance from a Uranus trine in 2024. Including all with a birthday on January 14.
Erratic Uranus is currently in Taurus, who's a great mate of Capricorn. In 2020, Uranus is buzzing between Taurus 6 and 10 degrees. Come 2024 he'll be zooming between Taurus 23 and 27, and consequently assisting anything in the same degree of Virgo or Capricorn.
Hang in there, Digger !
A Gold Coast apartment, July 1996, soon after the Auckland Warriors had beaten the locals at Carrara Stadium that evening:
Courtesy of 2 ex-NZ racing mates, I watched the game in the corporate box of a portly, crimson-faced Gold Coaster who'd made his pile in the trucking business.
He defined a good bloke as " someone who buys his round in the pub."
He'd noted my references in the evening to " Astrology " and as the beer and cannabis flowed during the after party, asked me about " those star things ? "
I explained the Astrological system and how I used it to select buzz days for humans. Especially for jockeys and horse trainers, and Warriors players like Gene Ngamu and Tony Tatupu this evening.
" You seem like a good bloke, but are you trying to pull my dick ? " was the Gold Coaster's reply. ( Even if I had yet to buy my round in the pub. )
I asked an Kiwi ex-jockey mate to confirm my occupation, which he did. I then asked our host for his date of birth.
Even when very stoned I could still remember that his January 21 of a certain year meant a Sun around Aquarius 0. Quickly I located a year when Pluto was attacking that Sun,that bastard of an era when so much can be lost and things go horribly wrong. ( Australian icon Allan Jones is suffering same this year and it bugged Hugh Bowman in 2019. )
You had a pretty difficult time in 1984, I suggested to our host ?
Our host stared at the floor, took a drag of the joint and passed it on. Then he slowly got to his feet and tottered to the bedroom.
Jesus, W T F happened in 1984 I asked his brother ?
" 11-12 years ago ? About the time when he was bankrupted..."
Below is part of a transcript in a case where harness trainer Nigel McGrath was disqualified for an illegal ptactice known as " tubing."
Grimstone and Westerlund are with the Racing Integrity Unit, Burrows an employee of McGrath.
' 22] In the first interview, Mr Burrows told Mr Grimstone and Mr Westerlund that it was “stuff for its breathing” called ‘air supply’. When Mr Burrows asked if it was in accordance with the Rules, having said that he thought the horse was “Steel The Show” was running that night Mr Burrows answered, “probably not.”
[23] Mr Burrows said that he had been there to do “tubing” the horse “very few times.” He agreed he was tubing the horse, that it was not ideal and that it was breaching the Rules.
Transcript of Second Interview with George Burrows 17 March 2020
[24] The transcript of a second interview on 17 March 2020 with George Burrows, Neil Grimstone and Peter Lamb was produced as an Exhibit by consent.
[25] Mr Burrows wanted his first statement to be disregarded as he had been smoking weed and drinking and did not want to be there. He agreed he could tube horses but denied ever tubing a horse of Mr McGrath’s. '
July 9
It's fair to say that Prince Randy Andy would be shitting himself over this recent news:
' British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, an ex-girlfriend of convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, has been charged in the US after being arrested by the FBI.
She is accused of assisting Epstein's abuse of minors by helping to recruit and groom victims known to be underage.
After being arrested in New Hampshire, she was brought to court and remanded in custody, for transfer to New York. '
There was, of course, Randy Andy's appearance in last November's Annual Prophesies......
' Andrew, Prince of England:
Mental confusion and lies continue with deceptive Neptune crushing his Mercury until Feb. More depression from serious Saturn crushing his Venus and Mars, with Feb, March, July, Aug, Nov and Dec notable.'
Saturn crushes or crashes bring serious unhappiness that affects people in different ways, within a week or two of peak dates. Consider one of the all-time greats:
TRUTH, November 15,1996:
' Maybe the bet of the century tag could be placed on whoever is playing the Brisbane Broncos on May 30 or 31 next year.Those days have coach Wayne Bennett suffering the painful Saturn-Neptune square that harassed Auckland coach Graham Henry when his team got knocked off by Counties. '
On May 31, 1997 the lowly Hunter Mariners upset the Broncos 24-6, with a head-to-head bet returning $4.20 on the New Zealand TAB.
With the great restrictor featuring in one of 2019's greatest, that tiny Tonga ( pop 100k ) would beat goliath Australia ( pop 25 mill. ) in Rugby League for the first time, last November. Purely because Saturn-Sun complications would be making Australian coach Mal Meninga " very pissed off about something " in the fortnight after the sensational game.
As will Prince Randrew be " very pissed off about something " in the fortnights leading up to July 20, Aug 9, Nov 17 and Dec 4 this year........
July 8
We were laughing recently about the " engagement " of prime minister Jacinda Ardern and Clarke Gayford.
Jacinda's major problems in close relationships have been well documented, with the Venus afflictions in her natal chart.
Class A Clarke was long ago written off as well, but I recently discovered I had a wrong birthdate for him. My extreme bad, but the 24.10.1976 latest for Gayford also has a lot of uglies in the planetary make up.
He owns an incredibly rare 5 planets in serious,deep,controlling Scorpio. Seldom surpassed, with champion jockey-methamphetamine legend Lisa Cropp having 6 of them.......
His Moon is in Scorpio, a classic for depression, control issues and very bitter separations. Sexual deviousness and extreme substance abuse are common and Scorpio Mooners are traditionally very hard on their closests.....
Consider some of the notable Scorpio Moon possessors like Prince Andrew, Rod Stewart, Liz Hurley, Paula Yates, Michael Hutchence, Snoop Dogg, Mariah Carey and James Packer. NZ has donated the departeds Charlotte Dawson and Greg Boyed, also Robin Brooke, Tony Veitch and Jami-Lee Ross.
Heaps of Scorpio Mooners with extreme personal issues in NZ horse racing, including the legendary Waikato quadrella of Lisa Cropp, Paul Moroney, Graeme Forbes and Sir Mark Todd.
Gayford's Scorpio Moon is right alongside erratic Uranus, a classic for unusual, dramatic experiences with females and common for unplanned pregnancies. Close by is energetic Mars and such proximity ensures a massive mid-life crisis.
Some very successful individuals with the Mars-Uranus conjunction have been subjected to massive comedowns. Like NZ's Michael Laws, Warwick Roger, Brent Todd, Sir John Kirwan, Cameron " fail oil " Slater, Keith Murdoch and jockeys Tony Allan and Lisa Cropp. Also foreign entertainment legends Boy George, Robin Williams, Lou Reed and Keith Richards.
With Class A Clarkie in need of supervision and monitoring in the near future. Erratic Uranus in the sky will be attacking his Mars position through July, August and September.
There's an election looming, which means he'll be seeing less of his missus than normal. Uranus in the negative will supervise some very erratic behaviour, and it wouldn't be a bad idea for the missus to get a tracking device to keep tabs on him.
And forget totally about any long-term commitment........
July 6
The Billy Ray virus lockdown has had some devastating effects.
Tell me about it. No gym or swimming pool for 2 months, nor the renowned Coconut Camaraderie of Otahuhu or the " DOMS ."
Defined as " Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, " it's the highly addictive, mildly painful pleasure that can last for days after punishing workouts. Be it from Body Balance, Body Attack, Body Combat,Body Pump, Zumba, Boxing, the RPM bicycles and other group classes in the amazing, state of the art complex in Otahuhu that's less than 5 years old.
All this, plus the sauna and spa and swimming pools for $15 a week. All day, every day if you want, for the cost of one and a half stubbies of Heineken in a flash bar.
" One at my place, bro " noted a large Polynesian. He's a bouncer at an inner city strip club, where it's $14 for a beer, after the $25 entry fee........
$25 entry fee ? This place ain't much different to a strip club and it's a lot cheaper, eh bro ?
$15 = a week's membership here, or 15 neenish/lemon/strawberry jam tarts from my Cambodian mates' bakery just over the road, or one jam tart and a stubby at the strip club ?
While, just 4.2 km north in Sylvia Park, you can purchase ONE small caramel macademia tart for......$5.20.
July 4
The slaves to the thoroughbred had long been resigned to " No certainties in Racing "
So many things can go wrong, so old horseyhead's only certainties are " bills and disappointments." A common cop out after a heavily-spruiked favourite has been sensationally beaten....
That all changed in July 1990. A few weeks after a chance phone call caught Friday Flash editor Bob Lovett in a bad mood. Bob was spewing over his gutless writers cowering away from juicy, controversial stories.
Bob managed to be convinced of the need for a fearless bastard with a weekly column that would turn heads. IT'S IN THE STARS began in the FRIDAY FLASH on June 28, 1990 and decided to kick off with a certainty at Te Rapa next Wednesday.
The certainty label went on the Trevor and Stephen McKee stable which lined up 5 runners at Te Rapa on July 4. Very hard on the nerves until their last runner, Indiore Star got up with a $12 win dividend.
The recommendation for these certainty people was to keep upping the bet until the first winner then stopping. 3 years earlier a then comparatively unknown future legend named Lisa Cropp ( aged 16 ) was labelled and landed a $45 winner in her 3 rides.
Later the certainty system would be perfected to one horse on raceday. as was proven on Trackside Channel in February 1995, with Parihaka. With Classic Heights actually being labelled a " certainty " 3.5 weeks in advance of his 1996 Great Northern Steeplechase win, on Trackside Channel as well, with a $7.80 win dividend.....
Hardened horseyheads aren't at all keen on ." Astrologically calculated certainties." After decades of picking up horse shit, scouring sales catalogues and bloodlines and watching thousands of replays, only they have the right to an opinion.
Another side of the industry's siege mentality hampering its progress in attracting normal people........
The certainties continued on this website, including the world record for long-range prediction made on July 4, 2012: That trainer Wayne Hillis would win a race, providing he lined up, on Melbourne Cup day, 2017, November 7.
5 years, 4 months and 3 days later W.P Hillis took one runner, Watch This Space, to Ellerslie and returned home with a $9.80 winner.
Basically I try to find perfect, " buzz " days for small-time trainers and hurdle jockeys who'll only have 1-2 chances on a day. As per
TRUTH, April 29, 1994: In predicting a return to form for controversial cricketer Martin Crowe:
" In fact if Crowe were a jockey I'd be backing his mounts on Tuesday, February 14,1995.
That's the sort of day that the administration jokers should mark down for a one-day international against the Aussies."
On February 14, 1995, Crowe played in a Shell Trophy match for Wellington and made 193 not out.
July 2
' The career of one of New Zealand's champion jockeys could be over after a freak trials accident.
Michael Coleman is in Waikato Hospital with three fractures to his femur and damage to his pelvis after being caught under the thoroughbred Cerys when she reared up and fell on him on her way to the start of a trial at Rotorua yesterday.'
From the Annual Prophesies,, November 26, 2019:
' Coleman, Michael:
Massive slowdown for veteran jockey with Pluto-Mercury and Neptune-Moon complications next 2 years. Jan, Feb, May, Aug, Oct, Nov 2020 crucial.'
July 1
NZ's world leadership in youth suicide and domestic violence has long been the subject of great amusement.
Unfortunate, but thick old Keen Interest Without Intelligence continues to promote alcohol and ignore Cannabis while being too brainwashed to accept the magnificence of Astrology.
The mirth goes to another level when you consider the liars and violent headlines of the mainscream media. As a former " award-winning journalist " I wonder who can possibly benefit from something like this:
Shocking crash: Passenger thrown through windscreen in two-car collision in Weymouth, Auckland
Even when motoring along, contemplating the awesome life in multi-cultural Otahuhu, with Lynyrd Skynyrd, John Cougar Mellencamp and Dragon on Magic music. Then the buzz is destroyed by a news bulletin: A plane crash in Russia, followed by a house fire in Invercargill !
Who really needs all those " heartbreaking " and " slamming " headlines ?
Will the national " depression experts " man up ? Will Sir John Kirwan and " medication Mikey " King approach the media bosses and suggest that their attempts to outgloom each other with so many sick headlines are not helping the national mental illness problem ?
No chance. They would be warned that any more silly ideas like that and their roles as the national cry babies would end.
It's all about keeping Keen Interest Without Intelligence and his mates stupid and living in continual fear. New World Order heaven is thousands of grown men wailing and arguing about yet another underperforming footy coach like Steve Kearney getting dramatically sacked........
49 years ago last February I started working as a junior registration clerk at the New Zealand Racing Conference in Wellington.
The headquarters of NZ thoroughbred racing, dealing with applications for colours and racehorse names and changes of ownership. With distinct memories of my first week including a humorous name application.
' Phar Kinfast ' was the choice for a young colt by Auckland owner Eric Haydon. Normally you'd have to check that there hadn't been a ' Phar Kinfast ' registered in the last 20 years or with history in The Stud Book.
No checking required for ' Phar Kinfast, ' just confirmation from a senior colleague that it was too provocative. Later an attempt by someone to register ' Far Call ' was also unsuccessful.
There are, obviously, different rules in South Africa.......
Pharr Canal is a thoroughbred horse born in South Africa in 2017. Race horse Pharr Canal is by Ashaawes (USA) out of La Fonteine (SAF) , trained by Michael Robinson. Pharr Canal form is available here. Owned by Akber Investments (Pty) Ltd (Nom: Mr Dave Pearce) & Mrs L J Robinson.
June 27
The teenage harness racing driver was in a quandary.
His boss had been playing " doctors and nurses " with him, but he was fearful about his employment and driving career if he spilled the beans.
Eventually he did tell the Racing Integrity Unit, after returning a positive test to Cannabis, explaining the circumstances that made him want to escape.......
This is a biggie, involving a person who's driven well over 1000 winners.
The horse racing industries have a tradition of burying their soiled laundry. As far back as the pack rape of a 14 year-old girl at the O'Sullivan stables in the mid-1970s. Also the more recent, separate matters in Matamata as well, of 15 year-old girls in the Te Akau operation.
Undoubtedly they'll be trying to cover this one up as well..........
June 26
What a sad cuntry NZ is:
' Hollie Mcintyre was told the lump in her breast was nothing to worry about.
Six months later, the 30-year-old was diagnosed with cancer and given just months to live.
Northland District Health Board admit that if they had done a biopsy initially, the cancer would have been detected but they are adamant their surgeon followed international guidelines for what appeared to be a benign cyst.
Now, Mcintyre is fighting for an ACC treatment injury claim that has been denied due to lack of clinical evidence showing her terminal outcome could have been different if it had been picked up earlier.'
Even sadder that old Keen Interest Without Intelligence is too dumb to benefit from Astrological Magnificence.
For ages I've been recommending the amazing science that identifies major health problems like breast cancer in the birth chart !
Astrological magnificence that was on display for 18 years with the Annual State of the Astrological Nation address on Newstalk ZB every January.
Until 2011, when I quit, after Newstalk ZB's refusal to take it seriously and have more regular editions. Shame, when so many could have been saved from bankruptcy, suicide and being stranded in foreign countries. And been warned of major, upcoming health problems.....
Obviously the poor lady above was born with serious 6th House afflictions. And is experiencing difficult transits from Neptune, Pluto or Uranus.
Like the 2 blokes below !
June 24
You wouldn't normally think that the World No. 1 men's tennis player Novak Djokovic and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson have a lot in common.
They were both born with serious afflictions in the 6th Astrological House that governs health.
They both have Gemini Sun signs and both made appearances in the Annual Prophesies of last November !
' Djokovic, Novak:
Gun tennis player loses concentration under Neptune-Mercury harassment. Feb, Nov, Dec crucial.'
' Johnson, Boris:
Scorpio Moon possessor getting very confused and weakened by Saturn-Moon and Neptune-Mercury complications. March crucial, also June, Sept, Dec and Jan 021. '
How ironical that both have tested positive to the Billy Ray virus this year, Johnson in " crucial March " and Djokovic a few days ago !
Isn't Astrology fascinating ?
June 23
Amidst the confusion, lies and laughter of the " Billy Ray " virus, the world has more trust issues then ever.
Only Astrological magnificence can be relied upon.
Consider all of those phenomenal prophesies in 2020, on the nation of Australia, Boris Johnson, Allan Jones, Meghan Markle, Raelene Castle, Hayley Holt, Phil Gould, Steve Kearney, Vinnie Colgan and the other horse racing identities forced to have 2-3 idle months.
This appearance in last November's Annual Prophesies had me confused until last week:
' Waller, Chris:
Massive and difficult changes for champion horse trainer from Jupiter-Neptune clash around April. Major emotional problems from Pluto-Moon attack with Jan, Aug, Nov crucial. '
No obvious upheavals for C Waller in the Autumn, apart from the Billy Ray which affected everybody, and no significant drop in his winners.
Then he opened up last week:
' The long days of travel and traffic and having his head stuck in his computer were pushing Chris Waller to the brink.
But in recent months life has changed and the champion trainer with stables in three different states has welcomed a work-place revolution.
“It was doing my head in,” Waller told of his constant travel and work schedule.
“I’d spend many days either flying or going to or from an airport before getting stuck in traffic and in between, I’d be one of those people you’d see who’d just have their head stuck in a computer.”
The pressure to continue his routine of visiting his stables at Flemington and on the Gold Coast, meant the Sydney-based Waller’s quality of life was suffering. He said the signs had become obvious.
“You get grumpy, you get tired and your work productivity probably drops,” he said. “It dead-set did my head-in.”
The COVID-19 pandemic meant Waller could not make his interstate visits and within a few weeks, he has noticed a change in his work and home life.
“There is much less travel,” he said. “It means I can go to watch soccer training and now I am just watching the kids and it’s great.
“It’s 10 per cent quieter and it’s 10 per cent quality life better that’s for sure.'
June 21
Could this be one of the stupidest headlines in history ?
How Cameron George fixed the Warriors
David Long 12:16, Apr 06 2018
Much has been written about the inefficiency of " Lebcam," the current CEO of the struggling NZ Warriors. And he’s stealing even more oxygen than ever with media opportunities after the dramatic sacking of the coach Steve Kearney.
S Kearney just doesn’t have the X factor required to spur his troops. While you could feel sorry him and all the others in the organization having to deal with the idiotic Lebcam.
But, as is so often the case, the curse was placed minutes after S Kearney’s initial appointment and repeated in last November’s Annual Prophesies:
' Kearney, Steve:
NZ Warrriors coach losing the plot with Neptune whacking his Sun between May 020 and Dec 021. A Pluto-Node crunch brings major career change 2021.'
Mr Fixit, renamed Lebcam courtesy of his Lebanese grandparents, won't be far behind after his November 2019 appearance. Even if he did reasssure an interviewer about a year ago that " we're not far away from a premiership "
' George, Cameron:
NZ Warriors' CEO heading for massive upheavals with 2 difficult solar progressions and Pluto smashing his Jupiter between March 020 and Nov 021.'
June 20
It's been well documented how some are born to be lucky bastards, through having a lot of positive, agreeable trines in the natal chart.
The trine is an aspect which occurs between planets roughly 120 metres apart. Like the Fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius form a trine, as do the Air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Also Water signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio and the earthy plodders of Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.
Trines bring ease of opportunity and no trouble moving on.The more trines you possess, the luckier you shall be.
How notable that an extremely rare FIVE trines are possessed by probably NZ's greatest-ever sportsperson. Even more versatile than Sonny Bill Williams.
Enter George " The Greyhound " Smith, born in 1874 in Auckland. From Wiki:
' He became a successful jockey and won the 1894 New Zealand Cup, riding Impulse. He had to abandon his racing career after gaining weight.
As a track athlete, Smith was an outstanding sprinter and hurdler, winning 15 national championships between 1898 and 1904 (100 yards sprint and 440 yards hurdles five times each and the 120 yards hurdles four times plus the 250 yards once), as well as multiple Australasian championships and the 1902 British AAA quarter-mile hurdles,
Rugby Union
He first represented his home province Auckland in 1896 and, in the following year made, his début for the New Zealand national team against New South Wales. He was enticed back to the game with the prospect of joining the 'Originals' tour to the British Isles and France in 1905.
During the Originals tour, Smith was one of the outstanding players, especially in the early part of the tour, playing in 19 games, including the internationals against Scotland and Ireland, and scoring 19 tries.
Rugby League
After touring with the professional All Blacks he stayed on in Britain to play Rugby League professionally with the Oldham club, signing a £150 contract. '
The kind of lucky breaks you get with positive trines involving:
Sun+Pluto, Moon+Mars, Mars+Nept, Jupiter+ Saturn, Mercury+ Saturn. Extremely rare and amazing with the joining of Mercury and Jupiter at birth another omen for many opportunities.
The negatives ? Only a disagreement between love planet Venus and erratic Uranus, a demand for much excitement and emotional freedom. Late or never marriage is recommended.
George waited until he was 34 and finally decided to settle in Oldham, England, so he told his Auckland-based fiancee to get on the boat and come over and they lived happily ever after......
June 18
Suddenly NZ's problems were very minor.
Matters like 1080, Pike River, Chinese land grab, polluted rivers and beaches, the homeless, bullying, meth addiction, the uplifting of children and Ihumatao were quickly forgotten. Also police corruption and lies over the wrong-conviction murder cases of Scott Watson, Rex Haig, Teina Pora, Arthur Allan Thomas and David Bain etc.
NZ won a Bronze medal in the 2017 Obesity Olympics, along with their regular world dominance in domestic violence and teenagers topping themselves.
But centre stage suddenly belonged to a black criminal with a large rap sheet who got murdered in the USA by a white cop !
Seduced by the American media avalanche, K.I.W.I protester said " Let's do this ! " and they took to the streets in their thousands. Suddenly " black lives " in the USA mattered more than the bullied, battered and homeless of NZ.........
Long gone is the golden generation who learned to read, think and ask questions. Replaced by
Keen Interest Without Intelligence
" Wastewater analysis indicates New Zealanders are using about 16kg of methamphetamine a week. "
At $500 a gram.....that's a weekly habit of $8 million.
This might diminish when Cannabis is legalised ?
June 16
New Zealand's inability to deal with its world leadership in domestic violence and teenagers topping themselves has always been a source of great amusement.
Which goes to another level when a thing like this makes the headlines !
" Jay-Jay Feeney and 'international boyfriend' Minou end long-distance relationship "
Ironically Feeney, now aged 46, had a wonderful opportunity to change the face of mental health in NZ. She came to me for an Astrological enlightenment way back in February 2005 and what a revelation it was.
She was impressed with the character analysis and life history, traumas and movements. Feeney accepted that her depressions came from the classic Mars secreted away in House 12, but wasn't so impressed about the Uranus factors that would deny her children.
I got the feeling Feeney was really just seeking a " fortune teller " who’d say the opposite. Some months later the mental illness truly emerged in her SUNDAY NEWS column when Feeney bagged the shit out of prophets, psychics and Astrologers in general !
Filthy liar ! Astrological enlightenments are delivered in the strictest of confidence but Feeney's case became null and void. Of course we have noted previously that Feeney was born with Mercury-Neptune complications, which cause difficulties in deciding between fact and fiction....
As if the world needs untruthful morons in the meaningless media, although you’d have to wonder about anyone who takes that thing seriously. With the crack up being Feeney and her partner spending thousands of $$$$ over the next 8 years before finally deciding to give up on trying to have a kid !
Her repulsiveness has been very keen to " share " her traumas with the world about depressions, dysfunctional childhood and the fertility drugs of attempted motherhood that made her fatter than normal and depressed.
But not the magnificent Astrological experience, that would have enlightened so many and saved plenty from suicide, bankruptcy or getting stranded in a foreign land ?
Laughter is a wonderful medicine. Just think about the sick nation that has so many " influencers " who tell blatant lies !
June 15
There have been many laughters about the cocksuckers of the horse racing media and their inability to promote the " bad boys."
Courtesy of these lazy pricks, the average outsider knows very little about the personalities.
And you need more than pretty horse patters to get the public excited. Rugby League leads the way here with all of its " bad boys "
But I have wondered why this ripper of a tale hasn't had blazing headlines in the mainscream media....
South African-born jockey Brandon Morgenrood has been banned for life after pleading guilty to three charges in relation to his plans to attempt to cause harm to his ex-partner and fellow jockey Tina Comignaghi during a race in Christchurch.
The Charges:
On 21 February 2020 threatened to cause Class A Jockey Miss Tina Comignaghi to fall in Race 4 at the Canterbury Jockey Club meeting at Riccarton on 21 February 2020 in breach of Rule 801(1)(s)(i) of the New Zealand Rules of Thoroughbred Racing.
Between 11 and 18 February 2020 did an act that caused undue suffering to the horse VIVACE LADY by pulling on its mouth unnecessarily while riding the said horse in track work which resulted in the said horse suffering cuts and abrasions to the inside of its mouth in breach of Rule 801(1)(p) of the New Zealand Rules of Thoroughbred Racing.
On 18 February 2020 counselled Jockey Brett Murray to commit a Serious Racing Offence by encouraging the said Jockey to ride in a manner that would assist him to cause Jockey Tina Comignaghi to fall in Race 4 at the Canterbury Jockey Club meeting on 21 February 2020 being an offence under Rule 801(1)(w) of the New Zealand Rules of Thoroughbred Racing.'
So much drama, even verging on attempted murder. And the 42 year-old Morgenrood is no angel either. He's had extreme substance issues in the past and did actually receive a life disqualification in his homeland for race fixing. It was later reduced to 5 years.
' A Hastings family of four sold their house and their possessions and set sail to travel the world on a "once-in-a-lifetime adventure".
Now they are stuck in a marina in Covid-hit Greece, bleeding money, and soon to be blacklisted.'
Poor people. Possibly christians, and prayer has not worked. But obviously under very frustrating, negative Pluto or Neptune transits at present. And obviously with Natal chart complications in House 9 that relates to foreign involvements, travel and living abroad !
Checking the Astrological situation before travelling has always been recommended.....
June 13
Be careful when smoking Cannabis.
It intensifies what's in the mind, so is not suited to everybody. Better for the readers, thinkers and widely travelled, the physically fit and intelligent who want to change their lives.
Smoke Cannabis and you could end up like these people--- musical legends The Beatles, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Neil Young, Jimi Hendrix, Donovan Leitch, Elvis Presley, Elton John, Janis Joplin, Bob Marley, Lou Reed, Lewis Armstrong, Willie Nelson or Tommy Chong or great creators Stephen King, Charles Beaudelaire, Lewis Carrol, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Charles Dickens, Athur Conan Doyle, Tim Leary, Robert Louis Stevenson and Jules Verne or entrepreneuers Steve Jobs and Sir Richard Branson or inventors Thomas Edison and Sigmund Freud or rugby league champions Michael O'Connor, Peter Tunks, Greg Dowling and Greg Conescu or world class sportsmen Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps and zillions of other success stories......
You'd learn more from these people than the dickhead below.....
June 12
There is a time-honoured Astrological formula for the restless workaholic who finds it impossible to relax.
There are some very notable humans when Venus and Mars were colliding at birth, and even some with both in disharmony from destructive Pluto or Neptune.
They experiment with alcohol, drugs, sex, and gambling to find peace. Physical exercise is a great outlet for the stress, and the frustrations can drive some to be very successful.
Legendary NZ escape artists like the departed Paul Holmes and Graham Brazier, also Sticko McKee and Zac Guildford. Australians born with Venus-Mars complications include the departed Chopper Read, also Andrew Johns, Wayne Carey and John Hopoate. The northern hemisphere left us Michael Jackson, George Michael, John Travoplta and Neil Young etc
Another is NZ clown Aaron Ironside, the new spokesperson for the Say Nope To Dope campaign.
His 18.5.73 birthdate produces one of the zodiac's best brawls----Venus ( Gemini 6 ), Mars ( Pisces 6) and Neptune ( Sagittarius 6 ) having a massive disagreement. Automatically I wondered WTF happened to this fellow in 1998. When Pluto had shifted from Libra in 1973 to be at Sagittarius 6 and consequently smashing 3 positions in the same year !
Consider Ironside as one of hundreds who phoned the incredible Newstalk ZB show every January for 18 years. He would have volunteered his birthdate, then quickly would have been asked about " a real difficult year around 1998 when Pluto was whacking your Venus, Mars and Neptune ? "
From his bio:
' Aaron Ironside rose to prominence in the 1990’s as the anchor of Radio Hauraki’s popular Morning Pirates breakfast show. The young rock DJ fully embraced the Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll lifestyle that accompanied his new-found fame. Aaron quickly turned his occasional marijuana use into a daily habit that consumed his life. In time, he realised that his drug addiction was now affecting his mental health, exacerbating his symptoms of anxiety and depression.
In 1998, Aaron quit the high-profile job and decided to deal with his drug problem. Once clean he began working in the Not-For-Profit sector, putting his Masters Degree in Psychology to work. In 2012 he started A.I. Counselling and Coaching helping hundreds of clients find freedom from many different types of addiction and substance abuse.'
Yet another example that life is programmed. And that some people just don't have the ability to cope with their drugs.
This joker's already booked a berth in the " Chaos Bin " for early 2028, when mad dog Uranus will be at Gemini 6 degrees, and consequently molesting his Venus, Mars and Neptune positions.....
June 10
Way back on December 19 last I marvelled at the great trifecta of rugby league bad boys born in April 1989.
Israel Folau ( April 3 ) Kevin Locke (April 4 ) and Mitchell Pearce ( April 7 ). With another making it a quadrella after recent news !
" The NRL has been forced to remove Josh Reynolds from an anti-domestic violence ad campaign, following the Wests Tigers player being charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm relating to an alleged domestic violence incident.
The former State of Origin star was granted conditional bail to appear at Sutherland Local Court on Wednesday, December 18, where he will vigorously defend the charge.
An apprehended violence application has also been made on behalf of the woman. "
Josh Reynolds arrived on April 13, 1989. And therefore is subject to an appearance in the November 2019 Annual Prophesies:
' Major reversals for April 12,13,14 borns with Pluto attacking the Sun '
Latest news:
' Wests Tigers utility Josh Reynolds is awaiting the result of a third drugs test after being pulled over by police while driving home from Bankstown Airport on Monday morning.
Reynolds, who was issued with an infringement for driving with an expired licence, failed a roadside drugs test at Caringbah but a second test was negative.'
Pluto can be a real bastard. Unless you're prepared for it....
Footnote: " Bad boys " are very marketable because the fans can identify with them so easily. Folau loses his rag and gets abusive, Locke's got a history of driving offences and Pearce got pissed and did rehab after his attempts at " unlawful kennel knowledge."
They contrast so wonderfully with the pair of rank failures below......
June 9
Horse racing is more than a wonderful form of investment.
Every $1 invested since 2011 has returned as $2.11 on our awesome Astrological System. Last year our 6 investments produced 3 winners, $5.50, $18.00 and $4.70.
You gotta have giggles, though, and NZ thoroughbred racing also provides us with regular updates of LIFE ON THE TITANIC. At present they're arguing over the colour of the toilet rolls.
The waning industry's wailing wall is extremely popular. So much social media sadness over all of their favourite Trackside presenters getting dumped. Names like O'Connor, Coppins, Claydon, McDonald and co, all lovely people who love the industry and say lovely things about the horses and people.
While being too dumb to realise that horsey jargon is unattractive to outsiders. Normal people don't give a fuck about breeding and black type and Group Ones. They are more excited by slamming, controversy and big hits so they prefer to watch footy matches.
Enter the Septic Tank with arms and legs, the recently appointed CEO of the Waikato Racing Club and creator of TE RAPA TV. A.k.a Andrew Castles, the Septic Tank is renowned for eating and drinking, and having important positions in the once noble racing industry that is plummeting to unbelievable lows.
Below is horrible. The grossly unattractive Septic Tank interviewing another legendary failure magnet named Lebcam, synonomous with gigantic disasters at the Auckland Racing Club and NZ racing in general, and currently the CEO at another very troubled organisation, the NZ Warriors.
Lebcam is the extremely boring Cameron George, whose Lebanese grandparents moved to Australia in 1948.
Warning: To watch this you may need a bucket or sickbag.
June 8
A phrase made notorious by Australian rugby player George Gregan soon after his team had beaten the All Blacks in a semi-final of the 2003 Rugby World Cup.
Gregan was tormenting his rivals about having to wait until 2007 for their next chance.
10 minutes later I was like " 8 more years ! " after detecting major Pluto and Uranus problems for the probable next All Blacks coach Graham Henry in late 2007 !
Consequently, NZ was given 4 years warning of the nation's greatest disaster, firstly on Newstalk ZB with Murray Deaker ONZM around 4.45 pm on November 22, 2003. It was soooo horrific for the nation when France knocked the All Blacks out of the 2007 RWC in a quarter-final in October 2007 !
Although it's highly probable that the current " Billy Ray " ( virus ) could become NZ's worst-ever disaster, especially after the nation's chart was progressed a few years.
Back on January 2, amidst the Australian bushfires, I warned of greater destruction for that nation, courtesy of revolutionary Pluto sitting around the crucial midheaven point in Australia's natal chart, between February 2020 and October 2021......
What has become yet another phenomenal prophesy. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg confirmed last Wednesday that Australia was now in a recession, ending 29 years of growth !
As " Billy Ray " continued his destruction, I did some study on the NZ natal chart and noticed a similar phase of economic unrest for NZ. Difficult Sun-Neptune progressions affecting NZ until October 2020 and again until October 2021.
These difficult Sun-Neptune progressions make the victims gullible, weakened, unhealthy, confused and careless with money. Then a real big bastard is looming in 2022.
Between June 2022 and April 2023 the zodiac's mad dog Uranus goes crazy, attacking both NZ's Sun and Jupiter, bringing many sudden reversals of fortune and loss of face. More recession problems, unemployment etc with considerable significance around Jupiter.
Jupiter is sited in House 5, of speculation, games, sports, children etc and rules House 6 that governs health, work and diet. Another recipe for lockdown with so much confusion around the aforementioned...
Thereafter a seriously destructive Mars-Pluto issue peaking in June 2024. Improvement thereafter.
Of course there will always be humans and nations receiving awesome Pluto and Uranus trines, so not everyone's gonna suffer........
June 7
As a former " award-winning " journalist at the NZ Herald, I marvel at the demise of the grand old lady of morals and principles.
And what might have been. For it was 43 years ago last month that my dreams of being a racing journalist there forever were shattered.
I had no need to expand my horizons. Such a cushy job for a 23 year-old, with heaps of socialising and days " working " at the races, free booze and being " famous " with " By D.C Murray " regularly on the racing page. Then suddenly I was asked to resign.....
When I could have been a disciplined youth, remained and aspired to a senior position. I could now be editing pearls of journalism like this !
Black Lives Matter: Indian-American man says NZ more racist than the US
6 Jun, 2020 11:50am
5 minutes to read
Next week there could be an Australian aboriginal claiming that the US is more racist than somewhere else........
June 6
All Blacks great Dan Carter has been a wonderful servant for the world's greatest science.
Dan's disappointment ( 2011 ) and good fortune ( 2015 ) in successive Rugby World Cups were predicted, as well as his drama for drink driving in France during the year ( 2017 ) of Pluto attacking his Mars.
D Carter's great talents and discipline come from harmony between Mercury ( Aquarius 17 ) and Mars ( Libra 18 ) at birth. The closeness of planets in compatible signs, like Aquarius and Libra brings strength.
But you have to wonder about him joining the Auckland Blues at age 38. Especially with erratic Uranus hampering his Jupiter this winter, and notable peaks in early July and mid-September.....
June 5
Coronavirus: New Zealand's 'the envy of other countries' still battling Covid-19
Brittney Deguara16:54, Jun 04 2020
Said STUFF. On the same day there were no new Covid cases in NZ for the 13th day in a row. Australia had 8 new cases yesterday. The NZ HERALD saw it differently:
Mike Hosking on Covid 19 coronavirus: Australia showing us how to deal with crisis
4 Jun, 2020 5:00am
June 4
How amazing is Astrology ?
Amazing enough, in fact, to be about all you can trust these days. The Zodiac system, gets it right most of the time, often brutally as so many have discovered in the era of " Billy Ray " Virus, who is not Miley's father but a term in Cockney Rhyme.
How about this phenomenal statement here on January 2 last, in the middle of Australia’s bushfire crisis ?
' There could be a slight easing of Australia's woes after the Saturn-Ascendant attack finished on January 1, but there's another very serious phase for Aussie with Saturn sitting on the midheaven point ( Capricorn 24.23 ) in the week or 2 before January 26.
Even more destructive for Australia, with revolutionary Pluto supervising massive and difficult changes when he sits on that crucial point in the next 2 years.
With February, June and December being very serious months for Australia in 2020, and September and October of 2021.....'
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg confirmed on Wednesday ( June 3 ) that Australia was now in a recession, ending 29 years of growth.
That's reasonably " serious ".
June 3
Way back in March 2018 it were explained why Clarke Gayford's Astrological scene was not conducive to matrimonial longevity at all. So you have to disregard this recent release:
' Clarke Gayford says he and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern have been too busy to pin down a date for their wedding.
But New Zealand's "first man" has instead found the time to star in a new ad for audiobook service Audible, which depicts him in action as a stay-at-home dad to baby Neve.
"There's quite a bit on at the moment, so we haven't had a chance to put anything more definitive in place," he said when asked about wedding plans. '
It was noted back in March 2018 that the Prime Minister's bloke has the identical Venus-Jupiter affliction possessed by a legendary failure, Auckland bar manager leo " The Poisoned Dwarf " molloy.
" Ugleo " has been a bankrupt, and separated on 3 occasions !
Clarke Gayford arrived with Venus ( Libra 7 ) and Jupiter ( Cancer 6 ) in disharmony. This affliction encourages extravagance and overindulgence and isn't a good omen for close relationships. Having the Libra 29 Sun and Cancer 28 Mars clashing at birth is a serious impediment to Gayford maintaining positive energy.
There's enough already in Gayford's planets to make him a big marriage and parenting risk, with a Pisces Moon as well !
Pisces Mooners have strange addictions and great difficulty departing their childhood. Responsibility ain't their long suit. They prefer to float along in their own time. The normal Pisces Moon possessor has about 4 serious relationships in a lifetime. A large percentage have serious substance abuse issues as well. ( " strange addictions " might include " lawnmower " trading, down on May 22 ! )
Not that Jacinda's the sort you'd want to marry either.
Long ago it were noted that she was also born with serious Venus afflictions. Like her Venus ( Gemini 21 ) clashing at birth with deceptive Neptune ( Sagittarius 20 ) and restrictive Saturn ( Virgo 23 ). And her ambitious, dutiful Capricorn Moon is definitely not suited to motherhood either.
Postponing the wedding forever would be the best option, considering the prime minister's booking for a spot in the November 2020 prophesies !
' Ardern, Jacinda:
Great leadership continues with awesome Uranus trines to Jupiter and the Moon. April, May,Dec and Feb 022 notable, but major close relationship problems from Neptune attacking her Venus in April, Aug and Feb 022.'
June 1
The mention of " Astrology " makes a lot of people angry.
In December 2013 I wondered if depression " expert " Mike King might consider all the incredible Astrological factors around depression and tweeted him a suggestion. Firstly King wanted to know if Astrology had “ made you into a millionaire, bro ? ” Strange question. When he realised it was a serious matter, and was offered assistance, King got extremely vicious:
" What a dickhead thing to say Don. You don't know me mate, what makes u think I'm depressed? "
Liars with fragile egos like " medication Mikey " are frequent depression sufferers and King's been rambling about his own mental illness for ages. 6.5 years later and the idiot is no wiser, even after becoming " New Zealander of the Year " in 2019 !
Suicides in NZ have skyrocketed in the interim, with the likelihood of an increase during the " Billy Ray " ( Virus ) era.
Many of the glitches in life are temporary, and maybe just like the " New Zealander of the Year " from his appearance in the November 2018 Annual Prophesies !
' King, Mike:
Major off-year for depression " expert " with Pluto-Sun and Saturn-Mercury catastrophes. Jan, Feb, June, July, Nov, Dec crucial, then close relationship issues from Uranus-Venus mayhem in 2020.'
That " major off-year " included a mental breakdown, King's gumboot mob running out of money and a motorbike crash when he suffered nine broken ribs, broke his collarbone and punctured a lung.....
The Astrological enlightenment is a much better option than jumping off Sky Tower. As thousands have discovered, with my last weekend's workload including charts for a teenage soccer star from Thailand, a farmer in Northland and a British entrepreneur for 2 of his nieces.
Also a pair of Cambodian ladies about their bakery business in Otahuhu but that was a freebie for friends in the Buddhist community.
3 years of future enlightenment costs just $50------the equivalent of half a day's training fees for those into racehorses or 5 stubbies of Heineken for upmarket pissheads.
The Cambodian ladies did sling me 5 awesome jam tarts, valued at $1 each......
May 31
" If you go back to 1994, in a speech I gave at the time on cannabis, I took a position than that was based on what the Department of Health had been telling me, which was this shouldn't be criminalised "
Dirty old hag. She was Prime Minister from 1999 until 2008 but made no attempt at decriminalisation. Then recently claimed she would have acted if she'd had a 4th term in charge !
Just imagine all of those tragics who would have been saved from becoming P addicts and alcoholics if the dirty old hag had been honest and acted. Like other places where Cannabis has been legalised/decriminalised, NZ would have seen a major decrease in violent crime and depression etc.
A.k.a " Helen McLicker of the Labia Party," Ms Clark was on the list of dodgy people with Mercury afflictions listed here on May 26. Courtesy of Mercury ( Aquarius 15.12 ) dead opposite destructive Pluto ( Leo 16.32 ) and that's a classic for one with extreme truth issues.
Ms Clark was also born with restrictive Saturn in House 12, and that's another classic, for putting on a brave face and hiding dark secrets. Labia Helen's got plenty of them......
Imagine putting her on a lie detector and asking about " San Francisco Pete " ? A bearded Aucklander who had some extreme drama at San Francisco Airport and needed " diplomatic immunity " and an RNZAF Orion to collect him from Hawaii.
We must remember that the New World Order thugs know a lot of these secrets. They can be used for purposes of blackmail and usually leaders with a lot of soiled closetry just have to do as they are told.....
May 29
Neptune attacking one's Mars position can be a real bastard.
Same aspect recently and tragically derailed the plans of broadcaster Hayley Holt to become a solo mother at age 39.
Even a fine promoter of the great science like myself don't get any favours. Courtesy of Neptune attacking my own Mars, a shoulder injury means I can't do " downward dog " and have to miss Yoga and Pilates class !
Consider jockey Vinnie Colgan, a 5-times NZ Derby winner, on the sidelines for 3 more months after spinal surgery last week.
He made an appearance in last November's Annual Prophesies:
' Colgan, Vinnie:
Veteran jockey losing the plot with Neptune-Mars and Pluto-Jupiter attacks. Jan, April, Aug, Sept, Oct notable then major improvement 2021 from awesome Pluto-Sun trine.'
All good for V Colgan after the Neptune-Mars attack ends mid-February next year, and that Pluto-Sun trine is something to look forward to. Colgan can ask rival jockey Jason Waddell about it.
Even in the chaos of the Covid Catastrophe, there will always be winners. Because awesome Pluto and Uranus trines just keep on happening.
Back on May 1 last year, the ups and downs of volatile and gifted jockey Jason Waddell were being analysed, with major life improvement from a powerful Pluto-Sun trine in 2020 noted. With " Jan, Feb, June, July, Dec very productive. "
J Waddell was having a career-best season before the lockdown halted New Zealand racing, sitting second in the stakes money premiership. His rides have earned over $1.8 million this season.
Astrology is undoubtedly the real “ I AM HOPE ”.......
' Mr Blair Orange is a Licensed Open Driver under the New Zealand Harness Racing Rules and is charged that “on the 14th March 2020 at Christchurch being a Licensed Open Driver did misconduct himself by repeatedly telling RIU staff to “f... off” when lawfully investigating a racing matter, in breach of the New Zealand Harness Racing Rule 303(2) and subject to the penalties pursuant to Rule 1003(1)”.
Taking into account the mitigating factors we have referred to above, we impose a fine of $1,000. '
Another licence holder was not as aggressive when 2 RIU staff entered his property to formally charge him with a serious racing offence. He was more agog and aghast, maybe marvelling at the incestuousness of the rapidly diminishing racing family.
This licenceholder had been rooting the female RIU official for a while, and the male official had been a guest at his wedding……
May 27
The rapidly deteriorating NZ racing industry has long suffered from a dearth of cult figures----tough bastards, big punters, party animals or just guys who always seem to find drama.
The world knows all about Israel Folau and Sonny Bill Williams, with scallywags like Latrell Mitchell, Josh Addo-Carr, Cody Walker and Nathan Cleary keeping Rugby League fans interested in the quiet period.
Not as many have heard of Harry Green, a Maori from the Gisborne area who went on to become one of Australasia's most gifted jumps riders. And a renowned party animal.
' In the mid 1980’s he teamed up with leading Australian trainer Eric Musgrove, and they were virtually unstoppable in the jumping races. To keep Green sober, Musgrove used to stay on a rural property near Coleraine, where Green couldn’t get a drop of his demon drink, the day prior to a race.
On one occasion Green crushed three vertebrae from in a fall at Moonee Valley. He spent some time in St Vincent's Hospital before being moved to a private hospital in Pakenham to recuperate.
Fellow jockey Butch Londregan smuggled a few tinnies into his mate's hospital room and after the pair polished them all off, they decided to adjourn to Green’s home for a few more.
When the duty nurse found the empty bed and a dozen cans strewn around the room, she called the police to try to locate her missing patient. A few hours later Green was escorted back into the ward, where he signed himself out. ' ( Having also smuggled beers into Middlemore Hospital for jumps jockey Bryce Stanaway in 1983, I enjoyed that. )
I partied a lot with Harry Green in Melbourne and there are zillions of tales. In fact his wife asked me and a couple of mates in 1978 to try and wean Harry off the booze and onto Marijuana. We tried and failed, even if Harry was on a Marijuana-motivated fishing trip that landed 38 fish between 4 of us.......
11 years later, shortly before Harry's 42nd birthday, another fishing expedition on Port Phillip Bay didn't have the same happy ending.
' After a fruitless day on the water, Harry and his mate Butch Londregan made their way to a popular watering hole in Pakenham.
Harry and Butch kept up the pace until closing time, after which Harry was struck by a car leaving the pub. One theory, that was not discounted, was that Green fell asleep on the road and was run over by a passing car.
He sustained a serious injury to his right arm and medical opinion at the time suggested that he would be out of the saddle for four months.
The arm needed a skin graft but when hospital staff came looking for Harry he was not in his bed.
Despite being under heavy medication, the patient had disappeared.
To the amazement of the staff, Harry was located by security staff sitting under a tree in the car park eating Kentucky Fried Chicken and drinking beer, bought in by yet another jumps jockey.........'
May 26
The Astrological lie detector is one of the great science's many advantages.
When you can identify dodgy bastards so easily. Those with the Mercury position seriously affected by powerful orbiters like Pluto and Neptune can be easily confused. Many can't decide between fact and fiction or truth and lies, and weakened Mercury can often lead to criminal inclination and activity......
Some well-known crims born with Mercury afflictions include Bernie Madoff, Leicester Monk, Jeffrey Epstein and El Chapo Guzman. Also dodgy politicians like Hillary Clinton, Sheikh Mohhamed, Russ Hinze and New Zealanders Sir John Key, Phil Goff, Gerry Brownlee, Nick Smith and Helen Clark. Many controversial NZ ex-cops as well, notably Bruce Hutton, Howard Broad, Bob Walton and Clint Rickard.
NZ horse racing personnel who could easily succumb to those Mercury temptations include David Ellis, Donna Logan, Nigel Tiley, Andrew Scott, Brett McDonald and Stephen McKee. NZ broadcasters with known truth issues include Jayjay Feeney, Cameron Slater and the late Charlotte Dawson.
This recent appearance warranted some Astrological investigation:
' National Party deputy leader Nikki Kaye is perhaps better known than new leader Todd Muller, but she mostly kept out of the limelight during their inaugural press conference on Friday.
Aside from the few questions that came her way, the born and bred Aucklander stood dutifully by his side, nodding in agreement and praising him as “probably the most decent person” she knew.'
The final clause seemed weird, so Ms Kaye's Astrological had to be examined. And we find yet another dodgy with a Mercury affliction !
From the textbook:
' Mercury discordant to Jupiter (power = 11.24 and this aspect is discordant = -5.62)
You are optimistic, but perhaps overly so. You make promises you don't or can't keep. You exaggerate the telling of any story for greater effect. '
No real danger there of a fraudster, kickback taker or ticket clipper. Basically just an airhead who talks a lot of shit and one who'll be better at making the " politician's promise " than most......
May 25
Spare a thought for these poor bastards:
' We're just months away from a Great Depression-style disaster, with "massive bankruptcies", soaring unemployment and crashing house prices set to hit markets hard.
That's the view of US demographer and financial commentator Harry Dent, who believes the coronavirus crisis is simply the "perfect trigger" that will set off an already "sick" economy.
While the pandemic has sucker-punched global markets, Dent, who correctly predicted the 2008 crash, said the looming "depression" had been building for years.'
There many, of course, who never check the Astrological and consequently get burned. As well as those with religious or other inclinations who just point blank won't have any interest.
For there are right times for buying and selling, and, obviously, wrong times.
With so many who wish they'd discovered Astrology a lot earlier. Like one client having his past analysed, including a 3-years period when Pluto was hammering 3 of his natal planets and causing considerable mayhem.
He told me of the redundancy from a good job that was invested in a coffee bar. Then an affair with an employee that wrecked his marriage, and becoming some $200K lighter after the coffee bar went under as well.......
On the other hand there was an Australian rancher, a client of the Astrological racing investment system, who sought advice on selling his property.
He sold at the right time, taking advantage of an extremely fortunate and rare Jupiter-Uranus phase.
6 weeks later his ranch was almost unrecognisable after a natural disaster. I was able to conclude that the poor purchaser hadn't been lucky enough to have a personal Astrologer !
Call it fate, and proof that our lives are predetermined. The Australian rancher's good fortune was deciding to have a spa and sauna at the Onehunga pool when visiting Auckland.
A Rugby League fanatic, he met and enjoyed great conversation with younger members of the renowned Samoan Stanley and Wiki sporting families, and his future Astrologer.......
Footnote: Further study on the birth chart of New Zealand indicates 3-4 years before anything like " normal " returns.
Watch this space !
May 23
Stupidity and NZ thoroughbred racing are becoming synonomous these days and they've just released another pearler.
A racemeeting at Ascot Park, Invercargill on Friday July 17, 2020 ?
Racing in the deep South traditionally shuts down in May. According to ex-jockey John Dowling, a Southlander who started race riding in the mid-1950s, they have " never " raced there in July. Too bloody cold, obviously.
You could wonder why this is suddenly happening. And why the Invercargill programme includes possibly the shortest race ever in NZ---- an Open entry flat race over 760 metres ?
Don't wonder, just remember this is " NZ racing."
But the news is not all bad. The invincible Champion Racing System may be having a plunge on Saturday July 11 after all !
A day, with a special high for a certain jumps rider,that was supposed to have the Wellington Hurdles and Steeplechase at Trentham. With the refucktured racing calendar, courtesy of the Covid catastrophe, there are no jumping races programmed on July 11. I was highly pissed off and declared our season over.
Until noticing that the programme for July 11 includes 2 highweight races----- flat races reserved for jumping riders---at the Pukekohe meeting. Very possibly some formless plodders and maiden gallopers in those events and we've got some wonderful winter history with those.
Our best-ever price in NZ, a $57 shot,Cool Ice, came in a Hawera maiden race in July 2001. With our best ever anywhere, after " Wyong trainer N McBurney " was labelled for June 29, 1988 in our Australian edition.
Ex-Kiwi Neville McBurney lined up one that day in Sydney, a maiden named Dixieland Jazz, which cruised home at 100-1 in some places........
May 22
The last thing you want is a leader getting his Mars hammered by Pluto.
Consider National MP Todd Muller, voted in as the new opposition leader to replace Sigh man Bridges.
73 seconds of research and wannabe prime minister Muller is " Donalded ". His " 23.12.68, Te Aroha " birthdate has Mars between Libra 25.44 and 26.18 degrees !
Revolutionary Pluto's movements in Capricorn 25 and 26 next year will hamper anything in same degrees of Libra, Cancer, Aries and Capricorn.Consequently February, June and December of 2021 will be extremely difficult months for Muller.
Consider others suffering the " Pluto-Mars attack " in 2020, for purposes of case history: ( See PREDICTIONS above )
Horse racing notables Mark Purdon and David Ellis are being very frustrated by the 2-3 months shutdown, and the recent ban on exporting horses to Australia.......
The stresses of NZ Warriors coaching staffers Stacey Jones and Nathan Brown this year are well known......
Footnote: For the undereducated, " Donalded " is derived from " Donald Duck " in Cockney Rhyme. " On his Tod " relates to a legendary jockey named Tod Sloan, so that being " on one's Tod " is another form of being " on one's own."
Hark back to a mysterious media release in May 2018:
' For the past seven months, Clarke Gayford has been the subject - on social media and via word of mouth - of untrue allegations and accusations.
The sheer scale and nature of the claims have led to Police Commissioner Mike Bush taking the extraordinary step of signing off a media release that rejects the speculation.
The Police National Headquarters statement said: "While in general we do not respond to enquiries which seek to confirm if individuals are under police investigation, on this occasion we can say that Mr Gayford is not and has not been the subject of any police inquiry, nor has he been charged in relation to any matter." '
The real story.
According to a senior member of the police, Clarke Gayford’s cellphone number was identified in a sweep of a drug dealer’s phone number.
Clarke Gayford’s cellphone number exchanged text messages with the drug dealer’s cellphone number, concerning the purchase of “ lawnmowers.”
" Lawnmowers ? "
May 21
Once upon a time Kiwi male was strong and proud. If he wasn't " own boss " with a small business he was in a strong trade union. His wage could handle a mortgage and support a wife and 3 or 4 kids.
Now the poor bastard's a slave. Less chance of owning his own home and even less chance of being self-employed. Trade unions are about as formidable as ants' urine.
50-60 years of television has changed the household dynamics dramatically. Male is no longer the boss, courtesy of the New World Order's Divide and Rule programme adopted around 45 years ago.
Consider the weakened Kiwi male who worshipped a media icon named Paul Holmes during his 20 years ruling NZ television. A closet bisexual, alcoholic and and Class A drug abuser, Holmo suffered great embarassment when his adopted daughter became the nation's most infamous teenage P addict some 12-13 years back. And had a gang member fiancee !
It became very fashionable for white teenagers from upper crust Remuera and Epsom to be out blazing with Millie Holmes, while wondering about their idiotic parents drooling over her father !
Hark back to January 30, 2008, when I previewed revolutionary Pluto's upcoming move into Capricorn:
' But most of all the internet began in this Pluto phase ( in Sagittarius ) and it's not hard to work out how the net will be helping to put many old traditions to death when Pluto commences his stay in conservative Capricorn in March.
Old traditions like newspapers, real estate and car sales will be changing drastically courtesy of the internet generation. It's easy to see a further weakening of governments because Pluto's destruction here will root out a lot more corruption and inefficiency.
But the scary piece relates to the massively changing role of the father figure, as the family unit slowly disappears and marriage becomes just another episode in life's great soap opera for many.
Naturally there will be a massive increase in the numbers of rudderless young men lacking direction, with no-one to guide and teach them in time-honoured Kiwi male tradition how to drink beer properly and the correct way to watch a rugby game.
Woman have shown they can do just about anything except beat the Melbourne Storm on a league field.They can be chief executives and prime ministers, and binge drink and manufacture P with the best of them.
A time of even more power to the woman ? Most households headed by a solo mother ? '
So much corruption in governments subsequently rooted out by great men like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Kim Dotcom, Greg Hallett and co. The New World Order, Agenda 21, HAARP and weather modification, along with bushfires and earthquakes that can be started from afar !
Newspapers are on death row and drastic changes in real estate mean Mr and Mrs Average will never have their own home
" Father and son " is long gone and boys aren't in any hurry to follow dad's footsteps.
And how about probably the ultimate snub to male domination------Rugby Australia having a female CEO until recently, and imported from New Zealand !
Pluto leaves Capricorn in November 2024 and moves into Aquarius. That one's a total crack up, with microchips and tracking to create a generation of absolute robots.
Watch this space !
May 19
Lots of " experts " have lost their titles in the Covid catastrophe.
Hundreds of NZ " experts " in so many fields suddenly got a " bye bye " from their media bosses.
Redundancy for media scabs is extremely difficult, simply because the fame from " my show " or " my column " governs their whole existence. Media scabs have a bad record with parenting, because of the constant need to maintain a very fragile ego. Consequently everything goes into the job.
Other national " experts " like sucide icons Sir John Kirwan and Mike King haven't produced any answers to the Covid catastrophe. Neither have Mike Hosking, Heather Du Plessis-Allan or Jayjay Feeney for that matter. While the most worshipped man in the world hasn't even spoken !
The bloke named God hasn't fronted up. He who decides if we go to heaven or hell but can't stop earth tragedies. If he was for real, and did deem that China was guilty of spreading the Covid-19, he'd just call on his only son who was able to turn water into wine.
" Hey, Jesus, go and deal to Wuhan's water supply ! " Zillions of blind-drunk chinese would be a fitting punishment ?
Meanwhile the Astrological, operating thousands of years before " God " and " Jesus " were dreamed up,is still operating, and, very successfully.It appears that fate is planned from birth, with the planetary influences defining a life path.
For example, those to encounter serious health problems are born with complications involving the Moon and Mars, or afflictions in the 6th of the 12 Houses that governs health, work and diet. I haven't discovered a formula for death, but there obviously is one.....
The Astrological confirms its magnificence with phenomenal prophesies on notable humans, and a 90%+ accuracy here. Brilliants already in 2020 on people like Alan Jones, Boris Johnson, Raelene Castle, Megan Markle, Hayley Holt etc and many from the idle Rugby League and horse racing communities.
Supposed " experts " like King, Kirwan and Feeney have also played their part, in sensational predictions in the Astrological legend. While one of God's best-known NZ agents is even booked for an appearance in the November 2020 Annual Prophesies @ !
' Tamaki, Brian:
Religious weirdo in for major, dramatic reversals from Uranus and Saturn attacking his Sun. April, May, June, Nov crucial, also Jan and March 022.'
As one of February 2 birth, Bishop Tamaki will experience what other Aquarian Sun possessors are copping in 2020, following another last November declaration:
" Uranus-Sun reversals and chaos for Jan 26,27,28,29,30 borns. " Next November it shall be " Jan 31, Feb 1,2,3,4 borns."
2020 examples being renowned football manager Jose Mourinho ( January 26 ), having his worst season in 20 years, and veteran racing media person Des Coppins ( January 29 ) who got suddenly dumped from his vocation after more than 50 years service !
Dear God,
Please save Bishop Brian while his Sun is getting attacked by Uranus.
May 17
More bad news for the infamous Royal pedophile:
" Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson are sued over £6.7m unpaid bill that is four months overdue on their £13m skiing chalet in the Swiss resort of Verbier. "
He made an appearance in last November's Annual Prophesies:
' Andrew, Prince of England:
Mental confusion and lies continue with deceptive Neptune crushing his Mercury until Feb. More depression from serious Saturn crushing his Venus and Mars, with Feb, March, July, Aug, Nov and Dec notable.'
It gets a lot worse when Pluto arrives in his bubble. Unbelievably difficult changes between February 2022 and December 2023 as Pluto crosses his Mars ( Capricorn 27.18 ) and Venus ( Capricorn 28.42.)
Fergie herself gets seriously targeted in 2021. Pluto's movement to Capricorn 25 will be smashing her own Mars, at Libra 25.57 !
With an impeccable case history 5 years ago on similar Pluto destruction. When Pluto was around Capricorn 13 and causing much grief to a fellow frequently described as Auckland's angriest:
Nov 26 2014: ' Molloy, Leo:
Horse racing's " poisoned dwarf " on a major downhill with Uranus-Mars and Pluto-Moon destruction. April, Oct, Feb 016 crucial before big wipeout 2017 when Pluto crunches his Mars. '
Within a month the angry little person became separated from his 3rd wife and 5 kids. As well as settling a defamation case that lightened him by some $400K. 2 years of depression followed.
The " poisoned dwarf " is a fascinating little creature with a fascinating Astrological make up as well. Little Molloy was born when the Moon and Mars were clashing, a classic for those unable to maintain positive energy for very long with uncontrollable and dangerous cravings. Frequently found in the charts of compulsive gamblers and liars, epileptics and nymphomaniacs......
" Nymphomaniacs ? Where ? " asks Randy Andy.
He'd be better off focusing on the disasters of 2022 and 2023. They will be massive.......
May 15
In horsey world NZ the most hated person was racing minister Winston Peters until a few days ago.
He had been supposed to wave his magic wand and shower them with money. He didn't, but we must hark back to his 2017 election campaign and wonder about his greatest supporter.
Horse racing's legendary breeder, Sir Patrick Hogan, was urging the many-headed monster of the pit to vote for NZ First leader Winston, knowing he would side with National and solve all the decadent industry's problems.
The thickos of horse racing automatically listened to Sir Patrick. Once again, Winston was the judge in a general election photo finish and gave the call to Labour and Jacinda. Suddenly Winston's a cunt but you have to wonder about the DICK HEAD OF THE YEAR that endorsed him.
A handful of thoroughbred breeders, including Sir Patrick, are the only ones in NZ racing who've made a regular, good earn. Winston Peters has been looking after them for ages, with tax breaks and concessions, so there were many doubts about the real Hogan motives in backing whiskey-soaked Winston.......
Under Winston's watch NZ racing almost went bankrupt. The writing was on the wall long before the " Billy Ray " Virus hit with a drastic downturn in betting revenue.
Last Tuesday Winston's magic wand finally delivered, when he announced a $72.5 million emergency support package for the racing industry. $26 million of which will go to paying outstanding bills that were due 3 days later, to avoid insolvency !
Typical, cunning old Winston. Like an aged gelding doing very little in the early stages of a race, then only using his energy with the home straight looming i.e 4 months out from a general election. He had to do something. A bankrupt racing industry on his watch wouldn't look good........
The package also included a major draining of the swamp, with the racing media almost becoming non-existent. So many wasters and wankers therefrom are suddenly unemployed.
In the current racing season the Trackside Channel mob covered 511 meetings with on-course presentation teams. Next season there will only be 20 meetings with the Trackside coverage !
In any case Winston's pretty fucked for a September election after his appearance last November:
' Peters, Winston:
Veteran poli with serious mental and happiness restrictions from Saturn attacking his Venus and Mercury. Jan, Feb, March, July, Sept, Nov notably crucial. Neptune confuses his Jupiter in March, Sept and Jan 021 as well. '
May 14
How amazing is Astrology ?
With all those phenomenal prophesies from last November's list. All of the reversals and restructuring this year for people like Raelene Castle, Hayley Holt, Meghan Markle, Golriz Ghahraman, Boris Johnson and rugby league personnel Steve Kearney, Phil Gould, Stacey Jones, Cameron George and Ivan Cleary etc.
Not to forget all the professionals in NZ racing with 2-3 months enforced unemployment like Mark Purdon, Leith Innes, Michael Coleman and Karyn Fenton-Ellis etc.
And now this bloke !
' Alan Jones, Australia's most influential radio broadcaster, will retire at the end of this month, saying doctors had told him his workload was "detrimental" to his health.
His breakfast program has topped the Harbour City's radio ratings since he began in the timeslot in 2001.The 79-year-old 2GB breakfast host has towered over Sydney's media, and Australian politics, for decades.'
Why would he suddenly retire in 2020 ?
' Jones, Alan:
Aust broadcaster and Scorpio Moon possessor getting extremely restructured from Pluto-Sun and Uranus-Mars atrocities. Jan very notable, also May, Aug, Nov, Dec and Feb 021. '
It's fair to say that the chaos and carnage of the Covid has plenty of others getting " extremely restructured " from Pluto and his mates........
May 13
1996 was a turning point year for the NZ thoroughbred racing industry.
Like when it all started turning to shit.
'Twas the year that the NZ TAB introduced sports betting. Horsey people were not prepared for an avalanche of cult figures/heroes/villains that league, rugby and cricket would bring. Auckland's Sky City Casino opened in February 1996 to further challenge the gambling dollar.
Rugby had officially turned professional in 1995, the year that the Auckland Warriors entered the Australian competition.
Horsey people believed they were special and that the masses would automatically continue to pay money to watch them play with their horseys.
The mid-1990s unearthed a lot of corruption and cronyism in racing, and in 1996 I quoted chief racecourse inspector John McKenzie in a TRUTH article about the need to " protect our rising stars." Like a " squeaky clean " image would prove attractive ?
Relevant to McKenzie turning the blind eye to a spate of bashings by Takanini licenceholders involving wives and partners and male and female employees. The rot was really taking hold.
1996 also saw the year of a major breakthrough in the tipping world. An Astrologically-calculated certainty for the 6400 metres Great Northern Steeplechase was declared on Trackside Channel 3.5 weeks in advance !
It won and paid $7.85. This phenomenal tipping performance angered the form students, who love to claim that " there's no such thing as a certainty " after some heavily-spruiked favourite gets beaten.
Obviously the Trackside Channel bosses were not impressed. All of a sudden my irregular appearances with George Simon in the previous 18 months were finished.
Poor, stupid cunts. Gone was their chance to have the edge on every other betting agency in the world. Not only with racing certainties, but also the amazing predictions on the All Blacks, NZ Warriors, Team NZ and Black Caps etc that followed in mainstream media outlets.
The Trackside exposure had been very good for my racing investment business and suddenly the mortgage was on death row. But the rot and corruption was continuing in the industry and out came the stories when this website began in 2002.
There was the incredible " ticket clip " when Waikato horsemen " Dave, Mark and Stu " attempted to defraud syndicate members of $600K.....the bullying and sexual harassment involving an RIU member....the heavy methamphetamine use and bashings involving the Moroney stable.......other bashings in the Tiley and McKee stables....the cruelties and illegal jigger use.....the prolific sire dubbed “ Opie Cock-For-Brains ”….the Te Akau under-age sex scandals...... the lies of RIU chief Godber over the embarassing $1000 hitman affair ...... the Trackside DNA drama that suddenly made " Mick " a father.....
Heaps of dirty tales, including the mid-1970s pack rape of a 14 year-old girl at the O'Sullivan stables as a reminder of how long the cover ups have been going on.
Riveting tales that deserved to be in mainstream. Big punters, sorely needed now, are more likely to be excited by criminal activity and thugs than stories about pretty horse patters. " Squeaky clean " hasn't worked in New Zealand whereas " dirty " and laudromat money have kept Australian racing booming.
I couldn't imagine a life without horse racing-----from clerk work in administration in Wellington, racing journalism in Auckland, stables in Otaki and Melbourne. Then grooming polo ponies in England that led me to discovering Astrology and ultimately creating the " racecourse certainty. " Even getting an 8-months ban for publicly defending cannabis use amongst jockeys was fun.
It's pretty fucked now. Joking with childhood heroes like ex-jockeys Ron Taylor, Garry Edge and John Dowling on Facebook reminds me of the great days and how lucky we were to be born in the right era......
May 11
Having an All Blacks captain with similar Astrology to broadcaster Mike Hosking and weirdo-politician Nick Smith wouldn't normally be recommended.
You'd much prefer recently-appointed Sam Cane to be like boxing champ Joseph Parker or Sydney-based NZ racing greats James McDonald and Chris Waller.
Ironically all of the above-mentioned were born during one of Astrology's greatest aspects for career success, the Jupiter-Uranus trine !
This awesome aspect is rare. In the last 75 years it has only occurred in November 1945, June, July and Aug 1946, April and July 1950, Jan 1951, Jan and Aug 1960, May and Dec 1964, Jan 1965, Feb and March 1974, June 1978, June and Oct 1987, March 1988, Nov and Dec 1991, Jan, July, Aug 1992, June 2001, Dec 2005, May and Aug 2006, Sept 2014, March and June 2015.
Possessors of the awesome Jupiter-Uranus trine are guaranteed a lot of career excitement, good fortune and unusual opportunities. Like Sir Richard Branson and Donald Trump from the 1946 bubble, with the April 1950 time producing the late Sir Paul Holmes and widely-travelled jockey Bruce Compton. Joseph Parker, James McDonald and Sam Cane are from January 1992.
Animals are also subject to Astrological magnificence. One born in August 2006 and receiving that awesome Jupiter-Uranus trine was unbeaten Australian galloper Black Caviar, winner of 25 races from as many starts. She even scored a trip to England to win in front of Queen Lizzy at Royal Ascot !
Many with a Capricorn Sun, like Cane, will be receiving assistance from brilliant, unpredictable Uranus in Capricorn-compatible Taurus. 2020 has Cane receiving a very positive Uranus-Node trine in June and September, then next year the brilliant planet enhances his Jupiter.
Roll on 2023, Rugby World Cup year. New Captain Sam, like all with a January 13 birthday will be having his Capricorn Sun powerfully enhanced by the awesome Uranus-Sun trine. Especially in the month of the RWC, leading up to the Grand Final on October 21.
That era has no problems for All Blacks coach Ian Foster and an absolute windfall for one of his staff. Forwards coach John Plumtree will benefit from an amazing Jupiter-Uranus trine within 12 hours of the Grand Final finishing !
Conclusion: The All Blacks win the 2023 Rugby World Cup, with " terms and conditions."
As long as the Grand Final is on October 21, and Sam Cane and John Plumtree are in the squad......
May 10
The Astrological has some amazing tales of predicted motherhood. Including some 6 or 7 elated ladies from my many Indian clients.
A couple, getting desperate, once being told " not this year, next year, some good buzzes around May and June."
So many problems " this " year then a phone call and visit " next " year in " May." A large feed of butter chicken from an ancient Punjab recipe accompanied the wonderful news that Mrs C was finally pregnant, and got her permanent rezzy last week !
The following March yet another visit from this Indian couple, along with a newly-christened grandmother, who couldn't speak a word of English. All watching twin girls in their basinets learning about their strengths and weaknesses and probable careers. Recorded for posterity, of course......
There are recommended times for achieving motherhood. Usually when there are awesome Pluto and Neptune trines. None of those in this appearance from last November's Annual Prophesies:
' Holt, Hayley:
Broadcaster-reformed alcoholic in danger of another serious meltdown with Neptune-Mars harassment. March, Sept and Jan 021 the crucial months.'
2 months later Breakfast TV broke the news. Ms Holt was to become a solo mother around her 39th birthday in July !
Sad news, though, a couple of days ago..
' Breakfast TV host Hayley Holt has lost her baby.
She had been due to give birth to her son in July.
"While Hayley was in isolation to stay safe from Covid-19 during her pregnancy, her baby passed away," the broadcaster wrote on Twitter.'
May 9
Even in a crisis like Covid-19 there are positives. There will always be people receiving awesome Pluto trines and advancing.
And it has to be a good thing when around 1000 media scabs in NZ get the boot.
As we know, they hate Astrology and even tell lies about it. Some are employed purely to make trouble and get readers angry. Like this jellyfish:
"Chris Rattue: The problem with new All Blacks captain Sam Cane."
There was no reason to subscribe to the NZ Herald's pay wall and read it. Already negative signs from a jellyfish, best-known for his nasty campaigns in the past against Sonny Bill Williams and Dan Carter, among others.
One of Chris Ratpoo's most infamous classics was declaring that there was " no way in the world " France could beat the All Blacks in the quarter-final at the 2007 Rugby World Cup.
'Twas the upset of all time and the worst-ever result for the All Blacks at a RWC. Of course nearly 4 years previously a nation had been warned that the All Blacks were no chance of winning that Cup, all because of treacherous Pluto and Uranus aspects hampering coach Graham Henry.....
Rather ironically I had been considering Sam Cane's birthday planets with the 2023 Rugby World Cup in mind. Rather ironically also, Cane is on the brink of being declared a certainty to win the event in October 2023.....
Watch this space !
May 7
'Twas 47 years ago this weekend that I was introduced to Cannabis in a Wellington boarding house.
After being convinced by 2 Australian sailors, a girlfriend and a schoolmate that it wouldn't necessarily lead to heroin addiction.
Thereafter with world champion sportspersons, lawyers, doctors, cops, musicians, actors, underworld figures and jockeys before they've gone out and won races.
From the mountains of the Scottish Highlands to the visiting area of Hautu prison farm, from racing stables in Melbourne to a motel roof in Morocco.
Cannabis intensifies what's in the mind, as leading drug researcher Dr Sally Casswell explained during my media days 40 years ago. I wondered aloud about a naked couple smoking Cannabis during foreplay. I knew the answer, but needed confirmation from the doctor for my SUNDAY NEWS article......
Just as many can't handle their booze, many don't have the mental make up to cope with Cannabis. A theory backed by Astrology. Some are content with working Monday to Friday then drinking and watching television in leisure time.
Psychiatric research in the USA some 60 years back concluded that the average human uses 10% of the brain. The abnormals are the truth seekers, explorers and adventurers who've used Cannabis to take their studies further.
Like musical legends The Beatles, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Neil Young, Jimi Hendrix, Donovan Leitch, Elvis Presley, Elton John, Janis Joplin, Bob Marley, Lou Reed, Lewis Armstrong, Willie Nelson and Tommy Chong or great creators Stephen King, Charles Beaudelaire, Lewis Carrol, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Tim Leary, Robert Louis Stevenson and Jules Verne or entrepreneurs Steve Jobs and Sir Richard Branson or inventors Thomas Edison and Sigmund Freud or world champion sportspersons Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps and thousands of other success stories......
For decades NZ has been a heavy promoter of alcohol, that's destroyed families with the violence that's encouraged gang membership and depressions. With zillions of $$$ wasted on police drug squads and a situation now where Methamphetamine is easier to obtain than Cannabis in many regions !
It's decision time for New Zealand with the big referendum in September. Hopefully it's " Yes, " even if that means NZ may have to surrender its current world leadership per capita in domestic violence and teenagers topping themselves.......
May 6
The cowards and cocksuckers of NZ's racing media cower away from " bad boy " stories.
While the sporting world laps up the tales of villains who've turned their lives around. Heaps in Rugby League, like former NZ Warriors Russell Packer and Suaia Matagi who did jail time for violent offending. Also Mate Ma Tonga's Manu Ma'u had a spell in the big house after a brawl in Auckland.
Meanwhile NZ Herald's pathetic racing writer Mick Guerin missed the big scoop on comeback jockey Tony Ihaka. Hokianga-born Ihaka made his comeback at the iconic Warrnambool jumps carnival yesterdays after a break of 6 years.
36 year-old Ihaka rode 40 winners from 351 rides in his homeland. There were disqualifications after failing random tests for cannabis then methamphetamine ( 16 months ) about 10 years ago.
Tony Ihaka has turned his life around quite amazingly and was part of the biggest-ever jumps racing day in the world. 8 races, including the $315K Grand Annual Steeplechase.
No luck for Ihaka and his 2 mounts yesterday, but he got around and didn't get trundled off to hospital like rival jocks Steve Pateman ( concussion ) and Billy Gleeson ( suspected broken leg.)
May 5
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Racing Winston Peters is losing his patience with the industry's relentless in-fighting.
" RITA inherited a structure which frankly has been living beyond its means for a number of years," wrote Peters.
The NZ Racing Board CEO's salary last year was nearly $700,000, $230,000 more than Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s $471,000.And 10 of the TAB’s senior managers were on $250,000 or more, earning the same, or more, than government ministers !
The Racing Industry Transition Agency has yet to release the half-season financial report. This normally emerges in the first week of April. An indication of massive money problems ?
RITA has also inherited an ugly cover-up culture.
Over the years this site has exposed the decadent industry's pack rapes, under-age sex scandals, bullying, bashing, slave labour, cronyism and ticket clipping.
You have to wonder about the Gods or Karma......
May 4
Poor schoolgirls. Didn't anyone tell them about " travel Astrology " and the world's oldest science selecting productive weeks and months ?
' A group of high school students who each paid a $3500 deposit for a once-in-a-lifetime history tour of Europe that was cancelled because of Covid-19 will only get $539 back.
The 20 Epsom Girls' Grammar School (EGGS) students in Auckland collectively paid a deposit of $70,000 to Student Horizons, a New Zealand and Australian travel agency specialising in student study tours abroad.'
I've got some awesome tales of clients changing travel plans and enjoying their holidays.
Even during my brief life as a SUNDAY NEWS journalist 40+ years ago, I reported on the psychic who went into a trance and saw a large plane resting on a bed of ice.
This caused a publican and his wife to change their plans about the November 28,1979 sightseeing tour of the Antarctic.
237 passengers and 20 crew on the fatal Air NZ flight didn't get the warning and ended up resting on the bed of ice as well.
Lest we never forget that today's mainscream media love the misery angle. There wouldn't be so many horror stories if everybody could get warned.
No way the scabs of mainscream would want their readers to realise that there is more to Astrology than sun sign paragraphs........
Consider one of 2020's best in travel turmoil, the poor old NZ Warriors. They've been getting punted around for weeks over their relocation to Australia before getting the final approval on Saturday.
Still an awful time for them to be overseas,in fact anywhere, following the November 2019 Annual Prophesies !
Kearney, Steve:
NZ Warrriors coach losing the plot with Neptune whacking his Sun between May 020 and Dec 021. A Pluto-Node crunch brings major career change 2021.
George, Cameron:
NZ Warriors' CEO heading for massive upheavals with 2 difficult solar progressions and Pluto smashing his Jupiter between March 020 and Nov 021.
Jones, Stacey:
Massive and difficult changes for NRL coach from Pluto-Mars and Uranus-Jupiter attacks. March, May, June, Sept. crucial, also Jan, April, Aug, Nov of 2021.
Brown, Nathan:
Massive off-year for NRL coach with Uranus attacking his Sun and Jupiter, Pluto anti Mercury and Mars. Feb, May, July, Aug, Nov, Dec crucial.
May 2
Another very profitable season for the Champion Racing System has finished.
The target of 100% wins was achieved. Only one investment, a $4.70 winner in Brisbane last October !
This unusual system seeks to find horse trainers and jockeys under a fine array of positive planets on a certain day. i.e a " Martin Crowe day " as per this phenomenal prophesy:
TRUTH, April 29, 1994: In predicting a return to form for controversial cricketer Martin Crowe:
" In fact if Crowe were a jockey I'd be backing his mounts on Tuesday, February 14,1995.
That's the sort of day that the administration jokers should mark down for a one-day international against the Aussies."
On February 14, 1995, Crowe played in a Shell Trophy match for Wellington and made 193 not out !
The search concentrates on small-time trainers and hurdle jockeys, people who may only have 1 or 2 chances per day. These buzz days usually bring unexpected surprises and longshots, remembering that racing winners and cricket centuries aren't the only form of happiness.
So many other buzzes available. Horse training legend Colin Jillings was quite fascinated by the great science, as have been many great sports coaches, for only the Astrological can explain the unexplainable.
Once I suggested a " buzz " day for the great Jillings, upon which his stable wouldn't be represented. A good day for something else prompted C M Jillings to wonder if " I might get a shot away, old son ? "
I was very confident of 3-4 winners in the autumn and early winter of 2020, but the Virus has fucked all that. The 100% winning strike rate will continue, even if we get down to 3-4 investments a year.
Starting deposit $100 into TAB account
current season: $470
final balance 2018-19 $1750
final balance 2017-18 $1000
final balance 2016-17 $1230
final balance 2015-16 $00
final balance 2014-15 $490
final balance 2013-14 $2270
final balance 2012-13 $240
final balance 2011-12 $3990
From a horse racing investment system that kicked off in November 1985. With balances obtained by placing $100 a win on selections from the Don Murray Racing System.
We wait patiently. It's worth it.
Anyone can join us, there are many clients who don't know anything about horse racing. They just go click, click, click, save, click, click click etc and stick $20 a win on for the information provider. Our possible investment days are
Aug 29, Sept 12, Oct 10,14,17, Nov 11,21, Dec 5,15,19,26.
Jan 1,10,14,16, 29, Feb 4,11,13, Mar 5,13,19,20,21,24,31
April 30
NRL coach Ivan Cleary's " Taurus Moon " was part of very stunning prediction in 2011.
Courtesy of TV3 and Newstalk ZB etc, a nation was warned of an awesome year for Cleary's NZ Warriors.
Early in the 2009 season I had approached Cleary after training seeking a time of birth, noting that the later he was born the better it would be for the year of 2011.
" 11 p.m " was Cleary's answer.He was certain of it and I didn't need to check with his mother. Under an extremely awesome Pluto-Moon trine, Ivan Cleary coached the 2011 Warriors to only their 2nd NRL Grand Final since beginning in 1995.
Fast forward to November 2019 and that Moon's got some issues on the horizon:
" Cleary, Ivan:
Erratic behaviour and emotional problems for NRL coach from Uranus atop his Moon.May particularly difficult, also Aug, Sept, Nov."
One could imagine Ivan would be quite pissed off with his son Nathan's recent behaviour.
' Nine News revealed photos showing Penrith and NSW halfback Nathan Cleary also flaunting social distancing rules in place to limit the spread of coronavirus. He was pictured with at least five females, who reportedly visited his house briefly on Anzac Day.'
When asked about the photo on Tuesday, Cleary told Channel Nine that he was in contact with the women, which he identified as friends of his sister, for "no longer than 10 minutes" after they stopped by his house while they were waiting for a lift. '
While another video has emerged shooting holes in that story---- Cleary Junior and 3 of the girls dancing as well !
Ironically the Uranus in Taurus that's stressing Ivan will be assisting Nathan in a big way. Same Uranus is positively trining Cleary Junior's Venus ( in Capricorn ) from June 2020 until March next year !
That's an amazing aspect for the love life, and more " Donalds " than usual......
Footnote: For the undereducated, " Donald " is an abbreviation of Cockney Rhyme's " Donald Duck."
April 28
How amazing is the New World Order ?
That which began around 45 years ago, when the pot-smoking, peace-loving generation started getting too popular.
" Lazy cunts. Don't even want to go to war ! " complained Mr Rothschild, aware of the influence that people like the Beach Boys, Muhammed Ali and The Beatles had been having on the masses.
" Divide and Rule " had to be introduced, and the " War on Drugs." 25-7 television would eventually prove the trump card in wrecking families.
From the 1976 minutes:
44 years on and the results are stunning. Homosexuality is legal, along with sex workers, and divorce all over the world is skyrocketing. Nowadays the male has more chance of becoming a divorcee than owning his own home or business......
April 27
Sir Richard Branson is definitely in need of Astrological enlightenment. As reported:
“ Virgin Group chief Sir Richard Branson has offered his Caribbean island retreat Necker as collateral in return for a £500m government loan, to help save the troubled airline. " Also reported:
' Virgin Australia owes close to $7bn to creditors, including almost $2bn to bondholders, and $450m to employees, administrator Deloitte has revealed.
Since being appointed to the airline on Tuesday, Deloitte said it had identified approximately 10,247 creditors, including about 9020 employees. ”
Hark back to the November 2019 Annual Prophesies @
' Bliss and benefits for July 10,11,12 borns from Neptune-Sun trine but major reversals from Pluto-Sun opposition for July 15,16,17 people. '
This doesn't affect Sir Richie Richlister, but as one of July 18 birth, he'll be copping the big Pluto smash and major reversals next year. Pluto will also be adversely affecting his Venus ( in Gemini ) position this year and next.
Negative Pluto has been the supervisor of so many major disasters and personal reversals. An example of a 2020 victim is Hall of Fame horse trainer Graeme Rogerson ONZM. He turns 73 on July 17 and has won multiple premierships and 3 of Australian racing's Grand Slam 4.
G A Rogerson can't slow down, with around 200 horses still in his care. But he's had to slow down this year, with the " Billy Ray " forcing NZ racing to have a 3-months break.
If Sir Richie Richlister was a client, he'd be told to definitely not take any risks or start new ventures next year i.e business, investment, marriage are never recommended under Plutonian negativity.
Even my good self, for all the fine work I've done on behalf of the great science, I was spared no favours when Pluto was attacking my Sun. I knew it wasn't a time for smashing world records and the Champion Racing System had a gap year.
Consequently there was a lot of social activity and partying, sports and being a peasant in the cable TV production SPARTACUS. I got dragged into the Onehunga gym's mixed netball team, even if 20 + years older than the next most senior.
2 games, 2 wins and I had a bad hunch about the Pluto-Sun attack, in it's final and most crucial month. Bad decisions can often be made under Plutonian turmoil.
So on a Monday I announced my retirement from competitive netball at the gym. Bowing out on top, as possibly the only unbeaten mixed netball player in the world ?
" Nah, brother, " ordered a giant, Polynesian second rower. " One more game, you and me be the defence."
So tempting, to team up with Otahuhu Rugby League's meanest crash tackler, 30 years my junior, possibly marking a pair of female goalshooters.....
The deal was sealed with a handshake, but never happened. The giant Polynesian got severely concussed in a Rugby League Grand Final and couldn't front. I played, another win but half an hour later was hobbling.
A bruised achilles, said the physio. Nothing for 3 months, walk if necessary. Tag Football ? Definitely not, he said. Sad news, but not as lossful as many Pluto sufferers.....
" Bad decisions can often be made under Plutonian turmoil. "
So it don't matter if you're a zillionaire or you've a good credit rating with the Gods of Karma, no one is immune to the wrath of Pluto.
In 2021, for example, those of April 14,15,16, July 17,18,19, October 18,19,20 or January 15,16,17 birth will need to be very careful.......
April 26
Anzac Day morning always used to be a sacred time.
Remembering the fallen soldiers meant there was very little activity before lunchtime. April 25 always had racemeetings, but never starting until 1 pm.
So different yesterday. The hopeless gambling addict was able to bet online with the NZ TAB on the 11 a.m ( NZ time ) first race at Remington Park, USA !
Very disrespectful. Even if the NZ TAB is desperately trying to avoid insolvency.
Shame in Australia,too, where the first race at the Sunshine Coast yesterday jumped at 11.48 am ( Queensland time ).
April 25
Laughter is a wonderful form of medicine and one of our favourites appeared here in December 2017.
Recalled when Trainers' Association president Tony Pike was slamming the Racing Industry Transition Authority recently with:
" The RIU is considered a bloated and inefficient organisation. What steps are underway to reduce their cost to the industry ? "
Back on December 24, 2017 the commando-style operation by the Racing Integrity Unit in outback Otago was revealed here.
3 members of the RIU were involved in early morning surveillance, to catch a 69 year-old hobby horseman illegally training gallopers without a licence !
We published some extracts from the official debriefing, including:
' [15] At 6.30 am he ( RIU official ) took up what he described as “a forward observation point on the roadside near 881 Glassford Rd Omakau”. He marked his position on a Google map of the area that had been printed and was produced as an exhibit.
[16] Mr Irving said he had use of his binoculars and his cell phone voice recorder. He recorded the following information:
7.19am A white ute arrives with a rear right hand side tail light out and drives up the driveway and into the front paddock.( continued ) '
More than 3 months later the Judicial Control Authority wrapped up the case. The 69 year-old hobby horseman, a Murray Hamilton, was disqualified for a further 2 and a half years. Hardly a household name, with M Hamilton having prepared just 4 winners from 343 starters in the last 5 years !
The exercise didn't come cheaply, though. There were airfares for 2 and a night's accommodation for 3 of the commandos, and legal and judicial costs and in the end it all came to nearly $8000.....
$8000 to ensure that NZ racing could breathe easier, and be a Murray Hamilton-free zone until 4 April 2020 !
DAVE RENNIE'S " particularly stressful April to Aug "
April 24
' Raelene Castle has gone and now the focus falls on Rugby Australia's other Kiwi, Dave Rennie, the man charged with resurrecting the woeful Wallabies.
The appointment of Rennie was arguably the biggest success story of Castle's rocky run in charge of the fractured Australian rugby scene.
Tough critics might suggest it was her only success in a reign that was dogged by the heated contract wrangle with Israel Folau and struggles to stop the erosion of Super Rugby crowds and TV audiences.'
Of course the " Kiwi sheila " in charge of Aussie rugby is one of the superstars from last November's Annual Prophesies !
' Castle, Raelene:
Major stress for rugby CEO continues with career turmoil from Neptune-Mercury and Uranus-Jupiter attacks. May, Nov and Feb 021 notable.'
Her " biggest success story " also made an impressive debut in the November 2019 Annuals !
' Rennie, Dave:
2 years of confusion for new Australian rugby coach with Neptune attacking his Venus and Mars positions. April to Aug 020 particularly stressful.'
April 23
There are plenty of rogue " fortune tellers " out there.
Anyone can visualise " riches, overseas holiday, tall, dark man etc. " Absolutely no reason to trust only that, unless the " fortune teller " has hit you with some notable observation from the past.
" Moon and Neptune together in House 3. Strange relationship with the mother and....were you of caesarean birth ? " asked my first Astrologer..... Yeah, I was, that's amazing !
All of my clients get their pasts analysed. One very widely travelled fellow was amazed with the audio of his past. Replayed several times, then shared with his 2 best mates.
Initially client and his sister were shouted the full reading by their father, for 10 years a beneficiary of the phenomenal horse racing investment system. The son's incredible past-life audio showed when he got rep rugby honours, copped a bad injury, dropped out of corporate life, first went abroad etc. The accuracy inspired his 2 mates to get the analysis.
One, J, was living with a Brazilian girl and planning to go to her homeland, marry and remain in Brazil.
No Way ! the planets were screaming. Excellent for living abroad but not marriage in the next few years....with a special emphasis on the control freak woman with plenty of Aries and Scorpio ammunition. He wasn't dissuaded and Brazil still beckoned.
2-3 years later 2 of them ring up, suggesting updates for them both and a famous Otahuhu Yum Cha afterwards. " And J, " one remarked, " he's back for a holiday and needs an update as well. And we told him he's got to apologise to you ! "
J was quite philosophical about his marriage only lasting 18 months. Father-in-law had been a difficult bastard, filthy rich and owned 4 big ranches.
But J certainly wasn't unhappy about his present and " excellent for living abroad " -----an apartment in Buenos Aires and a nice earn teaching English on Skype to mainly Brazilian girls.....
April 21
Some very smart decisions have been supervised by the world's oldest science.
Mid-March a client requested a further 3 years-update, and clarification of a " stressful week " in early April. This gentleman, who employs 70-80 in the building industry, notes carefully the featured phases in the Astrological audio. i.e " awesome Uranus-Sun trine in the fortnight leading up to ….. a great time for an adventure or holiday etc ". Or the negative phases that have Pluto or Saturn restrictions, like early April etc.
The stressful early April was analysed, then more notably a difficult Mercury-Uranus progression happening in the 10th House ( business, career ) in April, to cause business-related turmoil. He was assured that after April it'd all be sweet again.
The turmoil was covered by lockdown from March 26. The lifting of lockdown means his employees will be back to work 3 days before chaotic April ends
Of course it goes without saying that those " awesome Sun trine " phases are much better for travelling and holidays than when Pluto or Saturn is in the negative.
Ideally, all would be able to benefit from such wisdom. Unfortunately so many never have the good fortune to discover Astrological magnificence, or lack the logical mind to even consider it.....
April 20
The phenomenal prophesies on NZ Warriors personnel " Lebcam " George, Steve Kearney, Stacey Jones and Nathan Brown and the horrors awaiting them in 2020 have been one of the year's many highlights.
Heaps of headscratchings, as they try and decide about relocating to Aussie and spending a few months away from the fams. If they don't make it to Australia, and the NZ Warriors' 2020 officially ends, there will still be 2 notable milestones.
Their best-ever season, only losing 2 games ! Their worst-ever season without a single win !
As I note how the management landscape has changed so much in the last 94 years...
Try and imagine Kiwi rugby league reps playing 15 consecutive games on a tour of England ?
It happened back in 1926-27, when 26 players and just 4 " officials " went on tour. The 4 were the finance manager, the press agent, an Australian coach and his wife !
No doctor, physio, stats man, forwards coach, backline coach, team psychologist,nutritionist or defence coach..........
They played 34 games between September 11 and January 15, but only 19 of the players participated. One fellow played in 15 consecutive games in almost 2 months.
7 of the Kiwis went on strike over the Australian coach's attitude and never played a game. They hung round for 4 months, before getting sent home and banned for life.
It's all in STRIKE ! by John Coffey, a fascinating read.
April 18
There are always plenty of untrained, wannabe prophets and " experts " making predictions.
With horse racing syndicator David Ellis' stupidity earning him the WANKER OF THE YEAR award.
In February last year, Ellis was praising the intentions of racing minister Winston Peters and predicted that stake money would " double next season."
Ellis was desperate to attract buyers into his syndicates after the annual yearling sales splurge and trying to promote a renaissance in NZ's decadent industry.
His " next season " officially ends on July 31. Stake money hasn't doubled and industry insiders reckon it'll be closer to getting halved in the 20-21 season !
Even before the "Billy Ray" kicked in there were fears for the industry with betting turnovers plummeting horribly in the last 12 months. The TAB is allegedly going broke and NZ horse racing is having a minimum 3 months of inaction.
When you think about it, the inactivity and a planned skeleton programme for July mean that less money has been distributed so in effect stakes have actually decreased, not doubled !
It's bad enough for " Tom Thumb " Ellis, with his Te Akau stable in Singapore subject to their Billy Ray-related lockdown, as well as the Matamata barn here. No surprises, really, after his appearance in the November 2018 Annual Prophesies !
" Ellis, David:
Major slowdown for horse racing's " Tom Thumb " from Pluto attacking Mars and the Node until Nov 020. Neptune-Sun confusion until Jan 020."
A racing nation is waiting eagerly for the July dates to be released. Supposed to happen last Thursday, now supposed to happen next Tuesday/Wednesday.
All I am wishing for is Saturday July 11's programme to have some jumping races. My only July selection is a jumps jockey listed for a major buzz that day, as the Champion Racing System tries to maintain a 100% winning strike rate for the 2019-20 season.
So far we've got a massive profit margin, our only investment, Winning Ways, paying $4.70 to win in Brisbane last October. Final options for the season are Brisbane ( April 26 ) and Sydney ( May 2 ) trainers.
" We don’t take racing seriously
We just take the money "
Starting deposit $100 into TAB account
current season: $470
final balance 2018-19 $1750
final balance 2017-18 $1000
final balance 2016-17 $1230
final balance 2015-16 $00
final balance 2014-15 $490
final balance 2013-14 $2270
final balance 2012-13 $240
final balance 2011-12 $3990
From a horse racing investment system that kicked off in November 1985. With balances obtained by placing $100 a win on selections from the Don Murray Racing System.
April 17
Lockdown could be a wonderful time for the great unwashed to read a little and discover some of the world's best lies.
Sadly the libraries are closed but there is still plenty online.
Read about Directed Energy Weapons ( Here down on November 18, 2019 ) and the incredible way of starting fires from afar.
Check out HAARP and how the weather can be manipulated and earthquakes can be made from afar as well.
The NZ archives actually have evidence of the USA and NZ testing a " tsunami bomb " in the Hauraki Gulf during World War 2, with Japan in mind. As we know, technology has advanced in the last 76-77 years.....
Does anybody still believe that 9-11 wasn't an inside job ? There's so much evidence from scientists and witnesses proving that this was one of the biggest cons in history.
Maybe not as big as the virgin who gave birth 2020 years ago, with the product ultimately getting crucified then coming back from the dead 3 days later !
One of the funniest must be Princess Diana's death by " car accident." That which was generally deemed to be the work of a very drunk chauffeur, even if he'd spent the evening with 2 SAS-trained bodyguards. One of whom was in the doomed vehicle but didn't know his driver was blind drunk ?
The true story, from an Aucklander who did British SAS training and plenty of " jobs " before becoming a professional hitman: The decoy car that swerved in front of the Diana vehicle was followed by a motorcycle with a pillion who blinded the chauffeur with a very powerful strobe light. The motorcycle doubled back after the crash and pillion syringed the chauffeur with alcohol and suddenly made him very intoxicated !
The 2011 Christchurch earthquake is right up there with the best:
Those mysterious tales involving the the 4 Israeli " backpackers " and regular phone contact between the Israeli Jew prime minister and the NZ Jew prime minister. 3 of the Israeli " backpackers " skipped the country within 12 hours of their mate's unfortunate death ?
There were the indicators of HAARP and unusually keen interest from USA and Israeli officials in Christchurch but Wikileaks legend Julian Assange struck Gold. He released heaps of Hillary Clinton's emails, including her prior ( 5 hours ! ) knowledge of the Christchurch earthquake !
Alongside this, on the afternoon of the earthquake, while a major national emergency was in full swing across New Zealand, why did Prime Minister John Key stop to sign over the seabed exploration rights for New Zealand, including the Canterbury Basin, to the giant oil mining company Anadarko just four hours after the earthquake struck ?
Lest we not forget that Key is great mates with Hillary and gave millions of NZ$ to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons are great mates with the Rothschild mob, who own most of the banks and media and are behind the incredible hate campaign against Donald Trump.
A little more research shows how Clinton and the CIA invented ISIS. Mainly to make trouble in countries with lots of oil and gold so the USA could step in and restore " peace "..........
Look up “ Gary Webb,” an incredible investigative journo in the USA who got suicided after exposing the amazing corruption in the CIA.
Then you'll understand why the CIA is the hot favourite to have dumped the " Billy Ray " in Wuhan.
( Here, down on March 30, BORN IN THE USA, with credits to Bruce Springsteen )
April 16
It's generally regarded as unacceptable to laugh about misfortune.
Not in this case:
' New Zealand Media and Entertainment (NZME) has today confirmed that it has reduced its workforce by about 200 people and has this morning asked staff to take a 15 per cent pay cut for 12 weeks.
In a statement to NZX, Chief Financial Officer David Mackrell said the company is continuing to monitor the impact of Covid-19 on the business, and outlined a number of cost-saving measures already undertaken.
Those measures include this morning asking all staff on salaries of more than $50,000 to opt in to a salary reduction of 15 per cent for 12 weeks - although employees near a $50,000 salary would not earn less than that amount.'
Yesterday I decided to attempt a rare appearance on talkback radio and phoned Newstalk ZB. I explained to the producer that I had been the station's Astrologer for 18 years, including an annual show every January with Murray Deaker,and occasionally Leighton Smith, and I wanted to let the nation know when everything would be getting back to normal.
" No one gets the talkback lines ringing like Don Murray, " Deaker would often claim. " His New Year predictions have become legendary."
No, she scoffed and wasn't interested. Maybe I've been blacklisted after exposing Leighton Smith as a blatant liar ? See April 7 article.
Times have changed for the worse in the media since they became Americanised puppets. So many " experts " but nothing seems to be working at the moment. Only Astrology !
The " experts " include troublemakers and more liars, in an evil alliance to con the masses and scramble their brains. Sport is very good for that, as well as being an awesome proving ground for Astrology.
Nowadays the media are hell bent on creating a nation of cry babies with their nasty headlines. No tears, though, for the dirty scabs who subscribe to the liar culture.
Nah, laugh, and tell them to get a real job. Maybe as shelf stackers in the supermarkets.....
April 14
Below are some text book aspects in a birth chart:
" Uranus discordant to Ascendant
You are always on the go and get bored rather easily. You may rely on others to stimulate and excite you and keep you occupied. You have a strong desire for the freedom to do as you wish, when you wish. You no doubt like to have a lot of projects going on at the same time as you always seem to have much nervous energy.
Sun discordant to Saturn
You tend to be selfish, cold, unfeeling and uncaring, worried, fearful and insecure. You may have a ruthless ambition that lets nothing stand in the way of its goals. You have a cautious, careful, realistic attitude toward life and are highly responsible and disciplined with regard to your obligations and duties. You tend to work and struggle more than you need to, and to take yourself too seriously.
Mars discordant to Neptune
The danger with this aspect is that you tend to want to escape from reality and avoid your day-to-day duties and responsibilities. If this escapism tendency is carried too far, you may seek outlet through drugs or alcohol, both of which will eventually ruin your life. Ordinary life seems dull and drab to you and you feel a need for something that stirs your imagination, some vision or ideal or cause that motivates you. "
Like humans, nations and companies have birth dates as well. The above are actually extracts from the birth chart of the United States of America !
How appropriate for a nation that's riddled with corruption, racism and drugs and has been at war for 226 years of the 244 since 1776......
April 13
Poor old Queen Lizzie of England has been having another annus horribilis in 2020.
First-born Charlie had the " Billy Ray " for a while and the 3rd child Andrew is involved in one of the biggest sex scandals in history. With Charlie's 2nd son Harry bolting to Canada with an American woman.
Recently I finished a brilliant biography of Australia's uncrowned monarch of the 1980s, Queensland's " King Wally " Lewis, the Rugby League legend. An awesome Queen Lizzie story was included.
Further confirmation that touring Australian footballers are the best larrikins ever. Plenty from the controversial Kangaroos tour to NZ in 1985, when I had the outrageous fortune to be a night porter at the Royal International Hotel, Auckland, their base for a fortnight.
No mention in the book, though, of the all the Cannabis that a dozen of King Wally's teammates smoked with the night porter. When giant prop Peter Tunks was inspired to get undressed in reception and strut down Victoria Street to the intersection with Queen. Then prance around totally naked except for a pair of underpants on his head. At 3 a.m in late June !
In England, a group of Kangaroo tourists decide to purchase a second-hand vehicle to continue their fun. Renowned prankster Rod " Rocket " Reddy told the female vendor he was an Australian movie producer named John Ribot, over here to make a documentary on the life of a serial killer known as " the Yorkshire Ripper, " who was still at large.
The vendor became suspicious and soon after the police were at the team's hotel, very keen to interview Queensland winger " Reebs. "
The 1977 Australian schoolboys rugby team's tour to England contained a classic.
There were countless off-field highlights, including a visit to Buckingham Palace, where one of the players Peter McPherson couldn't resist the chance to ask the Queen about Prince Charles' then heavily publicised romances.
" Excuse me " ----not YourMajesty, followed by Ma'am as they had been schooled. " Excuse me, you know what we read back home about Charlie and all of them sheilas, is that true ? "
Fast forward 40-something years. Imagine a character like Todd Carney, Josh Dugan, Quade Cooper or James O'Connor quizzing Her Majesty about all of the Prince Andrew stories......
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”
― George Orwell
April 12
Astrological enlightenments bring so much happiness and hope to people.
That's a buzz in itself, with so many endorsing the magnificence and recommending it to friends and family. With so much wonderful feedback and requests for 3 year-updates during the " Billy Ray."
Quite common for a client to get the enlightenment for several family members, with an entrepreneur in the British Isles having requested 17 separate readings for those around him !
The great science is for people persons, and consequently not popular with those dirty scabs in the media or desperates of horse racing.
Consider veteran racing commentator George Simon, the subject of a phenomenal personal prediction way back in 1998.
G Simon was first introduced to Astrology on January 1, 1995. A Trackside Channel colleague programmed an interview for Auckland Cup day at Ellerslie and some sensational prophesies were made on various racing personnel, including an unproductive time for leading trainer Paul O'Sullivan.
Courtesy of Pluto attacks on O'Sullivan's Mars and Moon, 2 years of anger and frustration were predicted. 3 weeks later G Simon and P O'Sullivan were involved in a heated and very public argument at Trentham racecourse. This inspired G Simon to recall the Astrologer for another sesh on Trackside Channel at Ellerslie on Sunday, February 12, and a recap on the anger around P O'Sullivan !
For good measure I labelled Parihaka an Astrologically-calculated certainty in the main sprint race that day. Minutes before the jump, Simon reminded viewers that " Don Murray reckons Parihaka is a certainty, let's see how good he is."
Good enough for Parihaka to bolt in by 4 lengths but there was an even better one in May of 1996---- Classic Heights being labelled a certainty for the Great Northern Steeplechase ( 6400 metres and 25 fences ) 3.5 weeks in advance !
On a supposedly unsuitable heavy track, Classic Heights surprised form experts and cruised home at $7.85.
My appearances with G Simon on Trackside had been irregular, but George himself was moved to ask about his own future. He was told of an awesome Pluto-Sun trine elevating him in 1998. I personally was under an awesome Pluto-Sun trine in 1996, with all the publicity enhancing the Astrological business and my mortgage was suddenly on death row.
Maori G Simon and I discussed his 1998 possibilities on air. He could become a rock star, or even minister of Maori Affairs in parliament, as I noted that high-profile politician Winston Peters was facing very difficult changes in 1998.
Unfortunately soon after the Great Northern Steeplechase triumph, Trackside Channel bosses decided they didn't need Astrological input anymore. I would come to realise that the media hated anything so definite and accurate. They prefer debate and argument to keep the great unwashed dumb.
1995 and 96 were the most unsuccessful years ever for the Dave and Paul O'Sullivan training partnership.W Peters was dumped as deputy PM in 1998. In August of same year Trackside Channel announced that G Simon's services were no longer required !
I was shocked and taken aback. Only for a couple of weeks, though, before it was announced that G Simon had gained a job with NZ Bloodstock. A primo job, too, flying all around Asia and Australia with a large credit card wining and dining prospective visitors to the annual yearling sales in Karaka next January…..
With NZ racing currently in the doldrums, G Simon is one of many in need of Astrological enlightenment. Fear not, there will always be awesome Pluto trines, with G Simon in line for another beauty. Many others, in all walks of life as well.......
Watch this space !
Good Friday was an English racehorse who fell in the Thorneycroft Steeplechase at Wolverhampton on December 26, 1899.
April 11
The mention of " Astrology " gets a lot of people angry.
I shouldn't. It's the world's oldest science and has produced some amazing formulae for cancer and depression detection, horse racing certainties as far as 5 years 4 months and 3 days in advance and sportspersons and coaches having positive or negative years etc . And CEOs ( Raelene Castle ) and prime ministers ( Boris Johnson ) and countries ( Australia ) having off-years as well !
Devout christians can get decidedly filthy over the great science, especially when you ask when " God " is gonna stop the " Billy Ray " and solve all the world's homeless and hunger problems. I then remember the catholic classmates from primary school who reckoned that " God " would know if they were playing with their cocks. And suggest that if this were true, " God " would know when George Pell and his pedo colleagues were playing with little boys' cocks as well ?
Astrology can be very cruel for self-professed experts with fragile egos who haven't continued learning. Especially high-profile media people---see Leighton Smith saga on April 7--- but failed anti-suicide campaigner Mike King was a classic.
" Medication Mikey " got real vicious when it were suggested that Astrology would help him understand all his depression and addiction issues. If he really wanted to help people , the Astrological enlightenment would only take half an hour of his time......
The late Charlotte Dawson, who did experience a phenomenal reading some 13 years ago, also got extremely vicious when she started to be an anti-suicide campaigner. Astrological magnificence might help them ? But she blew up very badly.
Forgetting that the day after her amazing Astrological experience in January 2007, Ms Dawson phoned to shout her hairdresser a reading. And phoned 6 weeks later from Sydney, at 6 a.m their time, to get a description of her Scorpio Moon read out so her friends could listen on the speaker phone !
The best public attack came from a veteran racing journalist, Des Coppins, recently dumped after 50 years of service with most of that time spent in Wellington in a childless marriage.
Way back in July 2001, Trackside Radio broadcaster Peter Earley did an analysis of all of the 0900 tipsters. From just 2 selections in the reviewed period, Don Murray Racing managed a winner that paid $57 !
Earley fairly praised the effort on radio, but not fellow presenter Coppins, a wannabe form expert and 0900 tipster:
" If this worked all the time, Don Murray would be living in Hawaii."
What an arsehole. Don Murray has lived in Otahuhu for 30 years and loves the variety. One day you're sitting next to the president of the Headhunters MC and his large entourage watching the Otahuhu Rugby League team, the next day you're feasting at the Buddhist Temple then being chauffeur to one of the Monks.
Coppins' sick attitude has paralleled the gradual decline of a once noble industry and helped make it very unattractive. As one of January 29 birth he featured in last November's Annual Prophesies in " Uranus-Sun reversals and chaos for Jan 26,27,28,29,30 borns. "
There would be a lot more angries if they came to realise that all of their problems in Billy Ray time were so predictable. Especially with foreign travel, and those " 9th House complications."
Many would be subject to the same planets affecting Raelene and Boris, and also the Pluto-Sun attack that supervised Mike King's annus horribilis of 2019 !
April 10
It's become very fashionable to be a " fun draiser " and raise money for " charity."
Every year there are fun draisers for " cancer research ". Nobody really knows where the money goes and cancer doesn't seem to be decreasing. It's big business and cancer sufferers are worth a lot of money to Big Pharma.
Even if cancer victims can be identified at birth from 6th House complications in the natal chart !
" The Australian Red Cross has admitted it may spend as much as $11 million processing the millions of dollars people from across the globe have donated to its bushfire appeal.
However, in the face of public outcry, the charity has been forced to revise an earlier statement that suggested a large proportion of the $95 million raised could be quarantined for future natural disasters."
One of my clients, a widely-travelled former accountant, once did a financial audit for a large charity in NZ: " Less than 13 cents in the dollar actually went to helping patients in need. The rest, gobbled up by overheads and marketing and the CEO's fat salary. "
Racing people in NZ do much fun draising for CATWALK, a spinal cord injury research trust: " Imagine a world free of paralysis caused by spinal cord injury. We fund research that aims to fix paralysis following spinal cord injury. CatWalk is dedicated to supporting world-class research and innovation. Our goal is simple, to get people out of wheelchairs and back onto their feet."
Nice aims, but wouldn't it be better not to have them banged up in the first place ?
I've previously noted an incredible increase in wheelchair dwellers since NZ Racing introduced random drug-testing of jockeys in 1995. Very few jockeys in the wheelchair before then and rather ironically the ones that didn't do Cannabis.
Plenty of jocks used Cannabis, some very successfully.It's quite obvious that Cannabis relaxes and soothes and has a cushion effect in accidents.
I even earned a vague disqualification from tracks by the NZ racing authorities for promoting the widespread use of Cannabis by jockeys way back in 1987. I didn't take too much notice of the ban but after 8 months the stupid disqualification was lifted.
And they still haven't learned.
Good luck with your fun draising.
April 8
The world is having extreme trust issues at the moment.
From the lies of Donald Trump, Scott Morrison and most people in charge, to NZ's Sigh man Bridges, and Bauer Media and Sky City who ignored the government's wage subsidies and sodomised all of their loyal employees.
Even God almighty hasn't produced any answers. While Astrological magnificence has been taking all the wickets !
Long ago, Hippocrates of Greece became renowned as the father of modern medicine and before his departure in 370 BC left a legacy:
" A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician."
There was the legendary Roman soothsayer who warned emperor Julius Caesar to " beware the Ides ( 15th ) of March ! " in 44 BC and the great ruler was stabbed to death by his mates Brutus and Cassius on that very day.
Fast forward to 0 BC and the 3 wise men who were Astrologers and actually forecast the arrival of that oddball known as "Jesus Christ."
Emperor Augustus of Rome endorsed the great science and correctly forecast his death in 14 AD. ( That one's on my bucket list.)
In those times, rulers would summon the court Astrologer for the answers to serious questions:
" Is General Boris Johnson fit to lead us into war against the Vikings in 2020 ? "
Following "Johnson, Boris:
Scorpio Moon possessor getting very confused and weakened by Saturn-Moon and Neptune-Mercury complications. March crucial, also June, Sept, Dec and Jan 021. "
he would be despatched to the salt mines instead. ( British prime minister Boris is in intensive care at present, courtesy of the " Billy Ray." )
Eventually the greedy tyrants would get wise.The Julius Caesar case made them realise how powerless they could be and the world's oldest science was actively discouraged.
Rebels persisted and kept Astrology alive before Toyota, Emirates, Sky City, Lion and other major sponsors in NZ stamped their feet.
" No more fucking Astrology in the media, okay " said the unwritten statement. " We can't have this prick putting the curse on the All Blacks, Team New Zealand or the Black Caps ! "
The spiritual renaissance of the 1990s and early millenium has ended. I've come to accept that our futures are planned and I was never ever programmed to become a media puppet for 30 or 40 years like the Leighton Smith arsehole below anyway.
Go to above and check out the notable wickets we've taken already in 2020 from the chosen 50 !
From Aries, Leith Innes and Winston Peters, with Stacey Jones, Lydia Ko and Mark Purdon from Taurus. Gemini pearls for Boris Johnson,Steve Kearney, Rafael Nadal and Craig Williams From Cancer there are Michael Coleman, Phil Gould, Hayley Holt and Chloe Swarbrick with a Leo treble of Nathan Brown, Meghan Markle and Kane Williamson. Virgo stars are Vinnie Colgan, Shaun Johnson and Jimmy Neesham with Raelene Castle from Libra. Scorpio highlights from Karyn Fenton-Ellis, Clarke Gayford and Dave Rennie. Jump to Capricorn and check out Golriz Ghahraman then Jose Mourinho in Aquarius and finish with the Pisces treble of Prince Andrew, Cameron George and Ross Taylor.
At least the world's oldest science can be trusted....
April 7
No easy task selecting this one, considering all the filthy cunts I've encountered in the mainscream media.
Back on October 21, 2016 during serious Clinton-Trump USA election discussions, I rang Leighton Smith on Newstalk ZB for the first time in some 20 years. To let him know that Donald Trump was gonna bolt in, while reminding him about some of the sensational forecasts during the days of the annual January show with Murray Deaker on Newstalk ZB between 1994 and 2011.
All knowing, 69 year-old Smith wouldn’t have a bar of Hillary Clinton getting beaten and told me to ring back after the election. Which I did soon afterwards and, as could be expected, really had the veteran host on the back foot, especially after I rattled off a further list of formidable prophesies for 2016 so far.
Then backpedalling Smith produced an unbelievable lie. He claimed that he’d received a letter from a Newstalk ZB listener post-October 21 who claimed that hardly any of my prophesies in all those years with Deaker had ever come true !
" No one gets the talkback lines ringing like Don Murray, " Deaker would often rave. " His New Year predictions have become legendary."
and " He gets it right, that's why we keep bringing him back every year."
I never got the chance to remind Smith of his most notable concession. On air, some 20 years earlier, Smith had asked me about the chances of one of his racehorses that was trained by Gai Waterhouse in Sydney.
Nothing doing there, I explained, having no actual time of arrival for Gai, so Smith got his assistant to phone Gai’s office in Sydney and obtain the number of Gai’s mother and then he phoned her and obtained " 2 a.m " for Gabriel Marie Waterhouse’s arrival on earth.
And to think that some people take the mainscream media seriously ?
April 6
Following the epic delivered here on January 2, long before the virus,
' Even more destructive for Australia, with revolutionary Pluto supervising massive and difficult changes when he sits on that crucial ( midheaven ) point in the next 2 years.
With February, June and December being very serious months for Australia in 2020, and September and October of 2021....'
I figured that I better do some work and sort out NZ's shit.
Now there are 4 birth charts for NZ, for Captain Cook's arrival, the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi and others for 1853 and 1912. I scanned the pasts of each chart to ensure that they had serious reasons for some of NZ's major milestones.
Undoubtedly the most accurate was the chart for the Treaty, signed somewhere in the afternoon of February 6, 1840.
Consider a fellow named T Waitangi, born Feb 6, 1840, receiving his enlightenment and the part where the past is analysed:
Astrologer: Mid-1981 there was a time of great unhappiness from a difficult Sun-Venus progression.
T Waitangi: Hell yeah, the country was at war during the Springbok tour.
Astrologer: Hark back to 1939 and a very confusing Jupiter-Neptune progression. Maybe some career problems for you ?
T Waitangi: Were there ever ! The country was in total disarray, everyone was off to the war.
Astrologer: Okay, Pluto on your Venus in 2011. Often a time of major relationship or routine changes, or sadness around the departure of or from a loved one ?
Other humans have replied to same with " That was the year when I caught the bastard with another woman " or " Shit ! That's when I went into Parry ! "----- Paremoremo Maximum Security prison for manslaughter.
T Waitangi spoke of the sadness his country experienced from the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake and 185 deaths. (The Pluto-Venus happiness block actually ended just before the All Blacks won their first Rugby World Cup for 24 years in October that year.)
At the end of the past analysis Mr T Waitangi would be impressed, like 99% of clients, and have confidence in any forecasts about the future:
Astrologer: Well, the next 5 months are difficult, with a very challenging Sun-Neptune progression. Not a great time for business or investing, maybe some health problems and also there's transiting, deceptive Neptune attacking Saturn in the 6th House that governs health work and diet until late this year.
Very easy to see NZ's lockdown being extended and not a great deal of improvement overall until September. With the same Sun-Neptune progression being repeated around October 2021.
Many similarities to Australia and that crucial Pluto-midheaven attack until October 2021.......
April 5
The Laotian Monk with a unique place in Rugby League history passed away last Friday.
Last October, 74 year-old Lhaung Poa became the first Buddhist Monk to ride in a car driven by a white man with the Tongan flag on top.
One of my occasional duties in the Otahuhu Buddhist community after lunch was driving " The Master " 2 or 3 km to the Cambodian Temple in Mangere.
My first trip was a classic. The Master with minimal English didn't even know the address. Just " Mangee, " but the girls assured me he knew where to go. After " go leh, tur leh, tur righ " we got there, and I was told yet again that I was a " good boy and you going to heaven with me."
Compared to K.I.W.I ( Keen Interest Without Intelligence ) culture, Buddhism is amazing. It's all about kindness and humility, although they've never had spiritual guidance from role models like Mike Hosking, Leighton Smith, Jayjay Feeney or departeds like Sir Paul Holmes and Charlotte Dawson etc
Unlike the decadent horse racing fraternity, they don't rate humans by the number of Group One races they have collected.
There's a daily communal lunch, where devotees bring food and most of us attend just once a week. The monks eat first, after blessing the food, then the devotees. Afterwards, much home-cooked, wonderful Thai food to be shared and they seem to target specifically the white man without a wife.
One Wednesday before lockdown I returned home and counted 16 snaplock bags of various dishes. Some of Mrs W's iconic, sweet black rice pudding goes round to the Group One filly from Thailand and 5 or 6 dishes to a Polynesian solo father neighbour with 2 boys.
The Master first deemed me as a heavenly candidate when I was showing 6 and 7 year olds Angel, Ryan and Victoria how to fold the mats and do the vacuuming while their Thai mothers washed the dishes. Even if the heavenly candidate might have just been a cunning Kiwi delegating his duties......
Tonga's historic first-ever win over the Australian Rugby League team last November was Astrologically forecast, although I told many of the proud little nation's people that it was because the senior Buddhist Monk had blessed the red and white flag.
R.I.P The Master.
April 4
' This morning, Bauer media – which published North and South, the Listener, Woman's Day and other magazines, announced it was closing.
Ardern said she was "gutted" to see Bauer media close its doors.
But she said the company refused the wage subsidy.
"The wage subsidy could and should have made a difference to those staff." '
We understand Jacinda's pain. It was part of the Kiwi dream, to read about Millie Holmes' latest bloke, or Charlotte Dawson and Nicky Robinson-Watson-Evans' plans to have babies.
Some 12-13 years back an acquaintance of Millie Holmes' came round with the hot news. He had " just been having a smoke with Ratboy's sister ! "
Ratboy ? Millie Holmes' latest boyfriend of many, with a recent front page in one of the slut mags dedicated to the love they'd found while in a very expensive rehab. $15K was the going rate for slut mag front pagers, $12K for Millie and $3K for Ratboy, who wasn't as famous.
Nothing in the saga about Ratboy's bad credit rating in the Auckland underworld. And how he'd once been taken on a midnight cruise in the Waitemata Harbour. Heavily in-debt Ratboy was told to ring his very wealthy father and beg for a large amount of cash to be delivered to a certain address by a certain hour.
If not, there would have been a remake of Captain Pugwash, with Ratboy having to walk the plank......
237 staff of Bauer were gutted at the job loss, with an office allegedly full of tears and " nobody saw this coming."
The Astrologer could have seen it, but media scabs are too institutionalised and arrogant to entertain the amazing personal enlightenment that would have prepared them.
Obviously many of them would be suffering the same " difficult planetary aspects " that have affected people like Mark Purdon, Boris Johnson,Steve Kearney, Phil Gould, Meghan Markle, Kane Williamson, Raelene Castle, Golriz Ghahraman and Prince Andrew in 2020 !
April 3
' Rugby Australia CEO Raelene Castle is bunkering down as the storm builds around her after another day of damaging headlines for the struggling football code.
On the same day Wallabies great Rod Kafer delivered a scathing assessment of Castle and her executive team's performance at this week's disastrous Annual General Meeting, a report has emerged of Castle's less-than-convincing performance during Rugby Australia's announcement that 75 per cent of employees would be stood down.
The decision to leave 75 per cent of staff without regular income was described as the darkest day in the code's history by some rugby commentators.
It was also revealed at the time that Castle is taking a 50 per cent pay cut on her reported $800,000 salary while the coronavirus continues to leave rugby shut down indefinitely.'
Plus Castle messed up the Israel Folau affair and the amazing Tongan footballer got a massive payout.
Of course all her troubles were predetermined, after the phenomenal appearance in last November’s Annual Prophesies…..
' Castle, Raelene:
Major stress for rugby CEO continues with career turmoil from Neptune-Mercury and Uranus-Jupiter attacks. May, Nov and Feb 021 notable.'
Obviously many others experiencing this " major stress " at the moment !
April 2
Laughter is a wonderful form of medicine and there's plenty at the moment.
A nation that ignores the world's oldest science, on their hands and knees with begging bowls......
A nation wailing and crying over the axing of Radio Sport, whose ultimate aim is to have everybody watching or talking about sport instead of communicating with fellow humans in a nation that tops the world in domestic violence and teenagers topping themselves.....
All those travellers who planned their journeys without consulting " holiday Astrology ".......
That fellow some know as " God " still hasn't come up with a game plan......
The Champion Racing System ( above ) with 100% wins this season and a 370% profit margin......
Those phenomenal prophesies from the November 2019 Annuals, then the epic delivered here on January 2, long before the virus.......
' Even more destructive for Australia, with revolutionary Pluto supervising massive and difficult changes when he sits on that crucial ( midheaven ) point in the next 2 years.
With February, June and December being very serious months for Australia in 2020, and September and October of 2021....'
To celebrate this great era I did some research and managed to decide upon the 10 greatest predictions known to mankind:
Scroll down to the end of the Prophesies for 2020 and there are THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME
" You distance yourself from negative influences in order to minimise idiot contact "
April 1
There are many different types of cam in the world.
There's the disk cam, plate cam, drum cam, and linear cam from the mechanical world.
Technology has introduced the web cam, stump cam, dash cam and helmet cam.
The NZ Warriors have a Lebcam and it's probably one of their worst acquisitions. C E O Cameron George's grandparents emigrated from Lebanon to Australia in 1948...
The Warriors were warned about employing Lebcam, a renowned job hopper with an horrific record of failures. As an Aussie Lebo with no significant experience in Rugby League he hasn't fitted in with the predominant Maori and Polynesian cultures.
Lebcam was all for the Warriors remaining in Australia away from their families. The players and coaching staff preferred to come home.
Lebcam's from a real messed up fam and has broken home experience. Father Thomas George was the National MP for Lismore for 20 years while Lebcam's older bro, Brendan George, was a legendary biker in Northern NSW. " Brendo " once spent 18 months in custody awaiting trial after being captured with a load of methamphetamine and cash. Ultimately acquitted.
Lebcam looks hideous and repulsively overweight in some recent boring interviews. The bottom line, of course, is the appearance in last November's Annual Prophesies:
' George, Cameron:
NZ Warriors' CEO heading for massive upheavals with 2 difficult solar progressions and Pluto smashing his Jupiter between March 020 and Nov 021.'
Dear Lebcam,
Please fuck off back to your homeland a.s.a.p. Not to make the Astrologer look good, there are enough phenomenal prophesies to ensure that.
Your Mt Smart base is dangerously close to Otahuhu, the undisputed, multi-cultural capital of the world with 8 Temples, 3 Mosques, Tongan, Samoan and Rarotongan restaurants as well as the Maori Hangi Shop.
Take your ugly attitude to another region.
March 31
Horse racing has been more than a wonderful form of investment for clients of the Bank of Don.
Since 2011 began we've had 117 investments, for 32 wins with an average win div of $7.69 on a 27% winning strike rate ( Investment $1=$2.11 ) .
But humour is very important,too and a recent crack up was the TAB pleading with the government for help during the Billy Ray !
" An essential industry ? " mutters the prime minister. " One that can only survive from people punting away their money ? Hmmm. Bottom of the large pile."
Firstly there will have to be some massive wage cuts, with the racing side of the TAB performing very badly long before Mr Cyrus started his heartbreaking.
There are 10 NZ TAB staff being paid $250,000.00 + and another 30 being paid $150-250,000.00. Plus 96 staff being paid $100-150,000.00........
Heaps of sporting personnel are taking massive pay cuts and very notably the prestigious Victoria Racing Club in Melbourne is telling the majority of its staff to take annual leave for a month.......
Imagine ordering all of those NZ TAB staff, and other racing officials to have their month's annual leave now, in locked down NZ !
Most of the contracted racing babblers of Trackside Radio and TV have been dumped, though, which is hardly surprising in Astrological terms. Last year I noticed " difficult planetary situations in upcoming years " for a couple of the media veterans, and started considering the birthday planets of others.
With some even being considered for the curse in the November 2020 Annual Prophesies !
Like Mick Guerin, Aidan Rodley, Des Coppins, Bevan Sweeney, Dennis Ryan and George Simon. At best they are bootlickers and bum wipers, in recent years contributing absolutely nothing as betting turnovers and attendances have been plummeting drastically.
They'll all be dreaming of returning to the screens when racing does get the green light to resume. They won't though. It'll be a skeleton job with fields, results and dividends only from the racing media and no poofter shows.
NZ Racing will never fully recover from the Billy Ray. Consider the appearance in last November's Annuals of a notable, very successful syndicator and racing club president who is undoubtedly the most high-profile female in the decadent industry:
' Fenton-Ellis, Karyn:
Horse racing official facing massive and unbelievable change next 2 years. Pluto attacking her Mercury, Venus and Node and Uranus-Sun reversals until early 2022.Serious Saturn action makes January 020 crucial.'
With 2021 far more serious than this year.....
March 30
Nathan Rothschild greeted Rupert Murdoch with a big grin when they met for coffee yesterday morning:
" Isn't it brilliant, Rupe, all those countries in lockdown, some having a thousand deaths a day and stock markets are tumbling ! "
" All except our good friend Scotty, he's allowing every man and his dirty chinese dog into Australia ! "
Nate laughed heartily then Rupe had a reminder:
" Did you know that Scott Morrrison won the Jerusalem, Prize ? "
" Yes, Rupe, you told me that last year. That he was voted the world's best Zionist. I'm a pit peeved myself, " Nate giggled, " would have preferred it for one of my family, but such is life."
" We can't really complain, though, can we ? " 89 year-old Rupert croaked. "All those houses and land all over the world soon to be a lot cheaper. All those peasants queueing at supermarkets and dole offices !
" Some bad news, though. " He handed Nate a sheet of paper:
' It is now virtually certain that COVID-19 was brought to Wuhan by American troops taking part in the city’s World Military Games last Oct 18-27. The 300-strong US contingent stayed 300 meters from the Huanan Seafood Market where China’s outbreak began at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel.
·42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan. At the time only 7 people from the market had been thus diagnosed (and treated before the hotel staff). All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.
Five of the US troops developed a fever on Oct. 25 and were taken to an infectious-diseases hospital for treatment.
However, the 57 year-old seafood seller at the Huanan market,who was the first local Covid-19 victim, first went to a local clinic on December 11.
The US team had trained at a location near Fort Detrick, the military’s viral lab closed down by the CDC in July for various deficiencies.
The big question now is whether the transmission was planned, or accidental.
·Chinese authorities are awaiting an explanation from US authorities. '
" No bloody explanation, " barked Nate. " Get your media people to find out which bastard wrote the story and deal with him ! "
Rupert noted that Hillary Clinton's people would be able to sort that out.
" Their usual suicide with a bullet in the back of the head. And we'd better make sure none of those military blokes talk as well."
Think of the wonderful song " Started in the USA " that Bruce Spingsteen could adapt:
" Sent me off to a foreign land, to go and kill the yellow man "
March 29
Every so often a sceptic triumphantly spots an error in my prophesies.
i.e " You got Virat Kohli wrong ! "
Is that the only one ? Shit, that's not bad, only one error, but did I get any right ?
At best the sceptic will mutter and mumble, then be told to go and have a look at
and note the accuracy on the following already from the 50 in last November's Annual Prophesies:
From Aries, Leith Innes and Winston Peters, with Stacey Jones and Mark Purdon from Taurus. Gemini pearls for Boris Johnson,Steve Kearney and Rafael Nadal. From Cancer there are Michael Coleman, Phil Gould, Hayley Holt and Chloe Swarbrick with a Leo treble of Nathan Brown, Meghan Markle and Kane Williamson. Virgo stars are Vinnie Colgan, Shaun Johnson and Jimmy Neesham with Raelene Castle from Libra. Jump to Capricorn and check out Golriz Ghahraman then Jose Mourinho in Aquarius and finish with the Pisces treble of Prince Andrew, Cameron George and Ross Taylor.
The wrongs are Michael Walker in Taurus and Virat Kohli in Scorpio, so half way through the first half of the 12-months long match, the Astrologer leads the sceptic by 23-2.
Consistent, reliable and trustworthy, in very troubled times when so many need help and direction........
March 28
The naivete of the world has long been a wonderful source of amusement.
Heaps of it so far from the Billy Ray. Then this !
' British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for the coronavirus and is exhibiting "mild symptoms". His Health Secretary Matt Hancock later announced he, too, was positive.
In a video posted on his Twitter feed, Johnson said he had experienced "a temperature and persistent cough" over the last 24 hours and, on the advice of the chief medical officer, took a test which confirmed he had contracted Covid-19.'
Last November's Annual Prophesies from Don Murray Astrologer had 50 predictions. So far 23 rights and only 2 minor wrongs. How about this beauty ?
'Johnson, Boris:
Scorpio Moon possessor getting very confused and weakened by Saturn-Moon and Neptune-Mercury complications. March crucial, also June, Sept, Dec and Jan 021.'
Of course Boris' natal chart has a serious 6th House affliction. Disruptive Chiron therein, at Pisces 18, sodomizing Mercury ( Gemini 19 ), with that same Mercury currently getting assaulted by his 6th House ruler, deceptive Neptune !
Boris appeared in the GEMINI section, which also included another pearl:
' Confusion and uncertainty for June 9,10,11 borns from Neptune-Sun harassment. '
Like Humans, nations have birth charts, and it's more than a coincidence that the new pacemaker in the Billy Ray Cup has an official June 10 birthdate !
Coronavirus: Italy overtakes China's virus case total, death toll spikes by almost 1000 in a day
Footnote: For the undereducated, Astrology is the oldest science in the world and " Billy Ray ( Cyrus )" is cockney rhyme for " Virus "
" A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician." Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine.
March 27
' The number of staff and students at Auckland's Marist College who have tested positive for coronavirus has risen to 14.
On Friday, Marist College board of trustees chairman Stephen Dallow said nine of the cases were teachers, including the school's principal, Raechelle Taulu, and five were students. '
Why has “ God ” suddenly turned on these Catholic people ? What sins have they committed ? Did they miss mass on Sunday or have sexual intercourse before marriage ?
Not necessarily. Obviously their Astrological charts contain complications in the 6th House that governs " health, work,diet."
I had been hoping, rather selfishly, for a celebrity example with a universally known natal chart to become a victim of the Billy Ray. My prayer was answered in a recent headline:
At New York prison, Harvey Weinstein put in isolation after contracting virus.
Weinstein was recently jailed for his rapist activities. His Astrological chart was celebrated here in October 2017. We noted his Aries 20 Jupiter in the 6th House being harassed by deceptive Neptune ( Libra 20 ) at birth !
And also the serious, destructive scrap between Mars ( Scorpio 18 ) and Pluto ( Leo 19 ). A classic for those with extreme anger management and/or substance abuse issues !
Also in the charts of anger legends like Woody Allen, Patrick Swayze, Roman Polanski, John McEnroe, Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson, Adam Johnson, Matthew Newton and Chopper Read. And an alcoholic, ex-jockey mate of mine who's had 4 hospital stays in the last 9 years and the idiotic New Zealander named Max Key.
That seriously afflicted Mars is also the ruler of the 6th House in Weinstein's chart !
The moral of the story: If you have a clean 6th House, you don't have to worry about the Billy Ray.
Prince Charles has tested positive for the coronavirus after he admitted that he’d eaten an old bat recently.
The heir to the throne believes this may be a completely new strain of the coronavirus as he’s not come into contact with anyone confirmed to have Covid-19.
‘I have started this one myself by eating an old bat. Doctors have confirmed this is a new strain and they’re calling it Covid-69,’ said Prince Charles.
Camilla Parker Bowles is believed to have flown off into the night before she could be tested.
Prince Charles now plans to self-isolate himself inside Buckingham Palace and hopes to use the period to enjoy quality time with his mother.
‘There’s never been a better time for me to hang around mother. I’d love to get closer to her. I also have a crown fitting scheduled in the next couple of weeks that I must attend,’ he told us.
March 26
It's easy to laugh at the imbeciles and disbelievers who continually ignore the wonderful science. Like the dirty scabby liars mentioned on March 24.
Thousands of humans in various parts of the world have experienced the amazing Astrological enlightenment. They have used the world's oldest science to move into better lives and also have " Gap " years when advised.
It's rather amazing that the mainscream media decided long ago that Astrology was no longer newsworthy. There were the 18 consecutive January shows with Murray Deaker ONZM, who absolutely raved about it from 1994, on Newstalk ZB. Plenty of television appearances and 8 years of it for Indian people on Auckland-based radio Humm FM.
Many have put their faith in the government and the media system. Their Gods, including various media identities, have let them down badly, but I've hardly stopped laughing. Not everyone in the world wants to be a cry baby.
It's business as usual here. Personal consultations are the best, but unlikely at the moment. Voicemails have gone all over the world.
My last personal was on Monday, for a builder client employing 90 who wanted another 3 years update for the standard $50. I analysed his next phase of many ups and a few downs on tape for about 5 minutes then asked for all of his questions:
" No, none, that seems to cover it, " he answered then pulled out $100 with " probably see you in another 2 or 3 years time.":
Below is an amazing example of the hope that can be given. Horse racing people are a very bitter and twisted bunch at the best of times, with their 24-7 horsey mentality not conducive to anything spiritual or expansive.
Even when the complete Astrological package costs less than a day's training fees !
March 25
Struggling jockey Maija Vance was in a wheelchair 18 months ago.
A flip in a hurdles race left her with damage to five vertebrae and some swelling in the spinal cord.
On September 25, 2018 here we considered the movements of planet Uranus
' providing great assistance to similar numbers in compatible Capricorn and Virgo, including the Venus and Mars positions in Maija Vance's birth chart !
This brings very positive advancement, between May 2019 and March 2020. New found energy and enthusiasm. There was similar, life improvement once for a former Hells Angels MC president, confirmed with " Fuck you're good. That's when I got out of jail ( after 5 years ) ! "
Major improvements, too, for mother Jenny Vance, with an awesome Pluto-Moon trine through 2019 until October 2020. It's a very positive emotional phase, with home and family matters highlighted. '
May 2019 saw Maija Vance out of the chair and walking again !
The 2019-20 racing season has seen a massive improvement in the fortunes of trainer Jenny Vance and husband Bob. They are battlers and hadn't had a " Group and Listed " victory since the 2012-13 season, with the previous one in 2001-02.
Assisted by that awesome Pluto-Moon trine, the J + R Vance stable has managed 8 wins from 40 this season, including 2 " Group and Listed " races !
The same wonderful aspect got revisited a couple of nights back when my Auckland-based Chinese accountant requested an update on her daughter. Born in a Chinese Horse Year of 2002, daughter can be easily distracted from her studying and it's well known how Rat years like 2020 aren't the most productive for Horses.
So my accountant was very relieved to know that her daughter will be receiving the benefits of that awesome Pluto-Moon trine in 2020 that's elevated Mrs Jenny Vance so much. And will be passing her exams in her final year at school.
On the other side of the coin, an ex-jockey in a foreign land had concerns about 2020. No probs for this one, who was stoked to hear of an awesome Pluto-Sun trine assisting him as well this year.
If only everybody could be receiving awesome Pluto trines in these difficult times. Obviously many are experiencing the opposite.......
March 24
NZ's depression problems have always been a source of great amusement.
Tops in the world for teenagers topping themselves, with a massive increase in overall suicide last year. And leaders in the developed world per capita for domestic violence....
But they don't want to be helped, with so much reliance on a pair of failures like Mike King and Sir John Kirwan. King, in particular got extremely vicious about 6 years ago when he was offered Astrological assistance.
A life story can be explained in just 20-30 minutes with the magnificent enlightenment.
Idiotic King, last year's " New Zealander of the Year " received some unwanted education in the November 2018 Annual Prophesies !
' King, Mike:
Major off-year for depression " expert " with Pluto-Sun and Saturn-Mercury catastrophes. Jan, Feb, June, July, Nov, Dec crucial, then close relationship issues from Uranus-Venus mayhem in 2020.'
" Medication Mikey " had a mental breakdown and his " gumboot " mob ran out of money before a motorbike accident put him in hospital !
Just another day at the Astrological office. Just to show the ignorant cunt that it works. Of course not every Plutonian sufferer has a mental breakdown and smashes up their motorbike. Conor McGregor, Anthony Joshua, Cristiano Ronaldo and racing identities Hugh Bowman, Murray Baker and Sheikh Mohammed all suffered other kinds of major reversals during their Pluto destructions of 2019.
But there was another " King " getting promoted in the NZ Herald last week !
' It's the virus which has sparked fear and disruption around the world. And New Zealand is not immune from this.
So, how do we get through the coronavirus pandemic?
Kyle MacDonald is a psychotherapist and mental-health advocate and will answer four of your questions in a new, twice a week, column.'
Yet another ignorant cunt, who also refused to spend 20-30 minutes being shown how his life has progressed when I phoned him a couple of years ago. Macdonald’s excuse was about something offensive I'd posted on social media.Poor fellow. Go and have a cry.
Good luck NZ with your depressions and recessions. This Billy Ray is promising to be a real big fucker. Like 2 years minimum.
Watch this space.....
Isolation could mean an extreme reduction in Ice elation, with the Billy Ray's border controls meaning it will be a lot harder to import the ingredients for Ice-P-methamphetamine and this will lead to a lot more frustrated, angry Australians than normal.
In the year to August 2018, the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program found Australians consumed more than 9.8 tonnes of methamphetamine, an increase of more than one tonne from the previous year.
Meanwhile, the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission estimates the nation spent $9.3 billion on illicit drugs in 2018.
March 23
That's what I was thinking about a week ago, when the poor bastards had to suddenly relocate to the Gold Coast.
They could end now, with 2020 as one of their best-ever seasons----only 2 losses !
Ideally the Aussie-born Warriors could go straight to their original clubs and NZ-based boys back to their originals after the 14-days of isolation. How awesome would it be to have Roger Tuivasa-Scheck, by far and away the best Warrior, returning to rejoin my mates at the Otahuhu Leopards !
No chance, after the Auckland Rugby League decided to postpone all competition games indefinitely.
The 2020 NZ Warriors are pointless at the bottom of ladder, with losses to Newcastle 20-0 and Canberra 20-6.
No chance of any great improvement, with 4 of the coaching staff-management featuring in last November's Annuals:
Kearney, Steve:
NZ Warrriors coach losing the plot with Neptune whacking his Sun between May 020 and Dec 021. A Pluto-Node crunch brings major career change 2021.
George, Cameron:
NZ Warriors' CEO heading for massive upheavals with 2 difficult solar progressions and Pluto smashing his Jupiter between March 020 and Nov 021.
Jones, Stacey:
Massive and difficult changes for NRL coach from Pluto-Mars and Uranus-Jupiter attacks. March, May, June, Sept. crucial, also Jan, April, Aug, Nov of 2021.
Brown, Nathan:
Massive off-year for NRL coach with Uranus attacking his Sun and Jupiter, Pluto anti Mercury and Mars. Feb, May, July, Aug, Nov, Dec crucial.
Sat, 21 Mar 202
March 22
Obviously he doesn't have the mentality to handle smoking weed.....
' Former All Black star Byron Kelleher is facing charges of assault and wilful damage following a fracas involving his fiancee's ex-partner in Auckland last year.
The court heard on the day of the altercation Kelleher had been drinking when he became upset and lashed out, causing damage to the complainant's property.
Kelleher, who has a history of violence and alcohol related offences overseas, had sought to keep his name and details of his arrest out of the public realm, applying to the Auckland District Court for permanent name suppression earlier this year. '
In March 2017 Kelleher was found guilty of domestic violence and ordered to pay a $300 fine by the Correctional Court of Toulouse.
Kelleher was accused of attacking a woman he was with and causing damage to a door of a property while intoxicated.
He was also reportedly involved in two drink-driving incidents in France.
In 2009 Kelleher was arrested in Toulouse following a brawl that occurred after he collided with another vehicle while drink driving. He received a fine and a two-month suspended sentence.
He was also briefly taken into custody in October 2013 for driving while intoxicated in Bordeaux.'
As a Sagittarius of the 1976 Dragon Year, like Nicky Robinson-Watson-Evans, B Kelleher could never settle for a simple, humble existence.
He was once romantically involved with Prince Albert of Monaco's missus, and engaged to USA-Asian porn star Kaylani Lei about 14 years back. When she could be googled and seen " receiving a cum moustache from a black monster cock."
Unboring Saggies of the 1964 Dragon year include footy blokes Matt Elliott, Brent Todd and Sir John Kirwan and racing identity Karla Dye.
March 21
' New Zealand has legalised abortion, removing the practice from the Crimes Act and liberalising access to abortion services. '
This has caused a lot of unnecessary argument.
Consider the 5th House of the Astrological chart. The domain of " sports, games, speculation, creative activities, pre-marital affairs, children "
Well-aspected planets like Jupiter and the Sun therein denote success and/or careers in 5th House matters. Very common for teachers.
Complicated planets in the 5th House like Pluto, Uranus or Neptune bring extremes and major problems in 5th House matters. Unusual sexual preferences, stray rooting and gambling addictions are common as well as unplanned and terminated pregnancies.
Even during the past analysis in Astrological enlightenments there is a gut feeling of an abortion. The client is told about " major problems in a relationship, " and she remembers " a termination around that time..."
Notables born with either Pluto, Uranus or Neptune in House 5 include Rolf Harris, David Bowie, Meghan Markle, Charlotte Dawson, Pamela Anderson and English pedo politicians Gordon Brown and Edward Heath etc. Also horse racing identities Gerald Ryan, Paddy Busuttin and Jim Collett.
Pluto, Uranus and Neptune have to reside somewhere in the 12-House chart. No amount of prayer or legislation will stop stray rooters, pedophiles, gambling addicts and terminated pregnancies......
March 20
The racing media in NZ hit rock bottom last weekend.
The mainscream media was full of dramatic, rushing-for-flights sagas when prime ministers Homo Scomo and Jah Cin Dah introduced the 14-day rules.
Nothing anywhere, except an Australian site, on the frantics of Opie Bosson. Who the fuck is Opie Bosson, normal Kiwis would ask ?
Had the racing media taken my advice way back in November 2003, Owen Patrick Bosson would have cult status in New Zealand, similar to Piggott, Dettori and Fallon in the United Kingdom or Beadman and Dye in Australia.
The sports section of the now defunct TRUTH newspaper way back on November 28, 2003 included a bold headline:
as the romantic problems of 23 year-old O Bosson were likened to those of rugby's " lord of the engagement rings " Jonah Lomu.
Also with extreme love life complications in his chart, J Lomu was becoming famous for his partnership amendments and the racing industry was advised to adopt O Bosson as a kind of playboy cult figure.
16 years later Opie has 4 kids to as many different mothers and is by far the nation's best jockey. He's got a formline of 3113 in Australian Group One races this year but his frantics of last weekend were ignored.
After a 3rd place in the $5mill All Star Mile in Melbourne last Saturday, O Bosson flew back to NZ. He was out on the tractor, then a phone call had him suddenly dashing to Sydney on Sunday before the midnight curfew. Where he'll be based for the next 4-5 weeks riding in the big races, while the most recent wife and one child will have to manage their farm in the North Waikato.
Not a word about O Bosson in the NZ mainscream and I wondered where the fuck was veteran NZ Herald racing editor Mick Guerin ?
" At the hairdressers, " claimed one of Guerin's former colleagues.
Guerin's the classic, institutionalised racing writer with around 30 years at NZ Herald. He also works for the TAB and Trackside Channel and does promotions work for the Auckland Racing and Trotting clubs.
He's part of the rapidly-diminishing, incestuous racing family, trying desperately to paint a pretty picture. But, like most, is merely a slave to the breeding industry. They continually babble about the horse and its parentage and rellies and " aiming for some black type."
That has no relevance to shootings in South Auckland. " Black type " relates to the print in sales catalogues but Mr Average doesn't really give a fuck about that or even the horse. He bets on sporting events because he knows all about the humans involved.
Even before the " Billy Ray, " horsey diehards were pessimistically expecting a drop in stake monies next season, so low are the attendances and betting turnovers and general hopelessness.
Now they're even having great doubts about survival of the corruption-riddled industry, so debt-ridden and full of despondency and depression.....
At the Buddhist Temple, praying that everyone can get the right face mask to beat this deadly " Billy Ray "
.Astrologer in Otahuhu, Auckland, Manukau, Penrose, Otara, Otahuhu, Arch Hill, Auckland Central, Avondale, Balmoral, Belmont, Birkenhead, Browns Bay, Bucklands Beach, Clevedon, Devonport, Drury, Eden Terrace, Ellerslie, Epsom, Glen Eden, Glendene, Glen Innes, Glenfield, Grafton, Greenhithe, Greenlane, Grey Lynn, Henderson, Helensville, Herne Bay, Hibiscus Coast, Hillsborough, Howick, Kaiaua, Kaukapakapa, Kingsland, Kohimaramara, Mairangi Bay, Mangere, Mangere Bridge, Manukau, Manukau City, Manurewa, Massey, Meadowlands, Mercer, Mission Bay, Mt. Albert, Mt Eden, Mt Wellington, New Lynn, Newmarket, Newton, Northcote, Onehunga, Orakei, Otahuhu, Otara, Oweiraka, Pakuranga, Panmure, Papakura, Papatoetoe, Parnell, Point Chevalier, Ponsonby, Remuera, Royal Oak, Silverdale, St Heliers, St Lukes, Takanini.
Marriage Astrologer in Otahuhu, Auckland, Manukau, Penrose, Otara, Otahuhu, Arch Hill, Auckland Central, Avondale, Balmoral, Belmont, Birkenhead, Browns Bay, Bucklands Beach, Clevedon, Devonport, Drury, Eden Terrace, Ellerslie, Epsom, Glen Eden, Glendene, Glen Innes, Glenfield, Grafton, Greenhithe, Greenlane, Grey Lynn, Henderson, Helensville, Herne Bay, Hibiscus Coast, Hillsborough, Howick, Kaiaua, Kaukapakapa, Kingsland, Kohimaramara, Mairangi Bay, Mangere, Mangere Bridge, Manukau, Manukau City, Manurewa, Massey, Meadowlands, Mercer, Mission Bay, Mt. Albert, Mt Eden, Mt Wellington, New Lynn, Newmarket, Newton, Northcote, Onehunga, Orakei, Otahuhu, Otara, Oweiraka, Pakuranga, Panmure, Papakura, Papatoetoe, Parnell, Point Chevalier, Ponsonby, Remuera, Royal Oak, Silverdale, St Heliers, St Lukes, Takanini.
Horse Racing Investment in Otahuhu, Auckland, Manukau, Penrose, Otara, Otahuhu, Arch Hill, Auckland Central, Avondale, Balmoral, Belmont, Birkenhead, Browns Bay, Bucklands Beach, Clevedon, Devonport, Drury, Eden Terrace, Ellerslie, Epsom, Glen Eden, Glendene, Glen Innes, Glenfield, Grafton, Greenhithe, Greenlane, Grey Lynn, Henderson, Helensville, Herne Bay, Hibiscus Coast, Hillsborough, Howick, Kaiaua, Kaukapakapa, Kingsland, Kohimaramara, Mairangi Bay, Mangere, Mangere Bridge, Manukau, Manukau City, Manurewa, Massey, Meadowlands, Mercer, Mission Bay, Mt. Albert, Mt Eden, Mt Wellington, New Lynn, Newmarket, Newton, Northcote, Onehunga, Orakei, Otahuhu, Otara, Oweiraka, Pakuranga, Panmure, Papakura, Papatoetoe, Parnell, Point Chevalier, Ponsonby, Remuera, Royal Oak, Silverdale, St Heliers, St Lukes, Takanini.
Psychic in Otahuhu, Auckland, Manukau, Penrose, Otara, Otahuhu, Arch Hill, Auckland Central, Avondale, Balmoral, Belmont, Birkenhead, Browns Bay, Bucklands Beach, Clevedon, Devonport, Drury, Eden Terrace, Ellerslie, Epsom, Glen Eden, Glendene, Glen Innes, Glenfield, Grafton, Greenhithe, Greenlane, Grey Lynn, Henderson, Helensville, Herne Bay, Hibiscus Coast, Hillsborough, Howick, Kaiaua, Kaukapakapa, Kingsland, Kohimaramara, Mairangi Bay, Mangere, Mangere Bridge, Manukau, Manukau City, Manurewa, Massey, Meadowlands, Mercer, Mission Bay, Mt. Albert, Mt Eden, Mt Wellington, New Lynn, Newmarket, Newton, Northcote, Onehunga, Orakei, Otahuhu, Otara, Oweiraka, Pakuranga, Panmure, Papakura, Papatoetoe, Parnell, Point Chevalier, Ponsonby, Remuera, Royal Oak, Silverdale, St Heliers, St Lukes, Takanini.
Lucky marriage in Otahuhu, Auckland, Manukau, Penrose, Otara, Otahuhu, Arch Hill, Auckland Central, Avondale, Balmoral, Belmont, Birkenhead, Browns Bay, Bucklands Beach, Clevedon, Devonport, Drury, Eden Terrace, Ellerslie, Epsom, Glen Eden, Glendene, Glen Innes, Glenfield, Grafton, Greenhithe, Greenlane, Grey Lynn, Henderson, Helensville, Herne Bay, Hibiscus Coast, Hillsborough, Howick, Kaiaua, Kaukapakapa, Kingsland, Kohimaramara, Mairangi Bay, Mangere, Mangere Bridge, Manukau, Manukau City, Manurewa, Massey, Meadowlands, Mercer, Mission Bay, Mt. Albert, Mt Eden, Mt Wellington, New Lynn, Newmarket, Newton, Northcote, Onehunga, Orakei, Otahuhu, Otara, Oweiraka, Pakuranga, Panmure, Papakura, Papatoetoe, Parnell, Point Chevalier, Ponsonby, Remuera, Royal Oak, Silverdale, St Heliers, St Lukes, Takanini.
Love Marriage Specialist in Otahuhu, Auckland, Manukau, Penrose, Otara, Otahuhu, Arch Hill, Auckland Central, Avondale, Balmoral, Belmont, Birkenhead, Browns Bay, Bucklands Beach, Clevedon, Devonport, Drury, Eden Terrace, Ellerslie, Epsom, Glen Eden, Glendene, Glen Innes, Glenfield, Grafton, Greenhithe, Greenlane, Grey Lynn, Henderson, Helensville, Herne Bay, Hibiscus Coast, Hillsborough, Howick, Kaiaua, Kaukapakapa, Kingsland, Kohimaramara, Mairangi Bay, Mangere, Mangere Bridge, Manukau, Manukau City, Manurewa, Massey, Meadowlands, Mercer, Mission Bay, Mt. Albert, Mt Eden, Mt Wellington, New Lynn, Newmarket, Newton, Northcote, Onehunga, Orakei, Otahuhu, Otara, Oweiraka, Pakuranga, Panmure, Papakura, Papatoetoe, Parnell, Point Chevalier, Ponsonby, Remuera, Royal Oak, Silverdale, St Heliers, St Lukes, Takanini.
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